If he gave up his past memories then he would forget everyone he knew unless there was something that triggered it. He would only have his current memories which would be very depressing since his memories were messed up in the first place. He didn't know about the organization anymore until Master Yen told him.
It could be anyone. Most likely a mirror image of one of the characters. The hints though seem to give something away. Can't quite put a finger on it yet. Just theories...
"What is so damn funny?" At that moment he had summoned forth his weapons. Screw the peaceful means, it wasn't working. In a way the mouse was challenging him, and was about to slash him when Saix showed up. Only then did he withdraw his chakrams. "Fine, you take care of him. Like as always. The only thing different about him is the cloak." He muttered.
Roxas avoided the shots getting shot at him, but Xigbar's weapon. His teeth clenched as his keyblade forced them to be reflected. He also had to pay attention to Luxord's huge cards. Too many distractions and he guessed he might have fallen into a trap. Or were them waiting for something or someone. He slashed his keyblade on the ground as it scraped the exterior of it and then shot it in the air. Aimed tried to slice through the cards, but could he really evade two members attacking him at the same time? "Do you seriously think that playing with me is going to help you guys gain your heart in the end? Everyone makes their own choice, not fate." He told them coldly. Axel was kind of annoyed that Demyx was hiding something from him, but had no problem catching up to him. Afterall the corridors of darkness was a pathway to where ever they needed to go. "What is that you are not telling me?" He questioned him as his eyes emerald eyes narrowed slightly. He gently touched his shoulder then let go. He did not like to be left out in the dark this time.
(OCC: Did MagicK drop out or what? Axel looked around with Xion still in his arms. He was searching for his other friend. "Roxas, where are you?" He called out and started looking for him.
Axel remained quiet for quite some time. He heard everything that Demyx said, but didn't say anything. Perhaps he was thinking things through or had his mind on else where. "Why does it matter?" He shrugged somewhat, but stopped Demyx from unpacking. "You do know that half of this undergarments are not yours? I haven't seen you wear a..." He cracked up a bit and then stopped laughing. "Demyx isn't is quite obvious why I interrferred?" He hinted hoping he didn't have to draw a picture.
It's funny Saix's somebody Isa, is taller than Lea. While Axel is a little bit taller than Saix. I wonder what that thing Lea has on his finger is. Probably some kind of weapon. If I can guess they could of fallen into darkness after Radient Gardens got attacked by heartless. I see some kind of pattern where so far it seems the somebodies lived in Radient Garden. I'm thinking that perhaps Saix has pointed ears because he got killed by a heartless with pointed ears or his heartless had one. Just speculating.
Roxas is done. As it may seem, but what about the somebodies of the rest of the organization members? We know what Axel and Saix's look like, but what about Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene's somebodies? They should explain how they all fell into darkness. And Ansem and his appearentices rise into power? Unless BBS explains some of it as it does show cameos of some of them. A possible KH fighting game would be interesting as well.
Well all we need are the actual names of the other organization members 9-12. I noticed that Master Xehanort has the exact same boots that the organization wear. Forshadowing the events.
I stopped watching power rangers when the oringal green/white ranger left the show. I loved Tommy!
It depends on the stations. Alot of the older stuff has gone to different sitations. I still see Ren and Stimpy on CN though, but of course early in the morning. Dexter, Johhny Bravo, Power Puff girls, still on CN, but have moved to Boomerang. Regular Batman is still on the Disney channel they call it Disney GX I think or something like that. I remember the Super Mario Bros series more though and Captain N.
Elfen Lied and Black Cat. Such good animes to watch. Be warned though Elfen Lied is really violent.
Ienzo looks so young. I think the picture is deceiving though especially with the flash there. It could of very well been a flashback. Not really sure though. Zexion looks older than his somebody. Maybe the darkness ages them until they become nobodies. Or Ienzo experimented on himself and something went wrong.
Been sick. I am sorry I havn'et been replying lately. Oh. Happy belated birthday. How have you been?
Axel saw that Demyx and Xathabat were talking. He smiled somewhat as he darted upon the clock tower looking for Xion. Finally he saw her hanging from the arch. "Xion, what are you doing?" He was committed to her and wasn't going to let anything happen to her. Roxas he couldn't find either, but he figured he was better off than Xion was in right now. The flurry floated near her and picked her up and floated gently to the ground.
Sorry to hear that. You live in New York I assume. night *hugs back*
Axel thought he heard his name and saw that the dragon nobody was taken care of. He sensed an intruder near their castle and he immediately summoned forth an portal went over to deal with the menance. "What the hell are you doing here?" His voice rang out he asked trying to act very patient, but his eyes seemed more focus on what the King was wearing. "A black cloak? You are not one of us." He then unfolded his arms as he noticed the keyblade out. His eyes darken even more now. He wasn't up for battle, but to keep the mouse from getting in The Castle That Never Was, he was prepared to defend it. "State your business," He added deciding not to be confrontational for once.
Leon shrugged his shoulders as he tyed on his computer looking for some keywords about this mysterious threat happening. "It is very hard to trace." He sighed as he shook his head. Xigbar smirked at Demyx as he patted him on the shoulder as if there was nothing to worry about. "Axel is tough to figure out, but his intentions are straying from our goal. We can't have him leaving anytime he wants just to glance back at memories he will never gain back. He is a threat to us. However the lessers already know. Maybe you should end his existance." the elder smirked without even looking at the water wielder as he sensed Axel's presence upon their grounds. Axel sighed as he left Roxas at the clock tower and ventured back to their territory. He was conflicted with what he wanted, and wondered if he will ever have a heart. He kept walking and suddenly was attacked by some lesser nobodies. In a spiralling fall the flurry took care easily with the tips of chakrams piercing them. However, to his dismay they kept regrouping. "Hey guys, I am on your side." He commented trying to break their concentration on him. This too was bringing back memories of when he had sided with Sora against his own kind. Was this curse about to repeat itself? Would everyone else think of him as a traitor? Even though he knew he wasn't?
Because of the economy I had to change my objective. I was going for Graphic Arts, but the classes keep getting canceled. I was going to Palomar.
Hmm. What are you applying for?