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  1. fire mage
    Xenmas all the way. I loved how he uses his aerial blades and that he has all these other mysteries about him.
    Post by: fire mage, Mar 5, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. fire mage
    I think they sent them out because they are the most common and easily to decieive people. They can after all disguise themselves as inanimate objects or people.
    Post by: fire mage, Mar 5, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. fire mage
  4. fire mage
    (OOC: Been dealing with hiatus, but I am back. I am surprised this rpg is still here.)
    Post by: fire mage, Mar 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. fire mage
    Axel walked over to where the two felines were conversing. Noticing another blonde lion, he didn't say a word and focused his attention on Sinder and Demyx instead. "Well well well. It looks like Sinder has returned. You may be able to fool Demyx with your ploy, but not me. I saw you attack him like that. You can't get away with what you did. You either explain now or you'll be considered a traitor and I'm the one that eliminates traitors." His keen emerald eyes pierced hers.

    From out of all the commotion, Leon had been swallowed by one of the voids of darkness and found himself transformed into a lion as well. Getting his surroundings, the now brown lion felt the energy of another lion nearby. Using his keen eyesight, he spotted a blonde lion which had to be Cloud. Running towards him, he was taken a back by the different forms of lions that were present.
    Post by: fire mage, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. fire mage
    (OOC: Okay well Tamaki can react from what Hikaru said about Haruhi living with him and Kaoru. I would imagine he would act like a child and throw a tantrum saying that "daddy is going to protect his little girl.")

    Hikaru was not to surprised by the slow reaction from his boss. Maybe Tamaki had blown a fuse and needed some time to recover. In the end, the guy was always an idiot. Charming and sospicated, but a moron through and through. "Hmmm maybe I'll have to dumb down my words for him." Hikaru waved his hand in front of Tamaki's eyes to get his attention."Hey boss did you even hear what I said? Are you actually okay with this or maybe you don't understand so I will say it in a way you will understand like a dumb caveman." He took a step closer talking to him in a condensenting tone. "Haruhi... will... be... staying... with Kaoru and I... in the same house... for a long time... There is nothing... you... can do about it." He ended his sardonic attitude by sticking out his tongue and pullling the skin of his lower eyelid just above his right eye downwards.
    Post by: fire mage, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. fire mage
    Getting tired of waiting for the senile old fool, Axel took the liberty of coming out of the shadows so Vexen would notice him. If he had to deal with the fourth member like he had before than so be it.

    "I don't believe that for a second." Leon's thoughts pushed his reasoning to aside as he said something to himself. "You just pulled that comment out of your ass." Getting his mind back on track, he spoke firmly pointing his gunblade in Demyx's and Xemnas's direction. "You nobodies are meant to lie and decieve others so why should I believe you? That's all part of your plan and I'm not easily fooled like Sora was."

    Tamaki chose to ignore their snide remarks. In his mind Haruhi was all that mattered and of course she would be shocked by the news, but it was going to be sooner or later. Setting his day dreaming to the side, the host king got his group's attention by raising his voice. "Okay so Haruhi knows that we're coming. All we have to do is meet her at her place and I don't want there to be any trouble especially from you two." His eyes glared at the twins. "This is going to be an unsettling time for my poor Haruhi so no mischief." Walking away from them, he picked up a phone that connected to the staff. "Have all of my belongings packed in half an hour and no questions."
    Post by: fire mage, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. fire mage
  9. fire mage
    (OOC: That's fine. At least we'll still be interacting with this rp.)

    In the World That Never Was...

    Axel heard the disruption of music come to a halt as he turned the corner. The melodious nocturne had stopped playing for some reason. Deciding to find out, the red haired nobody approached his underling and layed one hand on his shoulder. "It's pretty boring isn't it? If we're not being ordered to do something for the organization than we're being bossed around by some other higher member. I tell ya, the life of a nobody is dull as dirt. We need some excitement." Removing his hand, he transferred it to his left side and looked across the hall in case there was some unsuspecting member lurking about somewhere. One could never tell when the other was being spyed on. Axel just hoped it wasn't Saix or Xemnas himself for those two held great authority over the whole organization.

