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  1. fire mage
    Leon remained quiet for quite some time. He knew that Tifa was being stubborn, but he decided it was between her and Cloud. "Things can be fixed. We just have to have faith. Don't give in to darkness or they would of have won." He replied to both of them.

    Roxas blinked several times as he noticed Luxord with the Xion card. His heart if he had one would of sank. He felt his emotions drifting further into oblibvion of mixed envy and anger. His keyblade held tightly in his grip as he flashed it delivering particles of light in the air. "What do you want with Xion? Stop playing games!" He narrowed his eyes hating that the two seniors Xigbar and Luxord were mocking him. Enough was enough. Without warning he charged at both of them slashing.

    Saix cloaked himself into darkness and traveled around the cooridors as he began his search for Gex. Axel and Demyx were not his priority right now. He would question their motives later. He needed to find the renigade nobody and find out whose side he was really on. If he was against them the moon seeker would silence him for good. "GEX!" he shouted as he walked out of the portal towards a cliff hoping to see him down below.

    Axel stood nearly frozen when he picked up the words from Demyx mentioning his best friend Roxas. How was he supposed to respond to this? He wasn't sure himself if he even wanted to look for the kid. Sighing the flurry nodded his head. Demyx was also looking around constantly, seemed quite nervous, but the flurry assured him. "No one is here. So take it easy. Roxas promised I can be the godfather. Sure I would like to teach his child how to fight." He began as he scratched his side of his head as if wondering what else to say about this. "Wait....why are you asking me this?"
    Post by: fire mage, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. fire mage
    Wow you have been busy.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Legion, Dec 12, 2009
  3. fire mage
    Axel frowned slightly when he heard that Vexen had called Xion an it. Even if it was true, the name didn't sound right to him. "Watch what you say. Or I will decentigrate your corpse again." The flurry warned. He wondered why Xion seemed to be getting weaker, and if Roxas was with him, he would of probably listened to him to see what Xion wanted them to do for her.
    Post by: fire mage, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. fire mage
  5. fire mage
  6. fire mage
    Axel nearly shrugged as if he didn't care how upset Demyx had seen. In his mind he hadn't done anything wrong. "She left on her own. Give her time to cool down. You are the one who is being selfish." He crossed his arms angerly at the noturne.
    Post by: fire mage, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. fire mage
    Axel starred at Larxene for a moment and then spoke. "I couldn't leave you alone." He wasn't going to tell her how he felt towards especially in front of Demyx. He simply glared at Demyx from his choice of words. This was not going to happen nor would he let the melodious noturme be alone with Larxene. "I am not going anywhere, unless you have a problem with me," He exclaimed narrowing his eyes slightly. If that answer then the red head had no problem on fighting.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. fire mage
    Axel looked at Demyx and then at Xion. He noticed that there were heartless after Sora and he only smirked at the sight. Though he walked towards Demyx as if wanting to question him. "Vexen? He may have a brain, but he has a few lose screws as you what I mean. Not to mention a scientist." Shrugging somewhat he followed as well.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. fire mage
    Roxas glared at Xigbar, but did not hestiate to lower his weapon. His stern expression still plastered on his face regardless of Xigbar's words."Where is Xion? What do you want with us?" He asked feeling the light in his weapon get brighter. This could not be happening, he couldn't lose his girl friend or her unborn child.

    Leon looked over and starred at Larxene. "If she attacks us then she will be dealt with. I think we need to see how Tifa and Xion are doing." He grabbed his friend by the shirt dragging him away from Larxene.

    Saix nodded his head and for a moment it seemed that a dark smile had broaden his features. "I have been waiting to hear that. Is there anything else?" He asked. The lunar knew that execution was not a problem for him and that Gex was simply going to hang on death row now. But what of Axel and Demyx?

