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  1. keybladeofdarkness4
    :guns: :ff10sora: And THATS how i saved Christmas!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 30, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. keybladeofdarkness4
    raise your hand if you like yaoi!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 30, 2007, 88 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. keybladeofdarkness4
    The story is this, in Japan shortly before a teenage girl comitted suicide, she drew this picture, scanned it and posted it online. In korea this story broke out and it spread like wildfire. There are various posts around in korean forums that say that the viewer gets drawn to the girls blue eyes, they say they can detect a hint of wraith and sadness within the eyes. Maybe the girl had died with so much sadness and anger that her spirit haunts the image, or maybe the image provoke sadness, similar to the song 'Gloomy Sunday'.

    The freaky bit is this, they say it is hard for a person to stare into the girls eyes for longer than 5 minutes, there are reports that some people have taken their own lives after doing so. People say the picture changes, as you view it there is a hint of a growing taunting smirk appearing on the girls lips or a dark ring grows around the girl or her eyes. Here is a video about it:
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 23, 2007, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. keybladeofdarkness4
    I. Introduction
    -a. The Players (Characters)
    -1. Alyssa Hamilton
    -2. Nancy Hamilton
    -3. D!ck Hamilton
    -4. Philip Hamilton
    -5. The Dark Man
    -6. Dennis
    -7. Linda
    -b. The "Arsenal" (Items)
    -1. Holy Water
    -2. Lavender Water
    -3. Sigil Stones
    -4. Invisibility Bands
    -5. Other (non-support) Items
    -c. Freaking out (The Panic Meter)
    -d. The Big Bads (Entities and Subordinates)
    -e. Run Away! (Hiding and Evading)
    -1. Hiding Spots
    -2. Evade Points
    -f. The Little Bads (Restless Spirits)
    -g. The Smackdown (Boss Battles)
    II. The Walkthrough (with synopsis)
    -a. Chapter One-"Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em"
    -1. Prelude (The Hamilton House, Present Day)
    -2. A Little Night Music (London, Christmas 1942)
    -3. Boss Battle: Sledgehammer
    -b. Chapter Two-"It Must Have Been Some Bad Acid"
    -1. Intermission (The Hamilton House, Present Day)
    -2. I Hear the Acid's Lovely…(London, November 1963)
    -3. Boss Battle: The Corroder
    -c. Chapter Three-"A Rooder Awakening"
    -1. The Sewers and What Lies Above (Sewers, around 1988)
    -2. Axe me no questions, Tell me no lies…(A Graveyard, Present Day)
    -3. Boss Battle: The Chopper
    -d. Chapter Four-"Snickety Snack…"
    -1. Hell's Waiting Room (Hospital, Present Day)
    -2. A Charming Residence (Castle, apparently outside of time and space…)
    -3. Boss Battle: Scissorwoman
    -4. Boss Battle: Scissorman
    -e. Chapter Five- "Happy Birthday! I Got You a Gaping Chest Wound…"
    -1. Climbing the Tower of Power (The Clock Tower, just before midnight…)
    -2. The Final Battle: Lord Burroughs
    -f. Secrets and Mysteries
    -g. Final Review
    -h. Conclusion and Farewell

    I. Introduction

    Hello all. This is my first ever guide, so bear with me. I noticed that most Walkthroughs
    are very generalized, in order to keep spoilers to a minimum, and I respect that. But I
    thought that there might be others out there like me, who want a little more to go along
    with the "turn here, push that" approach, and who might like a synopsis of the game's
    events to go along with the directions. This is not meant to ruin anything for someone
    who has not played the game before, and as such I try not to blurt out surprises as they
    happen, but rather to describe them after they happen, to keep events in context. Thus I
    won't say "Turn here to see a little girl beaten to death with a hammer", but rather "Turn
    here for a nasty surprise. That lovely gentleman is known as Sledgehammer, and he
    seems to have something against little girls". Honestly, if you don't want Spoilers, than
    you should never read ahead in a Walkthrough. Clock Tower 3 is somewhat linear, and
    so I am going to assume that if you are reading a Walkthrough it is for a way to find the
    best path, and the best strategies to get through the game with a minimal effort. And that,
    my friend, I can promise you. In fact, if you follow this guide to the smallest nuance, it is
    entirely possible to get through the entire game without using any of your support items,
    and with no unnecessary backtracking. I try to keep the proceedings clear, and
    summarize the story and action a concisely as possible, while still reiterating that which
    is important. There is a lot of detail in this game, and a lot of threads running through the
    story, and aside from giving directions, I feel that it is my job in this guide to help
    highlight them and keep them straight. So again, I reiterate; if you are looking for a
    simple verbal map to get through the game, with a minimum of exposition, there are
    guides better suited to your needs. However, if you are looking for a complete resource
    on the game, covering the characters, setting, story and systems, in addition to a simple
    walkthrough, than you have come to the right place. That being said…

    Clock Tower 3 was released in North America on March 18, 2003 by Capcom, and was
    developed by Sunsoft. The previous two games in the series, Clock Tower and Clock
    Tower 2: The Struggle Within were developed by Human Entertainment and published
    by ASCII Entertainment and Agetec Incorporated, respectively. Furthermore, the game
    called Clock Tower here in North America is actually the second game in the series in
    Japan, the first being released originally for the Super Famicom and then for the
    Playstation as Clock Tower: First Fear, but only in Japan. That means that Clock Tower
    2 (called Clock Tower: Ghost Head in Japan) is actually Clock Tower 3, and this game is
    Clock Tower 4…but don't worry about that, because we don't live in Japan. This game
    bears but a few things in common with the original games in the series, as they were both
    more "point-and-click" type adventures, while Clock Tower 3 has more action. Capcom
    leaned towards this style of game play in hopes of drawing in a larger audience, and I
    must say that I feel that it has made the series more accessible, without sacrificing the
    tone and feel of the series. What Clock Tower 3 does share with the rest of the series is
    an alternative to the guns blazing commando style of other survival horror games (most
    of which I love, don't get me wrong). Instead it focuses on really surviving, which is to
    say avoiding confrontation and injury my hiding from and evading one's pursuers, while
    trying to unravel a mystery. The Clock Tower series has also always had a helpless but
    brave young girl as the hero. In addition, this game does have an incarnation of
    Scissorman, though he is much different from the menacing antagonist of the previous
    games. Also, the name Alyssa was used for the protagonist of Clock Tower 2 in North
    America (it was Yutaka in Japan, for those who are interested). That is where the
    similarities end, however (at least that I can think of; please feel free to educate me if I
    miss other similarities), as this series took on a new look and a new direction under
    Capcom. The most important of these changes are having multiple killers pursuing you
    instead of just one main one, and the ability to fight back against these pursuers at the end
    of each Chapter. And now on to the game itself…

    a. The Players

    -1. Alyssa Hamilton
    Alyssa is the main character in the game. She was sent away to boarding school when
    she was twelve, and told she couldn't come back for six years. Now she is fourteen
    (almost fifteen), and is disturbed when she receives a letter from her mother telling her
    not to come home until her fifteenth birthday has passed. Alyssa calls home but no one
    answers, so Alyssa, like any teenage girl, ignores her mother's wishes and rushes home
    in hopes of figuring out what is going on…

    -2. Nancy Hamilton
    Alyssa's mother. Her reasons for sending Alyssa away so abruptly are unknown, but she
    remains steadfast in her decision. Nancy and her daughter are very close, which makes
    her behavior that much more confusing…

    -3. D!ck Hamilton
    Nancy's father, D!ck, has been like a father to Alyssa all of her life, since she never knew
    her real father. Three years ago he left without explanation, and has not been heard from
    since. His disappearance saddens and hurts Alyssa, and she waits anxiously for his

    -4. Philip Hamilton
    Philip was Alyssa's father, who died tragically in an accident when she was just a baby.
    Alyssa has no recollection of her father whatsoever.

    -5. The Dark Man
    This black garbed and enigmatic stranger is the only person at the house when Alyssa
    returns. At first, Alyssa thinks he is one of her mother's boarders, but he seems to know
    more about Alyssa and the house than she is comfortable with…

    -6. Dennis
    This redheaded scamp is a friend of Alyssa's from grade school. He seems to have a bit
    of a crush on her…

    -7. Linda
    Linda is Dennis' sister, a missionary nurse who has raised Dennis since he was a little
    boy. She is currently in Africa, working as a relief worker.

    b. The "Arsenal"
    Alyssa has a few (a very few) support items that she can do to aid her in survival
    throughout the game.

    -1. Holy Water
    That's some high quality H20! Holy Water is your single most valuable resource in the
    game. At the beginning you will only be able to carry a few doses of it at a time, but as
    your proceed through the game, you will gain the ability to carry more. But what can it
    do, you ask? Well, it can unlock doors marked with a glowing blue sigil. It can activate
    the transportation runes known as Portal Squares. And, more importantly, it can fend off
    and stun attackers, be they Subordinates, Minions, or Spirits. When you hit the attack
    button (the triangle button is the default) Alyssa will throw a dose of Holy Water in a
    short arch ahead of her, stunning any enemies caught by the splash so that she has time to
    make her escape. Since this valuable commodity is so important, you will want to refill
    any time you see a Holy Water reservoir jar (you can tell which jars these are because
    they glow) or at a Lion's Head Fountain. Never leave home without it.

    -2. Lavender Water
    Lavender Water is a throwback to earlier centuries, when nobles would carry scented
    kerchiefs or other perfumed objects to fend off noxious odors and revitalize themselves
    when faint. Sissies. Anyway, Lavender Water is an extract made from the purple
    lavender flowers, which gives of a clean, pleasing odor. Alyssa, the little noble that she
    is, uses the scent of Lavender Water to bring her back from the edge of panic when attack
    from enemies threatens to push her over the edge. It seemed like a better choice than
    Bourbon to give to fourteen year old girl. Like all support items, it is a rare commodity,
    and should only be used to bring Alyssa back from a full-blown panic, or to keep her
    from going into a full blown panic when hiding, because that causes her to burst from her
    hiding place.

    -3. Sigil Stones
    These crystals will protect Alyssa from one killing blow. They are used automatically
    when an attack or event would kill Alyssa outright, such as when getting hit while in a
    full panic or hit by the automated axes in Chapter Four. You will know when they are
    used because there will be the sound of the crystal breaking and a blue flash of light.
    Note that they cannot be used in boss battles (unfortunately), nor will they keep you
    from dying if you fall from the plank in the Concert Hall in Chapter One.

    -4. Invisibility Bands
    What has it gots in its nasssty little pocketses? These handy little items will turn Alyssa
    invisible for a short time, keeping Subordinates and their Minions from finding her out.
    These a pretty rare, and should only be used if you absolutely need to slip past a lurking
    assailant, or if you need a few extra seconds head start to make it to a hide or evade point.

    -5. Other (non-support) Items
    All other items that you find it the game will be either Key Items (such as the keys, the
    Looking Glass, or the Sacred Bottle), Documents (that give you another piece of the
    story), or Sentimental Items for setting restless Spirits free (such as a Teddy Bear or an
    Engagement Ring). Key Items are used automatically as the situation arises, such as
    opening a door to use a key. Sentimental Items must be used on the bodies of specific
    Spirits, and will be covered under the section on Spirits, below.

    c. Freaking Out
    In the top right corner of the screen is the Panic Meter, and when Alyssa feels threatened,
    such as when someone is trying to maul or kill her, her Panic Meter raises. When she
    feels very threatened, such as when a Subordinate jumps out of hiding and knocks her on
    her ***, the Panic Meter raises a lot. If it fills up entirely, Alyssa will go into full out
    panic, and begin to act erratically. The camera gets all screwed up, your field of vision
    narrows, Alyssa stumbles while trying to run away, can't use Holy Water to protect
    herself, and will even just stop and tremble instead of trying to get away. You can lower
    Alyssa's panic level by getting her out of the stressful situations and into hiding, by
    escaping her pursuers, or by using Lavender Water. Note that even while Alyssa is in a
    hiding spot, if a Subordinate is sniffing around close to her hiding spot, her Panic Meter
    will raise. If it is really high to begin with, and this is enough to push her over the edge
    into a full panic, Alyssa will burst from her hiding spot and directly into danger, so use a
    Lavender Water if she is on the very edge and an enemy is near her hiding place.

    d. The Big Bads
    Each level has a possessed and deadly killer stalking it, in addition to restless Spirits.
    This killer is called a Subordinate, and the force possessing them is called an Entity. The
    Entity governing the Subordinate grants its host immortality, and gets its power from the
    trapped souls of the victims of the killer. The souls of those killed are trapped on earth
    by something in their lives left unfinished, and it is up to Alyssa to find the Sentimental
    Items that will give them the strength to move on, thus robbing the Subordinates of their
    power source. Subordinates are relentless and nearly impossible to kill, and even if you
    manage to lose them, they will soon be back. Subordinates show up at pre-scripted
    moments, after a certain amount of time has passed, when Alyssa runs into their moth-
    like Minions, or when Alyssa makes a racket by kicking or knocking over certain objects,
    such as cans, pots and pans, and bottles, among other things. Once the Subordinate is on
    to you, the only way to get rid of them is to use Hide or Evade Points (covered below).
    You can render yourself invisible to Subordinates and their Minions for a short time by
    using an Invisibility Band, and you can stun a Subordinate temporarily or destroy their
    Minions with a dose of Holy Water. The only way to get rid of a Subordinate entirely is
    to find a Sentimental Object belonging to the trapped souls that are powering them, and
    then engage the Subordinate in a final Boss Battle (also covered below).

    e. Run Away!!!
    Until Alyssa finds the Sentimental Item for the level and can face the Subordinate in
    battle, she will have to settle for running away and hiding. There are areas in the game
    set aside as Hide and Evade points, where you can find a few minutes of respite from the
    killer's relentless pursuit. There are usually one or two Hide Points in a level, and these
    areas can be used over and over to hide from the Subordinate. They are usually a fairly
    small and secure place, such as in a locker, behind a curtain, behind an aquarium, and so
    on. When you are being pursued, Hide Points are marked by a ball of greenish-blue
    energy, and activate as soon as you run into them. You will automatically pull the curtain
    or door (or whatever) shut behind you and find a few moments of safety as the
    Subordinate looks for you (even if they were right on your heels and saw you run into the
    Hide Point). If the Subordinate searches near your hiding spot, Alyssa starts to get
    nervous, and her Panic Meter will fill a little bit. If the meter was almost full to begin
    with, Alyssa can go into a full-blown panic and burst from her hiding spot, as you can't
    use a Hide Point when you are in a full panic. This is the only way that you will be in
    danger from a Subordinate while in hiding, because they can't open the hiding place and
    find you themselves. Lavender Water can be used while in hiding if necessary if full
    panic is immanent. To leave a hiding space when it is safe, simply hit the search button
    (the X button is the default).

    Evade Points are something altogether different. They glow similarly to a Hide Point
    when you are being pursued, but Evade Points can be used only once. Furthermore, if the
    Subordinate is right on your heels, you will not be able to use the Evade Point. The good
    thing about Evade Points is that that they will get rid of a Subordinate right away, and
    keep him out of your hair for a few minutes. You see, Evade Points are used to
    temporarily incapacitate, rather than hide from, the Subordinate. An example of an evade
    point would be a cable sitting in a puddle of water, which is attached to a power switch
    (which is where the Evade Point is located). Throw the switch, and when the
    Subordinate runs into the puddle of water, he will be electrocuted, temporarily
    incapacitating him. You would be wise to use the time that you have bought wisely,
    since you won't get to do it again.

    f. The Little Bads
    In addition to the Subordinates, there are other, lesser threats that Alyssa must deal with.
    The least common are the Minions of the Subordinates, in the form of
    purplish-blue lunar moths. The inhabit certain areas, and head straight for Alyssa when
    she arrives in the areas they inhabit. Their touch causes Alyssa's panic meter to rise, but
    worse, it summons the Subordinate for the area. To keep them from reporting her
    position to their master, Alyssa must destroy the Minions with a dash of Holy Water, or
    escape the area they inhabit without letting them get near her.

    The second, and more common lesser enemies are the restless Spirits of those slain by the
    Subordinates. They stay close to their earthly bodies, hurt and alone, lashing out at any
    who come near. They will pursue Alyssa if she comes too close to them, and if they latch
    on to her, her Panic Meter will begin to fill, so staying away from them is a good idea.
    They are bound to the earth by things left undone or unsaid, and can only be gotten rid of
    by helping them come to terms with this unfinished business, by bringing them the items
    that symbolize the business they left unfinished. An example of this would be giving a
    missing engagement ring back to a Spirit who died before he was able to give it to his
    sweet-heart, or a fountain pen to a Spirit who died before finishing a final note to their
    loved ones. Each Spirit has a specific item needed to free it, and once you have returned
    to their body and offered the item, the Spirit will dissipate, bothering the living no more.
    In addition, they will leave behind a useful item for Alyssa to use, in thanks for her help
    in freeing them. This is just like the Sentimental Items needed to free the greater Spirits
    that are powering the Subordinate for the area, which is necessary to complete a level, but
    on a smaller scale.

    g. The Smackdown
    Once the Sentimental Item belonging to the greater Spirits whose misery is powering the
    level's Subordinate is found, Alyssa gains the power to face off against the Subordinate
    in battle, using a divine bow and arrow. The Subordinate will try to stop you from
    reaching the greater Spirits, knowing that if you free them, the Subordinate's power will
    dwindle. When they do so, a Boss Battle will begin, in which Alyssa must fight damage
    her attacker while at the same time dodging his attacks. Attacking with the bow is
    accomplished by pressing and holding the attack button (the triangle button is the
    default), and then releasing it to fire an arrow. The longer you hold the attack button, the
    more powerful the arrow will be.

    The trick to boss battles is not just to pound them with arrows until they keel over. This
    doesn't work so well. Instead, you need to transfix them, which means hitting them with
    super-charged arrows that pin them to the spot with glowing chains. You need to transfix
    the enemy with three glowing chains, from three different trajectories before you can
    unleash a devastating attack that will finish them off. Unfortunately this isn't as easy as
    it sounds. It takes time to charge up an arrow long enough for it to form a golden chain
    upon impact, and at the same time the Subordinate will be trying to kill you.
    Furthermore, you can't charge up an attack when moving, or adjust the trajectory of your
    shot once you begin to hold down the attack button. So what this means is running
    around until your enemy is stunned or slowed, and then charging your arrow and nailing
    him while he is distracted. Once the enemy is bound by one golden chain, it becomes
    easier to hit him with the next. Unfortunately you can't just stand in one spot and nail
    them with binding shots while they pinned. The binding chains need to criss-cross your
    enemy in order to hold him well enough to hit him with your final attack. This means
    that you will need to move at least forty-five degrees to one side of your last shot or the
    other in order for the next binding shot to do its job. Once the Subordinate is pinned by
    three chains, from three different directions, simply hold down your normal attack button.
    If the enemy is properly bound, Alyssa will unleash a devastating celestial attack that
    does quite a bit of damage. Some of the more powerful Subordinates will need more than
    just this attack to finish them, but if you weaken them earlier in the battle with regular
    attacks, this strike should finish them for good.

    In addition, there are two kinds of Special Arrows that you can collect; green Repellant
    Arrows and red Binding Arrows. Repellant Arrows do heap-big damage and knock your
    enemy back a few steps. Binding Arrows act as though they were a super-charged
    regular arrow, and attach one golden chain to bind the Subordinate to the spot. However,
    all Special Arrows are a rare commodity, and should be saved for the last boss battle of
    the game. Trust me. This was a public service announcement. Ignore at your own risk.

    II. Clock Tower 3 Walkthrough
    For the purposes of this guide, when I say, for example, turn left, I mean Alyssa's left as
    she is oriented on the screen. Thus, what is left when coming from one direction will
    become right when she is coming from the opposite direction. When I say "head towards
    the left-hand side of the room", I mean your left, the player's, meaning towards the left-
    hand side of the television screen. If I say towards the front or back of the room, I mean
    closer or further away from the "camera", or the screen (even though it is two
    dimensional, you know what I mean). If I say a direction, such as north, west, or north-
    east, I mean in relationship to the map in the inventory screen. These maps are not
    oriented to the directions, although it would have been nice if they were, so the directions
    simply refer to what WOULD be north, south, whatever if you consider the top of the
    screen north and the bottom south. An actual compass or a icon showing you where you
    are on the map would have been nice, and made writing this guide a lot easier, but I did
    my best. And now, to the game.

    -a. Chapter One- "Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em"
    -1. Prologue
    The game starts by showing you a cutscene setting things up; Alyssa Hamilton receives a
    note from her mother at boarding school, telling Alyssa that she is in terrible danger, and
    to stay away from home until after her fifteenth birthday has passed. Like a dutiful
    daughter, she runs home, but finds that no one is home except for a creepy old man who
    knows too much about Alyssa to make her comfortable, who then disappears into the
    house. After the opening cutscene, Alyssa is left alone in the dining room. There are no
    items or clues here, but feel free to search the area; certain areas such as the chair the
    Dark Man was sitting in or the fireplace will give you short text descriptions when you
    search near them. When you are done, exit through the only door in the room. You are
    now in the main hall of Alyssa's house. Pressing start will bring up the inventory
    window, which should be empty. However, the top right corner of the screen tells you
    your current location, in this case "Guest Wing (1 FL)" which means, of course, the first
    floor in the guest wing. As for why Alyssa is looking for her mom in the guest wing of
    the house is a mystery that is never solved. Regardless, in addition to the door to the
    room that you just exited, there should be three more doors and a staircase. In addition,
    there is a glowing table with a journal on it in the south west corner of the room, which
    can be used to save your game, and a glowing table with a large vase on it in the south
    east corner of the room, which can be used to refill your container of Holy Water, once
    you receive it. The doors in the middle of the southern wall lead outside, but you will
    never get the opportunity to use them. The doors on the east wall also do not open, and
    you never get to find out where they go. The doors on the north wall, almost behind the
    stairs, lead deeper into the guest quarters, but the doors beyond them are locked for the
    time being, so for the moment disregard them. That just leaves the stairs, so climb them
    when you are done looking around.

    This is the Guest Wing Second Floor. At the top of the stairs is a balcony overlooking
    the main entry hall below, with three doors leading off from it. The one directly in front
    of the stairs, on the north wall, is unmarked and leads deeper into the house. The door
    on the west wall cannot be opened, and bears a plaque reading "Philip". Later on in the
    game we will find that Philip was Alyssa's father. As to why he kept a room separate
    from Nancy's is another mystery that will not be solved. The door on the east wall has a
    plaque that reads "Alyssa", and is (you guessed it) Alyssa's room. This is where we will

    Enter Alyssa's room and take a look around. Gather in as many details as you
    can. They are not really important, but later in the game certain objects and elements
    from Alyssa's room pop up here and there, and these details add some depth and
    continuity to the proceedings. In the north west corner of this room is a desk with a
    television, a stuffed animal, and a glittering object. Search the glittering object to receive
    your first useable item, the Lavender Water. Notice that the television doesn't seem to be
    working…how odd. On the west wall, between the desk and the door that you came in
    through, is a locked armoire. Don't bother searching for the key if this is your first time
    through the game, as you can only get the key to the wardrobe after beating the game
    once. For more information, see the section marked "Secrets and Mysteries" after the
    walkthrough. There is another desk on the east wall, but there is nothing really
    interesting about it. You would think that Alyssa would want to put on some jeans or
    something, rather than run around in her school mini-skirt and blazer, but hey, to each
    their own (when you can change her outfit, in the clear game, none of the other outfits are
    any more appropriate for exploring; maybe she doesn't own any jeans). Exit through the
    door on the north wall.

