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  1. fire mage
  2. fire mage
    "Cloud I mean no disrespect. I was merely concerned about you. Wheter you accept it or not I can relate to turmoil as I have had matters to tend with myself." Leon chose to walk closer towards him at the same time keeping his eyes on his surroundings.

    Tamaki had heard some loud rock music previously that made him run over to his bedroom window and observe from above. There was a sports car parked outside. "I haven't seen that car before." Tamaki walked out of his bedroom only to venture down the right side of the stair case to welcome his two friends that he had not seen in quite some time. "Hikaru, Kaoru, how are you two doing?" His steps reflected his princely status. "I assume that's your car parked outside? It's really nice... and loud," he added with a grin. "Thank you for accepting my invitation to meet me here. The others should be showing up soon. I sent them all texts except for Haruhi. She doesn't have a cell phone so I couldn't contact her." He gestured for them to sit on one of the couches and had a maid bring them each a cup of peppermint tea with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "So why we wait for the others to show, tell me what you two have been up to," Tamaki sitting on one side of the couch crossed his leg over his other and took a sip from his tea.
    Post by: fire mage, May 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. fire mage
    (OOC: Love the suspense, drama and angst guys. I can see where this is going. I hope everything is okay Garxena. )

    Hikaru would have to wait for Tamaki's response for Haruhi wanted to have a word with him alone. He laughed at this thought. The sheer joy and anticipation was building up inside of him wondering what she was going to say. He would humor her and hear her out. "Okay, let me tell my brother first." Hikaru walked over to Kaoru's bedside. "I'll be right back brother. Haruhi wishes to have a word with me. I'll tell you how it goes."

    Kaoru wanted to know every bit of detail. "Wish I could join you. Don't leave anything out no matter what she says to you." Kaoru touched his brother's hand and released his hold. "I'll talk to the boss while you're gone."

    "You do that," Hikaru left his brother's side and went out to one of the hallways to find a private room. "We'll speak in here," he gestured with his thumb, walked in the room and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "Be sure to close the door as well." He told Haruhi as he prepared to listen to what she wanted to say.
    Post by: fire mage, May 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. fire mage
    Axel heard Xion mumble and he could tell that she was embarrased of the whole thing. Not that he couldn't blame her, but she could be killed for commiting such an act in the organization. Xemnas must never know or else there would be one less member. "Don't worry about it. I can keep my share of secrets. Just be careful and don't make it so obvious." He turned back around assuming she was decent enough to talk too.

    Leon couldn't believe that he escaped the cluthes of Xigbar back at the other castle and now he had lost Cloud and Sora. "Could my day get any worse? Why do I bother going after Cloud anyway? He's a grown man. He can make his own choices." Swinging his gunblade side to side, the brunette sat down to rest. "But what if he is in trouble? He could be held captive by someone. I have to rescue him." Leon took off searching for where Sora had left the gummi ship.
    Post by: fire mage, May 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. fire mage
    In the Castle of the World That Never Was...

    Axel was starring at the others in the room, with malcontent in his emerald eyes. Was this even heard of? What was the so called reason that all of the members had to be present? Xemnas must of had something else planned up his sleeve for there was no way he would summon every member of the organization to come forth just for intruders. In fact, wasn't it the lower nobodies jobs? What were they doing? The organization members were far to important to survey the castle and yet Xemnas had commanded Demyx to seek out anyone. What could the leader have planned? Axel was not convinced of his leader's decision. It was disturbing and Marluxia volunteering to have the fire wielder aid in the mission didn't make sense either. "I can't recall the last time you ever went out of the castle, except to attempt to eliminate us all using Sora as your pawn Marluxia. For your treachery, you should have the sole duty to seek out the trespassers yourself. What do you say to that," he replied with a smug grin, his arms crossed on his chest awaiting the answer from the graceful assassin.

    In the World That Never Was...

    It was a sole mission and Leon had to be careful not to alert the keyblade wielder, Sora of the kind of deed he had commited. The brunette had taken the gummi ship without permission from King Mickey, or the others. He had great concerns for his comrade Cloud especially Sephiroth whom had graced his presence in Radiant Gardens. Cloud had vanished into the light from their last encounter and it was up to Leon to track his troubled friend. Cloud was one who preferred to be alone which always spelled out trouble for the citizens of their world. Chaos and violence seemed to follow Cloud like a shadow, and as the one of the world's protectors, Leon had to uphold the peace and be a step ahead before any damage could start. Nearing his location, he landed the gummi ship, outside of the castle and snuck across the bridge to the entrance. In the shadows, he suspected the other warrrior resting. Cautiously, Leon edged toward Cloud.

    Meanwhile in Japan...

