Commit it to Memory is his japanese phrase. So it is replaced with got it memorized because it was more catchy, but it sounds fine to me.
Xenmas was easy except for that one cheap attack he has with the aerial blade lazers shooting in all directions.. I barely beat him on my first...
It was like a fast reaction that couldn't have been avoided and now guilt and horror was running through the red head's head. He did not expect Xion to get in the middle of this and now she was going to die because of him. "Xion!" he cried out though he held his head away so as to not let her or anyone else see liquid about to form. He wondered why she was hanging on to the chakram as if she wanted it deep in her. He had lost Roxas and now he was going to lose his other friend. "" He asked softly as he was thinking about pulling it out if he could. Of course this would end the fight with Sora, but at what cost. He looked at Demyx and could see him quivering. "Don't do that." He said again in a soft tone.
I tolerate it. Really? I beat the game and the hardest boss is actually Vexen which surprises me.
Yep, I have noticed that alot Especially for those who ask for recaps, unneccessarily lol. Since 2 years ago. Be fan of the organization especially.
Nope. I can find things half the time.
No, I found out. Thanks anyway.
I didn't know that it started. Yeah.
Hey how's it been going? A little too excited aren't we? XD
I had to pay the expense, but at least my car is in good shape now. *hugs back* Holy crap 13 mile run? Oh man they are toruting you guys....
Even if shows are cancelled they still have some classics on Cartoon Network such Edd and Eddy, Dexter Labatory, Johnny Bravo and other classics. The Hanna Barbara ones are on Boomerang. And other cartoon classics. I miss Invader Zim, Dinosaurs, Drawn Together, (yes I know it didn't come out in 1990's but oh well) Ren and Stimpy, Ahh Real Monsters, Rocko's Modern Life.
His attention seemed to focus on a spiritual presence as well. He knew that it was another organization member lurking around, but could not make out which one. Xenmas had sent someone after them. In a way it was a threat to Axel and not in his mind someone who was looking for him out of concern. His gaze went back towards Roxas as he heard him sneezing and knew he needed to get the younger member out of the rain. He didn't want him to get sick. Though he was impressed with Roxas;s talent of killing the heartless so easily the red head couldn't admit that he was better use than him. Keeping this to himself the flurry placed a hand on Roxas's shoulder in a friendly casual approach. "I am glad that you came and found me. I might of not lasted this long without you. Anyway, yeah lets go back to the castle and recuperate for couple of days." He summoned forth a portal of darkness and stepped through it leaving it open for Roxas to step through.Though in the portal the flurry took a sharp turn and headed towards Twilight Town.
That's cool. Can't wait to see it.