    This area appears to be some kind of lounge, with a cozy little table and a couple of
    chairs sitting in front of a roaring fire. If you turn around and look at the door that you
    just came through, you will notice that there is a plaque on this door to Alyssa's room as
    well, just so you don't get lost. In addition to this there is a door at the end of the hallway
    next to the fireplace, leading north, which will never open and apparently goes into the
    lodgers' quarters. Down the hallway to the west are two doors; the one on the south wall
    is the other side of the unmarked door at the top of the stairs, while the one on the west
    wall is covered by a funky glowing blue sigil. Though it usually seems like a bad idea to
    touch doors covered in glowing mystical runes, do so now for a little surprise and a mini-
    tutorial on Panic. Don't worry, panic subsides rather quickly if you are not being chased,
    so don't waste your Lavender Water. Since you can't get past this door, head back down
    the hallway. As you re-enter the lounge, a secret crawlspace through the fireplace is
    revealed. Don't worry about burning Alyssa's bare knees, and crawl through the
    fireplace into the previously hidden room.

    As you crawl through, you are treated to a rather disturbing little cutscene. At its
    conclusion, walk towards the broken statue and search the broken noggin for the Sacred
    Bottle of Holy Water and a note from your dear old mum that is full of all kinds of useful
    mother-daughter advice on exorcism and redeeming the dead. Once you finish reading
    this heart-warming missive, you can look at the statue, which tells you that it is the patron
    saint of the Hamilton house. There is nothing else to do here, so crawl back out through
    the fireplace. Go back down the westward hallway to the sigil-marked door, get fairly
    close to it, and tap the triangle button to douse it with Holy Water. This permanently
    breaks the seal on the door, so you never have to worry about wasting holy water
    breaking the same seal twice. However, since Holy Water is such a rare commodity at
    this point in the game, and you never know when you will need it, you may want to go
    back downstairs real quick and refill at the jar in the south-east corner of the main hall
    before continuing. Once this is has accomplished, return to the upstairs and enter through
    the newly unsealed door.

    This area has three doors, but the one in the north-east corner of the room is boarded up,
    and a search of it tells us Alyssa can never remember it being opened. The door next to it
    on the north wall has a sigil mark on it, but the sigil is not glowing. If you try to open the
    door, you will find it is…occupied. Don't bother using Holy Water on this door, because
    it doesn't do anything at this time. Follow the hallway to the west; it turns north and
    terminates in a door marked with a plaque that reads "Nancy". This is Alyssa's mother's

    There is an object glittering on the desk in the middle of the room, but don't look at it yet,
    as it triggers a cutscene so that you can't look around the rest of the room. A hasty search
    reveals little, except that she left in a hurry. There is a clock in the north-west corner of
    the room that has stopped, and you are told you will need the winding keys to get it going
    again. Unsurprisingly, there are none handy. Once you have searched the rest of the
    room to your heart's content, check out the glittering item on the desk in the middle of
    the room. It is a picture of Alyssa, her mother Nancy, and her grandfather, ****.
    Another creepy little cutscene follows, after which Alyssa will find herself in a strange

    -2. A Little Night Music
    Alyssa is in a strange hallway, facing a door that is sealed. Head down the hallway
    towards the camera (south), until Alyssa reaches a barred door at the end, which she will
    automatically open, triggering another impressive cutscene. Apparently, London is being
    bombed. When you have control of Alyssa again, you find yourself in a stairwell across
    from the barred door that you came through, which will no longer open. A quick check of
    your map tells you that this area is called High Street. The stairwell that you ended the
    cutscene is simply one end of a tiny little tunnel that goes under another very short set of
    stairs that leads up to a locked door on the south wall of this area. Opposite this, on the
    north wall, is an identical short and rather pointless tunnel that goes under the street for a
    few paces. At the western end of this little tunnel, there is a flyer hanging on a brick wall
    facing the mouth of the tunnel. It reads "Christmas Eve, 1942: 15th Annual Piano
    Concours". This is where, or rather when, you are; London 1942. Well, at least that
    explains all the bombing going on. Directly south of the flyer, only a few feet away, are
    some cans lying in the street, a phone booth, and a trail of blood leading to a corpse a
    short distance to the west. The cans are items that can be kicked or disturbed if you walk
    into them. This isn't a problem right now, but it is not a good idea once you meet the
    first Entity; stumbling into objects like these will bring him running. The door to the
    phone booth is being held shut by something at the moment. Follow the smear of blood
    westward, and another cutscene will start. You get to meet your first Spirit, and these
    one seems pretty keen on getting its ring back. This is pretty indicative of most Spirits
    who you encounter; each one will have a clue near its corpse hinting at what Sentimental
    Item will be needed to set it free. In this case, it flat out tells you it wants its damn ring.
    Avoid contact with this and all Spirits, as they will latch onto Alyssa and cause her Panic
    Meter to rise. If Spirits get too close, Alyssa can stun them with a hit from the ol' Holy
    Water. Now that the door to the phone booth is open, run inside and search the shelf for
    the ring and a short tutorial on Spirits and Sentimental Items. Having found it, run back
    to the corpse, press start to bring up your inventory, and select the ring. The Spirit can
    now shuffle off this mortal coil, and in thanks leaves an item for Alyssa to use. After the
    Spirit is free, search near its body for a glittering item, in this case the Sigil Stone. A
    Sigil Stone is an object that will protect you from one lethal blow, automatically. So all
    in all, it isn't a bad tradeoff. Continue on your merry way, and you will find that the path
    turns sharply south, past a Lion's Head Fountain. Lion's Head Fountains are handy little
    stations where you can save and refill your Holy Water. I suggest doing both here, and
    saving as often as possible throughout the course of the game. Trust me, this will save
    you a lot of backtracking if you get killed. After saving and refilling here, continue
    south, easing around the cans in the middle of the path between the two barrels. This
    path terminates with a Sigil Marked door on your right (if you look at your map, it would
    be north, but this doesn't really jive with the directions on the map of the area that you
    just came through) and a dead end cliff overlooking a concert hall, which seems to be the
    source of the mysterious piano music that has been playing since you arrived. Splash the
    door with Holy Water, refill at the Lion's Head Fountain, and then go through the newly
    un-sealed door, which leads down some steps.

    Go ALL the way down the steps until you reach the street below. The map says this area
    is called The Promenade. The road goes to the west, but notice another set of stairs
    across from you leading down to the edge of the river. Go down these steps and head
    west, and you should pass by a Spirit on the main street above. Search the ground near
    here for a glittering object, which turns out to be a gold fountain pen, then continue west
    until you reach another set of stair which brings you back up to street-level. Head back to
    the east on the main street, towards the Spirit. You should find a bloody chalk outline in
    the middle of the road, in front of a bunch of tables, with a half-finished letter nearby.
    Use the gold fountain pen so that the Spirit can finish its letter and move on, and you will
    be rewarded with an Invisibility Band, which renders you invisible to Entities and Spirits
    for a short amount of time when used. Continue on to the west, under a tall underpass.
    Coming out the other side, there should be another staircase leading down towards the
    river to your left. Don't bother going down this first staircase, but instead continue to the
    west, past the bridge leading south on your left and the sigil marked door to the Norton's
    Tailor on your right, until you see huge steel gate blocking the path to the west, and
    another stairway leading down next to the river on your left. Go down to the river and
    back towards the east until you are smack against the side of the bridge; there should be a
    glittering item at your feet. Search to find another Lavender Water, then go back up to
    the street and splash the Sigil marked door with some Holy H2O. If you are the cautious
    type you can safely cross the bridge and use the Lion's Head Fountain on the other side,
    to the left of the archway, to refill and save. Either way, you should return to Norton's
    Tailor and go through the now un-sealed door to continue.

    There is a staircase to the left of the main door as you enter in the center of the room is a
    broken display case, and behind that is a tall counter. A quick search of the counter itself
    tells us that someone has been rummaging around the counter. Search the far right side of
    the counter for another Lavender Water. Follow the counter to the left, and you will find
    a curtained area in the corner. If you enter this area, the curtain closes and it switches to
    first person view. This is a hiding space. Remember it, as you will have to use it once
    you meet the first Entity. Just south of the hiding space is a desk with a document
    entitled "Dad's Letter" on it. The letter is addressed to someone named May, and says
    that that the author is in Champagne, France, and that they should go there on vacation
    after the war is over, implying that he is in the military, and stationed in France. He
    mentions the organized blackouts in London (which were used to make the Germans' job
    of bombing them that much harder), and his concern for May being alone at night. He
    signs it "With love, Daddy". Behind the desk, on the west wall, is a door, but it is locked
    from the other side. There is a Christmas Tree in front of the desk, which leads May to
    speculate that today must be Christmas. Since there is nothing else of interest down here,
    climb the stairs to the second floor landing.

    On the east wall, at the top of the stairs, is a window that has been broken inward, and the
    glass crunches underfoot as you climb the stairs. Follow the balcony around to the west,
    where there are two doors on the west wall. The one closest to the stairs opens up into a
    short hallway with a Sigil Marked Door at the end. Break the seal with some Holy
    Water, and then go through. It leads into someone's bedroom. The bookcase is filled
    with the classics, and all the records are old. Now whether that means that the books and
    the records are from the 1940's, and they are old by Alyssa's standards (especially if she
    hasn't figured out that she is in 1942 yet), or if they are even older than the 1940's is
    unclear. Be careful searching the shelf near the record player, as the watering can can be
    knocked to the floor with a clatter. There is a strong fire in the fireplace, which indicates
    someone has been there recently. And finally, on the nightstand next to the bed, is a
    photograph of the owner of the house, with a key next to it. This is the Red Drawer Key.
    Seeing as how there are no red drawers in this room, it seems it is time to search the other
    door on the second floor landing. Backtrack to the landing at the top of the stairs, and
    enter the door in the south-west corner, the only other door in this area.

    There is a short hallway, with a door on your right at the top of a flight of stairs. Notice
    the blood on the wall opposite the door, and on the stairs themselves. The door is locked,
    so continue down the stairs. This is where things start to get ugly. This room has also
    been trashed. There is a small desk in the middle of the room towards the northern
    portion of the room, and a "L" shaped desk to the south of this, part of which is covered
    with newspapers. Next to the L-shaped desk is a red filing cabinet. Moving towards this
    desk causes Alyssa to move closer on her own and begin to read the newspapers, which
    tell you of 12 year old May Norton, a young pianist who was murdered on Christmas day,
    1942. She had played at the concert hall the night before, and was living by herself
    because her father, William Norton had been sent back to the war front in July. Damn.
    Making a twelve year old girl live by herself in London during the war? That is just
    asking for trouble, or at the very least, severe therapy. Regardless, finish reading the
    article for a rather horrible surprise. This is your first Subordinate, a happy little fellow
    who goes by the name Sledgehammer, for obvious reasons. Following the cutscene you
    will get a short tutorial about Evade and Hide points. Once done reading this, you will
    find yourself directly in front of the red file cabinet. Even though Sledgehammer is
    breathing down your neck, quickly search the red file cabinet to use the Red Drawer Key,
    which opens the cabinet a gives you May's Room Key. This in hand, you must find a
    way to escape the hammer-wielding maniac. Heading south around the back side of the
    L-shaped desk would lead you to a door that is sealed with barbed wire. You are going to
    need a special tool to open this door, so instead head north around the back side of the
    smaller desk and go through the door behind it on the west wall. This brings you back
    into the front area of Norton's Tailor, through the door that was locked from the other
    side earlier. Remember the curtained area in the north-west corner of this room? It
    should be glowing now, which means it is a hiding spot. Run into it, and the curtains will
    automatically close, hiding you from your assailant. Stay there until you see (or hear)
    Sledgehammer teleport away and the chase music stops. From this point forward he
    never stays away for long, so quickly exit your hiding spot and run back up the stairs,
    down the hallway to the door in the south-west corner that leads back into the area where
    you first saw Sledgehammer. The door that he had come bursting out of is May's room.
    Use the key you got from the red filing cabinet and enter.

    On a shelf next to the door is May's diary. It doesn't say much, but shows May's
    nervousness about her upcoming recital, and her wish to make her father proud. The rest
    of the room is trashed, but quickly take a look around, and then go over to the dresser,
    where a glittering object shows. It is an Invitation to the piano concert, just what you'll
    need to enter the concert hall. Of course, as soon as you find this, Sledgehammer finds
    you and starts trying to beat down the door to get to you. Don't panic; just turn around
    and search the bottom half of the room for a glowing evade point. Use it for a cool
    cutscene showing Alyssa using the old noodle to evade her attacker. Her attacker may be
    down, but not permanently, so use this respite wisely. Alyssa has everything she needs
    from Norton's Tailor for the time being, so run down the stairs, around the back side of
    the small desk, and go back through the door into the front room where the hide point is.
    Run back through the front door and out into the street. No matter how fast or slow you
    do this, Sledgehammer comes bursting out of the Tailor's only a few steps behind you.
    Now you have a choice; you can either shake him the easier (but longer) way, by running
    back up to High Street, past the Lion's Head Fountain and into the phone booth where
    you found the wedding ring, which is a hide point, or you can run as fast as you can
    across the bridge to the Lion's Head Fountain on the other side, douse Sledgehammer
    with Holy Water when he gets near, quickly refill, then run through the archway next to
    the fountain and across the courtyard to the concert hall. Once you get to the concert
    hall, there is a cutscene as you enter, and your assailant will leave you alone for a while.
    Regardless of which method you use to evade you assailant, chances are you will have to
    use Holy Water to slow him down at least once, so before you enter the concert hall,
    make sure you refill your Holy Water at the Lion's Head Fountain. Don't worry too
    much about saving, because there is a saving diary right inside the concert hall that is
    more convenient. By the way, you might have noticed that there are paths leading to the
    left and the right by the Lion's Head Statue before you pass through the archway in front
    of the concert hall courtyard. Don't worry about these, as they both end in dead ends.
    Same goes for the paths leading to the left and the right when you reach the large
    fountain in the courtyard itself; keep going straight towards the concert hall, as there is
    nothing to find to the left and right.

    Once inside the hall, cross the room to the diary on the front counter and save your game.
    You can enter the area behind this counter, in which case you will find a wall of little
    boxes locked with combinations; you are going to have to find the combination before
    you can get at what is inside. Go back around the counter. You will notice that there is a
    hallway that curves around to the northeast, and a hallway that curves around to the
    northwest. It doesn't matter which way you go, as they meet in the middle. Any roped-
    off doors that you see cannot be accessed because they are "off limits". It is good to
    know that Alyssa follows the rules even when faced with supernatural hammer-wielding
    serial killers and earth-bound restless Spirits. For the sake of this guide, we will say you
    take the left-hand side of the loop. The first door you come across is roped off.

    The second door you come to opens into actual concert hall proper, with a bunch of seats
    taking up the main part of the room, and the stage dominating the north end. On east wall
    is a roped-off door, and there is another on the south wall, to the east of the door you just
    came in through. There is a door on the west wall that is currently locked. For the time
    being, let's turn our attention to the stage itself. There is a set of stairs that lead up to the
    stage on its west end, so head in that direction now. The game will take over when you
    get close enough, and treat you to a grisly cutscene. Not only can May not get the damn
    song right, but now Sledgehammer has returned to try to give you a seat right next to her
    on the piano bench of the damned. Luckily, it is easy enough to escape him this time.
    There is a roped-off door on the east wall of the stage, which is useless and should be
    ignored. Instead, run towards the north-west corner of the stage, and you should be able
    to slip behind the stage curtain. For whatever reason, M.C. Hammer can't follow you
    back here, so you will be safe until he goes away. There is no glowing area that tells you
    that it is a hiding space, but it works just the same. While Sledgehammer is still running
    around on the other side of the curtain, do your best to ignore him and head towards the
    east, staying behind the curtain as you do so. You will find a switch on the north wall in
    the north-east corner of this area. Flip the switch to traumatize yourself further, and
    when the cutscene is over, search the body for a clue that more or less tells you the
    combination to the safe on the wall behind the front desk. The combination is BAD,
    where each letter stands for a numerical value. It gives you two works and their
    numerical values to help you figure out the clue; 1014 = BABE, and 3403 = DEAD.
    Thus, 1 = B, 0 = A, 4 = E, and 3 = D. The only three letters we are interested in is B, A,
    and D, so your combination is 103. Make sure that you flip the switch again to raise the
    section of catwalk, or else you are going to have to go out of your way to do so later. If
    the creepy music hasn't passed yet, wait for the sound of the creep teleporting away and
    the end of the chase music, then run for the door you came in through. If you run up the
    center aisle through the seats, beware of a bottle in the middle of the path; if you kick
    this, Sledgehammer will come running soon after. Once you are on the path looping back
    towards the front counter, don't go back the same way you came. Turn to Alyssa's left
    and run past two roped off doors, and you should see an object glittering on a narrow
    shelf on Alyssa's left (east wall); this is more Lavender Water. Now continue along the
    loop back to the front counter. Step behind it a search the rows of lockers to input your
    newly acquired combination (103 for those with short attention spans), by pressing up or
    down to change the digit's numerical value, and left or right to select which digit you are
    inputting. When the combination reads 103, press the action button to open the locker
    and receive the Master Key. I have been asked how Alyssa knew which one of the
    sixteen lockers the combination referred to, as A) there was no locker number mentioned,
    and B)the clue referred to a "Safe Combination", not "Locker Combination". The answer
    is, "Who cares?" Maybe she could see the key inside this particular locker and assumed it
    was the one that she needed, or maybe it was just pure luck. Move on. Anyway, the
    Master Key will open the front door (bet you didn't even know it was locked), and the
    locked door on the west wall of the concert hall proper (the big room with the piano and
    all the chairs). Unless you are low on Holy Water, you shouldn't need to leave the
    Concert Hall yet, so that leaves the locked door in the stage area. If you are low, return to
    the Lion's Head Fountain outside the Concert Hall courtyard, refill, and come back. Now
    you are ready to go on. First, save your game at the front counter that you are standing
    behind. Then return to the large room with the stage in it, the only other room that you
    have been able to access so far in the Concert Hall. If you want to see bloody May play
    some more, head up to the stage. If Sledgehammer shows up before you open the door
    on the west wall, hide behind the curtain until he goes away. Regardless, when the coast
    is clear, head through the door on the west wall.

    There is a door to your right (north) and a door to your left (south); first head to the left
    and go through the double doors at the end. As you cross the hall, you are in for a nasty
    little jolt; Sledgehammer has found you once again. Since he is right on you, and you
    panic meter is high, hit him with a dash of Holy Water and run for the stairs on the far
    end of the room (south) while he is stunned. There isn't anything else of interest in this
    room, so don't worry about it; there is a roped off door on the west wall of this room that
    would lead back into the entry hall if it worked, and a glassed in payphone that Alyssa
    can't use on the east wall. If you want to check these out more thoroughly, you will get a
    chance to do so later. For now, run like hell until you reach the top of the stairs, and run
    through the double doors at the top.

    Dash across this new room, past some chairs on your left and a door with a glowing sigil
    on your right, and press the action button to open the locker and jump inside. Now hold
    real still until the bad man teleports away. He may leave the room at least once, but until
    you hear the teleportation noise and the music fades, he will probably be back. If your
    panic gets too high while you are in the locker and you think Alyssa might burst from
    cover, or if she goes into full Panic Mode at any time, use a Lavender Water to calm her
    *** down, or else you can't use the Hide Point. Once Sledgehammer is gone, leave your
    hiding space and hit the glowing sigil with a dash of Holy Water to unseal it. By the
    way, the other lockers in this area do open, but there is nothing inside of use. Also, there
    is a bottle that can be knocked over to reveal Alyssa's position against the wall to the
    right of the sigil marked door, so avoid this. Check this stuff out if you want, then go
    through the unsealed door into the balcony area overlooking the stage.

    There is a roped-off door to your right, against the south wall of this area, next to the
    stairs leading up around the stairs. There is a dead end up against the balcony railing to
    your left. The only way through is to move to your right, towards the south, climb the
    stairs next to all the chairs all the way to the top, and move east until you find the stairs
    going down the other side. Descend these, then turn so you are facing the east wall. If
    you go left (north) there is a roped-off door and a dead end against the railing. So that
    means right it is, to a door on the south wall. Go through this door.

    You are now at the eastern end of a corridor running east and west. The first door you
    pass on the south wall is locked from the other side; no help there. Continue down the
    hallway and there is an open door on the south wall, and if you continue to the end of the
    hall you find a roped-off door on the north wall that would have lead out back into the
    balcony area through the roped-off door to the right of the balcony stairs that you saw
    earlier, and a dead end. Go through the open door on the south wall to enter a costume
    storage area. Take in all of the neat stuff as you move east, past a bookcase and an open
    wardrobe, with a violin case leaning against the wall between them, and you will reach a
    dead-end made by a haphazard pile of junk. Go to the open wardrobe and search the
    tuxedo for a box of matches, then leave the room and head back the way you came. As
    you near the door leading back to the balcony, Sledgehammer makes another dramatic
    entrance. The wreckage the wall he busted through partially blocks the route back, so run
    back into the storage room, even though you know it is a dead end. What choice do you
    have? There is a glowing evade point right over the violin between the bookcase and the
    wardrobe; use it quickly. Alyssa takes another moment to fight back, and temporarily
    incapacitates the killer under a shower of boxes. Run back out the way you came
    towards the exit to the balcony and the pile of rubble. There is a small opening through
    the rubble on the right side, so have Alyssa crawl through. You can enter the room that
    Sledgehammer busted out of now, through the hole he made in the south wall. This is the
    other end of the storage room, on the other side of the pile of junk you just buried
    Sledgehammer under. Don't worry about him just now, but search the glittering object
    against the south wall for another Invisibility Band. Once you have this, run back
    through the hole in the wall, and back out through the door to the balcony which is
    directly in front of you. Run forward until you see the stairs on your left, then run up
    them, back west behind the seating, and then down the staircase on the other side. Exit
    the area through the door you originally entered this area through, on the west wall.

    Now you should be back out by the three lockers that act as a hiding spot. Run back
    through the door to the south and down the stairs until you reach the bottom. Since you
    didn't get to before, feel free to check this area out a little more thoroughly, until your
    Panic Meter is totally clear. Then exit through the double doors on the north wall.

