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  1. fire mage
    They have a huge fanbase and even Nomura knows how popular the organization is. They deserve a game to themselves probably on a different game system without Xion being spotlighted all the time. It pissed me off when I found out Normura admitted that he took out cutscenes of the organization and replaced them with Xion.

    The thing we only know that it showed a few of the apprentices as somebodies in previews of BBS. Eleusus, Even, and Dilan. There is no telling if VII-XIII are even in it. They could be, but you never know.

    358 days/2 days hinted things and it was disappointing that you couldn't explore their castle....
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. fire mage
    There are about 20 something pods in KH2 FM. Perhaps used for more experimentation in the most part. Ansem and his apprentices most likely used them.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. fire mage
    Profile Post

    I have to go now.

    I have to go now.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Akua WaterDragonKing, Nov 9, 2009
  4. fire mage
  5. fire mage
    Perhaps theory of the heart color symbolizes how strong the heart is. The lunar heart is blue in BBS but in KH 2, it ranges with yellow, purple, and blue in it.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. fire mage
    The second game he was harder in my opinion. Had more trouble with him.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. fire mage
    Profile Post

    Okay that is fine.

    Okay that is fine.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Legion, Nov 9, 2009
  8. fire mage
    Bingo. Just finished it.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Legion, Nov 9, 2009
  9. fire mage
  10. fire mage
  11. fire mage
    What day is that exactly?
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. fire mage
    Profile Post

    lol. thanks.

    lol. thanks.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Legion, Nov 9, 2009
  13. fire mage
    Roxas looked around his surroundings and stopped. He had felt an presence and could tell there were at least several members of the organization in this house. Cringing his teeth he tried to sneak past, Luxord in order to get towards Xion. "Why are you here?" He quickly summoned forth his keyblade and wasn't afraid to use it. But held it still as he noticed the gambler had left and scratched his head in confusment.

    Leon saw Cloud wander back to the candy shop and saw that his weapon was pointed out. "Cloud, is there something wrong?" He placed his hand on the other warrior's shoulder to calm him.

    Axel blinked several times at the time a little threatened with the weapon that Cloud had held out eariler, but then stopped his approach when Demyx was between them. So once again Demyx was stopping him from aggressing an fight. He had noticed Xaldin, but didn't have an chance to answer him as he ran off after some other target. Seeing that Cloud was gone made the flurry more relaxed as he thought perhaps he could talk to Demyx in private. "Demyx, if Xaldin was here then perhaps the other members are as well." He folded his arms casually.

    Saix shroudded himself out of darkness and then approached Xenmas. Though his focus was on the moon as well. "It seems more complicated as I thought, but Xigbar and Xaldin are taking care of the traitors." His voice emphasized with complete emptiness in his voice. "Though with Axel and Demyx I am questionable on their motives."
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. fire mage
  15. fire mage
  16. fire mage
  17. fire mage
  18. fire mage
  19. fire mage
    Axel noticed that both Demyx and Vexen were gone and he wonderedf if he could leave as well. What else could they do they in the mean time. "I am going to keep an eye on the others." he called out summoned forth an portal and left.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. fire mage