    Elsewhere on the planet Earth...

    In his deep mindset of meditation up on Kami Tower, Piccolo had awakened once his keen foresight alerted him to the presence of the all mighty dragon. Observing from above, he was not certain of who or what had summoned Shenron, but one thing certain was that trouble was evident due to the past summonings from the dragonballs. Descending from the highest point of the Castle of God, Piccolo flew with great ease to the location. Upon arriving with stealth, he observed the situation discovering that the warrior Vegeta was present and was gleaming with anticipation for in the center, Goku had been resurrected. Piccolo not saying a word approached the saiyan prince and glanced down almost in shock when he discovered that Vegeta's tail was visable as well as Goku's. "So you sense this great power as well? I'm sensing other energy levels, one that is more familar to me." Piccolo crossed his arms scanning the area with his eyes.

    Alone in his room, Gohan was studying for his finals when he suddendly pushed himself away from his desk in disgust. "I'm sick of this! It has been to long since I've trained. If I'm not careful Krillin will get better than me. I'm done with this." Tiptoeing out of his room so his mother wouldn't see him, Gohan headed to the nearest window, jumped out and took off into the air. Now being free at last, his spirit soared as he jetted through the clouds, in a circular dancing motion. With a big grin on his face, he was glad to be away from his mother's hovering and nothing could spoil his good mood, except the ominous presence. Shrugging his shoulders, Gohan welcomed the challenge and flew to where the others were. Descending below he spotted his mentor. "Mr. Piccolo!" Gohan screamed with jubilation as he ran to his beloved teacher. "I've missed you so much." He embraced Piccolo in a hug.

    Piccolo sweatdropped as he feared Gohan would make an ass of himself especially in front of Vegeta. Of course he could only imagine, the cocky saiyan smirking at his displeasure. Frowning, Piccolo patted Gohan's head hoping he would let go.

    Piccolo's wish was granted in the form of a shoving as Gohan ran towards his father whom he had not seen in years. "Daddy!" The teenager shouted squeezing the life out of his father. "I missed you much. You wouldn't believe how much of a tyrant mom is. All she makes me do is study, study, study. Now that you're back I won't have to worry about that."
    Post by: fire mage, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. fire mage
    All mighty power

    I would like to be Axel, Piccolo, Gohan and King Piccolo please.
    Post by: fire mage, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. fire mage
    Leon shook his head at Xemnas's rude remark. "I thought nobodies weren't supposed to have emotions or feelings so why are you resorting to threats?" That's anger which is clearly an emotion." Leon would resort to humoring the leader of the organization, but he was still prepared to launch an attack if it came down to it.

    At the bottom of the basement, Axel was still spying on Vexen wondering what the old kook was up to now. Did he screw up once more and was trying to hide his mistakes by causing another diversion or did Vexen have something else up his sleeve?

    Tamaki's calm demeanor turned a 180 at the sound of Haruhi's voice. Without thinking, the blonde young man seized the phone from the twins and began with the hesterics. "Haruhi! It's me Tamaki. I'm coming over also and so is Kyoya, Hunny and Mori. You remember me don't you Haruhi? Please tell me you haven't forgotten me." His voice was tense and his hands were shaking at the thought of her forgetting who he was.
    Post by: fire mage, Jul 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. fire mage
    (OOC: It's been awhile since I have replied hasn't it? Sorry I've been swamped with other things.)

    Kaoru was uneasy upon discovering that Haruhi's mother was actually her father. He was not going to say anything though so not to make a fool of himself in front of Haruhi. No Hikaru would be the one to do something like that.