    Head towards the door that you haven't checked out yet on the north end of this hallway,
    for a nasty shock. Doesn't this guy ever get discouraged? He is being humiliated by an
    almost fifteen year old girl! Hit him with your last dose of Holy Water, then slip past
    him through the door he just came through, back into the stage area. Run to Alyssa's left,
    onto the stage, and slip behind the curtain and stay there until the ******* teleports away.
    When he is gone, run back across the performance hall, through the double doors on the
    south end, and back out to the lobby. Use the Master Key to unlock the front door (if you
    haven't done so already), run across the courtyard, out through the archway, and turn
    right (west) to refill at the Lion's Head Fountain. Save if you want (you will be doing so
    again as soon as your re-enter the Concert Hall), and then return to the Concert Hall. By
    this time Sledgehammer should be chasing you again. He almost always shows up
    behind you, so keep running towards the Concert Hall. Run in through the front door,
    past the front desk, into the performance hall, onto the stage, and slip behind the curtain
    until he teleports away. Then return to the front hall and save as quickly as you can.
    Once this is accomplished, rush back into the performance hall and through the door on
    the west wall. Finally, turn right and go down the hallway until you reach the door at the
    end, on the north wall. Go on through.

    Here there is a flight of stairs. Climb it until you reach the first landing, then turn left.
    This is a vaguely square room, with a couch and a desk along the west wall, and a vase in
    the center. The couch and the vase are nothing special, but search the glittering object on
    the desk to reveal another Lavender Water. Then follow the north wall to the right and
    around a short corner to find a short hallway and the stairs that continue up. Follow them
    to the top and enter the door that you find here. Sledgehammer may be chasing you at
    this point, but do your best to ignore him. Only once was he ever waiting for me at the
    top of the stairs; if this happens do your best of get away from him, run downstairs and
    hide behind the stage curtains until he goes away; hit him with Holy Water if you need
    some breathing room. Hopefully however, he will be behind you and not in your way.

    Sledgehammer leaves you alone as you enter this area; that is never a good sign. As you
    enter this area, you will notice that it is a V-shaped section of wire-mesh catwalk. If you
    run straight ahead, you will reach a dead end. Instead, turn right as you come through the
    door and run west. If you did not flip the switch in the area behind the curtain a second
    time, after getting the combination for the locker, there will be a section of catwalk
    missing, and you will have to go back down stairs and flip the switch before you
    continue. Otherwise, the catwalk turns sharply south, until you reach an area with an
    unlit lantern and a plank stretching out over the darkness. Examine the lantern to use the
    matches to light it, then turn back to the plank. Yes, you are going to have to cross it.
    Ease out onto the plank and begin edging your way across. If Alyssa wobbles and waves
    her arms, in means that you will have to wait until she regains her balance, then adjust
    her trajectory. If she falls, it is game over. Make your way across, stopping to readjust
    every time she wobbles. Once you get to the other side, you will find a small area of
    catwalk with a pair of pliers in the middle. Grab these, and then edge back across the
    board, using the same method as before. Once you are on the other side, another
    cutscene starts. It might seem a little surreal, but the lunar moth is a clue; these little
    bastards are the Entities' eyes and ears. If they see you, so does their master. You can't
    do anything about this one right now, because you now have Sledgehammer between you
    and the way out. Hit him in the face with some Holy Water, and then run past him and
    out the door you came in through, in the north-east corner of the room, on the north wall.
    Sprint down the stairs, down the short hallway, and then make a sharp left when you
    reach the landing. Run down the remaining stairs, out through the door, then take the
    first door on your left out into the stage area, and hide behind the curtain. If you can help
    it, try to make it all the way to behind the curtain without having to use your last two
    doses of Holy Water, because there are some of those damned Lunar moths in this area
    that need to be destroyed. It is possible to get all the way down here alive without using
    the Holy Water; trust me. You might get hit once, but just keep going. Once you are
    behind the curtain, turn and douse the moths with holy water to destroy them. The moths
    not only call the Subordinate for the area, but if they touch Alyssa they can cause her
    Panic Meter to rise as well, and we don't want that. There are three of them, and they
    usually come by twos or all together. If they are all together, great; one dash of Holy
    Water should get them all. If not, try to hit two together, then nail the last one with your
    last dash of Holy Water. If you have to use a second dash of Holy Water before reaching
    the stage area, don't go to the stage yet; run past the door to the stage, out through the
    door at the far end of the hallway, up the stairs at the far end of the room, through the
    door at the top, and hide in the closet until Sledgehammer goes away. Then return
    downstairs, go through the doors to the stage area, and either dash for the exit or use a
    Band of Invisibility to slip past the moths guarding this area, and out into the hallway
    leading to the front desk and the exit.

    Whichever method you use to effect your narrow escape, it is time to leave the Concert
    Hall. Save your game at the front (trust me on this one), and leave the Concert Hall.
    Now it is time for a mad dash. Sledgehammer comes bursting through the doors behind
    you, so keep running across the courtyard, around the fountain in the middle and slip
    through the arch with the crazed fiend on your heels. Turn right as you come out of
    archway, and quickly refill at the Lion's Head Fountain. Nail Sledgehammer with a
    quick dash of Holy Water, quickly refill again, and then run like hell across the bridge
    back towards Norton's Tailor. Lunar moths will start converging on you from the sides,
    but ignore them. Alternately, you can stay near the Lion's Head Fountain and alternately
    douse Sledgehammer with Holy Water and then refill, until his Minions come to you,
    then destroy them with Holy Water, stun Sledgehammer one last time, and then run for
    Norton's Tailor. Regardless, he should come bursting into the room right behind you, so
    hit him again with Holy Water and then run for the hiding spot in the north-west corner
    of the room until he teleports away. Once he is gone, leave your hiding space and follow
    the wall on your right until you reach the door behind the desk. Go through it, and take a
    right, following the east wall of this room as it turns sharply west, then run west until you
    reach the door covered in barbed wire. Search it to use the Pliers and unseal the door.
    Enter it to find William's room.

    This is a cozy little room with fireplace, an empty bookshelf, a little table covered in
    books (why weren't they in the bookshelf?), a little table with flowers on it, a couch with
    a coffee table in front of it, a rocking chair, and, of course, a piano. Where else would
    little May practice her ivory tickling? There are really only two things of importance in
    this room; the rocking chair and a box on the mantelpiece above the fire. The rocking
    chair is in the north-east corner of the room, and it holds a Repellant Arrow. This handy
    little things are only used in boss battles, and should be saved for the end of the game.
    Once you have this in hand, search the box on the mantelpiece to start a fairly long but
    important cutscene. Aww. I guess that pocket watch must be very important to poor
    May. There are some other important bits of information in the box as well, including the
    real identity to the one we call Sledgehammer. His name was Robert Morris, aged 32,
    who killed twelve people with a hammer before being captured and hanged on the 10th of
    September, 1941. But wait a second, wasn't May Norton murdered on December 25th,
    1942? I guess you just can't keep a good serial killer down. It is time to bring Alyssa her
    father's watch, and put a stop to this madness. Leave William's room through the only
    door, and retrace your route back out of Norton's Tailor for the last time.

    Whether you killed them or not, the Minions are now gone from this area. Cross the
    bridge without fear of attack, refill your Holy Water (just for the hell of it), and save your
    game at the Lion's Head Statue. Go through the archway and start to cross the courtyard
    to begin the final battle with Sledgehammer.

    -3. Boss Battle: Sledgehammer
    It's time to teach the Hammer that "You can't touch this"! Yeah, I know, that
    was bad. Regardless, once you get most of the way across the courtyard, Sledgehammer
    shows up for a little fisticuffs, mano-a-little girl-o. Once the cutscene is over, you get a
    short tutorial on how to fight boss battles. For more general information on Boss Battles,
    check out section I. h. The Smackdown.

    After the tutorial, you get to see exactly what Alyssa is supposed to use to fight the
    Entities; her Sacred Bottle turns into a Devine Bow that can shoot energy arrows.
    Groovy. Just like the Ranger on the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. Now it is time
    to brawl. According to the stats at the beginning of the fight, Sledgehammer has killed
    26 people. The newspaper article says Robert Morris killed 12 before he died, and he
    said that May was only the beginning, so somewhere he killed another 13 people in
    between. There was one Spirit on High Street, and one on the Promenade, and if he
    killed the manager of the Concert Hall (the guy who had the combination for the locker),
    that still leaves ten. Oh well. I guess I don't need to see every body.

    Bobby has on a couple of attacks. The first is a slow overhead strike when he gets too
    close to you, which is easy to avoid if you keep moving. He occasionally pauses to do a
    happy little dance, but don't be fooled; it doesn't give you enough time (usually) to hit
    him with a super-charged binding arrow. What you have to wait for is for him to say
    "Die!" After he says this he strikes the ground with his hammer, which sends a
    shockwave towards you that can do damage and knock you on your *** if you are close
    enough. If you are somewhat near him when you hear him start this attack, hit the crouch
    button and hold it until the shockwave goes by. As soon as it has, quickly stand. Put at
    least a few strides between the two of you, and then begin charging an arrow. The
    camera switches to the first person view, and the arrow begins glowing ever brighter.
    Hold it until wavy beams of light stream off of it, and then release. If you think it is
    almost ready, and Sledgehammer charges you, keep holding it as long as you possibly
    can. Even if he hits you, the released arrow should pin him to the spot if you held the
    attack long enough. Unfortunately, you can't just stand in the same spot and pummel
    him if you really hope to bind him. You need to capture him in a criss-crossing spider's
    web of energy bands, and have points of origin at least 45 degrees apart, so move left or
    right significantly before attempting another pinning attack. Do this three times, from
    three different spots, and you have him pinned. It gets a lot easier after the first shot pins
    him, because so long as you are out of his range, the first pinning shot holds him in place
    to set him up for the next. Don't get discouraged if you take too long and he breaks free;
    just calmly start the process over again. If you are feeling ballsy, you can pin him
    without waiting for him to release the energy wave. Simply wait until he unleashes a
    regular attack, turn, and begin to charge an attack. Hold it until the last possible moment,
    and then release it into him point blank right before he is about to strike you. If your
    timing was right, your attack will stop his attack and pin him to the spot. Even if it
    wasn't strong enough to pin him, it should have been enough to stop his attack and stun
    him for a second, so you can try again. This method is faster, but it takes nerves of steel,
    since you really have to wait until the last possible moment to make it effective.

    Once you have him pinned with three energy chains, start another attack from anywhere
    on the screen. Instead of pointing at the Subordinate, Alyssa aims at the sky, and looses
    an arrow into the gathering clouds, unleashing a devastating holy attack from above.
    This should be more than enough to cook Sledgehammer's toast. He will be destroyed in
    the rush of energy, and release the Clover of Love, which Alyssa will automatically pick
    up. This sounds vaguely dirty, but the object is in fact a piece of the clover necklace that
    Alyssa has been carrying. Now that she has it in her possession, Alyssa's Sacred Bottle
    becomes more powerful; you now can carry four doses of Holy Water instead of three.
    Not bad.

    Don't worry about going back and saving, as you are more or less done here, and the
    Entity who has been torturing you is no more. Take a few moments to appreciate the nice
    environment of the courtyard which the programmers did such a nice job on, but that you
    have been too busy running in fear to enjoy. Unfortunately, the way back towards the
    Promenade is permanently closed, so if you missed something, it is gone. Once you have
    looked around to your heart's content, continue up the steps and enter the Concert Hall.
    Again, don't worry about saving your game at the front desk. You are almost done here,
    so continue on your way until you reach the performance hall. Run up to the stage to
    begin a long, touching, and informative cutscene. Alyssa tells May that her father is
    dead, and then tries to comfort her by telling her that she never knew her father because
    he died when she was very young, but that she loves her grandfather the same way May
    loves her father. She then encourages May to play the piano along with the pocket
    watch's tune for practice…and she finally gets the damn song right! Her father comes
    back from beyond to gather her up and thank Alyssa, and then May and William return to
    the afterlife together, finally at peace. Alyssa, for her part, sees them off, and then
    collapses in a heap on the stage. It must have been all that stress.

    She wakes up in her bed, wondering if the whole thing has just been a dream…

    -b. Chapter Two: "It must have been some bad Acid…"
    -1. Intermission
    There is a pounding at Alyssa's curtained window, but she can't see what is outside.
    Fearfully, she edges towards it to see what she can see…is it a demon, an Entity, or some
    horrible beast? Well, yes, kind of. It is Alyssa's grade school friend Dennis, and by this
    cutscene it appears that he has some form of wanker epilepsy. This red-headed scamp
    not only grates on my every nerve, but he also has a key to Alyssa's grandfather's room
    that Alyssa's mother gave him to give to Alyssa if he were to see her. So since Dennis
    obviously has a huge crush on Alyssa (and also seems to know where Alyssa's bedroom
    window is…hmmm), he brought the key over for her, climbed the trellis, and pounded on
    her window. How…kind of him.

    Now that you have a key for Grandpa ****'s room, it is time to head downstairs again.
    Alyssa automatically leaves the room through the lower door, leaving Dennis behind
    temporarily. Go down the staircase, hang a hard right, and double back to the doors
    almost under the stairs (but if you want to, check the doors to the Dining Room first; who
    the hell locked them, if you are here alone… probably the creepy old guy who told you
    your mommy was never coming home…). When you go through these doors, you enter a
    corridor with a door at either end. The one to your left goes into the guest's rooms, and is
    permanently locked; you'll never get in there. The door to your right is ****'s room.
    Which brings up another interesting question; the map clearly states that this is the Guest
    Wing. So why are Alyssa, Nancy, Philip and ****'s rooms all located in this wing? Are
    they guests in their own house? Are they slumming it? The world may never know.
    These questions aside, use the key that Dennis gave you to open ****'s room. You
    know, if I had that name I think I would definitely go with Richard. Anyway, the room
    you are now in is Alyssa's Grandfather's office, and is full of strange and esoteric objects
    and books. Before looking at the obvious objects on the desktop, take a few moments to
    take in some of the room. Notice the painting of your Grandfather on the wall to your
    right as you enter the room. On the left is a wall of masks (eerily, I have a very similar
    wall in my own house). Search the bookcase and the desk drawers for interesting bits of
    information. Remember the locked drawer that is on the right as you are facing the desk.
    Notice also that there is a mask missing from the wall. Once you have taken all this in,
    check out the object on the top of the desk.

    The Book of Entities Vol. 1 explains some of the horrible things that Alyssa has seen;
    evil spirits called Entities possess innocent humans and drive them to acts of ruthless
    cruelty and murder. Those humans who are thus possessed are called Subordinates.
    Even killing the Subordinates does not stop the evil, as the Entity will simply resurrect its
    Subordinates to continue the killing spree. Subordinates gain power from each human
    they kill, taking sustenance from the misery and suffering of the victim's soul.
    Subordinates can acquire an infinite amount of power in this way. Only certain humans
    can fight the Subordinates and the Entities who control them; the Rooders; metaphysical
    warriors who's job it is to redeem the souls of the restless dead, and send them on their
    way. They are the ones chosen to fight the evil creatures called the Entities, and most of
    them are girls in their early teens. Only one girl, in all the world…never mind, that last
    bit is from Buffy. Alyssa realizes that what she experienced earlier was no "dream"; she
    is a Rooder, and she actually redeemed the dead and defeated an Entity and its

    As she is trying to cope with the connotations of this, Dennis burst in, in his trademark
    irritating manner. Alyssa shows him the book of Entities, most likely confusing the poor
    ******* even further. Alyssa decides that she needs to find her mother to get the answers
    that she needs, and can sense that she is close. Dennis begs to be allowed to help, as his
    sister Linda, who raised him, is away working as a relief worker in Africa, so he is all
    alone, and, from the sounds of it, bored out of his skull. Alyssa agrees to let him help her
    find her mother, and tells him to search upstairs while she searches down. Now that the
    cutscene is over, it is time to search for clues. There is a note on ****'s desk that says
    "The Keys to the mystery of time lie behind you". Mystery of time, huh? How about the
    clock in Nancy's room, that said you needed Winding Keys to get it going? The
    keys…lie behind you is misleading; I kept turning around and searching the chair and the
    bookcase behind Alyssa, and there is nothing there. The clue should read that "The Keys
    to the mysteries of time lie behind ME", if it was **** who wrote the note. Search the
    picture of **** hanging on the wall to discover the Winding Keys to the clock in Nancy's
    room. It is pretty irritating that you searched here earlier, and found nothing, simply
    because you hadn't found the book or talked to Dennis about the Rooders yet. But you
    have the keys now, so what say we go upstairs.

    Exit ****'s room, leave the corridor by taking the door on the left wall, climb the
    stairway in the next room, go through the door at the top of the stairs, hang a left, and go
    through the door at the end of the hall. In this area, notice something has changed; the
    sigil on the door is now glowing blue. So what are you waiting for? Douse the door with
    Holy Water. Unfortunately, the sigil that was hold you out was also holding something
    in, so a cranky ghost comes out to play. Ignore it to the best of your abilities, and enter
    the now unsealed bathroom. Inside, you will find nothing…other than a bathtub
    containing the decayed corpse of one of your mother's boarders! The key to freeing this
    restless spirit is rather esoteric, and concerns the horrible stench that Alyssa comments on
    when searching the rotting soup that is the corpse in the bathtub. You need to use
    something to make the room smell less terrible, and the only thing Alyssa is carrying that
    fits the bill is the Lavender Water. So use it already! This seems to work just fine, and
    the spirit is freed, leaving behind a Sigil Stone.

    This little side-quest fulfilled, continue on your way. Leave the bathroom, turn right, and
    go a short distance around a corner into Nancy's room. As you walk in front of the
    painting over the fireplace it falls, revealing another picture, this one with a clock
    depicted in it. The time on the clock in the painting reads 3:00, so go over to the clock to
    the right of the painting and use the winding keys when prompted. The time on the real
    clock says 3:05. How do you make the time read 3:00? The left key moves time
    backwards by 40 minutes, while the right one moves it forward by 25 minutes. If you are
    having trouble, the solution is; left, right, left, right, right. Once you do this, the wall to
    the left of the clock slides aside to reveal a secret door, so enter it. In this snazzy red
    room is a desk, some weird occult mumbo jumbo, and a mystical circle on the ground.
    Check the book on the desk for a hint on how to activate the "Portal Square" (the symbol-
    thing on the ground near the desk), then stand in the middle of the Portal Square and
    douse it twice with Holy Water. Step into the middle of the now glowing symbol, and we
    are on our way.

    -2. I Hear the Acid's Lovely…
    I have a feeling that we aren't in Kansas any more, Toto. As Alyssa steps out of the light
    in the center of the Portal Square, she finds herself in an area that is most certainly not
    Nancy's hidden office. The Portal Square stops glowing, but you can still see it drawn on
    the ground. In fact, if you douse it twice with Holy Water again, you can re-activate it
    and return to your own time and place. Leave it alone for now, however, and investigate
    this new area. There is only one way to go, so head south. It appears to be some sort of
    out of the way park in the middle of a suburb. On the ground in the top right corner of
    the park is a Lavender Water. Fill up your Holy Water at the Lion's Head Fountain
    dominating the center of the park, and save. If you search the trashcan at the bottom of
    this area, you will find an newspaper article. It is dated November 23, 1963, and tells of
    Dorothy Rand and her toy-maker son Albert Rand, whose bodies were found in a drum
    filled with acid in the garage adjoining their house on Russell Street, in West Sussex.
    Albert lived with his mother, a blind widow, and he himself had his eyes gouged out prior
    to the murder. It also says the police were looking for a man who had been staying with
    the Rands a few days before the murder, having claimed to be a distant relative.
    Something tells me that these murders might be why you are there. Leaving the area by
    the only path, you will find that you can't go left, as the way is blocked by a fence. So
    turn right, and walk up the path parallel to the park, until you find two trashcans, with a
    nearby red hued Spirit. Here the path turns to the left. Notice the teddy bear at the foot
    of the left-most trashcan? Pick it up, then continue cautiously past the Spirit to the left.
    On the left side of the path you will notice a dumpster with an arm sticking out of it; this
    is the Spirit's corpse. There is a half-heart pendant dangling from the limp hand; you are
    going to need the other half to put the Spirit to rest and collect your reward. Also on the
    left, on the same screen, just past the dumpster, notice a door. It is locked from the other
    side. Continue to avoid the Spirit and continue on your way. You will pass a wall with
    some bright red graphiti that reads "Get Ready To Go To Hell". Lovely, run past this and
    past a little alcove with toppled barrels near it. Soon you will find another Spirit, another
    door on your left, and just beyond it, the Spirit's crashed car, with the trunk sprung and
    an empty gift box just below it. The teddy bear that you found earlier was once in the
    box, a gift that some little girl would never get. Well, do your best anyway, and use the
    teddy bear near the car. This appeases the hippy Spirit, and she departs, leaving you a
    Sigil Stone. Leave it to a hippy to give you a crystal. Now head through the purple-hued
    door to your left.

    Great; a derelict looking house with a wide trail of blood running down the center of the
    hallway. This should end well. Note the cans on the floor to your left, as these will be a
    noise hazard once you meet the Subordinate for this level. Also on the left is a set of
    locked double doors. There is only one way to go, so continue through the house until
    you trigger a creepy cutscene. Count Crapula! That charming fellow must have been
    Albert, and he isn't the happiest clown at the circus. But since he is gone, try once more
    to go down the hallway. Another cutscene follows, in which Alyssa decides to do some
    exploring without your help, and meets Dorothy, albeit briefly. When this scene is done,
    check the door to find it is being held shut from the other side, then go to the right some
    more; at the end of the hall there is a locked door with a crooked picture next to it. As
    you look at the picture, Alyssa thinks that she should straighten the picture, but then
    doesn't do so. Now go back to the main hall, and a Spirit will begin to pursue Alyssa.
    You will run past a door on your right, but don't bother to stop, because it is locked. Run
    up some stairs and don't stop until you run out of hallway. Here you will find another
    door, this time on your left. This little room has a few objects of interest; a desk with a
    journal on it, bookshelf with a toolbox, a bed, and a table with a Moonflower on it and a
    picture of the moon behind it. First things first, and knowledge should always come first.
    Read Albert's journal, on the desk. It seems that the Rand's "relative" who came to stay
    was named John Haigh, and that Albert was wary of him from the beginning, but that
    dear old mum told him not to judge a book by its cover. I guess Dorothy should have
    listened to Albert. Now check the toolbox, to find it locked. Finally, examine the
    Moonflower on the table next to the bed. It asks if you want to turn the flower, so turn it
    North, towards the moon on the picture behind it. The bed slides aside to reveal a ladder
    that leads through a hatch on the floor. Go down the ladder and you will come out of a
    chimney in the dining room downstairs. Don't stand around too long, or you will get
    blindsided by the same Spirit who cased you up the stairs earlier. Run around the table
    and pick up the glittering object from the other end; the kitchen key. On the other end of
    the table is the Half Heart pendant, so avoid the Spirit as you run around to the other side
    and grab it. Notice the fire extinguisher leaning against the wall opposite the room's only
    door, then leave the room through the door. You are back in the main hallway of the
    house, and just exited through the doors that had been locked from the other side. You
    are near the doors where you first came into the house, but as the ghost comes sliding
    through the wall behind you, don't bother running for the front door, as something has
    locked it behind you! So run back up the hallway, around the corner, past the hallway to
    your right, around another corner, and use the Kitchen key on the door to the right that
    you ran by earlier while the ghost was pursuing you the first time.