    Axel looked at Demyx and wondered if there was anything they could do to help the situation subside. Without a word he placed his hand on Demyx as he looked at him seriously. "It seems that the senior members don't trust us to get the job down. Demyx, there will have to be some drastic meaures, now are you with me or against me?" His tone was of course more casual, but it held an meaning to it. The flurry was an surival and he would do what he could to surive and stay on the superior's good side.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. fire mage

    Axel widen his eyes as he watched the newer member warp off. Scratching his head and shaking his head to get rid of the crink of it, he sighed. "I guess hunting lions and hyenas are the heartless game now." He muttered as he clenched his teeth when he stretched his back. For some reason he seemed a bit more drawn to the energy that was coming from Demyx's room, but decided to forget about it. Summoning forth an portal he warped to Where Nothing Gathers.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. fire mage
    Name: Axel/Lea

    Background history: Never really had any real parents. His father was a drunk and expert thief. Perferred the name Lae since it sounded more like a guy's name to him. His mother died during child birth, but got to name their son. His father blamed him for his death so he would teach him tough love. Unfornately this led to Lea's unhappiness as he decided that a ghetto neighborhood was more of his liking. He was more of a dare devil than anything and loved adveture and punk. When he got older his father was killed by a rival gang member and Lea didn't seem to hold any remorse until he had flashbacks of his childhood of his father giving him ice cream, which was the only reward he would gain if he was a good thief. Taking out his anger and vengence on the rival gang's hideout used an lighter and gasoline to thrust a fire storm into the inferno killing the entire rival group. For this reason he became obsessed with fire. Unfortantely Lea got bored with the life as a hood and ventured to Twilight Town where he would hang out at the beach and became an hired assassin. Later met Ais and became fast friends with where they would eat ice cream and converse. When Ais didn 't come back Lea went off to see if he could find him. During his search strange creatures sneakily called NeoShadows quickly surroundeded him, shrouding his exixtance in fire as he had followed them into a fiery inferno. He lost his heart to darkness during the struggle.

    Personality: Lea was born with anger managment problems which at times would cause him to get very voilent if pushed too far. Mostly he is laid back and calm, but could fight extremly well if he feels he is being taken advantage of. Fighting was always his blood and true means of surival. As Axel Likes to go to Twilight Town's clock tower and eat ice cream though an empty feeling is always on his mind. Simply a void that he could never forfill. The organization's exterminator and wouldn't hestitate to kill almost anyone who betrayed their brotherhood. Seems bored most of the time on missions, but will complete them without saying a word.

    Weapon/abilities: Because of his fasination with fire, he wielded the element of fire. When he was a human he created an eight pointed octogon weapon as protection from advararies. When he became an nobody it became a twin pair of chakrams that he uses as his main weapon to thrash his enemies into pieces. A true fighter.

    Credit goes to the same artist.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. fire mage
    Axel immediately opened his eyes and narrowed them slightly when he felt someone shaking him. He just wanted to sleep some more and catch more rest, but this wasn't going to happen. It must of been one of the newer members as he knew none of the other member's would be brave enough and approach in this kind of matter. Taking a deep breath, he starred at Phenox his teeth clenched. "It is very rude to come in like that. We have doors for reasons. Where the hell are we going?" His fury was beginning to show, but because it was a newer member he calmed down.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. fire mage
  14. fire mage
  15. fire mage
  16. fire mage
  17. fire mage
  18. fire mage
    What kind of Mission is Xenmas going on? The second title seems more efficient. Or you can call it Deception and Lies. Just a name I came up with. But doesn't matter to me.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  19. fire mage
    Axel nodded though he was a bit disturbed by the tone of Xenmas, but decided to not argue with him. "I need to lie down, and will catch up," He replied his tone somewhat respectful, but more tired if anything. Now the question was who would he find to tell him about the mission. Glancing at Xemnas and then at Xelysha one last time, he waved his hand in the air. Deciding not to interrupt the conversation that the female nobody was having with Xenmas, decided to go elsewhere. He had already made up his mind and created a portal for himself. He needed to rest right now and he would do that until he was needed. Once he disappeared in the portal he found himself in his room and collasped on the bed.
    Post by: fire mage, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. fire mage
    Profile Post

    Okay I will do that.

    Okay I will do that.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Vladimir Makarov, Nov 15, 2009