Hikaru turned his head only to see her still standing and he was surprised she had not said a single word. Perhaps she felt guilty or maybe she was waiting for him to finish. Regardless, he faced the couch again, smacking it with his left hand to get his frusteration out. "What? No lecture yet? I'm surprised. Maybe you do understand how I feel or is it just wishful thinking?" Hikaru spread his right hand through his hair, using his fingers like a claw and swiped some of his hair back. "What is it?" He was beginning to become impatient, but was doing his best not to lose his cool again.
(OOC: Happy Birthday water mage!) Kaoru nodded speaking as she walked away. "Okay I understand. And mother good luck. Hikaru is very annoyed and don't take anything personally if he says stuff he shouldn't. He's just upset and confused." Hikaru turned around and sighed in a exasperated tone like that of an irratated teen only to quickly walk in and flop on one of the couches not caring if he messed up the cushions or pillows with his feet. The last thing on his mind was his manners. He was far to upset to speak with the one whom took away his freedom and was hurt that all his plans would most likely go up in smoke. "What summer plans? I don't have anything planned anymore. I already told you what was on my mind and you grounded me and haven't taken it back." Casting his eyes down on the ground, he pounded his right fist against the sofa. "I can't speak my mind without gettting in trouble so I don't see why you want to talk to me again. It's just a waste of time and it's only going to make matters worse so just let it be. You've ruined any chance of fun that I might have so I have no choice just to accept it since I have no rights here anyway. Knowing you you'll tell father and if I rebel I'm only going to get in more trouble and I may be grounded until I turn 18 or 21," he seized a pillow and began to punch it violently before tossing it carelessly on the ground. Turning his back to her, he lay his head down on another pillow, his body all crunched together in a uncomfortable position.
Hey Happy Birthday! Here is a present I got you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb94zGsBnNQ&feature=related
The oldest of the twins stood up after watching his mother go upstairs leaving them once again alone. "Well once again I failed. I thought she would understand, but it seems the only thing we can do is admit defeat if we ever want to have our freedom back or run away." Hikaru flatly said stretching both of his arms. "It's a good thing father didn't come or else we would be in serious trouble. My bluff worked in that regard. What do you think we should do Kaoru?" His hand tapped the banister. "We can't run away. We don't have anywhere else to go without the guards seeing us. It would be embarrasing to ask milord for help or anyone else in that case. Though it would be interesting to see the interior of Haruhi's place." Kaoru starrted to ascend the stairs. Hikaru placed his finger on his chin and thought about the other option. "Then we have no choice, but to beg for forgiveness. Ready to put on another show?" He smiled mischeviously. "Yup and you were perfect.. You made that so beliveable as if it was actually true," Kaoru grinned stopping at the step for his brother to catch up. "You weren't bad yourself, but to bad it was actually true for me anyway." Feeling embarrased and ashamed he put his arm behind his neck. "Somewhat for me also," Kaoru did the same causing them both to laugh slightly. "Okay let's just do this." Hikaru carefully opened the door and came in with his brother slowly and cautiously. Getting on their mother's bed that was in the conjoined bedroom study they laid on their stomachs with their feet both crossed at their ankles and waited a few moments before letting their presence be known with their unison voices. "Mother we were out of line. We're sorry for how we treated you. It was uncalled for and should of never happened." Glancing at one of another they added another intriguing bit to their apology. "Our minds were wrapped around having our newest future family member that's all." They wondered how she would respond to that.
"Oh geez enough is enough." Axel had glared at the one whom was supposed to answer. "I guess I'll have to do the job then." Axel twirled both of his chakrams producing massive flames that ignired everything where he was at. "She wants to die so bad I might as well put her out of her misery." With his flames now increasing in size and height, he would soon engulf the whole area within a matter of minutes. "Come on. Give me your best shot or be done with it." Using his speed, he lashed at her back, embedding one of his weapons into her back and setting it a blaze. Roxas gasped at the horrific sight and knew there was nothing he do to stop Axel unless he were to get third degree burns in the process. "NO AXEL! DON'T DO IT!"He screamed feeling helpless. Turning directly towards Demyx he knew the water wielder was the only one to extinguish the flames. "DEMYX! STOP AXEL! If you don't I'll never forgive you." His voice was shaky while he gripped his keyblade almost as if he was ready to strike Demyx down too. Leon couldn't let this happen and he didn't understand why Cloud was not doing anything to help. "CLOUD! Are you all right? We have to stop this. Tifa is going to die if we don't!" Leon looked for a way to help his friend and ran into the kitchen. In one of the cabinets Leon pulled out a fire extinguisher and began spraying like mad through the flames so he could get through to Tifa and sprayed her with the contents as well. Saix made his way to another destination only to view more misery. Indeed he was content to see what has happening and the anger in Roxas's eyes brought him a sence of pleasure. "You're getting just what you deserve." He said to himself.