    Run through the door and into the kitchen to trigger a short cutscene, then read the
    reporter's memo. It tells us quite a bit about John Haigh's murder of the Rands, if you
    pay close attention to the dates on the documents. The reporters Memo says that he had
    found a very important clue in the Rand's murder case, and was going back to the house
    to investigate. Which is how he ended up here, dead. Along with the Memo is an old
    news article dated May 11, 1962, that tells how John Haigh, a serial killer on the run
    since "early last year" (which would be 1961), was finally captured. Haigh had killed
    several pensioners, whose bodies he then disposed of by stuffing them into vats of stolen
    sulfuric acid. Knowing that he needed more sulfuric acid to continue in this manner,
    police staked out factories that used sulfuric acid in their processes, in hopes that he
    would come for more, which he did, at a plating factory in Horsham. In his attempts to
    escape the cops Haigh lost his balance and fell from a platform into a vat of acid,
    ironically meeting the same end as those he had killed. The Rand's murders could have
    been some of the "several pensioners" mentioned in the articles, except for the dates; the
    first article found in the trashcan in the park was dated November 23, 1963. This is a
    year and six months after the article was written. So John Haigh was possessed by an
    Entity, killed a bunch of people, fell into a vat of acid, got resurrected, then came back,
    posed as the Rand's relative, and killed them too. He didn't even bother to change his
    name in between, as Albert's diary refers to John Haigh by name. Ballsy.

    Check out the corpse on the floor (burned by something…hmmm), and his camera, then
    dash out through the door on the far wall before the ghost (who is still chasing you) gets
    hold of you. You can check this place out a little better after you get rid of that damned
    Spirit. You end up back in the alleyway outside of the building, next to the dumpster
    with the body in it. Run over to the body and use the Half Heart pendant to set the red
    Spirit free, and receive an Invisibility Band in exchange. Then return to the nearby park
    for a refill and save. But what is this…! Alyssa's mum makes a cameo, before
    disappearing into thin air. She left something behind, on the ground on the left hand side
    of the screen; ****'s Desk Key. Time to head back to the future. Or present, rather.
    Whatever. Run back to the Portal Square to the north, douse the circle twice with Holy
    Water, then step into the light.

    Once back in the red room, head back downstairs to ****'s office and use the key on the
    drawer on the right-hand side. Inside is the book of Entities II, which tells you how to
    vanquish a Subordinate. You must find a sentimental item belonging to the murdered
    soul who is powering the Subordinate, in order to heal the victim and send them on their
    way. Once the object is found, the Rooder's power is boosted and a "Rooder Portal
    Square" appears, with the sacred weapon needed to destroy the Subordinate within. Oh,
    so that is what happened earlier with Sledgehammer. Anyway, also in the drawer is the
    missing mask, so use it on the wall to your right, and the wall slides aside to reveal a
    hidden portion of ****'s office. There are a lot of books here, and a few desks. One wall
    is taken up entirely by old family photos. On the small, book covered desk to the side of
    the central desk, search to find another Repellant Arrow. Search the box on the central
    desk for a roll of film and a document written in your grandfather's hand. The document
    says that the Rooder bloodline is passed from mother to daughter, down through the ages,
    and the Hamilton bloodline is particularly strong with it. The Rooder powers manifest in
    the early teens, and dwindle quickly as the Rooder ages, so that the powers are gone
    entirely at the age of twenty. The ex-Rooders then marry in their early twenties, in hopes
    that they will have a girl child to pass on the Rooder bloodline to. **** didn't believe in
    any of this until he found the Book of Entities, and now he is particularly proud of it.
    Before we go any farther, we should get this out of the way, to avoid any confusion; in
    Clock Tower the family name is the name of the female's family. ****'s last name was
    Brown, until he married Francesca Hamilton, and his name became **** Hamilton. ****
    and Francesca had a daughter named Nancy, and she married Philip (whose original last
    name was never revealed) and he became Philip Hamilton. So for some reason they are
    following a matriarchal bloodline; the men lose their "maiden" names when they get
    married, and take the last name of their wives. You go, sisters. Fight the power!
    Actually, I noticed the same thing in the Japanese animation Neon Genesis Evangelion;
    the father of the main character, Shinji, whose name was Gendo Rokobundi , married Yui
    Ikari, and became Gendo Ikari. It must be some wacky Japanese thing. But I digress
    once again. Once Alyssa finishes reading her Grandfather's notes, she realizes that she
    really is a Rooder, and hopes that by doing her Rooder thing and saving Dorothy and
    Albert Rand's souls, she will be free, and able to find her mother. So return upstairs to
    the red room with the Portal Square; notice that it is still glowing. Once you have
    activated it once from each side, it stays open until you are done with that level; i.e. you
    have defeated the Subordinate and freed the trapped spirits that power them. So step into
    the glowing circle and return to the 1960s.

    Refill your Holy Water and save at the Lion's Head Fountain, then return to the kitchen
    of the Rand's house through the door next to the dumpster with the now-at-rest corpse
    inside. Run over to the camera and use the film that you got from ****'s hidden office to
    finally set the pesky spirit to rest. In exchange, you receive some pictures that (amongst
    other things) show you how the body ended up in the dumpster outside. The second
    picture shows you that had you moved the crooked picture in the hallway where you first
    saw Dorothy (like you wanted to), you would have found a hidden switch. Dammit!
    Check out the rest of the kitchen if you want, taking notice of the pots on the left side of
    the sink, which can be knocked to the floor with quite a racket. Right, stay away from
    those. Now exit the room through the door leading back into the house, go around the
    corner to your left, then go down the branching hallway you had explored briefly before.
    As you go down this hallway, ignore the door on your left, which some force is still
    holding shut. Examine the crooked painting at the end of the hallway, flip the hidden
    switch, and go through the now unlocked door next to it.

    To your left is a small bathroom, which you can use to hide in later, and to your right is a
    Lion's Head Fountain and a path that leads west, up a flight of metal stairs. Refill your
    Holy Water (if necessary) and save, then climb the stairs. The path turns north at the top
    of the stairs, and right ahead there is a door that is locked from the other side on your
    right, a stairway going down on your left, and a door a short way up the path to the north.
    Go north through the unlocked door.

    Walk straight forward through this small, ransacked room. In the north-west corner there
    is some wood that can be knocked over, which makes a racket. Next to this is a large
    container marked Sodium Chlorate (to which Alyssa remarks "sounds flammable"; smart
    14 year old). Continue to search to trigger a nasty, brutal cutscene showing you both the
    Rand's grisly end, a glimpse of the fate of the sentimental object you will be looking for,
    and your first view of the most disturbing looking Subordinate in the game; John Haigh,
    "The Corroder". After the cutscene, dash north, away from your assailant, and towards
    the Sodium Chlorate, your evade point, which should have a green glow around it. The
    villain is doused with burning chemicals, and Alyssa effects her escape through the front
    door. However, during the cutscene with the burning Corroder, a glittering object can be
    seen in the background. Alyssa will have to go back for it. Turn right around and run
    back into the room Alyssa just escaped from. Run to the south-east corner of the room
    and pick up the glittering object next to the double doors; another Invisibility Band. Now
    enter the double doors, into the room in which you saw Dorothy and Albert receive their
    acid baths.

    On the east wall of this room is shelf with a glittering object on it. This is the key to the
    toolbox back in the main house. There is nothing more of interest here, so exit through
    the door in the south-west corner of the room, back onto the metal catwalk near the stairs.
    Turn left and run down the stairs leading back to the Lion's Head Fountain, refill your
    Holy Water, and save. Then head back through the door leading into the main house. Go
    down the hallway and turn right at the end, or try to. The Corroder jumps out of nowhere
    and blasts you in the face with acid, raising your Panic Meter almost as far as it can go.
    Don't let the ******* push you over the edge; instead hit HIM in the face with Holy
    Water, dodge around him as he is screaming, and run past the room on the right, down
    the hallway and up the stairs, until you reach the door at the end of the hallway.
    Alternately, you could turn left at the end of the first hallway to avoid getting a face full
    of acid, enter the double doors in the main hall (near the blood smears), and go up the
    chimney into the same room above. Corroder will still burst into the kitchen behind you,
    but you won't have to use a Holy Water and your Panic Meter won't be topped out.
    Either way, you are now in the upstairs room, with a maniac right behind you. But
    Corroder can't up through the narrow chimney passage with him bulky chemical tanks,
    so he will have to come around and come in through the door. Either way you choose,
    you are in the same boat.

    Run over to the toolbox on the bookshelf, and use the Toolbox Key when prompted.
    Inside is a hexagonal wrench, so take it and get a move on. Run back over to the ladder
    leading into the dining room below, and wait; after a few seconds, Corroder comes
    bursting into the upstairs room. Quickly descend the ladder to avoid him. Now you have
    to act quickly; there is a glowing Evade point over the fire extinguisher, on the same side
    of the room as the chimney. If you try to leave the room without using the Evade point,
    the door will burst open as you attempt to leave, and Alyssa will be knocked on her ***
    and damned near Panicked. You will probably need to use a dose of Holy Water on your
    enemy to escape. But seeing as you won't have to come back here again, instead of
    trying to leave through the doors, just use the Evade point, if you can. As you use the
    Evade point, Corroder will come bursting into the room, and Alyssa will throw the
    extinguisher, which will break open, filling the room with obscuring mist. The good
    news is that he can't see you. The bad news is, you can't see him too well either. But
    since you know where what you are looking for is (the door) you have the advantage.
    Sneak past him into the hallway, then turn left, run up the hallway until you see the
    branching hallway going right, run down it to the end, and back out the door at the end.

    You are now back in the area with the metal stairs and the Lion's Head Fountain. Run
    over to the fountain, refill if necessary, and save. Then try to climb the stairs. You will
    hear Johnny come out of a door above you, so turn around and make a mad dash for the
    bathroom. If you need to buy some time, hit him with a dash of Holy Water, but
    whatever you do, make it to the bathroom. I've run for a bathroom with almost as much
    urgency before, but never because a man dressed in leather and a World War II gas mask
    was trying to immerse me in acid. Well, there was that one time when it FELT like that,
    after Mexican night, but that is a whole different story. Anyway, run past the door
    leading back into the main house on your left, and through the door at the end. Then
    immediately turn around and use the Evade point located directly against the door to
    temporarily dispatch your assailant. Enjoy the cutscene. Okay, that was a little too Wile
    E. Coyote for a horror game, but what the hell. Refill and save again at the Lion's Head
    Fountain if you want (I did) and climb the stairs. At the top, bear left and go down the
    stairs on the other side, towards the river, then go left through the gate at the bottom.
    Alyssa will notice Dorothy's shawl caught in a grate in the river, but you can't get there
    from here. Run south, past the giant fans, until you reach the dead end. You will notice a
    red knob sticking out of a pipe; examine it and use the hexagonal wrench when prompted
    to stop the fan next to you. Go through the fan like you would go through a door, by
    hitting the action button, and Alyssa will crawl past the fans, down a short tunnel, and
    past the stopped fan on the other side, without you having to do anything.

    Unfortunately, the Corroder gets here at the same time you do, leaving you with few
    options in an unfamiliar room. So run straight ahead from your entry point, until you see
    the Corroder or the camera shifts, showing you the only door to this room, which is on
    the north wall and has a red light over it. Nail your enemy with a shot of Holy Water to
    slow him down, then run through the door.

    He will still be chasing you, so run down the stairs, and through the metal doors to the
    left of the stairs, without stopping. Run through this next room, past a Save Journal to
    your left and a table to your right, then bear right, all the way to the Evade point in the
    farthest corner of the room. Use the Evade point immediately, and the Corroder will
    meet another ignoble end. Which brings up an interesting point; despite being very
    creepy looking and killing people with frickin' ACID for Christ's sake, the Corroder is
    very goofy. You kill him goofy when you use evade points. He giggles and capers in the
    cutscenes when you see him killing people. If you ever let him close enough to really
    attack you, he knocks you to the ground, then jumps up in the air and tries to kill you
    with his ***, just like Mario. If he ever succeeds in hitting you, he dances and claps,
    while giggling. Oh yeah. This annoying ***** is going DOWN for the count. After he is
    gone search the table for a Lavender Water and the Daughter's letter, then save in the
    journal across from the table. This accomplished, leave the room the way you came in.

    Hopefully, you were moving too fast on the way in for the Spirit who hangs around this
    area to even make an appearance, let alone cause trouble for you. Dodge past it now as
    you move north, away from the stairs. Do NOT go back up the stairs to the room with
    the fans to explore it further; The Corroder has left his Minions there, and will find you if
    you return to this room; furthermore, there is nothing to find. Turn to follow the path
    when it turns, and run east until you run out of sidewalk. There is a short flight of stairs
    leading down to a small empty platform, and a very narrow ledge that continues east.
    Press the directional diagonally towards the wall and the ledge to get Alyssa to put her
    back to the wall, then edge east until you reach a small stone island, with a narrow plank
    leading to another island. This island has two boards leading off of it; a short one in the
    foreground of the screen, and a longer one towards the back. The easier-looking of the
    two (the shorter, closer one) is, or course, dangerous, but use it anyway, as falling into the
    water once is necessary if you want to free that last Spirit you encountered. As you cross
    the board it breaks, dumping you into the water. Don't bother trying to struggle, as you
    are simply carried downstream until fetching up against some metal bars that keep you
    from going further downstream. This also just happens to be right next to the small
    platform by the water, right next to where you started edging along the ledge. As Alyssa
    is catching her breath, something is stirred up from the depths, something…dead. Alyssa
    leaps out of the water and up the short set of stairs, but once you regain control, turn
    around and go back. Examine the corpse for information about how he make have died,
    then use the Daughter's Letter from your inventory to set his Spirit Free. As a reward
    you are given the very valuable Binding Arrow, which you should save until the end of
    the game. Now climb the stairs, edge back along the ledge to the first island, then cross
    the plank back to the second island. Notice that the short board, which broke, and should
    be gone, is back. Ignore it and cross the longer one towards the back of the screen to the
    next landing. There are two more boards, one to the front, and one to the back, but only
    the one towards the front is safe, so cross the one closest to the screen to reach another
    island. This one has only one board leaving it, but beware; she who hesitates is lost. If
    you don't cross as quickly as possible, ignoring the board's grumbling and quaking, the
    board will slip, dumping you back into the river. You will end up back at the platform
    with the now dormant corpse, and have to do the whole board-crossing section over
    again. Luckily, this board will also have returned, or else there would be no way to beat
    the level. So cross quickly and surely, as the board falls into the water behind you, with
    you safely on the other side. For here, caught in the grating, is Dorothy's shawl. And
    you know what that means; it is almost time to end the level. Turn left and walk a short
    distance until you pass a fence and back onto solid ground. Then turn left again, and
    begin to walk. This will activate a cutscene, and suddenly, you are stuck in a narrow
    alley with the maniac! Hit him immediately with Holy Water, than turn and run the
    opposite direction until you see a door on the fence to your left. Turn and open it, then
    run forward. You will realize that you are back in the section where the ghost once
    roamed, and as you keep running forward you the door on your left leading back into the
    room where you electrocuted the Corroder. Ignore it and run back up the stairs, stopping
    only to hit Corroder with more Holy Water if he gets too close. Go through the door at
    the top of the stairs. Another cutscene follows as you enter the room, and it is time to
    destroy your tormentor.

    -3. Boss Battle: Corroder
    As the battle starts, the first thing you need to do is get a feel for your enemy's rhythms;
    just like all boss battles, this one has a pattern. He has a handful of pre-scripted
    comments, with a certain attack or behavior attached to each one. First of all, just like
    Sledgehammer before him, he will take a swipe at you if he gets too close. Luckily, this
    attack is slow and easy to avoid if you keep moving. He makes two quick swipes with
    his spray nozzle, and the clouds of acid that come out of them are small and slow-
    moving, so keep on the move. Every once in a while, when he has a straight line of sight,
    he will say "There she is". When you hear this, move quickly to one side or the other,
    because he is about to shoot a long, accurate stream of acid in straight line. This attack
    moves much more quickly than the clouds, so as soon as you hear him start this attack,
    get out of the way and keep moving, abandoning any attacks you may have started. His
    third action is to say "Time to die" or simply grunts a laugh; when he does either of these
    things, he pauses for a short time and waves his arms around. After a couple of seconds,
    he then charges straight towards wherever you are on the screen. This is not a dash
    attack, or anything like that, he just runs a little faster to catch up with you. If you have a
    straight line of sight (i.e. he won't have to dodge around anything to get to you), he will
    run straight at you, without dodging from side to side. This is a good time to line up a
    shot and hold it for as long as you can; you may even be able to get a binding shot, if you
    have enough space between you. Just hold it for as long as you can, than release it point
    blank when he stops to attack you. The best time for a binding attack, however, is when
    his acid spraying nozzle jams. He will try to make a regular swipe at you as he comes in
    close, but nothing comes out of the nozzle. He will then yell "Damn it!" and shake the
    nozzle a number of times to clear it, two groups of three quick shakes. After that, he will
    begin one of his main attacks anew; either the quick swipes (if you are close), the "There
    she is" long range attack, or one of his charging attacks. Regardless, your job, once you
    hear the "Damn it!" is to stop wherever you are, turn, and try and get a pinning shot on
    him. These moments when him nozzle jams are the best opportunities to do so.

    However, he has more hit points than Sledgehammer, and even if you pin him down and
    nail him with the super-charged heavenly attack, he won't die unless you have whittled
    his life down somewhat before hand. So here is the best plan of attack; run until you see
    him pause for any reason, then turn and fire a semi-charged arrow (one that glowing
    somewhat, but is less than a binding attack) at him. One important point to keep in mind
    is that even though there is a big metal machine in the middle of the room, you can shoot
    through it, even if you can't see through it. Alyssa automatically locks onto the enemy's
    position, so try to trust that your attack will work. Of course, he might move out of the
    way, but you will find he does that a lot even when you can see him. Anyway, just hit
    him with lesser attacks as often as possible, and wait for a chance to pin him, either when
    he charges you from across the room, or when his nozzle jams. Once you have one
    glowing chain attached to him, it makes things a little easier. Just like with
    Sledgehammer, move forty-five degrees at least, then hit him again. He will try to charge
    you, even when he is bound, but don't let him intimidate you. Hold your shot until you
    have another binding shot, then move again. The only time you should abandon your
    binding shot in the middle of charging is if you are too close and he hits you, or you hear
    him say "There she is". If you hear this, stop whatever you are doing and get out of the
    way. He can hit you with this shot no matter where he is in the room, if he has a straight
    line. Pin him three times from at least forty-five degrees apart, and Alyssa's next attack
    will be her divine finishing attack, just like the one you used to destroy Sledgehammer.
    If he somehow survives this attack (he might, if you didn't soften him up enough first)
    just hit him with semi-charged arrows until he dies screaming. After he is gone, Alyssa
    gets another piece of the Clover Amulet, the Clover of Courage. Like the Clover of
    Love, this piece increases the amount of Holy Water your Sacred Bottle can hold, so you
    now have five doses instead of four. Groovy.

    After the Subordinate is dead, it is time to put let the Spirits of Albert and Dorothy rest.
    Leave through the fan you stopped earlier. On the other side, follow the path up the
    stairs, but don't bother going into the house where you saw Dorothy and Albert killed;
    they aren't there. They are in the room where you first saw Dorothy, in locked room of
    the main house. So go down the stairs on the other side, past the Lion's Head Fountain
    (you don't need to save or refill, but feel free), and through the door leading back into the
    house. Once in there go forward to the first door, on your right, and open it. A fairly
    long and touching cutscene follows. Their spirits are free, and the evil has been

    Okay, maybe not all the evil. It seems the strange guest from the beginning is somehow
    involved in all this, and doesn't seem too pleased with your interference. This are about
    to get serious.

    -c. Chapter Three: "A Rooder Awakening…"
    -1. The Sewers and What Lies Above…
    Well, you were back in Alyssa's house…for a few seconds. Now it isn't there anymore,
    and there is a big evil Clock Tower where it once stood. What's worse, you have been
    thrown into Hell by the Dark Man, who says that a) you and he will be one, and live
    forever starting at midnight on your fifteenth Birthday (in two hours, no less), and that b)
    the Subordinates killed your mum. Well, maybe this isn't Hell, but it is underground, and
    it is damp, and it is evil. So close enough. Towards the top of the screen is a weird
    "Tombstone" thing with a Rooder symbol on it, which seems familiar to Alyssa.
    Towards the bottom of the screen, glittering in the water next to some stalagmites, is a
    Lavender Water. The only way out seems to be through a tunnel on the right hand side of
    the screen, which you must crawl through. You end up on a small platform in the sewers,
    of all places. Look around all you want, but there is only one way to go. Left (south on
    the map) is a dead end, so right it is. There is another platform out of the water
    diagonally from the platform you started on, so slog towards it. You will notice a Spirit
    moving around on the other side of the grate separating this part of the tunnel from the
    next, just beyond the platform with the ladder on it. Ignore the ghost and climb the

    Hmm. Another short tunnel, this one with a fast-flowing stream in the middle of it, with
    sidewalks on either side and some short connecting bridges. Head left (west on the map)
    on the same side of the stream as you started out on. You will find a door on your right,
    just past some stalagmites, so go into it. The first thing you will notice as you enter will
    be the saving journal, with a jar of Holy Water next to it. By all means, refill (if you've
    used any) and save. Then continue into the room. It isn't very big, and there are just two
    other things of interest in here. The first is obvious; as you move further into the room
    there will be a small desk or table on your left (south-east corner of the room, on the
    map) with a glittering object on it. The object is the Worker's Key, so take it. The other
    point of interest is that behind the fish tank, in the other bottom (south-west) corner, is a
    hiding spot. This is about to become your new best friend, but for the time being just
    note its location, try it out, and head back out of this room.

    Surprise! This charming fellow is Chopper, and he is a very bad man. Once the
    introductions are complete, nail him with some Holy Water, than run back to the room
    you just left and dive into your hiding spot. Stay there until you hear him teleport away,
    then step out, refill your Holy Water, and save. Then leave the room again. Cross the
    short bridge across the stream, then turn left and follow the wall until it branches into a
    short secondary corridor with a door at the end. Unlock the door with the Worker's Key,
    then enter the next room.

    This is a long corridor that opens onto some scaffolding before branching left and right.
    For the time being, turn left and down a couple of stairs, then turn left and descend
    another short flight of stairs into a curving corridor. Chances are that Chopper will show
    up while you are in this area, as he never stays gone for long. Don't let him distract you
    though; get everything you can from each level before returning to the room with the fish
    tank to save. If he gets too close, simply hit him with some Holy Water and get back to
    work. So, at the bottom of the short set of stairs, turn right and follow the path, noting
    the gray box on the wall to your left. This is a power transfer box with all the wires
    disconnected, but you don't want to touch the live wires with your bare hands, so leave it
    alone for now. Follow this corridor to the end, side-stepping stalagmites as you go;
    notice, however, the item glittering at the base of the second group of stalagmites, as it is
    a Sigil Stone. At the end of this path are a couple of wooden crates stacked on top of
    each other. Inside the top one is the Distribution Plan. This tells you which wires hook
    to each other in the circuit to restore power. Unfortunately, you still need some
    insulating gloves to connect the wires. First run back to the room with the fish tank, hide
    there until Chopper leaves, then refill your Holy Water and save. Then return through the
    door you opened with the Worker's Key earlier.