    Pacing down the halls of the main mansion that he was permitted to stay in, a sigh of boredom was sketched across Tamaki's face. Coming back from his lesson and spotting a strange unnatural occurance of a black void on the news concened him and made him want to be alone. More bad news. Could matters get worse? His life felt like it held no meaning ever since everyone had graduated from Ouran. Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru were the last to graduate and it saddened him to think of what lives the others were leading without anything to look forward to. Tamaki was not accepting the role of learning the family business. He wanted something more than what his father had expected of him. If only there was somewhere else he go? The economy was poor, and business wasn't booming as it once was. If only he could escape reality and his foreseen future? Tamaki spent most of his leisure time reading books that his mother gave him when he was a child. One of his favorites were those with castles and princesses where everyone lived happily ever after. In reality, Japan just didn't seem to have any opportunities anymore especially for the working class and therfore no one could be happy like the characters in his books. Not that he greatly cared except for one person, Haruhi. He imagined her struggling to get by and it sickened him. She deserved so much better, just like those in fairy tales, but that's all they were. Tamaki went into his room, to comtemplate of some other choices he could make. Perhaps it was time to leave their country and seek out a whole new life. America came into his mind, the land of opportunity. Without a moment's notice, he picked up his cell phone and sent Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Hunny, and Mori a text message telling them to meet him at his mansion. It was time to set his plan in action.
    Post by: fire mage, May 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. fire mage
    Hikaru was glad that his mother chose not to discuss his actions in front of the hospital staff. It would of been embarrssing if one of the medical personal found out. Leaning back in his chair, he sighed with relief ready to take the next step. His mother had left to contact his father down the hall so he was fortunate to be alone with Karou for the moment. Just as he was about to check to see how his brother was doing, his cell phone vibrated in his pocket and at the same time he went to view the message, he spotted Haruhi standing there, looking like she was lost. Not saying anything, he replied to the text to Tamaki that he was in the hospital, Kaoru was injured and that Haruhi had just arrived. He ended the message come to the hospital to find out for yourself. Satisfied with the short text, he held the phone in his hand only to stare into the eyes of Haruhi. He waited for her to say the first line as his mouth was dry and emotions were mixed up in his head.

    Kaoru was the one to break the silence by clearing his throat. He had a few things to say to her and if his brother wasn't going to than that was his choice. "Haruhi, how did you get here? Did you walk all this way?" He tried to lean up to get a better look at her from his perspective lying in the bed.
    Post by: fire mage, May 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. fire mage
    The doctors were still waiting for the arrival of the Hitachiins for no tests could be administered without their consent. It seemed like waiting for an enternity, but at least Kaoru was in good hands. Haruhi had not left Hikaru's side so he appreciated that she cared about both of the twins. Hikaru opened his mouth to say thank you, but no words were exchanged. Instead he sat where Haruhi gestured and leaned forward covering his face with his cupped hands. It was unbearable to see his twin not moving a muscle, but at least he got to see the chest rise up and down which meant oxygen was flowing through the lungs. After staying like that for a minute or two, his clammy hands dripped with the warm tears that he had been falling. Shaking his hands, he whiped them the best he could on his pants before reaching over for a kleenex to remove the excess. Red tinged lines were seen just under his eyes from crying so hard and he fell forward on the bed next to Kaoru where he blanked out from exhaustion for a minute or two. Now with part of his body on the bed and his face next to his brother's he was contorted as more tears fell on his brother's face.
    Post by: fire mage, May 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. fire mage
    Hikaru kicked open a door with his left foot, the rapid twitching of his muscles was making his body tense therefore he nearly stumbled and dropped Kaoru out of his arms. "I need a doctor!" He panted feeling uneasy from sprinting the whole way. A gurney was rolled out before him, where he placed Kaoru down gentely upon it and followed as an iv was inserted in his brother's arm and an oxygen mask placed over the nose and mouth area. "Kaoru..." Hikaru watched helplessly as the doctors and nurses did what they could to save one of the students.

    Kaoru screamed out from more pain that he felt causing him to almost fall of the gurney. "Hikaru!" Like a helpless child, Kaoru extended his arm out to his older brother. "Don't let them take me away." He groaned and fought aganist the doctors surrounding him, his every breath becoming weaker

    "Kaoru!" Hikaru held his brother down so he wouldn't hurt himself. "They're trying to help you and I'm not going anywhere," tears streamed down his face and dripped under his chin falling onto Kaoru. His sadness turned to anger when one of the doctors approached him and told him what the procedure would be. "No! I'm not leaving him. You do what you have to do right here." He vaguely listened to a nurse informing him that his parents were notified and that no decision could be made without a parent's consent due to the fact that Hikaru was not of age yet. "I don't care! Just do what you can to save him," he kneeled below and cried onto his own shoulder for he was feeling weak also. The stress, the extertion was to much and fatigue was striking him like a hammer.
    Post by: fire mage, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. fire mage
    Hikaru shrugged his shoulders not caring what she thought of thier display. "What? I was only being honest. Geez..." he shook his head in disbelief. Haruhi had a right to be upset, but he didn't think she would announce it to the whole class. She was firecraker and wasn't afraid to speak her feelings just like him. He could see the comparsion and more he thought of it, the happier he became.