Axel had watched from a distance one of their rebel against the organization. The nobody Sinder had attacked them in her dragon form and he wondered if she was a traitor? The fire wielder knew his task for dealing with traitors and he excelled at it for he savored seeing the look on the traitor's pitiful face before finishing the job. "So? Is she out of the organization or did she just have one of her thunderous fits?" He asked anyone out of the blue. "Demyx, being ignored is something you'll have to get used to so no need to get bent out of shape." Stepping towards the younger member, he placed his right hand on the water wielder's shoulder like he did for all of his friends.
Axel sighed knowing the mission of bringing Larxene back was near impossible unless he used some force. Surely by now, Xemnas would be summoning someone else after them and Axel refused to appear like a traitor. Scooping up Larxene in his arms and not minding what state of mind she was in whether she was drunk or sober, he made a portal appear and returned to the World That Never Was. Placing her in her room, he left her be and walked down the halls to see what was going on currently. His nobody sences were keen like that of a cat, his emerald eyes peeled for anyone suspicious. Around the corner from where he was at, he heard Xemnas's voice and saw Demyx and the warrior Cloud standing there with the blond appearing irratated and the ninth member of the organization hestiant. "I wonder what that's all about?" Axel scratched the back of his head. "And why is that guy here? Something tells me Demyx has something to do with this." He ventured out of the shadows from the wall he was hiding behind and made his presence known to all. "What the hell is going on here. Why do we have one of Sora's allies here?"
Hikaru swallowed a mouthful of food before answering his mother's question. "Mother, you confuse us very often and we don't know if you do that by mistake or on purpose to get a rise out of us." He took another mouthful of the potatoes, swallowed them and then continued. "Besides that's not the reason you wish to speak to us is it? It's about how come we were late so let's get to that." He took a sip from his glass of milk and wiped his mouth with his cloth ivory napkin so there wouldn't be any residue left behind. "Like we said over the phone before things got out of hand, Kaoru and I were giving our friend a ride home nothing more or nothing less and we lost track of the time." Gripping his chopsticks, he looked at his watch and rolled his eyes now that it was almost 8pm. "We'll be sure to call you the next time. I'm sure father would like that too when ever he decides to show up for dinner and hopefully we don't need to have the same discussion with him too. It's rather irratating." Stuffing a dumpling in his mouth he consumed the morsal and added more to the conversation about how he felt. "No need to make such a big deal out of it. It's done and over with. Get over it and move on," he bluntly replied becoming irratated by the whole conversation. He stuck his chopsticks in his chow mein and was consuming them one after another. Kaoru nibbled on his chicken with orange sauce followed by his chinese salad and shrimp dumplings. Hikaru's tone was rude, but that's how his brother got when he was annoyed so surely their mother would be use to it by now. "Heh, yeah what he said." Kaoru felt like Hikaru had stepped on thin ice and was about to fall through which was why he dare not say anything else for he knew his mother wanted to talk to him also.