    Go forward until the scaffolding branches left and right. Earlier, you went left. This
    time, go right. There is a door with "B-3" painted on it. This number is the level you are
    on, the basement, third level. Open the door and activate the machinery inside to move
    this elevator to "B-1" or "B-2". Choose B-2, then exit the elevator when it stops. Run
    down the stairs directly in front of you, then turn left. As you run down this corridor,
    Chopper appear directly behind you without warning. Nail him with some Holy Water to
    slow him down, then continue until you see a stack of crates on the right side of the
    corridor, with a red box on top. Search the red box to find the Crowbar, than keep
    running, hugging the left side of the screen as you see the right side of the corridor is on
    fire. Right beyond this is a seeming dead end, with metal barrels against a blank wall.
    Luckily, this is an evade point, so run up to the glowing ball over the barrels and hit the
    action button. Chopper will temporarily put himself out of your misery. Take this
    opportunity to run past him, back down the corridor, and back up the stairs to the
    elevator. You can return to B-3 and save, or you can continue directly to B-1. Either
    way, B-1 is your next goal, so head there when you are ready.

    As you come out of the elevator, there are stairs directly ahead of you and a path to your
    right. You can't get all the way through to your right until the power is on because there
    is a door with an electronic card reader at the end, so run down the stairs and go left.
    Chopper will make another very sudden appearance, but for the moment keep running.
    You will see a big metal closet to your right; run over to this and open it. Inside are some
    Insulated Gloves. Grab them, and while you are stopped, turn and hit Chopper with some
    Holy Water. If you want to check out what is at the end of this path, keep going. At the
    end is a circuit breaker, but with the power turned off, it won't do much good. Slip back
    the way you came, hitting Chopper sparingly with Holy Water when necessary, and run
    back to the elevator and return to B-3. Try to save at least one dose of Holy Water for the
    run back to the "safe" room with the fish tank, because he often comes out of the door
    ahead of you on this level. If so, nail him and slip by, run back to the safe room, hide
    until you hear him teleport away, then refill Holy Water and save. Whew. We are almost
    done with these basement levels, but we are going to need one more thing before we
    reconnect the power; the key card for the door out of this area. Luckily, it is nearby.

    Leave the room a cross the stream, then take a left. Go past the corridor leading back to
    the elevator, until you are standing next to a tank that says "Danger" in cloud of steam.
    You should be just on the other side of the little stream from where you first came up to
    this level from the sewers. On the ground there is a heavy metal hatch. Search, and
    when it asks if you want to use the Crowbar, say yes. Go down the hatch, back into the

    You should immediately see a skeleton at the bottom of the ladder, and some stairs going
    into the water. There is a ghost in this area, so be careful. Search the corpse for a clue to
    what it needs to be at peace, and you will find a note. It says that the now-dead guy came
    to rescue someone, but was captured and locked in the sewer, and to top it all off, he lost
    his glasses given to him by his loved one. Go into the water and they should be readily
    apparent; the spectacles are on a little island across from the corpse, barely out of the
    water. Retrieve them and give them back to the corpse, and the freed Spirit will give you
    the Card Key in return. Don't bother searching the rest of this little area, as there is
    nothing to find. Climb the ladder and return to B-3.

    Chopper should most likely be waiting for you at the top, so hit him with some Holy
    Water and run for your hiding place behind the fish tank. Once he is gone, refill your
    Holy Water and save. Then exit the room, and go back through the door across the hall
    towards the elevator. We are returning to the circuit box, so turn left where the path
    branches and take another left down the stairs, then turn right and move forward until you
    see the circuit box. Before opening it, take a moment to refresh your memory about how
    the wires are supposed to hook up by looking at the Maintenance Manual under "Files"
    on your pause screen; top left corner to bottom right corner, top center to bottom left
    corner, and top right to bottom middle. Then open the box and make this happen. You
    will see a red light come on over the circuit breaker on B-1, so that is our next goal. Run
    to the elevator and go to B-1.

    Once you get there, go straight ahead and down the stairs, take a left, and begin to run to
    the circuit breaker switch. Unfortunately, Chopper is between you and it. Hit him with
    Holy Water, run past him to the end, and throw the switch to turn the power on. You are
    almost done with this section. Run back the way you came, hit Chopper again with Holy
    Water, and then run up the stairs on your right when you get to them. Turn left and
    follow the path to the end. Use the card key on the door and run through, and you are
    free…at least for the moment.

    This is some kind of storage area. Directly in front of the door is a Repellant Arrow, so
    grab it, and then go further on to your room. On your left is a jar of Holy Water, so refill.
    Directly ahead is a saving journal, so save. Otherwise, the room is empty, so go up the
    stairs, which are the only other exit from the room. There is a door at the top of the
    stairs, so go through.

    The first thing you will notice in this new area is the crying baby. Go forward and you
    will see some boxes with a stuffed animal on top. If you examine it, Alyssa says "A
    brand-new toy rabbit…It can't be the one I was given when I was a child." But if you
    were paying attention when you first looked around Alyssa's room, it sure looks like it.
    The corridor itself should also seem somewhat familiar. You are back in Alyssa's house,
    but the door that you just came out of should have lead to Nancy's room. The door to the
    bathroom (which had the dead woman in the tub) is locked, as is the room that was
    boarded up last time you saw it. Before exiting through the door that should lead back
    towards the room with the fireplace, check out the little table across from the bathroom
    door; there is a statue here that Alyssa's mom gave her, which should be in her room.
    Strange. Anyway, leave through the aforementioned door now.

    Curiouser and curiouser…the fire in the fireplace has been re-lit, and there is a rocking
    horse in the corner next to it, with gift-bows still attached. The door leading further into
    the guest wing is still impassable, and the door to Alyssa's room now reads "Nancy", and
    is locked. I am sure that you have figured it out by now, but Alyssa is a little slower on
    the uptake. Exit through the door leading out to the staircase.

    The other door leading into Alyssa's, or rather Nancy's room is also locked, and the one
    that read Philip…still says Philip, but is now locked, rather than just impassable. Why
    were Alyssa and Philip keeping separate rooms? Apparently they weren't if that baby
    crying is who we think it is. Head down the stairs, and a cutscene takes over at the
    bottom. Awww. Isn't that sweet? Nancy and her baby, and an explanation of what the
    four clovers each stand for; love, friendship, hope, and courage. Well, all good things
    must come to an end, and this happy scene comes to a bloody one. Alyssa rushes out the
    courtyard just in time to see her beloved grandfather, ****, murder Philip, the father who
    she never really knew. And to top it all off, Chopper shows up to rub it in. Well, to rub it
    in and to kill her.

    Boss Battle: Chopper
    Chopper takes it really easy on you this time. He moves somewhat slowly, and doesn't
    seem to use all of his attacks. Which is good, because your battlefield is severely limited;
    you can only run around the courtyard, you can't climb the steps, and you have a couple
    of trees and the bloody stump that your father died next to there to trip you up. Luckily,
    his body is gone. For some reason the Rooder Portal Square appears, and Alyssa tries to
    fight Chopper. I don't know how this is possible, since the Book of Entities II says that
    the Rooder Portal Square only appears and opens when the Rooder finds the sentimental
    item necessary to free the Spirit powering the Subordinate. Oh well, I guess Alyssa can
    use the Rooder Portal Square is she is really pissed, too. Anyway, do your best to avoid
    Chopper and all obstacles as you run around this tiny area. Since he stalks you fairly
    slowly, put a bit of distance between you, turn, and hold off your shot until he is right on
    top of you. If you had enough time, you will bind him with one of the golden chains.
    Even if you didn't the charged-up arrow should be enough to knock him back and break
    off his attack. Once you have one golden chain binding him, he is a little easier to hit,
    since he can't go too far in any direction with the chain tethering him. So move to
    another location, charge up to the max, and then hit him again. Just remember to move a
    short distance after every shot and stay out of his range, and you should have him pinned
    down in no time.

    Before you can do the coup de grace super-powered kill shot, a cutscene takes over, of
    Alyssa aiming for Chopper's heart, as he is helplessly bound. She fires, there is a flash of
    light, and when it clears…Chopper is free and unharmed. He laughs at her and tells her
    she will join all the others, and then opens a pool of inky blackness beneath her. She
    sinks from sight and is gone.

    -2. Axe Me No Questions, Tell Me No Lies…
    Alyssa now wakes up in some kind of cemetery, but she is no longer holding her bow;
    instead, she has a scroll, which Alyssa immediately begins to read. It is a second set of
    ****'s notes, explaining how he allowed Nancy to marry Philip to preserve the Rooder
    bloodline, but was disgusted by Philip's weak will and stupidity, and was outraged by the
    fact that he and Nancy said that they didn't want to raise Alyssa to be a Rooder. ****
    saw this as shirking one's duties, and blamed Philip for any attempts to avoid this
    obligation. Finally, Philip did something to push **** too far (as we saw), and after the
    murder he manipulated the police to cover the whole thing up. Wonderful guy.

    Once Alyssa is done reading this, it is time to explore your surroundings. There is a gate
    behind her, with Celtic-looking crosses on either side. Examine the crosses to find that
    each has a hollow impression in it, as if some object goes there. Then run towards the
    screen (east on the map) until a cutscene takes over. The restless Spirits here are the
    ghosts of Rooders. That is who you will have to put to rest before you can leave the area.
    They were all killed by Entities and their subordinates, and at least one of them had her
    heart removed and used in something called the Ritual of Engagement. The Spirits
    disappear before they tell Alyssa what the Ritual is. Run back through the columns
    towards the gate you came in through, and you should see an object glittering in the top
    left hand corner of this area. Run over to it and pick it up, as it is a Lavender Water, and
    then return to the hub area, where you woke up. Run between the two crosses and
    through the gate behind them. All that is in this area is a Lion's Head Fountain, so refill
    your Holy Water if necessary and save, then return to the central area where you woke

    Now you have a choice; the gate to your right, or the gate to your left, meaning the right
    side of the screen (north on the map) or the left side of the screen (south on your map).
    The area to the right is a little tougher, so lets do that one first and get it out of the way.
    Take the path all the way to the right of the screen, and when you reach the end you
    should be in an area surrounded by pillars, with a Portal Square in the middle. Douse it
    twice with Holy Water, and you will be transported to another area.

    You may want a quick escape route from here, so when you get to the other side, douse
    the Portal Square twice again to return to the area you just came from. Just like the Portal
    Square in the Red Room in Alyssa's house, once it has been activated from both sides, it
    remains active until you are done with it, and doesn't need to be activated again. Run to
    the Lion's head statue, refill your Holy Water and save, and then run back to the Portal
    and step through again. You should be in a misty outdoor area, which looks like another
    part of the cemetery. There is only one way to go, so follow the winding path through the
    grave stones until your reach a more open area. As you step into this area another
    cutscene starts, and you find out that not only is Chopper back, and not only does it seem
    that he killed your mother, but that the whole graveyard is full of his victims. Yeesh.
    After the cutscene, start things off right and nail him with some Holy Water. While he is
    stunned, run back towards your mother's car, and pick up the note on the ground.
    Apparently, the Entities need the heart of a Rooder who has reached her fifteenth
    birthday to perform the Ritual of Engagement thingy, and Nancy sent her away until she
    would be safely past her birthday, and thus safe. The Dark Man talked about how when
    your Birthday came along, the two of you would become one… Chances are they are
    talking about the same thing. When you are done reading, run towards the screen, away
    from the car. There are Lunar Moth Minions in this area, so if you run into them (or
    Chopper, of course) hit them with some Holy Water. Wind your way along the path and
    eventually you should see a shack. Run inside and bear to the right, past a partition, then
    turn left once you clear it to come into the shacks only real room. There is a curtained
    hiding place in here, so hide until you hear him teleport away then come out.

    This cozy little den appears to be Chopper's place, as there are hatchets sticking out of
    the way here and there. Directly across from the hiding place is a little desk with The
    Book of Entities III on top of it. Take this and read about how Harold Palmer came to be
    the Subordinate known as Chopper, the leader of all the Subordinates. On the bed to the
    right of this little desk is a bed, and on the bed glitters a Lavender Water. Take this and
    head back towards the exit of the shack. Before leaving, make use of the jar of Holy
    Water to the left of the door, and the save journal to the right of the door. Then leave the

    As you do this next section, keep in mind that the shack is the only place to escape from
    Chopper, so if you are assaulted by him, stun him with Holy Water as needed and run
    back to the hiding space in the shack, then refill at the jar in the shack once he is gone.
    Anyway, run back up the path until you reach the car, than take a ninety degree left and
    run up the left hand path. The path at the top of the screen is back towards the Portal
    Square. After going up the left path for a few yards you will see the Celtic cross thing
    that Chopper was perched on in the cutscene earlier. Run around the cross and then turn
    and look at the other side of it; there are some short steps leading up to a Lion's Head
    carving, with a button in its mouth. Take note of this but don't push the button, since you
    don't know what it does. In this general vicinity, off the beaten path, there is an
    Invisibility ring partially concealed behind a gravestone, but after finding this you can
    continue on your way. The path will branch left and right, and there will be a podium in
    the middle. The podium bears an inscription around the rim that says "Purify thyself with
    Holy Water and awaken the lions in order". At the podium, bear right and run until you
    see a column like the one with the Lion's Head carving you saw earlier. Run up and
    inspect it, and you will find another carving, this one with one eye. Since it said to
    awaken them in order, and one comes before two, hit this button. Then turn and run back
    to the podium, take a left, and go back the Lion's Head carving that you noted earlier; it
    has two eyes, so it is next. Finally, run back to the podium, take a left, and run until you
    see another pillar with another carving. This one has three eyes, so give the button a
    poke. Nothing happens, because there is still the "Purifying with Holy Water" thing to
    do; not thyself as the podium says, but the podium itself. Run back to the podium, douse
    it with Holy Water, and a stone disk appears in a flash of light, floating above it. This is
    the Compass of Shadows. Grab this and you are done with this part, and can leave.

    I am sure you have gotten Chopper's attention at this point, but if his music starts while
    you are almost done with this puzzle, finish it first before worrying about him, because he
    has to come all the way from the shack. If you see one of the Minion Moths, toast it with
    Holy Water. Now it is time to get out of here. Run back up the path, past the two-eyed
    Lion's Head pillar, back towards the car. When you run into Chopper, hit him with Holy
    Water, dodge around him, and keep going. At the car, turn left and head towards the
    back of the screen. If all of this sounds like too much trouble, than now might be the
    time to use an Invisibility Ring, so you can slip right by the axe-wielding maniac and his
    little winged friends without any confrontation. Follow the winding path back through
    the graveyard to the Portal Square, activate it if you didn't earlier, and jump through.

    However, if you didn't activate it earlier, you might not have enough Holy Water to
    activate it now, after fighting your way past Chopper and his minions. So instead of
    taking a left at the car, take a right and go back into the shack, hide until Chopper
    teleports, then come out, refill your Holy Water, save, and then run back to the car and
    keep going past it up the winding path to the Portal Square. Re-activate it with two
    dashes of Holy Water, and you are on your way.

    You are now back in the relative safety of the central graveyard where you woke up. Run
    back up the path to the central area, and examine the leftmost of the two Celtic crosses to
    use the Compass of Shadows. It doesn't do anything without its companion, so don't
    expect anything to happen, but at least now you don't have to lug it around. Go through
    the gate between the two crosses and refill your Holy Water and save at the Lion's Head
    Fountain. Return to the central areas and head to the left of the screen. Go down the one
    path you haven't explored yet, and at the end is another Portal Square. Douse it twice
    with Holy Water, and you are teleported away again.

    Now you are inside an eerie tomb, but as I promised, this one is not as dangerous as the
    last Portal Square you came from. In fact, there is no need to pre-activate the Portal
    Square exit from this area, because you won't need to leave in a hurry. Against the wall
    behind where you appear is a small rectangular podium with a hollow depression in it. In
    either corner of this room are Jars of Holy Water, should you need a refill. Note the
    Rooder sigil on the wall behind your point of appearance, but don't bother searching it or
    dousing it with Holy Water, because you can't do anything with it…yet. There is a path
    straight ahead of your position, a path to the left, and a path to the right. This is how we
    will refer to them for this section; in relation to the dias that you started this level on.
    Therefore, the leftmost path will be left, the rightmost path will be right, and the path
    between the two will be center.

    This whole area is just big puzzle; at the end of each of the three paths is a Rooder's tomb
    representing a color and element, with a stone inset into each of the Rooder's sarcophagi
    that should be the same as the color and element of the tomb that it is in. There is a red
    Sky Rooder's tomb, a blue Sea Rooder's tomb, and a yellow Earth Rooder's tomb;
    however, the blue Sea Rooder's tomb contains the red Sky Stone, the red Sky Rooder's
    tomb contains the yellow Earth Stone, and the yellow Earth Rooder's tomb contains the
    blue Sea Stone. The solution seems simple enough, right? There is only two problems
    keeping you from easily solving the puzzle. First is the Spirits of the Rooders, who are
    haunting their tombs (each Spirit also colored to represent the tomb they are haunting),
    and won't rest until the appropriate colored Stone is returned to their tomb, so you will
    have to dodge them. The second problem is that for some reason Alyssa can't carry more
    than one Rooder Stone at a time; this means you just can't go pick up all three and swap
    them around.

    The key to the puzzle is the rectangular pedestal on the dias. It has a depression in the
    top just big enough to hold one stone, so you have to take a Rooder Stone from one of the
    tombs, return with it to the pedestal, examine the pedestal, and deposit the stone when
    prompted, then get the next stone from the next tomb, swapping them around until you
    have all the proper colored stones in the correct tombs. Here's the specifics; the left path
    is the Earth Rooder's Tomb, (yellow), but contains the Sea Rooder's Stone (blue). The
    central path leads to the Sky Rooder's Tomb (red), but contains the Earth Rooder's Stone
    (yellow). The path on the right leads to the Sea Rooder's Tomb (blue), but contains the
    Sky Rooder's Stone (red). Each path is guarded by a Rooder Spirit (complete with
    skeletal faces, color-co-ordination, and a gaping hole where their hearts should be), but
    since there are jars of Holy Water in the main chamber of this area, don't be shy about
    dousing them if they get to pushy, to keep them out of your way. In addition the paths
    on the right and left each have a Repellant Arrow on the ground half way between their
    entrances and the tombs, so be sure you pick them up. The simplest answer to the puzzle
    is this; take the left path to the Earth tomb, take the Sea stone, then return to the central
    area and place it on the pedestal. Next go up the central path to the Sky tomb, retrieve
    the Earth Stone, then return back to the left path and put the Earth stone in the Earth
    Tomb, in the depression left when you removed the Sea stone. This will free the Spirit of
    the Earth Rooder, but none of the Rooder Spirits leave you a gift in return for freeing
    them. Ungrateful *****es. Anyway, now go down the right path to the Sea tomb, take the
    Sky stone, and return to the central path to the Sky tomb, freeing the Spirit of the Sky
    Rooder. Finally, return to the dias with the pedestal, retrieve the Sea stone, then return to
    the path on the right and return the Sea stone to the Sea tomb to free the last of the
    Rooder Spirits.

    When the last Rooder Spirit is gone, the slab of stone with the Rooder sigil on it in the
    main room slides aside, revealing the Compass of Light. Go grab it, and you are done, so
    splash the Portal Square on the floor twice to return to the central graveyard. Run back to
    the main area, but before you place the last Compass, quickly detour up the path between
    the crosses to refill your Holy Water and save at the Lion's Head Fountain. Then go back
    to the crosses and put the examine the rightmost cross to place the Compass of Light,
    which opens a huge Portal Square in the center of the area. Step through it to go to the
    last area in this level.

    This is some sort of giant cavern, and the Portal Square remains glowing at the point
    where you appeared. That's good; at least you know you won't be trapped here. Follow
    the rocky, narrow path, sidestepping the stalagmites as necessary. Soon the path leads to
    an opening in a rock wall, so go through. Take note of the nifty torches on the wall in
    here, and pick up the Binding Arrow on the left side of the path. Then continue forward
    until a cutscene takes over.

    How's that for some gruesome details? I'm not sure how Alyssa read the inscription,
    since it didn't appear to be in English, but the gist of it was that the person performing the
    Ritual of Engagement must cut out the heart of a Rooder during the first hour of her
    fifteenth year, and drink the blood from the still beating heart in order to become an
    Entity. Nifty. At the conclusion, a Rooder Square appears with an Old Rooder Arrow in
    the center of it, at the foot of the dias area Alyssa ends up on at the end of the cutscene.
    Take a moment to check out the statues on either side of this area (you are going to
    become really familiar with these chipper folks pretty soon), then grab the arrow and go
    back the way you came. As you pass through the gap in the rock wall, the cavern around
    you begins to collapse, so you have to run back to the Portal Square you came in through
    before it all comes crashing down around you. To make it more difficult on you, the
    camera sways all around the room like Robert Downey Jr., but try to ignore this as you
    dodge the swaying stalagmites and run back up the path and through the Portal Square.

    Whew. You are back in the central area of the graveyard again, but unfortunately you
    don't get a breather. As you step forward another cutscene takes over, and before you
    know it, you are in the final boss battle with Chopper again.

    -3. Boss Battle: Chopper (for real this time)
    Two things to notice; first, he is totally recovered from your last bout, and isn't going to
    take it easy on you this time. Second, the doors leading to the other parts of this level are
    now shut and/or blocked by magical barriers, so you only have the central area to use as
    your battleground. The gist of this battle is the same as all other boss battles in the game;
    run around and avoid his attacks until you are given the opportunity to strike, and strike
    hard. However, as you will see, you will have to make your own opportunities to do so.

    He has but a handful of attacks. If he gets too close when he is chasing you, he will take
    a couple of swipes with his axe. Just keep going, being careful not to get hung up on
    tombstones as you run. Every once in a while he will shout and attempt a flip attack,
    where he jumps up, spins around, and comes slamming down with both axes. If you can
    avoid this (easy enough; keep moving, and cut sharply to the side when he is in the air if
    you think he is too close and might hit you) he will be momentarily stunned. You may
    have enough time to nail him with a supercharged arrow and pin him, but probably not,
    so nail him with at least a partially charged arrow if he does this, to whittle his health
    down. In fact, pelt him with arrows, even weak ones, whenever you get the chance,
    because he has enough health that a single group of binding attacks/super attack isn't
    going to be enough to finish him if he hasn't been injured first.