    Kaoru pulled back a bit for her to let go of his sleeve. He didn't know she would embarrass herself just as they did, but in the end he got to see what struck a cord with her. "You can let go of my sleeve," he reminded her.
    Post by: fire mage, May 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. fire mage
  11. fire mage
    Profile Post

    Just wanted to say hi.

    Just wanted to say hi.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Princess_of_hearts, May 11, 2010
  12. fire mage
  13. fire mage
    Axel shrugged his shoulders and decided that Demyx and who ever wanted to join them on the other side would come shortly. Merging into the darkness, the fire wielder felt a weird sensation such as a change of body movement and it seemed to be getting shorter or lower to the ground. Axel emerged into the pridelands only to nearly fall into a lake. At the sight of his reflection, he backed away and bumped into a boulder. Instinct took over, as he began to bathe himself with his rough pink tongue. "How the hell? I've turned into a lion!" He recalled the drastic changes that had occured through passing through the corridor of darkness. "Now I get it." He flopped down on his side and bathed between his massive paws.
    Post by: fire mage, May 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. fire mage
    Axel wasn't going to argue with Xemnas since the leader was occupied with other business at the time. The fire dancer had no choice, but to obey and would ask any other questions later. "All right. I'll see what the guy is up to anyway," he quickly remarked after forming a dark void with his right hand. "This should be interesting," Axel answered with a smirk formed on his face, his emerald eyes rivaling that of an emerald. Stepping into the darkness, Axel found himself with the other warrior of Organization XIII snuggling with another lower member, known as Xion. "Oh geez I don't want to know," he cursed the fact the portals brought them where ever the individual was no matter what he or she was doing. "Phenox whenever you're ready Xemnas wants to see you in his chambers." Axel glanced at Xion and shook his head. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me for now."
    Post by: fire mage, May 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. fire mage
    (OOC: I've never been in a crossover yet, but I would like to try.Inner and outer beauty. Can I please have Axel, Leon, and Tamaki? If anyone else wants to be Tamaki I will gladly give him up for someone who really wants him. I'll just be him for now to get the rpg going. I'll even take Saix if no one else wants him, but now I'm at my four character limit. I have a feeling this will be interesting.)
    Post by: fire mage, May 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. fire mage
    As soon as the car arrived onto the school grounds, Hikaru got out with his twin brother and headed towards the main campus. He walked in a slow fashion not caring if he was late to class or not. The corridors were beginning to fill up with the chatter of school mates. Heading through one of the halls with an uneasy feeling that wasn't going away, he passed by one of the restrooms and decided to go in. With his palms on the edge of the sink he gazed at his reflection in the mirror before looking away to wash his hands, dry and moisturize them with the hand lotion that was provided by the school. The warning bell rang just as he was glancing around inside, followed by some other male students that left the bathroom to get to class.

    Kaoru had followed him inside and chose to lean his cheek towards him as if Hikaru was a wall. Nuzzling his twin, Kaoru closed his eyes and rubbed the side of his face in upwards and downwards motion signaling that he was there for him. Kaoru was pleased that Hikaru recipocated with the same gesture. Nothing else mattered at this time. It was just them and that's all that mattered. Their brotherly moment was cut short, when a school offical walked inside only to warn them about what would happen if they were late. Kaoru watched Hikaru roll his eyes in annoyance while walking out where there he stopped not taking a single step. Kaoru got the hint that Hikaru did not want to leave without his brother by his side. Quickly catching up, Kaoru walked alongside Hikaru as they entered their first class, history. Both of them were anticipating seeing Haruhi walk in any minute before the bell rang for the final time.
    Post by: fire mage, May 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. fire mage
    After Hikaru and Kaoru got ready for bed, they fell asleep only to sleep for only 4 hours. It was time to wake up and face another day at school, but at least it was only a half day. Both groaning and rubbing thier sleepy eyes they glanced at the clock and sighed.

    "School starts in two hours," he hit the alarm clock with his wrist and rolled over on his side. "I wish it was Sunday," his voice sounded muffled for he was laying aganist his pillow with another pillow on top of his head. The moment he woke up, his stomach was uneasy and so he decided to remain in bed not wanting to get up to fast. "Should of not eaten so late or stayed out past midnight," he caressed his stomach easing the pain he felt there.