    Hikaru's expression was priceless when he saw what he thought was a woman embrace Haruhi. "Okay that's odd," he said to himself. Being the prideful guy he was, he had purposely been what others would call "harsh" just to make sure that Haruhi's father knew how important it was for him to show up. Not that Hikaru would ever threaten to harm someone physically, but emotionally depending on the situation he was capable of it. Taking a seat next to his twin brother, Hikaru got down to business, flashing Haruhi a glance of sincerity hinted with sarcasism. "Glad you took my message seriously Haruhi's father because I have tried other methods in the past and others would brush me off so I had to resort to that kind of method. It was not meant to be rude or threaten you in any way, but it was cruical that you came because this whole ordeal is the reason why my brother is in a hospital bed no thanks to your daughter, but we'll get to that bit of information in due time."
    Post by: fire mage, Jul 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. fire mage
    Profile Post

    No problem.

    No problem.
    Profile Post by fire mage for Cicada Killer, Jun 23, 2010
  14. fire mage
    (OOC: Sorry everyone. Water mage hasn't been fairing to well and so that's why she hasn't been on. She's dealing with some serious issues effecting her health.:nono:)

    Kaoru could tell that Haruhi was not thrilled with the idea, but what choice did she have? No matter what she was in their debt, but the least Kaoru could do was try to reassure her so it didn't sound like she was being forced against her will. "Haruhi, there are still some issues we need to discuss and it would be better if you kept them to yourself. That means not telling anyone." His eyes signaled to Hikaru silently telling her through his body language.

    Hikaru pulled out his cell phone prepared to dial a number. "I don't see why that's a huge problem at all. Of course he'll agree unless he wants a steeping hospital bill that will cost him everything that he has. Don't mean to sound so blunt, but that's the obvious fact and Haruhi knows it." His eyes turned to her to see her expression. "So what's the number or do I have to locate it myself which will obviously be a waste of time for everyone here?"
    Post by: fire mage, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. fire mage
  16. fire mage
    Hikaru had managed to get his brother Kaoru out of the bed so he would feel more human. Knowing his brother was strong enough to stand on his own, he glanced at him and smiled a concealed sincere grin that on the surfaced appeared to be coniving. "It doesn't matter to us."

    Kaoru returned the favor of the same grin not caring what Haruhi or the others thought. "Have the boss listen to what we have to say.

    They both clasped hands as if competing for attention but it was of a playful sort of manner. Noticing their mother they both starred at her in silence until speaking again once more. "Go ahead Haruhi tell our mother what needs to be addressed."
    Post by: fire mage, Jun 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. fire mage
    "Hmm that's strange. I wonder why this guy doesn't want to fight? Unless he could be tricking us?" Leon said to himself while keeping his eyes on the young nobody and Cloud. In case there was an attack from out of no where, Leon scanned the area, waving his gun blade in a threatening fashion at his surroundings. No one could never be to prepared for the unexpected and this castle was the home to hundreds of lower forms of nobodies; the Organization XIII's slaves to be exact. "Cloud be on your guard. You can't let it down for a second. Something tells me we're not out of the woods yet."

    Axel carefully made his way down the twisty stairs that led to the bottom bowels of the castle. Keeping his eyes peeled for any surprises, he maintained the threshold of his power so Vexen wouldn't spot him as easily. Venturing further into the darkness, he felt the cold chill erupt from the basement where Vexen's lab was located. So not to be spotted and against his better judgment, the flurry of dancing flames cautiously entered and kept his presence hidden within the shadows as he observed Vexen's every move.

    Tamaki took another sip from his cup and listened to the Hitachiian brothers' conversation. No one had spoken or didn't want to inform him of their news so it was up to the king to tell them the reason why they all were summoned to his home. "Like I said, thank you all for coming and now I'll get to the reason why all of you are here. You see Japan is having an economic downturn not that really effects any of us that much, but more to the point I feel it's best that we all move on to a different location. To be more precise, America the land of opportunity. I don't know about any of you, but there is so much to life than to learn the trade of our respected families and to have your futures be decided for you. This is happening in my case and I won't allow it. I desire something more than that which is why I decided to leave Japan behind and start a new life. With my lineage and prestige I will have no problem at all accomplishing this. I would humbly request if any of you would be so kind as to accompany me on my journey," he held back his blond head and placed his right hand through his locks in a quick fashion.
    Post by: fire mage, Jun 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. fire mage
    Hikaru followed and was the first one to come into the room. Before he went to his brother's bedside, his eyes glanced in her direction. "One can never know unless one is tested. Never trust what anyone says that's your lesson for today," with those words out in the open, his shoulder brushed past hers as he made his way next to Kaoru. "So how are you doing?"