    The key to pinning him is also when he is the most dangerous. When Chopper yells
    "Catch!" he is going to throw his axe at you. Don't panic; instead, stop, turn towards
    him, and begin to charge up an arrow. When the axe comes flying at you, release your
    arrow to deflect the axe back at Chopper, which will hit, injure, and stun him. When this
    happens you will have adequate time to charge up a Binding attack and pin him to the
    spot. Then move the requisite forty-five degrees and line up another shot. Since his only
    options are to move towards you and try to hit you with his axes, in which case he
    shouldn't be able to reach you because he is pinned, or to throw his axe at you, in which
    case you can deflect it back at him again, stunning him once more and setting him up for
    another pinning attack, it should be much easier to pin him the second and third times.
    There is only one attack to look out for; sometimes Chopper will throw his axe at you in a
    sideways arch. This one is can also be deflected back at him, but your timing and
    trajectory will have to be precise, since it isn't coming straight at you. For some, the best
    option may be to run away from this attack, to live to fight another day, or just take a hit
    in interest of nailing Chopper with as strong an attack as possible, if your health is strong
    enough; just ignore the axe and keep aiming at Chopper until the axe hits you or you get
    fully charged (whichever comes first), as when you get hit the arrow will be released. As
    I said, if he is still kicking after taking Alyssa's super attack, just keep pummeling him
    with arrow charged as much as possible, and he will fall.

    Now there should be another cutscene, almost a replay of the discouraging end of the
    courtyard battle. Fortunately, the Old Rooder Arrow is potent, and is enough to finish the
    leader of the Entities once and for all. Once he is dead, Alyssa will receive another piece
    of the Clover Pendant, the Clover of Hope. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to increase
    your Holy Water supply. Dammit. Anyway, now head towards the only open area in the
    cemetery, the columned area where you saw the Rooder ghosts. They are finally free,
    and ask you not to allow the Ritual of Engagement to take place. Okay ladies, just for
    you. Alyssa's mom shows up as well, to congratulate her; with Chopper gone, she is
    supposed to be free as well. Unfortunately, the Dark Man shows up and takes her
    prisoner, revealing that he is the one is going to perform the Ritual of Engagement. He
    then teleports Alyssa to the base of a spiraling staircase, where Dennis finds her and gives
    her the encouragement to keep going. Alyssa says that she needs all four pieces of the
    Clover Pendant to defeat the Entities (I can't seem to figure out where she came up with
    this idea), and there is only one piece left. Suddenly, the staircase swirls out of sight, and
    Alyssa and Dennis are left in the middle of a secluded forest path…

    -d. Chapter Four: "Snickety Snack…"
    -1. Hell's Waiting Room
    There is but one way to go, so follow the path into the deep, dark tunnel. Dennis whines,
    then runs to catch up. The tunnel comes out on some urban street, and the name of the
    area above the map, Hospital Street, doesn't help much either, other than to tell you that
    there is a hospital nearby. There is nothing to find, so move forward until a cutscene
    takes over and the pair of youngsters run into a creepy and derelict hospital, because
    Dennis is an idiot. This idiocy is compounded when his "sister" turns out to be one of a
    pair of Subordinate twins, Scissorman and Scissorwoman, whose images you saw earlier
    on the statues in the area where you found the Old Rooder Arrow in the last chapter.
    Yes, those katanas that they are carrying are, in fact, giant scissors separated into two
    separate blades. They take Dennis captive, and tell Alyssa that if she wants to see him
    alive, she must give them her heart, so they can make a new Entity. They then take
    Dennis and disappear, leaving Alyssa alone in the hospital reception area. There is a
    ghost here, so exercise caution as you explore this area. The Spirit's corpse is lying on
    the floor next to a gurney on the far side of the room, but there is nothing you can do for
    her right now. Instead, notice the glittering object on the nightstand between the two
    beds towards the back of the screen (north on the map). This is the Photo of Mother, but
    it is not your mother, or the mother of the Spirit in this room, so head towards the left of
    the screen, and out through the door, into the actual waiting room. To your left, against
    the wall near the door, is a couch, and on the couch is a Lavender Water. To the left of
    that are some elevator doors that apparently don't open, and a man's corpse on a gurney.
    His ghost is lingering in this room, so be quick in freeing his soul by giving him the
    Photo of Mother; in exchange he leaves another Invisibility Band. To the right of the
    corpse are the doors leading back outside, which you can't go through. Continuing
    around the room clockwise, you should find a jar of Holy Water in the next corner,
    followed by a saving journal. Before saving, however, continue to search the counter
    where the journal is located to find a Labeled Key A on the other end of the counter.
    Now save, and after exploring the details of this room to your heart's content, leave this
    room the way you came in (Note: if anyone can make out what is scrawled on the floor
    around the gurneys near the door in this room, please let me know).

    Run through this room, ignoring for now the corpse on the floor. Near the corpse is a
    note entitled Dennis' Letter to Linda. This doesn't tell you much other than Dennis was
    raised by his sister, and that he really cares about her. Sniff. Turn right at the letter and
    continue through the door on the east wall. Now you will be in a hallway. To your left
    are two locked doors, one on the north wall, and on the east wall, in the north-east corner.
    To your right is a couch at the end of the hallway, and, on the east wall, in the south east
    corner, stairs going up to the next floor. Take these now. At the top of the stairs you will
    find another couch to your left, and another long hallway to your right. The first
    doorway you will come across is on the west wall, to your left, and is locked. The next
    one, on your right (east wall), is open, and leads into a bathroom, the middle stall of
    which is a hiding place that you might need to use later. The next door is again on your
    left (west wall), but it is locked, and as you examine it you will be able to see through a
    crack in it another Portal Square. Right next to this door is a triple locking mechanism,
    which you can use Labeled Key A on now, if you would like. However, you still need
    two more keys to get the door open, so continue up the hallway. The next door, on your
    right (east wall) is closed but unlocked, so go inside. There is a bed and some equipment,
    but no objects of interest. What is of interest is the hole in the wall in the north-east
    corner of this room, leading into the room to the north. Crawl through here, and keep in
    mind for later that this is safe area similar to behind the curtains in the first level; the
    Subordinates simply can't get in here. That makes it better than the hiding spot in the
    bathroom, because you can't panic in here and run from hiding. Regardless, the door
    leading out of this room is locked, as is the cabinet in the corner with the object inside.
    Next to the bed is a nightstand with a Looking Glass on it, which you should take with
    you. Now crawl back out of this area and leave the room on the other side. As you move
    forward to examine the next room, a cutscene starts, and Alyssa takes interest in the full
    length mirror at the end of the hall. As she gazes into the darkened reflection,
    Scissorman shows up behind her and proceeds to terrorize her. Instead of panicking, run
    towards the mirror and hit the examine button. When it prompts to ask if you want to use
    the Looking Glass, say yes, and you will be transported through the mirror into another

    This is, of course, the other side of the mirror, and as such everything on this side of the
    mirror is exactly the same as on the other side, but in reverse. That means rooms that
    were on the left side of the hall are now on the right, and vice versa. Also, the objects
    and so on are different on this side. Furthermore, on this side of the mirror you will be
    tormented by Scissorwoman instead of Scissorman, and she is hot on your trail. Mere
    moments after escaping her brother, you hear her come through the door at the other end
    of the hall. Run through the first door, on your left, to escape her. In here is a message
    scrawled on the wall backwards, in blood ("Let me out from here!!!"), and a chair with a
    Release Form in it. That is all there is to be had in here, so leave once you have the form.
    Your freedom from the Subordinate was only temporary, as she comes running again
    once you step back into the hallway. Run into the first door that you find on the opposite
    side of the hall, on Alyssa's right as she runs away from the mirror (west wall). This is a
    mirror image of the room with the hole in the wall, so make a dash for the hole as soon as
    you enter the room, hitting Scissorwoman with Holy Water to slow her down, if
    necessary. Once on the other side of the wall from the Subordinate, stay there until you
    here her teleport away and the chase music stops. While you are waiting for this, you
    might as well see what you can find in this room on this side of the mirror. The first
    thing you will notice is the cabinet is locked with a Sigil, so douse it with Holy Water to
    unlock it. Then open the cabinet to find some Lavender Water. After Scissorwoman is
    gone, crawl back through the hole and leave the room. Ignore all the rest of the doors for
    the time being; the triple locked door that holds the Portal Square on the other side of the
    mirror is unlocked on this side, but holds nothing except a jar of Holy Water and an
    endless supply of Minion moths that will bring Scissorwoman Running. Instead, run to
    the end of the hall and go down the stairs. At the bottom you will find the Photo of a
    child on the sofa, and an open bathroom in the top left hand corner of the area. Go inside
    the bathroom and search the sink right next to the door for Labeled Key C.

    At this point, thing can get ugly, because it should be about time for Scissorwoman to
    make another entrance. You can hide in the stall at the other end of the bathroom until
    she goes away, but here is the ugly part; after she teleports away and you go to leave the
    bathroom, she ambushes you again from the alcove next to the sink, pushing your Panic
    Meter almost to full! So here are your options: either don't hide there in the first place,
    stun her with Holy Water, and run back upstairs and make a mad dash for either the hole
    in the wall or the mirror; or, you can hide in the stall until she teleports away, use an
    Invisibility Band and slip past her ambush and out through the door. If you choose the
    latter option, you can then refill your Holy Water in the room upstairs where the Minions
    were, as for some reason they are no longer there (perhaps because she herself is still
    crouched downstairs, waiting for her chance to jump out at you). Regardless, you have
    everything you need from the mirror world, so head back upstairs and leave through the

    Now, the room to your immediate left as you come through the mirror is locked, as it is
    the other side of the room you crawled into through the hole in the wall, where you found
    the Looking glass. Continue back down the hall to the next door, which is now on your
    right (west wall). Go inside, and you will find a room with a corpse in a chair, a Spirit,
    and the message that you saw earlier ("Let me out from here!!!"), only written forwards.
    Search the corpse to see what it needs to be free, and find a note that tells you that this
    poor soul only wanted a Release Form, but every time he got one, it disappeared. So give
    him the one you found in his chair on the other side of the mirror, to set his Spirit free. In
    return you will find a Sigil Stone on the ground next to him. Now leave this room, and
    go through the next door on the other side of the hall, back into the room with the hole in
    the wall. Scissorman is waiting for you on the other side of the door, but don't sweat it.
    Hit him with some Holy Water to stun him, then crawl through the hole in the wall and
    open the now unstuck cabinet; it must have been held shut by the Sigil on the other side
    of the mirror. Inside you find Labeled Key B. You now have all three of the keys to
    open the room with the Portal Square, but it is not time yet, as there is still the Spirit of
    the nurse downstairs to free. Wait until Scissorman teleports away, then crawl back
    through the wall and leave the room. Run all the way to the far end of the hall, go down
    the stairs, and go back to the reception area, where the nurse's body lies. Use the Photo
    of Child on her corpse to free her Spirit, and in return you will receive another Repellant
    Arrow. Now go back to the lobby area, refill on Holy Water and save. Now run back
    through the reception area, back up the stairs, and examine the lock next to the room with
    the Portal Square to use the three labeled keys. Now that the door is unlocked, go inside
    to find a Portal Square in the middle of the room, and a jar of Holy Water Behind the
    curtain on the left side of the screen, if you need it. Now douse the Portal Square twice
    with Holy Water to activate it, and you will be transported to a new area.

    -2. A Charming Residence
    You are now standing in a barren, rocky area, with thunder crashing in the distance.
    Follow the path until a cutscene takes over. The chanting fellow is your Grandfather, and
    he is heading towards the castle at the end of the rocky gorge. As you follow, before
    going through the broken gates, notice the document that he seems to have dropped in the
    middle of the path. Pick it up to hear wonderful things about your dear old Grand dad. It
    seems that he was at least considering ripping out Alyssa's heart and drinking its blood so
    that he could gain immortality, and he and Alyssa could be together forever. Great. In
    addition, he was researching something called "The Legend of Lord Burroughs", which
    also has to do with becoming an Entity, and might be related to the Ritual of
    Engagement. Its secret has something to do with a mysterious triangular crest and the
    letters A, D, and N. AND? DAN? NAD? DNA? Well, we don't know for now, so let's
    go on. To the left of the broken gate, before you go through, is another Lavender Water
    glittering on the ground. Now go through the broken gates. To your left is a Lion's Head
    Fountain, so go over to it, refill and save. As you continue up the path, Scissorman
    comes dashing towards you from the way you came. At the end of the path you are
    going to need time to break a sigil on a door, and there is nowhere to hide from your
    enemy, so you have two options; make a run for the door at the end of the path, and hit
    him with Holy Water whenever he gets close, then break the Sigil and go through the
    door to escape, or use an Invisibility Band to easily make it to the end of the path, break
    the Sigil, and escape into the interior of the castle. I would choose the latter, simply
    because you might need the Holy Water sooner than you think, but either way, break the
    Sigil on the door at the end of the path, and then slip through the door.

    This area is dominated by vaguely obscene looking statues leading up to a spiral staircase
    in the middle of the room. There are also three arrows in this room; a Repellant Arrow in
    the south-west corner of the chamber, a Binding arrow behind the spiral staircase, and
    another Repellant Arrow next to the door on the east wall. The spiral staircase is a dead-
    ends partway up, so after collecting the arrows, go through the door on the west wall.

    This door leads to a short set of stairs on the outside of the building. As you climb
    you will be ambushed by Scissorman on the first landing, so stun him with some Holy
    Water, than continue to run up the stairs. There is a corpse at the top, with an object
    glittering next to it. Ignore this for the moment, because just past that is a dead end
    where the stone bridge crumbled away, and an Evade Point. Use this now, and watch
    Scissorman take a tumble. When he is out of commission, go back and check out the
    object next to the body. It is an Employee's Memo, which tells us that someone named
    Ralph and Jemima want the Employee to kill more villagers, though he has killed ten
    already…now his masters want twenty more. He hopes that the villagers will be able to
    escape by slipping through the bars of the kitchen window, which he loosened for this purpose,
    and that those who escape will tell the world about the horrors going on in the
    castle. Well, if you examine the corpse you will find that things must not have gone so
    well, as the body is missing its head. I guess Ralph and Jemima found out, and were not
    pleased. The restless Spirit who haunts the outside areas of this castle is the owner of this
    body, and would really like its head back. But you don't have any spare noggins in your
    inventory at the moment, so it is time to go back the way you came. When you reach the room
    with the spiral staircase, cut straight across the room and head through the door on the
    opposite (east) wall.

    This leads to another short set of stairs on the outside of the building, and a crumbled path.
    However, though it looks like a dead end, you can still continue. On the right side of the
    screen is an opening, or archway, through the stone wall. Walk over to this opening and
    you will notice that there is a very narrow ledge leading along the outside of the path, just
    wide enough for Alyssa to edge along, so do this now. A headless ghost moves through
    the walls of this area, but it can do you no harm as long as you are on the ledge, so ignore
    it. About half way along, a stone gargoyle blocks the path, so use the crouch/crawl
    button to make Alyssa crouch down, and hold this as you slide along the wall, under the
    gargoyle. Once past it you will soon see another opening in the wall, so slip through this
    and back onto terra firma. This is short lived however; the door at the end of the path is
    locked. So now slip through another opening on the right hand side of the screen, near
    the locked door, and back onto a different part of the ledge. Easy out along the wall
    again, until you see a small, barred window close to the ground. Search this to squeeze
    through the bars and enter the kitchen. Note: this is the window to the kitchen, which was
    mentioned in the memo of the headless employee whose body lies in the west branch. Why didn't
    I just tell you to go east, to the kitchen first, you ask, since you didn't get anything useful
    from the west branch? Annoyingly enough, Alyssa can't figure out how to slip through the bars
    into the kitchen until she reads about it in the Employee's Memo. If you had tried, it simply
    would have said "I can't slip through here" or something like that. It is just another anoying
    little plot thing, like how you couldn't find the Winding Keys behind the picture of **** until
    it let you, back in Chapter Two. Oh well. Onward.

    This is the kitchen. On the table is a Jotting Pad that says "If you wish to open the other path,
    calm the flames", and what this means you will see soon enough. As you move towards the other
    end of the room, the door opens up and Scissorwoman appears. Quickly move over to
    the oven on the wall to Alyssa's right (north wall), and use the Evade Point over the oven
    to pull a Hansel and Gretel on the *****. After she is out of commission, examine the fire
    in the brick chimney to see a crest with an "A" on it in the back of the fire. Then
    examine the ashes in the corner opposite the fire to use them to extinguish the fire in the
    chimney. Now that the flames are out, grab the "A" Crest. Scissorwoman's bony *** is
    still sticking out of the stove, so you can't grab the object in there yet, but remember to
    check here later. Now leave the kitchen through the door Scissor Woman came in
    through (west on the map). This new area is but a short hallway, so run to the other end
    and go through the door on the other end (west wall again).

    This room has a big fountain in the center, and a bunch of large dining tables. Along the
    wall to Alyssa's left (south wall on the map), you will find a jar of holy water and a save
    journal. Use them now. On the end of the table directly between the journal and the jar,
    there is a candlestick that has been dragged from its original position. Push it back where
    it belongs and the statues on either end of the room will stop pouring water and raise out
    of the ground so that a pair of embossed pillars appear in their place. One of the pillars
    bears the letter "N", the other one bears the letter "A". Hmm. Place the "A" Crest in the
    pillar with the "A" on it. Then exit through the door on the far side of the room from
    where you came in (just past the "A" pillar, west wall on the map). There is another short
    hallway with nothing in it, so run through it and go through the door on the other side.

    You should now be in a small library. On the table to the left of the door you will find
    ****'s Notes 4; it chronicles Alyssa's grandfather's three year search to find Lord
    Burroughs' castle, and unlock the mystery of the triangular crest that is the key to the
    Ritual of Engagement. He also realizes that Nancy must have found his notes by now,
    and figured out that he plans to tear out Alyssa's heart on her 15th birthday, and has
    probably begun to take action to stop him. Once you are done perusing this document,
    move across the room towards the next table. You will be ambushed by Scissorwoman
    before you can grab the glittering object off the table, so nail her once with some Holy
    Water to stun her, and then grab the object, which is another Lavender Water. Stun her
    again if necessary, and then run out the door in the back of the room, where she appeared.
    You are again on the path outside the castle, and the path ahead is once again crumbled
    away. Furthermore, the headless Spirit wanders this area. Luckily, your pursuer won't
    follow you out here, so at least you don't have to worry about her. As you come through
    the door, step out through the archway on your right. You do not want to go forward,
    towards the broken path, however. Instead you are going to edge back towards the
    library, until you see another small window near the ground on a narrow ledge. Examine
    this area to crawl through, into an area of the library that is behind some bookcases. You
    will be able to hear Scissorwoman still looking for you on the other side of the
    bookcases, but ignore her since she can't get through to where you are. Embedded in the
    wall to the left side of the screen is the "N" Crest. Grab this, and then wait in here until
    you hear the annoying wench teleport away. Then crawl back through the window, edge
    back along the ledge, and re-enter the library through the door. Run all the way back the
    way you came until you reach the Dining Room, refill your Holy Water and save. Then
    place the "N" Crest in the "N" marked pillar. This will cause the large painting on the
    north wall to rise, revealing a secret door behind it. Don't go through yet, however, as
    you still need to free the headless Spirit. Go past the "N" pillar and through the door, run
    back through the short hallway, and go through the door at the end, back into the kitchen.
    Search the stove where you had previously fried Scissor Woman and you will find the
    Charred Skull. Take this and leave the kitchen through either the window, or through the
    front door, which was locked from this side. Step back out onto the ledge through the
    second archway to your right to edge past the gap in the path, then go down both flights
    of stairs and through the door at the bottom, back into the main hall where the spiral
    staircase is. Run straight across and go through the door on the other side.

    Scissorman is back, and you already used the Evade Point here earlier, so you will have
    to think of something else. Either hit him with Holy Water and go about your business as
    quickly as possible, or (the far easier option) use an Invisibility Band to sneak by him.
    Either way, your goal here is to get to the headless corpse, who strives to one day not be
    quite so headless. So help the man out already! But be quick. In exchange you get a Sigil
    Stone and a Repellant Arrow; not a bad haul. Now head back down the stairs and out the
    door at the bottom. Cross the large hall one more time and go back through the doors
    towards the kitchen. Scissorwoman will be waiting for your return now that the Spirit is
    no longer patrolling this area, so stun her with some Holy Water and jump back out onto
    the narrow ledge where you will be safe from her. Edge back along the ledge towards the
    kitchen, and the chase music will stop when you are halfway across. This doesn't mean
    that the horrible bimbo is gone, however, just that she has decided to take another
    approach. As you step off of the ledge and back onto the path on the other side, she
    comes back through the door from the kitchen. Though she can't reach you on the ledge,
    she will also never go away if you are standing on the ledge, so your only option is to
    douse her with Holy Water again and run past her into the kitchen. Cross the kitchen as
    fast as possible and run through the door on the other side. Keep running down the short
    hallway, re-enter the Dining Room through the door at the end, and then run halfway
    across the dining room on the left hand side and refill your Holy Water at the jar.
    Scissorwoman should still be right on your ***, so if she gets too close, hit her again with
    Holy Water. Run out the door on the far end of the room, down the next short hallway,
    and enter the library through the door on the end. Weave your way through the library
    and out through the door on the other side. Finally step back out onto the ledge, edge
    back towards the library and re-enter the small area where you found the "N" Crest. As
    before, Scissorwoman will look around the library while you are safe on the other side of
    the bookcase. After she teleports away, leave through the widow, go back along the
    ledge, and go back into the library. Now, run all the way back to the Dining Room, refill
    your Holy Water, and save. Finally, go through the door that was hidden behind the

    Cross the short hallway and go through the double doors at the end. You should now be
    in a "U" shaped hall with some suits of armor and four iron maidens. Run past them and
    go through the red doors on the north wall. The door locks behind you, trapping you in
    this grand but oppressive room. Notice the ornate triangular symbol that dominates the
    floor in the middle of this room; this must be the symbol that **** was talking about in
    his notes. As you walk towards the opposite side of the room, Alyssa takes time to
    examine the impressive painting of a man on horseback. Search the shelf beneath the
    painting to find the "D" Crest, the Book of Entities IV, and ****'s Notes 5.
    The Book of Entities IV tells us about Lord Darcy Burroughs, who was an incredibly
    powerful landowner in the beginning of the 17th century. He married Natalya Hamilton,
    and had one daughter, Annabel, of whom Lord Burroughs was especially fond. Not fond
    enough, however, that when he learned of the Ritual of Engagement, he planned to kill
    her to achieve immortality. Unfortunately for him, his daughter died in a carriage
    accident the day before her fifteenth birthday, which kept Lord Burroughs from
    performing the ritual and sending him into a murderous rage. He had the coachman and
    the maid who were with Annabel at the time of her death killed, and when this didn't
    make him feel better, he started killing the rest of the staff, and even the villagers. When
    Natalya tried to convince him to stop, he killed her too. The villagers finally decided
    they had had enough, and formed a mob to kill Lord Burroughs. He ended up being
    crushed to death in the cogs of the castle clock tower while fleeing the mob. Not before,
    of course, he vowed to plague the world with hate and terror as long as the clock tower
    continued to stand. Finally, we have some idea of what is going on.