    Karou yawned and leaned over towards his brother, shaking for him to get up. "I'm going to go ahead and use the bathroom first," he insisted since Hikaru was not going to get up anytime soon.

    "Go. Go ahead and I'll get up after you're done." He shooed him away with his left arm. "Be sure not to be in there that long. I need to use it too." Hikaru rolled onto his side tucking another pillow between his legs and across his chest to comfort his body.

    "I'll be in here for at least twenty minutes." Kaoru called from the bathroom door and kept it unlocked in case his brother needed to get something from in there.

    "Yeah whatever," Hikaru tried to fall back asleep and failed miserably due to the early hours of the morning. "Why does school have to start at 7am? Who ever thought of such a rule should be drug out into the street and shot." He complained rubbing his right hand through his messed up hair.

    Inside the bathroom, Kaoru shook his head from the complaining on the other side of the door while he soaped up his skin with luxrious body wash in a bath puff, followed by expensive products of shampoo and conditioner for his hair.
    Post by: fire mage, May 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. fire mage
  19. fire mage
    (OOC: Kind of both for me so it's hard to say.)

    "You wish I'll be the one to beat you." Hikaru caught up with his brother in a matter of seconds reaching their room before he did. "Told ya I win." Changing out of his clothes, he felt a sense of freedom the moment he threw his school blazer, dress shirt and tie on the ground. "Ah much better. Hurry up and change Kaoru. The more time you waste the shorter our time will be." Hikaru went to another part of the room to change his pants and boxers to his swim trunks.

    "I'm almost done," Kaoru called from the bathroom as he changed into his swim trunks and lay his clothes on the hamper except for his blazer that he placed neatly on the bed.

    Both gazelles *ahem* boys bounded down the stairs almost running into their father and leaped down the other ones at the bottom. Noticing their mother, they rushed past her and down one of the hallways leading towards the back of the mansion and into the pool. They were greeted by the cool gust of wind. "Ah cold!" Running back inside, they pulled two towels from one of the bathroom's cabinets, darted back out, and instantly turned on the jets to the jacuzzi. It didn't take long for the hot tub to heat up with them both in it.

    Hikaru lay his head back starring at the stars above and relaxed his tense muscles. He was looking forward to his plans that would come through after all. "Glad I'm out of that mess. I thought I was going to get the belt for sure. Then again father is a pushover," he shrugged. "Wish mother was more like that. Then we could get away with anything we wanted."

    Kaoru smirked and held his right hand in his left squeezing the water to where it squirted upwards. "I'm surprised you didn't get the belt across your butt or slapped across the face or anything like that. Father must be exhausated and didn't want to deal with your whinning." He jumped back a bit from being splashed in the face.

    "I admit I've come real close to it, but I guess you can say luck is on my side. Mother could of belted me easily, but maybe she thought I would make a huge deal and didn't want to deal with my attiude." He shrugged his shoulders and splashed the water on his shoulders. "I know how to get myself out of anything. That's why we're fortunate to have such passive parents. Mother on the other hand can be strict, but she never follows through on discipline since she hates it herself." Hikaru laughed under his throat. "Other parents on the other hand would have given us our eighth or ninth whipping among other measures of discipline."

    "No kidding. They would have pulled their hair out by now. Can you imagine having a strict father like Kyoya's or a stuck up witch like the boss's grandmother? That's what I call strict."

    "If I did I would of ran away or got even with them somehow," Hikaru dunked Kaoru's head under water. "But we don't and can do the hell what ever we want with some exceptions." He let his brother come up for air.

    "Hikaru that wasn't fair," Kaoru coughed and playfully tackled him trying to dunk his head underneath not paying attention to the time that was after 11pm and heading into the next day.

    Hikaru and Kaoru were having to much fun forgetting they even had a curfew to be in bed by. Both laughing and making such a ruckuss outside, the staff were beginning to question the parental style of the two hitachiin sons though were afraid to tell the madam and her husband of how they were raising the heirs.
    Post by: fire mage, May 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. fire mage
    Hikaru let go carefully of Kaoru and caught his mother's icy stare then he matched it with his own for a few mintues not blinking once until his eyes began to sting and his upper lip quivered knowing he had lost for the fear was setting in. "I didn't mean to. I..." He dare not say a single word unless he thought it through. He knew he had crossed the line and he hoped Kaoru would forgive him like he always did. "I don't know what came over me." Hiding his face in shame, his hair covered his eyes so not to see the frusterated and teary glare. Clenching his fists, his body shook with fear and fury at what happened. "Fine. I'll tell him, but he's not going to go easy on me. Not after what I did." Coughing a bit, his throat was parched making his eyes wonder around the room instead of starring her straight in the eye.
    Post by: fire mage, May 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home