    Kaoru nodded his head and covered his hand over his mouth to hide his yawn. "Oh I'm all right I guess. I would like to get out of here as soon as possible, but that's not for me to decide now is it?" He noticed his twin seemed to be in a better mood. "Care to explain why you ran out like that earlier?"

    The eldest of the twins, rolled his eyes for he wanted to avoid the subject at all costs. "I wasn't feeling well, but I'm fine now. Haruhi has agreed to our plan and all we have to do is speak to mother and father if he gets here that is."

    "Yeah I see your point. Well I have some good news. While you were in the restroom, I was able to convince at least the boss to come to America with us." Kaoru flashed a smile so deceitful, it was like looking at the devil's cousin himself.
    Post by: fire mage, Jun 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. fire mage
    Kaoru looked lost without his twin as if he didn't know how to help him for the very first time. It scared him which was the reaction of him squeezing his blanket cover in his hands. "I need my brother. You're probably thinking that I'm being a baby, but you don't understand what it's like to be with someone almost twenty four seven and now not being able to understand what he is going through. In a way I do, but now I feel like such a stranger and it scares me. I have to go to him no matter what kind of pain I'm in," he said through his teeth as he attempted to pull himself out of bed.

    Hikaru took care of what he had to do and struck his fist on the stall door in anger and frustration thus kicking it open. He was more mad at himself for acting so hostile towards her and couldn't bare show his face to anyone. His stomach still hurt, his throat was parched and his eyes had remained sore around the edges from his inner turmoil. "How can I go out there when I acted like such an ass?" Placing his hands under the cool water, he wet his face to calm and compose himself.
    Post by: fire mage, Jun 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. fire mage
    (OOC: leon47, water mage said that would be fine for you to be King Mickey)

    Leon was about to rebuttal when he a saw a man in a leather cloak appear. It was one of the members of the organization. He had a hunch that one of them would eventually find them. "Cloud looks like we have to continue this conversation later." Keeping his eyes on the young nobody, Leon was prepared for battle as he had his gun blade out. "I don't know what you intend to do, but we don't want any trouble." He thought it was somewhat strange that the nobody had not attacked yet.

    "He always has to have the last words," Axel mused to himself seeing that the nobody of nature had left. Marluxia was a mystery and could never be trusted. At least when the fire wielder did betray the organization, it was for a right reason. Roxas was the one who made him feel like he had a heart which brought forth a shred of humanity. Understanding that Xemnas had dismissed them all, Axel left and appeared somewhere else in the castle. He heard noises coming down from a lower area of the castle and it intrigued him. "So Vexen is up to something again. I should investigate," the eighth member of the organization walked down the stairs putting the task of searching for intruders with Demyx off for now. The water wielder could hold his own without him. What kind of mess up could he possibly do anyway?

    Tamaki placed his cup down on the coffee table on a coaster so it wouldn't stain the wood. "I can see that you're upset and you have every right to be. I'm used to your snide remarks so I don't take any offense." He laced his fingers together acting calm and rational. "As soon as Kyoya gets here I will tell you my plan." Turning his head to the side, he heard another car pull up to the front from the music he heard. "What is with you two and Kyoya and loud music?" Tamaki stood up and walked to the front. "I'll be right back guys," he spoke over his shoulder to the twins only to see a servant open the doors for his good friend to enter. "Kyoya it's so good to see you. Hikaru and Kaoru are in the grand living room. That's their car parked out there or least one of their's I think. Anyway come join us," he walked back in the room and sat on the chair he had previously been sitting in. "Now if only Hunny and Mori would get here," he sent them another text letting them know everyone was waiting for them. "Now everyone tell me what's been happening in your lives?"
    Post by: fire mage, May 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home