    ****'s Notes illuminate things even further. Darcy Burroughs also had a son, from his
    first marriage, named William, who escaped the castle when his father died. He went
    into hiding and changed his name to Billy Brown to avoid being recognized as the son of
    a mass murderer. As it turns out, Brown was ****'s last name before he married
    Francesca Hamilton and took her name, and Billy Brown was his ancestor, making him a
    direct descendant of Lord Burroughs (and for those keeping track, this wasn't inbreeding,
    even though Burroughs married a Hamilton, because William was a son from a previous
    marriage, and thus carried no Hamilton blood). Furthermore, Lord Burroughs' first name
    was Darcy, his wife was name Natalya, and their daughter Annabel; D, N, and A. ****'s
    first name is…well, ****, his daughter was Nancy, and her daughter is Alyssa; D, N, and
    A again. Small world, huh? Well, in the words of Buffy, there are two things I don't
    believe in; coincidences, and leprechauns. **** sees all of this as the inevitability of fate;
    he is meant to complete what Lord Burroughs started, perform the Ritual of Engagement,
    and become an Entity.

    And if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as you are done reading the documents, the
    antique projector in the front of the room comes on, and shows the Scissor Twins
    torturing Dennis, pit and the pendulum style. When the cutscene is done, search directly
    below the screen the image was projected onto to find the button that was illuminated by
    the light from the projector. Push it and the shelf where you found the Crest and the
    documents slides up, revealing a hollow beneath. Go over to it and put the "D" Crest in it
    to unlock the door to the room and begin a deadly chain of events outside the room.
    Leave the room through the only doors, but be careful.

    The suits of armor in the hall outside have burst into deadly motion, swinging their axes
    in irregular patterns. The iron maidens are also now activated, but for your benefit; they
    are now elevators into a dungeon below. The axes will kill you with a single hit if you
    don't have any Sigil Stones; if you do have Sigil Stones, every time you are hit you will
    lose one stone. So don't get hit. Unfortunately, the iron maiden elevators need to be
    used in a certain order to be effective, as doors in the chamber below need to be unlocked
    and opened from the correct side before you can move around the chamber freely. The
    elevator directly next to the door isn't useful right now, since the area that it leads to is
    blocked off by locked doors that can only be unlocked from the other areas reached by
    other elevators. Instead, first cross across the top of the room without passing any active
    suits of armor; the one in the middle of the north wall is dormant. Go down through the
    elevator here (north-west corner) into the room below, and move forward until you reach
    a metal barred door. It is locked from this side, so unlock it and open it. Now go back to
    the elevator and return to the hallway with the armor. Now you need to run south, past
    three suits of armor, and go down the elevator in the south-west corner. To do this
    without getting hit, wait until both suits of armor that you can see have both just moved;
    the one closest to the north swings with and up and down motion, and the next one
    further south swings side to side. After each swing you will have a few seconds to move,
    so as soon as you see these two move almost at the same time, dodge around them and
    sprint south. The third one is also pretty easy to avoid; just keep moving. Once you
    reach the elevator on this end (right next to the door you first entered this area through)
    get into elevator and return to the basement. Move towards the back of the screen, and
    the door to this cell will fall outward. Move out into this hallway, and continue until you
    reach another door, which is also locked from this side. Unlock and open it, and now you
    have free access to three out of the four elevators. As you step through the now unlocked
    door, you will see a bloody trail on the floor. Follow it to the elevator in the north-east
    corner of the room and ride it back up to the hall. You are once again next to the red
    doors. The last of the elevators lies to the south of this, so use the same tactics as before
    to get past the swinging axes to reach the south-east end. Go down the last elevator. To
    your left is a bench with a skeleton on it, but there is no restless Spirit here, and no items,
    so ignore it. Move to your right and go through the open doorway. You will see a lot of
    blood on the ground, and right above that, a switch on the wall. Get ready for a mad dash
    before you throw the switch. It will raise two iron portcullises that are on a short timer;
    you will have to dash straight across the room without pausing for an instant, moving in a
    straight line despite the changing camera angles, without getting hung up on anything.
    Otherwise the gates will come crashing back down before you reach the other end, and
    you will have to use the elevator in the north-east corner again, run south past the
    gauntlet of axe-y death again, and try once more. So throw the switch when you are
    ready and run like mad, as straight as possible. When you make it you will know; there
    will be a cutscene of the gate crashing down right behind Alyssa, startling her and
    knocking her on her ***. Once this is done, get up and go through the only door in the

    You have finally reached the room with Dennis and the goofy twins. They apparently
    took the time to make a animatronic dummy resembling Dennis (seems kind of redundant
    to me), which they chop in half with the pendulum blade. Too bad it wasn't the real
    Dennis, but moments later they flip over the alter to show you that he is still alive, and in
    the same predicament. They tell you he will live if you will give them your heart (yeah,
    right), and then surround you on the stairs, but before they can grab you, the section of
    stairs you are standing on collapses, depositing you into yet another sub-chamber. You
    can't go back the way you came, and the door on the side of the room is broken, so move
    forward until you see and intact door, with a book on a pedestal to the left of it. The book
    is the Book of Entities V, and it tells you about Ralph and Jemima, Oriental Twins who
    served sadistically in the employ of Lord Burroughs, exercising their knowledge and
    fascination with bladed weapons (scissors in particular) to eviscerate and dismember
    victims who were still alive. When Burroughs was killed, the twins were cornered and
    stoned to death by the angry mob, but were resurrected together by the same Entity so
    that they might be Subordinates in death. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Scissorman
    and Scissorwoman. After reading this, go through the door at the end of the room.

    Okay…the door leads into an exact replica of ****'s inner office, the one behind the wall
    of masks. Search the bookcases on the left hand side of the room to find pictures that
    Alyssa drew for her beloved Grampy, and a story about the big bad wolf. Look carefully
    at Alyssa's drawing of the big bad in the background, and you will notice that it looks an
    awful lot like the Dark Man who dragged Alyssa into all of this. Once you are done
    looking, the bookcase where you found the drawing slides back to reveal yet another
    secret chamber behind it. In here there is a desk, and some books, and some pretty
    drawings that Alyssa made as a little girl…and a ladder leading up. Climb the ladder to
    climb up through a hidden panel in the floor of the room with the projector. A fairly long
    and creepy cutscene commences, showing you how your grandfather performed a ritual
    to join with the shade of Lord Burroughs to make the circle of evil complete; Burroughs
    and **** will perform the Ritual of Engagement to create a new Entity together, thus
    finally fulfilling Burroughs shattered dream. At the end of the cutscene you once again
    see Ralph and Jemima on the projection screen, taunting you with poor Dennis. Wait a
    second, am I telling you that you have to go past those axe swinging suits of armor, back
    into the basement, and dash past those timed iron gates all over again? Yes I am. Go
    back out of this room, carefully time your dash past the suits of armor into the south-east
    corner, go back down into the basement through the iron maiden, cross to the switch, pull
    it, and run like hell, straight as an arrow to the other side, just like before. You are
    treated to the same cutscene of Alyssa falling on her ***, so get up and go through the
    door for the last time.

    As you start down the stairs, Dennis is removed temporarily from danger, and the battle
    against Scissorwoman begins.

    -3. Boss Battle: Scissorwoman
    Don't even bother trying to pin this little *****, as she teleports away whenever she is
    cornered, and her Entity can't be pinned down and destroyed until you take down her
    brother, since they share an Entity. Just focus on staying out of the way of her attacks
    and pummeling her with arrows as strong as you can charge them. Like most
    Subordinates, she will charge at you and attempt to slash you, and as she is charging is a
    good time to get a shot off, no matter how weak. A strong enough attack will knock her
    back long enough for you to move out of the way as well. Also like the other
    Subordinates, these attacks are pretty easy to avoid if you keep moving. Unlike other
    Subordinates, she doesn't pause after taking a swing at you, but instead teleports away,
    sometimes really close to you, and tries again. She moves fairly quickly, so stay on your
    toes and take shots when you can get even a moment. If she does connect with an attack
    she dances and claps for a few seconds, proud of herself, so if you are quick you can get a
    shot off before she teleports away again.

    Her secondary attack is tougher, though less frequent. She will teleport to the middle of
    the chamber and begin swinging her blades around to start a whirlwind, which will knock
    down and damage Alyssa if it connects. Move as far away from her as possible and try to
    line up a shot, or hit her before she gets the whirlwind started to stop this attack before it
    begins. Lining up a shot once she has started the whirlwind is harder than it sounds,
    because it seems to screw up the auto-aim; instead of aiming at her automatically when
    you hold down the attack button, Alyssa will aim straight ahead. So you will have to line
    up the shot manually, which is hard to do while still staying out of the range of the
    whirlwind. Furthermore, weaker shots will be deflected by the whirlwind before they
    reach her, so you will have to charge up your attacks quite a bit before an arrow will
    punch through the wind and hit her. If you wait for about fifteen or twenty seconds,
    Jemima will stop her whirlwind attack anyway, and will go back to teleporting around.

    Once you have her on the ropes, and she has little life left, she will start teleporting faster
    and closer, so that you have less time to react. Just hit her with arrows often and keep
    moving, and she should be dead in no time.

    Once she is down, Alyssa runs to Dennis (who is no longer hidden beneath the altar, it
    seems) and begins to free him, using one of Jemima's blades. Suddenly Ralph shows up,
    and is none to pleased that you killed his sister. Now it is time for you to fight this
    effeminate albino.

    -4, Boss Fight: Scissorman
    Luckily, he moves a little slower than his sister, and doesn't teleport. This is good
    because he is also a lot tougher to kill than his sister, and you are going to need to pin
    him down. As is always the rule during boss battles, keep moving to avoid his ordinary
    attack, as he methodically stalks you and swings his blades when he gets near. He has a
    number of attacks, including a powerful one that comes with little warning, in which blue
    energy blades erupt from the ground in a straight line away from him. If this happens
    while you are running away, jag left or right to avoid this attack. He also has a number of
    normal attacks, such as a swipe or a jump and swipe attack when he gets close, but these
    all amount to the same thing, and are easily avoided if you keep moving. The really
    dangerous attack comes when he says "I've got a present for you!", which means that he
    is about to unleash a devastating scything energy attack. He charges up with a blue glow
    around himself for a short while, and when he is done, blue blades of energy tear through
    the air in an arch all around the room.

    While he is attempting to charge up this attack is the best time to hit him with a pinning
    arrow attack. The second that you hear him say "I've got a present for you", turn and
    begin to charge up an attack. Hold it until it is fully charged, with the little tail of energy
    coming off of it, then nail him. Move away from him in about a forty-five degree arch,
    then charge up another attack. Keep in mind he can still strike with the blue energy
    blades from the ground, even when pinned, so if this attack starts, hit him with an arrow,
    whether it is fully charged or not, to disrupt his attack, and then immediately start
    charging another arrow. It may take a few attempts to get him full pinned, but this
    actually a good thing, since you need to whittle down his health before the final attack
    can kill him. In addition to when he is charging up for the scything energy attack, it is
    also very possible to injure or even pin him if he gets far enough away from you. Since
    he doesn't teleport around like his sister, any time he comes in for an attack, he charges
    in a straight line, so long as nothing is in his way. So if you put some distance between
    you, then charge up an attack that you are aiming at him, you just may have enough time
    to bind him with an energy chain. Even if you don't have enough time, the charged
    arrow will knock him back and stun him in addition to wearing away at his health. In
    fact, if your time is right, you can keep hitting him with arrows and stunning him until he
    breaks off to make a more powerful attack.

    No matter how you do it, once you have him pinned once, keep moving around the room
    and bind him with energy chains from every angle until Alyssa finally unleashes the
    devastating final attack. If this doesn't finish him, pummel him with more arrows until
    he is done. Then there will be another cutscene to end the chapter.

    Alyssa tries to cut the last of the ropes binding Dennis to the altar, but Ralphy isn't done
    yet, and grabs Alyssa, pinning her against the wall, ready to take revenge for his sister.
    Before he can, Dennis frees himself and activates the pendulum, which swings forward
    and skewers the subordinate, destroying him. Wow! He finally made himself useful!
    The twins prove to be just as irritating dead, and their giggling ghosts remain, riding the
    swinging pendulum blade, until both the blade and its riders disappear in a flash of light.
    This time you don't even get a section of the Clover Pendantyou're your troubles, so
    Alyssa is still short one. Alyssa shows her gratitude to Dennis by hugging him, but then
    he ruins his big moment by acting like a jackass, having another one of his spaz attacks
    on the altar. Mercifully, his shenanigans are ended when he and Alyssa are transported
    back to the foot of the spiral staircase, which leads up to the clock tower. The Dark Man
    makes another appearance, and Alyssa tells Dennis that the Dark Man is actually her
    grandfather. The Dark Man tells Alyssa that to end this she must meet him at the top of
    the Clock Tower, now. Alyssa shrugs off the whining Dennis, and begins her final

    -e. Chapter Five: "Happy Birthday! I got you a gaping chest
    -1. Climbing the Tower of Power
    The stairway is broken, but luckily a rope is lowered so that Alyssa can climb it to the
    top. Climb until you run out of stairs, and when you reach the edge a cutscene will take
    over that shows Alyssa leaping out to grab the rope, which causes a winch to activate,
    bringing her up into the machinery of the Clock Tower. The first thing you will notice
    (besides the giant, grinding gears, is a Binding Arrow lying on the floor of the Machine
    Room, so pick it up. Now you have to find a way through the gears (very likely the same
    gears in which Lord Burroughs met his untimely, if much deserved, end), so crawl under
    the large horizontal gears and make your way to the left until you see the camera angle
    shift and you can stand again. Run a little further, and again crawl, this time under the
    shaft of a vertical gear. Just past this is a door with torches on either side, which you
    must go through.

    Now you are outside the face of the Clock. To your left you will see a ladder, which you
    can't yet climb, and a gargoyle with a lever sticking out of its back, which you can not
    yet reach. Keep going to the left until you reach the feet of the giant statue of the
    demon/goat thing, next to which you will find a Repellant Arrow. Now notice the small
    gap behind the feet of the statue, a space just large enough for Alyssa to crawl through.
    Do so no, and throw the lever that you find on the other side. This opens a hatch up high
    in the clock's face, and moves the statue with the lever closer to the edge, where Alyssa
    can reach it. Now crawl back out past the statue's feet, and throw the lever on the
    gargoyles back to raise the ladder. Move around to the front of the ladder and climb it to
    the next level. Open the doorway ahead of you, and go through.

    Now you are in the upper Machine room, and instead of going under the gears, you are
    going to need to go on top of them. First, use the save point to the left of the door; better
    safe than sorry. Once this is done, climb the short flight of stairs to the first gear and
    jump on. Now it is just a matter of controlling your run along the gears as they spin. At
    the end of the last of the horizontal gears is a vertical gear; while staying in place by
    running in the opposite direction than the gear is spinning, hit the action button near the
    vertical gear to jump on and ride it to the top.

    Now it is time for the final confrontation. The Dark Man is waiting for you, and soon
    transforms to show you one of his true forms, that of Alyssa's grandfather. He says he
    can't wait to be one with her for all eternity, and tells her why he had so much trouble
    finding Burroughs' castle; the Castle once stood where the Hamilton estate now stands.
    He actually lived on top of the remains of the castle before he left to look for the castle.
    He said that it was no coincidence, but instead the Entities doing. He takes this as a sign
    that he and Alyssa were always meant to become an Entity together, but Alyssa denies
    him, and demands to see her mother. **** points to an area below, where Alyssa's
    mother stands, still and pale. Alyssa runs down a flight of spectral stairs that disappear as
    she passes, only to find that her mother has been turned to stone. She is standing on the
    edge of the triangular symbol that **** search for the mean of for so long. ****, now
    transformed into Lord Burroughs, says that he had no choice but to turn her to stone,
    since she had betrayed him so much; first by marrying the weak-willed Philip and again
    by trying to keep Alyssa from him. As he is saying this, the camera cuts away to show
    Dennis coming up through the bowels of the Clock Tower, looking for Alyssa. Lord
    Burroughs summons up an altar in the middle of the now glowing triangle, and suddenly
    Alyssa is flung into the air, her cloths transform into the flowing white robes like
    something out of a Greek tragedy, and she is bound to the altar. To further drive home
    that Alyssa is at his mercy, and no one can help her, Burroughs shatters the statue that
    was once Nancy with his sword, and the last of the pieces of the Clover Amulet is
    revealed in the wreckage, before Burroughs sends it skittering over the edge into the
    lower parts of the Clock Tower. He then transforms back into ****, this time dressed in
    red ceremonial robes, and begins chanting the Ritual of Engagement, the ghosts of all of
    the Subordinates chanting in counterpoint. Things are looking pretty bleak.

    But no! Its red-headed wanker boy to the rescue, as he throws Alyssa the last of the
    pieces of the Clover Amulet, which she promptly joins with the others to reach her full
    potential, sending the Subordinate ghosts reeling back into the netherworld.
    Unfortunately for Dennis, he also thought it would be a good idea to jump on Burroughs'
    back, who has now transformed back into his Lord Burroughs persona, and Dennis is
    soon tossed over the ledge, back into the bowels of the Clock Tower. He did his part
    though, and Alyssa takes out her bow and leaps over the old man to safety. Thanks to
    Dennis, she is finally ready to face Lord Burroughs in battle.

    -2. Final Battle: Lord Burroughs
    First things first; this bad boy has two full health bars that must be whittled down before
    he can be defeated. This means beating him down for a while, Binding him to one spot,
    and nailing him with a divine final shot, and then doing the whole thing again. It is like
    two boss battles in one, except that you only get the one health bar for yourself.
    Furthermore, Burroughs isn't easy to pin down even once, let alone twice. But it can be
    done, especially with the help of all those Special Arrows you have been saving.

    Here is the big problem; Burroughs' normal ranged attack can Bind you to one spot, the
    same way your fully charged attack will a Subordinate (including Burroughs). If he is
    out of range to attack you with his sword, he will make an odd laughing noise as he
    charges up and attack, and then releases a ball of purple energy to bind you to the spot. If
    he can get three bands attached to you, it is game over, because he can release a final
    devastating attack just like you can, and you have a lot less health than he does. So your
    job is to not be there when the ball of energy gets there. Move back and forth, stopping
    periodically to hit him with some weak attacks, then get moving again. A half charged
    arrow will stop his attack and knock him back momentarily, if you can get your attack off
    before he releases his. Every once in a while he will stop and laugh at you, a deep
    throaty laugh instead of the short cackle that precedes one of his energy attacks. This is
    your opportunity to hit him with a binding attack. Hang in there until it is fully charged,
    even if he is charging up a pinning attack of his own. If you timed it properly, you
    should have enough time to get your pinning attack off before he releases his. Now move
    forty five degrees and try to get another binding attack in, while dodging his. Even if you
    can't bind him fully right now, it is best to keep pummeling him the best that you can, to
    get his health down.

    If he hits you with one Binding shot, simply break off your attempts to attack and focus
    on dodging until the Binding Chain wears off. One Binding shot doesn't limit your
    movement to much, so long as you keep moving back and forth in a small space. If you
    think an attack is about to hit you while you are bound, run to the end of your tether and
    keep pressing in that direction, and the energy band holding you in place should jerk you
    off your feet. If you time this right, the next attack will pass over your head instead of
    hitting you. Keep dodging as best you can until the Binding wears off, then continue
    your pattern of dodging and firing. If he gets two Binding shots attached to you, your
    best bet is to just keep moving, at try to get jerked off your feet so that there is less
    chance that the third attack will hit and bind you. The key to this first portion of the
    battle is to take no risks; don't charge your attacks longer than you have time to, or you
    will get pinned to the spot before you have time to move. Hit him with weak to moderate
    arrows, and try to pin him only if you are sure you have time. If he gets close he will
    slash you with his sword in addition to the above attacks, and even stab you when you are
    on the ground. In addition, he can pick you up by the neck and drain a significant amount
    of life from you.

    After you have reduced his first health bar down to half, he adds a nasty attack to his
    repertoire. He will yell "There is no escape!", and moments later a viscous bloody mass
    will rise from the spot where you were standing. If you are within its diameter it will
    hold you in place long enough for Burroughs to use his energy attack to bind you in
    place, so when you hear him say "There is no escape", just run as far as you can in any
    direction, so long as it is a straight line and not directly towards Burroughs. Always pick
    the direction where you have the most distance to run in, to avoid getting hung up and
    caught in the red goo. Otherwise, keep up with the tactics mentioned previously, dodging
    and firing, but always moving. Soon his energy attack will get even more dangerous, as
    it will split into three balls, one going straight and the other two going tangentially. He
    only does this rarely, however, so just dodge them the best that you can and keep up with
    the strategy above.

    Once you get his health bar so that it is all red, this means he is half dead. Now it is time
    to lay down a little *** whooping. Remember all those arrows we have been saving?
    Well, it is time to use them. Special Arrows are activated by pressing the R1 button
    instead of the normal attack. Unfortunately, you can't choose which arrows you want to
    use, as they are used in the order that they were picked up. Still, the Repellant Arrows,
    even though they do not Bind, do a nice chunk of damage, which is very nice considering
    how long it took to get him down to half hit points. When you use a Binding Arrow, you
    will know, as it glows red and places an energy chain on Burroughs when it hits, just as
    though you hit him with a fully charged regular arrow. When you do hit him with a
    Binding Arrow, you need to move to another spot at least forty-five degrees away to bind
    him with a second arrow, just like normal. Keep up your normal pattern of fire and
    dodge, exactly as before, except using Special Arrows instead of your regular attack. If
    you do the Binding right (i.e. moving far enough after each Binding shot) you should
    soon be able to pound him into the ground with the final attack.

    Unfortunately, though this half of the battle should go quicker, Burroughs gets tougher.
    Once you start eating into his final health bar, he gets a number of new attacks. First of
    all, he can execute any of his normal attacks without warning now. He will normally
    give you a warning such as the taunt or the laugh, but sometimes now he won't, simply
    attacking without warning. This means that the puddle of goo can appear right under
    your feet without warning, effectively trapping you. He also can take time to shrug off
    your Binding attacks with a little burst of energy, freeing himself of all your hard work
    and wasting your Binding arrows. Luckily, he will also occasionally stop and say "Are
    you ready to give up now?", which gives you a chance to charge up a regular arrow and
    nail him in the kisser. The manuever that he uses to free himself of your binding shots
    can also be used to your advantage, if you are fast. Burroughs will build up this blue
    glowing energy field around himself, and when it is fully charged, he releases the energy
    and breaks your binding chains. However, he doesn't do any other attacks simultaneously, so
    he is also vulnerable at this time. If you want to stop him from breaking free, just hit him
    with a Repellent or partially charged arrow to interupt his attempt to free himself. It is in
    your best interest to not do this however, as you can keep him busy if he is constantly trying
    to break free of the binding chains. So what you do is begin to charge an arrow as soon as you
    see him gathering the blue energy, and hold it until he bursts free. When he does so, he will
    be floating a bit of the ground for a moment, before landing and resuming attacks. If you hit
    him with a fully charged arrow as soon as his feet hit the ground, you can bind him anew. This
    means he will have to either stay stuck or try to break free again. If he tries to break free
    again, simply use the same strategy to pin him once more. Using this strategy and careful timing,
    you should have him pinned down in no time.If you never pin him completely, or your final attack
    doesn't finish him, and you are out of special arrows, don't fret too much. Just go back to your
    original strategy and keep hammering away until he falls.