"See you tomorrow." Hikaru watched intently as Haruhi left and made a mental note of exactly where she lived. In the future knowing where her residence was would come in handy if anything should arise. He was not impressed of the simple commoner's residence from the outside, but supposely in the inside it might be different. Seeing the interior of Haruhi's place would have to wait another time as he knew their mother expected them to come home. There was no time to stop anywhere else. Now that Haruhi had been safetly taken home, Hikaru scooted next to his brother whom was starring at his cell phone sadly waiting for a reply. The last half hour on the way home was spent in silence until they neared the gates of the Hitachiin Estate, where a servant was waiting to open the car door once it came to a complete stop. Both stepping out after the other, they made sure they had their bags before entering the massive doors that were held open for them by two maids. "We're home," they called out to let everyone know. The twins causally walked into the grand entryway, the light nearly blinding them from the elegant golden chandlier with diamonds that hung above their heads. As they walked, the doors were closed almost slamed and locked tight startling both of them a bit. "No need to slam the door," they both complained to the maid staff whom simply bowed and walked away in silence after they took the twins' bags to their bedroom. There was tension that even the help knew some screaming might occur and they wanted to be away from the family's discussion. Hikaru and Kaoru glanced nervously at one of another before their hands reached for the two door handles that led to the dinning room where they assumed their mother was. Indeed dinner was ready to be served, but it was not spread out on the dinning table as they thought. Instead they could smell the auromas from the kitchen. Something was seriously wrong and it could mean a long boring or emotional night for the both of them.
(OOC: water mage says it's fine. Welcome to the rp.) Hikaru could tell the strictness in his mother's tone that his brother and him could be in serious trouble depending on how he answered. He had to be careful of what to say for the result could be the tota lelimination of the summer plans and his chances of freedom. Bringing his hand close to his tie, he pulled on it nervously to loosen it as he was feeling the pressure of his mother breathing down his neck even though she wasn't even in the car. Hikaru and Kaoru both held high respect for their mother more than their father as she was the one that carried on the Hitachiin name. She was a good mother fair and practical, but somewhat strict in his eyes though he would never say it to her face. "Mother let me explain." He swallowed his pride for a bit only to have it resurface. "Kaoru and I were taking a friend of ours home and we forgot about the time to tell you the truth." Next he layed on the charm and the guilt trip that he hoped his mother would discover through his words. "Wasn't it you who said to help others even though father and you were not there most of the time when Kaoru and I were growing up? I know about our lineage and how we're supposed to uphold to the name by follow all rules father and you set forth, but Kaoru and I thought we were doing the right thing and trying to help out someone less unforunate than us. So I won't apologize for taking her home even if it cuts into dinner with the family," he boldy stated biting his lower lip slightly after saying that. Now it would be up to Kaoru to soften the blow if there was any.
Hikaru rolled down the window to the car, and called out the window to get Haruhi's attention. "Hey Haruhi it's us." Hoping she heard his yell snd forgetting to close the window all the way, he reached into his bag and pulled out a magazine that read customizations for cars and motorcycles. Spotting his brother looking at him with his eyebrow raised, he sighed and set the magazine down in his lap. "Kaoru, the summer will be soon be here as well as our sixteeth birthday. I want to get a license so bad and plan on getting a motorcycle and a car too no matter what." "Have you spoken to mother and father about this?" Kaoru leaned closer to his brother. "You know they will not be fond of the idea not to mention it's illegal to drive a car in Japan until we're eighteen." "No I plan on not saying a word to them and doing it behind their backs. Can I trust you not to tell on me?" He gripped both of his legs almost pulling them up to a hug. "On one condition. I get to have one too. Have you thought this out carefully?" Kaoru set his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Is this what you really want to do?" "It is and I'm willing to take those chances just to have more freedom and to impress Haruhi and other girls." From out of his folder he pulled a list of objectives to go through with their plan. "First off we will have to practice learning to drive one of our parent's cars away where no one will see us and off course we'll be in disguise so no one will know it's us. Second, we'll get a passport saying we're eighteen here, we'll fly to America over the summer for a short period, show them our id, bribe some manager to have us take the written and driving tests and come back here."
Hikaru acknowledged her with a wave from his hand.At the time she was speaking, he liked the fact that Haruhi gave them each eye contact since they were both different individuals that happened to have the same visage. "She's different from the rest." His hand swiped through his hair. "She wants to get to know us better too." He placed his right hand on his hip being satisfied with the conversation. "The best thing is that the boss doesn't know anything about this." In his mind several thoughts were occuring without a moment's notice until he blinked bringing himself back to reality. "Yes, let's show her a good time perhaps this week." He faced his brother with certainity.
Minutes passed as the sun was beginning to set. Hikaru was leaning aganist Kaoru's back for support as he finished his homework, a rather half ass job for he wasn't striving to be the best in his class. He ranked fifth in his class and his brother was one level above him; for academics were not as important on his list of priorties. He only did what was required and maybe once in a blue moon a little bit beyond that to keep the teachers off his back. Shoving his homework as if it was ridden with a disease, Hikaru pulled out his hand held video game system striving to reach another level. With his fingers pressing several buttons for different combinations, he grew agitated with his progress. "Oh come on you call that fair? This boss won't die. It's like this game is rigged or something." Kaoru swung his right arm around his brother's neck and looked on at the screen. "That's because you need to level up more." He smiled before pointing the hp level on the bar. "You're never going to beat him that way." Kaoru had just finished his homework and was satisfied that he completed his essay on ancient japanese culture. Pulling out his brother's paper from his bag, he looked over and shook his head. "I'm going to make a few changes here. The teacher might strike you with the ruler across your hands if she saw this pitiful english grammar mess." He took some white out from his bag, covered up the errors and re wrote the corrections in black ink.
I've been busy like everyone else seems to be.
Im back in the rpg world.
Xigbar chuckled darkly as he noticed that Demyx was acting upon this fake emotions. "You can do anything if you put your mind into it. Like the other lesser nobodies scattered across lands, you lack something. But I am not going to tell you what that is. Axel is a traitor enough said. What makes you think he is even worth to be in our ranks again?If you don't kill him, then the other lessers will. It is by instinct of course." The elder member taunted. Axel refused to look at the other lesser nobodies who somehow thought he was betraying them. Of course he couldn't reason with them, they were too stupid and only followed orders. If it could of been worse he saw his own Assassins just watching the display as the dusks jumped at him and tried to tackle him. Other groups of stronger kind were attacking as well. Including the Berserker, Sorcerors, Samurai, and etc. Even though terribly fatigued the fire nobody knew he was fighting for surivival. There was no chance of an escape with them surrounding him, a portal could not be summoned without a distraction. "Who sent you to come after me?" He twirled his own chakrams and began fighting with his life depended on it. Half of them were already annihiated. "Maybe I should of stayed at Twlight Town, it was safer." He thought to himself.
Roxas was more dumbfounded than ever. Was Tifa really willing to give up her life? He couldn't understand if this meant to be human or not. Still with his key blade out he was not afraid to attack if he became the target, but he know he needed to save Xion. Axel rolled his eyes at this sentimental stuff though behind it was a deep smirk breeching from his soul. It had been a while that he had killed someone. He wondered if Demyx knew what he was going to commit. So Tifa was giving up? What a better way to end a life and find a possiblity of resurfacing the dark of another. He stepped forward ignoring Xigbar and went straight to Tifa. "So I guess your life is not worth it anymore. I can end your suffering! With his chakrams summoned out he held one of them at her throat, but allowed her some room to speak. "You wish to die?" At that moment he noticed Luxord, and without taking his eyes off the woman, he acknowledged Luxord. "Do you want me to finish her or have you do the honors?
This day just seemed to drag on and it looked like there was no end in sight. One of the other girls named Hiromi had ventured into the club and was asking many questions. She seemed troubled and it looked like she was trying to get to know Haruhi on a different level. This would be disasterous if the truth got out. Hikaru didn't know nor could he trust Hiromi would keep their secret so the only solution was to make sure she didn't discover the truth. He completated to himself if he would talk or keep quiet? Chossing the latter, he stared at what seemed to be the emptyness in the room except for the squeals and conservations from the other host club members. He sat in silence, observing everyone involved and then took one glance at his brother Kaoru whom wasn't saying anything either. "So what do you think of this whole mess?" He drug his finger across the armrest of the couch and sighed upon completing his invisable doodle. "Looks like we'll have to devise two plans or one involving the boss and her."
The Mickey card. I can't believe some of the bosses were that hard without it.
No Axel was kicking Marluxia's ass. Marluxia is the one who used Namine as a sheild and waited for Sora to come. Marluxia was supposed to be a girl, but because of Larxene Noruma wanted her to have someone to relate towards. That is the only reason.