    Unfortunately, that isn't the end of him. He disarms Alyssa at the last moment and
    knocks her over the ledge, but Alyssa catches herself before plummeting to her doom.
    Burroughs gives her another chance to submit, but rather than do this, Alyssa tries to let
    go and fall to her death. Burroughs catches her arm and stops her from falling, and
    Alyssa gets free of his grip, back on firm ground. A spectral voice says "Alyssa, take
    strength from me…". Now you have to run away from Burroughs and make your way
    around the pit in the center to the left hand side of the screen, where the rubble of
    Alyssa's mother lies. Just keep moving no matter what, and when you reach the rubble,
    the final cutscene takes over.

    Her mother's head under her arm, Alyssa kills Burroughs with a sword made of blue
    flame, and her mother is temporarily returned to life, to tell her daughter how proud she
    is. The Clock Tower crumbles around them, along with the remains of their home, and
    Alyssa loses consciousness. When she awakes, she is in a field full of clover, back in her
    own clothes, and Dennis is there with her. She has her mother's Clover Amulet to
    remind her that it wasn't a dream, and as she embraces Dennis she thinks to herself:
    "Mum, we did it…" And that is that.

    Congratulations! You either beat the game or finished reading this ridiculously long
    document. Or both. Either one is a great accomplishment, and you should be proud.

    -f. Secrets and Mysteries
    Once you beat the game, you will unlock a few new features. First of all, there will be a
    new section on the main start screen, marked "Gallery". This allows you to watch all of
    the cinemas and cutscenes in the game, as well as stills and Production Art from the
    game's development.

    Secondly, you will receive a key to the wardrobe in Alyssa's room at the beginning of
    your next ("Clear") game. There are five outfits in the wardrobe that you can choose
    from, and they are, in the North American version of the game; the Greek Dress from the
    battle against Lord Burroughs, a Denim Cowgirl outfit (still with a mini-skirt), a pretty
    cool Rooder Warrior outfit (still REALLY short though), a fishnet and halter top Whore
    outfit (on a fourteen year old girl…real nice guys), and the her standard schoolgirl outfit.
    Apparently Alyssa won't wear anything that doesn't give her a nice breeze on her cheeks.
    This is true for the outfits in the Japanese version of the game as well; the Greek Dress, a
    Blue Sailor school uniform, a White Sailor school uniform, a Santa's Helper Christmas
    costume, and her regular school uniform. Jimmeny.

    Also, when you play through this "Clear" game, the difficulty is a lot harder. Alyssa's
    Panic Meter fills faster, the Subordinates are faster and have new hiding places, carry
    different, nastier weapons, and are tougher to kill in the Boss Battles. All in all, it makes
    for a much tougher experience.

    That's it for secrets, now what about Mysteries? Actually, I lied. There are no real
    mysteries left at the end of this game, other than what Alyssa has against pants, why her
    family was living in the guest wing of her house, and why the men take the women's last
    names when they marry. To these questions, there may not be a real answer…

    -g. Final Review
    Obviously I enjoyed this game pretty well, or else I wouldn't have written over fifty
    pages of text about it. I felt that the game's story, game play, sounds and graphics were
    overall pretty good. It did have a few issues, which I will outline here, in no particular
    order. First of all, I felt the game was stronger in the first two chapters than it was in the
    last three. They set up the deal for us early on; Alyssa moves from era to era, defeating
    Subordinates by freeing the tormented Spirits who give them their power. She frees the
    Spirits by finding their Sentimental Items, and then, and only then, will the Rooder Portal
    Square open to give her the divine weapon needed to fight and defeat the Subordinate.
    However, after Chapter Two, there are no more Sentimental Items, and thus, she
    shouldn't be able to fight the Subordinates. In Chapter Three, the Old Rooder Arrow
    works in roughly the same way, in the sense that until you find it, you can't defeat
    Chopper, but it is not a Sentimental Item per ce. In Chapter Four, there is no item
    needed, you simply need to get to the Dungeon and defeat the twins. Also, what was the
    deal with the Sewers on level three? Why did you end up there and what was their
    significance? They seemed to simply be beneath the Hamilton House, since they led up
    into it, but why did they lead up into an area that should have been Nancy's room? And
    the castle in Chapter Four; obviously it was Burroughs' castle, which occupied the space
    where the Hamilton House now sits. But when is it? Is it in the early 17th century, when
    Lord Burroughs ruled, as would be suggested by the headless corpse still in the hallway
    and the general antiquity of the place? Or is it modern day, as would be suggested by the
    presence of the movie projector? If the castle was destroyed, and the Hamilton House
    built on top of it, how did **** find Burroughs inner chamber and join with him? Plus,
    Burroughs said that he would continue to spread pain and suffering as long as the Clock
    Tower remained standing…but the Clock Tower must have been destroyed if the
    Hamilton house was built where it once stood. Things like this probably could be
    explained, but weren't. The game was simply stronger in the earlier Chapters, when
    Alyssa was time-hopping. The story was still well done and engaging, it just had a few
    holes in it.

    The graphics were excellent overall, with a few exceptions. Alyssa's model looked good,
    with realistic animations and cloth effects, such as her skirt. The environments and
    backgrounds were moody and well rendered. The Subordinates looked universally well
    done, at least from a technical standpoint, but they were also one of the disappointing
    aspects of the game visually. The Subordinates were supposed to be frightening, and the
    first two, Sledgehammer and The Corroder, were. Chopper looked rather cool, but he
    didn't fit the ambience of the game at all. I would have liked to see a Leatherface or a
    Michael Myers, some kind of creepy blade-wielding maniac. Instead, Chopper was
    obviously very anime influenced, and would have looked more at home in a game like
    Devil May Cry. The Scissor Twins were not frightening at all, but instead rather goofy.
    Actually, Scissorwoman was kind of a cutie, mass slaughter aside. And Scissorman kind
    of pranced around the level, looking like an effeminate albino ninja. They, for their part,
    would have done well as comic-relief characters in the Onimusha series. And as for Lord
    Burroughs…his look fit the character pretty well, but I felt like I was getting tossed
    around by an evil Captain Morgan. Which actually happened a few times during college,
    but only metaphorically. Seriously, his model looked good, and he was imposing…but
    not frightening.

    The Spirits were the other disappointing feature, both sound and graphics-wise. The idea
    that the Spirits would have a visual clue as to what you needed to set them free (such as
    the Rooder Spirits who had hexagon-shaped holes where their hearts should be, for
    example) was a good one, but the Spirits themselves looked cheesy and generic. They
    were all interchangeable, having nothing really to differentiate one from another. They
    should have at least used more polygons to render them, as they really didn't look like
    anything the original Playstation couldn't have done. As for sound, their moans and
    cackles were pure Scooby Doo. They certainly didn't sound like the moans of the
    damned. One would have thought that after seeing how a game like Fatal Frame did
    ghosts, making them really creepy with their own individual looks and sounds, that the
    designers might have taken a page out of their books. As it was, Clock Tower's ghosts
    just fell flat.

    Sound was another mixed bag. Besides the Spirits, the sound in this game was done
    really well, with realistic noises for each kind of surface Alyssa walked on, for water,
    storms and so on. But the Subordinates themselves should have had more than a handful
    of phrases and noises that they made, because most of them were creepy the first few
    times you heard them, but went quickly from creepy to irritating after a few repetitions.
    The snuffling noise that Sledgehammer made was the only one that didn't get out after a
    while. When I was hiding from Chopper behind the fish tank in the first part of Chapter
    Three, I heard him say "Oh, clever girl!" literally six times before he finally teleported
    away. But the one who wins the Irritation Prize is Scissorwoman; if I heard "Snickety
    Snack" or "Slice and Dice" one more time, I was going to go homicidal myself.

    Other than the things mentioned above, I thought that the game was pure gold. The
    inability to fight back against one's enemies, resulting in tense sessions of running and
    hiding, balanced by the ability to fight back against one's attackers as a sort of catharsis
    for the rest of the level ended up being a very satisfying combination. Add to this the
    Quantum Leap-like aspects of the earlier parts of the game where you go from time to
    time, setting the spirits of the damned free, and the very strong and interesting story, and
    you have a game that was a wonderful change of pace from Resident Evil and all of its
    clones. Although I do love Resident Evil, and especially Silent Hill…there is something
    closer to the roots of horror about not being able to fight back, about being weaker than
    one's enemies and still triumphing against impossible odds. Now lets just hope that the
    next Clock Tower (if they do one; they expected this game to sell a half-million copies in
    North America in its first months, and it only sold a quarter-million) they keep the same
    formula but focus on making the enemies, Spirits and Subordinates alike, more
    frightening instead of flashy. They have an opportunity to make some really memorable
    horror icons here, the Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, and Freddy Kruegers of the video
    game world. I would also like to see another aspect to the Boss Battles, where after
    destroying the Subordinate you must then destroy their true form, that of the Entity that
    was controlling them…two nasty evils for the price of one. Here's to hoping that
    Capcom stays at the helm and are up to the challenge of making Clock Tower even more
    frightening next time.

    As I said, I though Clock Tower 3 was a very strong game overall that fell flat in a few
    places but still kept my attention and interest, even after a couple of times through the
    game. The super nasty "Clear" mode, with its extra elements of difficulty and surprise
    helped to give this game some good replay value. I give the game a 7.8 out of 10 for its
    strong performance, excellent story, and fresh ideas. The franchise has room to grow on
    the Playstation 2, and I look forward to seeing it do so.

    -h. Conclusion and Farewell
    Well, I guess that is about it. I won't give you the normal non-sense about this being my
    intellectual property and whatnot. I did spent an awful lot of time and hard work to build
    it from the ground up, but I understand that it is a guide to someone else's intellectual
    property, that I was neither hired nor asked to do.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 23, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. keybladeofdarkness4
    Well i got so into the movie i decided to make a thread! This takes place 10 years after Lyra's Adventures. The Golden Compass was lost again and only a medalion, a rhyme, and a map are what keeps it existing. Now, the children living at Jordan Collage must set out and find the Golden Compass before the Magistainian(Did i say it right? someone correct me if im wrong!) Empire rises again.


    Only OC's are alowed!

    If your character is over 18, their Daemon cannot change form.

    You can either be in the empire or live at the collage

    Have fun!

    To Join Just fill in this form:

    Daemon's name:
    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)
    Played By:

    Name: Demitry
    Daemon: Dragon
    Daemon's name:Zengaku
    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)
    Biography:An orphan who has lived at the collage for quite some time. He enjoys reading everything he can get his hands on. Some people might call him a bookworm but his studies endow him with great knowlage
    Played By:keybadeofdarkness4
    Daemon:A large dragon that looks like a bird.
    Daemon's name:Haji
    Biography:She is quiet and funny.She hates taking orders.
    Played By: Devil's Angel
    Name: Anna
    Age: 13
    Daemon: dragon
    Daemon's name: Zahara
    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: she is kinde and hates being alone. she is very silly and loves animals
    Played By: #1 DinestyX
    Age: 15
    Daemon: he's usually in the form of a tiger but will change to other things if neccasary
    Daemon's name: Aerenht ( I will only tell how to pronounce that if it's completely neccasary.)
    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)
    Biography: has been in Jordan for most of his life, but right before that he permanantly damaged his left eye, so much that it constantly bleeds out if he's not careful. It's not gone, but badly damaged. He still studies and loves exploring, though.
    Name: Jade
    Age: 16
    Daemon: normaly in the form of a snow fox but changes often
    Daemon's name: Jasper
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: Loves to wonder off all the time and get into some 'harmless' trouble. Is considered immature somtimes by her childish personality and lives on her own.
    Played By: Desaray
    Name: Balion

    Age: 16

    Daemon: Usually in the form of a snow-leopard.

    Daemon's name: Ricamortus (Is that how you spell it?)

    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Biography: The bad-boy of Jordan, more of a "nuisence" in the college, he just seems to get and stay like forever, never leaving, he always gets in trouble no matter what it is...more like he has got bad luck.

    Played By: XarenTheTwilitAngel
    ]Name: Lily
    Age: 16
    Daemon: [​IMG]
    Daemon's name:tykonimon or tyko
    Rank: (only needed for those in the empire)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography:not the quiest girl of jordan collage...she is constantly in trouble,but she can be good when she wants..shes a good friend and will listend and help where she can
    Played By:SORA!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 21, 2007, 80 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. keybladeofdarkness4
    Zanmato's Avatar Shop​

    Well i've decided to make some avatars for ANYONE who wants one!

    Here's some samples:

    Male Avatars:







    Female Avatars:






    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 12, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  7. keybladeofdarkness4
    So here's the deal: Everything was fine in Radiant Garden, That is, until a series of mysteries began ocurring to everyone in the area. After a while, some of the kids decided to take charge and solve the mysteries!

    1) Have Fun!

    2) No heavy cursing.

    3) You can only have 2 OC's and 1 Radiant Garden character

    4) if you want to join, PM me or post.

    Regular Characters:
    Yuffie-#1 DinestyX
    Cloud-the darkness grows within
    Aerith-Nymph of Destiny
    Scrouge McDuck-
    Mog the Moogle-BlackKeyblade706

    ( follow the form to make the OC)

    Name: Demitry
    Age: 14
    Satus in Agancy: Magic Expert
    Played By: keybladeofdarkness4
    Appearance: guy/59a0a0feme6.jpg
    Pet: MoMo(kitten in picture)
    Personality: Usually fun but when on a case, he becomes serious and strict.
    name: Anna
    age: 13
    status in agencey: ?
    played by: #1 DinestyX
    appearonce: girl and dog
    pet: bud
    personalety: kind and a bit shy
    Age: 17
    Status in agency: Weapons
    Played By: TDGW
    Appearance: younger cloud
    Pet: Tiki- panda
    Personality: Inquizitive
    Name: Xert
    Age: unknown
    Satus in Agancy: not in it
    Played By: me
    Appearance: Black robe
    Pet: none
    Personality: Clam, doesn't like it when people yell, and he has this thing about him that makes you want to do what he says
    Other: you can find out more by visiting other post
    Name: Liona
    Age: 15
    Status in Agency: Dosn't want to be there, but enjoys it anyway
    Played By: Demitryx
    Appearance: Long, thick red/brown hair, green eyes. Wears a long sleeved dress that is cut just above the knee
    Pet: gecko called Charley
    Personality: Agresssive, full of attitude. Enjoys watching others hurting themselves eg walking into doors.
    Other: owns a large sword called a Heartblade, which draws it's power from the weilders heart, if used by a weak hearted person they can become a Heartless
    Status-..........well.......what positions are there?
    Played by-Firekeyblade
    Appearance- She wears a cloak with sleeves and underneath it she's wearing a white shirt and white jeans......her hood is always on.....
    Pet- None....
    Personality- She's really quiet and "emo-depressing" when she's bored and alone, but when she's around friends and people worth talking to she gets hyper......sort of......and sometiems it seems like she has no emotions(not crying at a funeral.....not affected by death......something like that...)
    Name: Zan (I did not get this from Zen!!!)
    Age: 16
    Satus in Agancy: field agent (goes and actually goes through buildings and searches things.)
    Played By: BlackKeyblade706
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Pet: none
    Personality: just wants to get over whatever is happening usually
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 10, 2007, 67 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. keybladeofdarkness4
    I came up with this idea out of thin air!I though, what if cameras monitered the everyday lives of Organization XIII? and this is how the thread came to be!

    1. ANYTHING GOES!!!!!
    5.HAVE FUN!!!

    Xemnas- chula-claire
    Zexion- darkheart418
    Saïx- Twilight XIII
    Axel- chula-claire
    Larxene- La Sofa
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 3, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. keybladeofdarkness4
    Hey everyone lets play the sentence game!
    How to play: You have to make sentences that either make absolutely no sense or that you will never use.
    EXample: Oh no, i seem to have fractured my lower platypus!
    Example: Dude, my grandma drank all of my potted plants!

    Everyone understand?If you don't then i can't really help but remember to have FUN!!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 3, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. keybladeofdarkness4
    I had this crazy idea"what if kingdom hearts was mixed with high school musical?"and this thread will be the answer!the same songs but only a completely different script!
    1.No Cursing killing can only have 2 characters
    4.depending on your character,you will have to sing a song.(Example:
    Mucho Gusto

    Aye que fabulosa
    Rrrrr aye aye AYE
    ¿Quieres bailar?


    I believe in dreaming
    And shooting for the stars

    Baby to be number one
    You got to raise the bar)
    5.keep them all in character!we dont want them with a different personality than the character they're playing!
    6.Have Fun!:D

    Sora(Troy Bolton)-tummer73
    Kairi(Gabriella Montez)-lanihead7
    Namine(Sharpay Evans)-FinalForm
    Roxas(Ryan Evans)-keybladeofdarkness4
    Riku-(Chad Danforth)-Xemnas7355
    Selphie(Taylor McKessie)-RPGgamer
    Yufie(Ms. Darbus)-
    Cid(Coach Jack Bolton)-
    Aerith(Kelsi Nielsen)-Xemnas7355
    Leon(Zeke Baylor)-keybladeofdarkness4
    Fujin(Mrs. Montez)-
    Vivi(Martha Cox)(hip hop fat girl)-
    Larxene(weird girl at tryouts)-Nymph of Destiny
    Zexion(weird guy at tryouts)-Nymph of Destiny
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 8, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. keybladeofdarkness4
    My second fanfic here.Enjoy!

    Demyx Bakes A Cake By Alex
    Part I
    Demyx sighed. It was mid-afternoon, and the day was drawing to a close. He had the entire week off and this was the last day. And so he sat. Bored out of his mind.
    Most of the other Organization members were doing thier own thing: Vexen conducting experiments, Luxord competing in the World Poker Tour, Zexion... being Zexion.
    Demyx's sitar was taken by Xigbar due to his attempt to break the world record of sitar-playing for over 56 hours straight. He couldn't practice now.
    And so he sat... bored.
    He thought of many things to do. Or, at least he tried.
    "Hey, didn't we get a few cake mixtures from Twilight Town not too long ago?" he asked himself. He stood up and smiled at this idea.
    Demyx, the Overly-Melodious and Childish Nocturne, was going to bake a cake.
    He ran down to the lower level, almost falling twice as he jumped every few stairs. Demyx then came to the kitchen and skipped girlishly over to the pantry. "Let's see... Chocolate Volcano, Vanilla Vortex, ah! Here we go... Super-duper triple decker sugar rush marble mix!"
    He took the box out and scanned the directions, often skipping whole paragraphs.
    -5. Heat the oven to 400 degrees and place the cake inside.
    He stopped and stared at the word "Heat". Well now, he thought. Heat means fire, and I know just the person who can handle fire.
    He set the box down on the counter and ran back upstairs. He knocked continuously on Axel's door, calling his name and weird made-up nicknames as he did so.
    "Axel! Pyroboy! Dude-who-dyed-his-hair-with-tomato-sauce! Axey! Please answer the-"
    "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" An enraged Axel stood in the doorway, giving Demyx a furious look.
    "You know about heat, right?"
    "And heat means fire, right?"
    "And fire means you, right?"
    "Demyx! Tell me what you want!" Axel's rage was starting to build up now, but the waterboy could clearly not comprehend this.
    "I want you to help me bake a cake!" Demyx said, hoping for a positive answer.
    "Are you kidding? No. Absolutely not." Axel turned around and was about to shut the door.
    "Aw... well then..." Demyx got a crazy looking grin. "I guess I'll have to sing!"
    Axel turned around and started to twitch.
    Oh no, he thought. He's going to sing that song. That awful song. That horrible song of persuasion!
    Demyx took a deep breath, and burst out singing.
    "You are my sunshine! My only sunshine! You make me happiee-"
    Axel covered Demyx's mouth. "Ok, I'll help you! Just don't sing that song EVER again!"
    Demyx jumped up and down in joy. "Alrighty!"
    The pair went downstairs, with Axel having the knowledge that chaos would most definately ensue.
    Part II
    When the two reached the kitchen, Demyx shoved the instructions into Axel's face. He whipped the box away from Demyx and read aloud.
    "Step one: Get a large bowl and pour the mixture powder in"
    Just then, A ceramic cup flew past him. Followed by a fork, a plate, a package of napkins and other things. Axel looked up and saw Demyx rapidly searching, breaking many things that he threw over the shoulder.
    "What are you doing?!" Axel screamed.
    "Looking for a bowl..." Demyx simply replied. Nearly every cupboard was open now except for the one where the bowls were kept.
    "Well maybe you should have checked HERE first." Axel pointed to the cupboard.
    "Oh yeah, I knew that!" Demyx said as he dusted himself off. He walked over and opened the cupboard door. Sure enough, a large plastic bowl was right in front.
    "Ok, now pour the mixture powder in"
    "Uh-huh... what next?"
    Axel looked at the directions once more. "Add 1/2 cup of water.
    Demyx stopped when Axel said "water". "Axel, wait riiight here!" Demyx dashed from the kitchen and went in search of the one who took away his beloved sitar: Xigbar.
    Part III
    Demyx quietly walked down the hall and came to Xigbar's room. He put his ear to the door and listened to find out if anyone was inside. Nothing resonated, so he sneaked inside the room. When Demyx went inside, he was astounded at the cleanliness of the room. He gazed around and his eyes fell on the closet. He walked over and began to look for his sitar.
    He opened the closet doors and a huge mess of various things came tumbling out.
    "Well this explains how clean it is..." Demyx muttered to himself. He got up and started to search through the pile. Two of the weirdest artifacts was a pink & purple diary and a Hilary Duff CD. He continued to search and came across the top of the sitar, poking out from the pile.
    "Found it!" Demyx pulled the sitar out and hugged it tightly. Forgetting to clean up the mess, he started to head out of the room when he bumped into something.
    "Going somewhere?"
    Demyx looked up and saw Xigbar standing in his path. He looked very, very angry.
    "Why are you in here!?!?"
    Demyx suddenly felt very small and he tried desperately to explain.
    "He did, huh?" Xigbar crossed his arms.
    Demyx nodded fearfully.
    "Then let's go ask why." Xigbar grabbed Demyx by the collar and asked him where Axel was. Once he got the location out of him, he drug him downstairs.
    "Flurry of Dancing Flames? I know you're in here..." Xigbar said as he walked into the kitchen. Demyx was finally released from his grasp, and was calling for Axel also.
    "Number 8? Axel? Hello?"
    Demyx sighed. "If one dosen't shoot me, the other will torch me." he whispered to himself.
    "Argh... THAT'S IT!" Xigbar was really pissed off now. He pulled an enormus heat-seeking missile launcher. Demyx's eyes widened. "Oh. My. God."
    Xigbar loaded the launcher and gave a threatening speech.
    "If you don't show yourself on the count of three, I'll leave it to the missiles to find you!"
    Demyx started to panic. "Um... Xigbar?"
    "Maybe we can just-"
    But when he said three, instead of the sound of a gun going off, there was silence. And smoke. Demyx looked down. Xigbar's leg was on fire.
    He let out an incredibly high-pitched scream and started to run in circles. Demyx just stared.
    "DO SOMETHING!" Xigbar shouted as he jumped around.
    "Um..." Demyx scratched his head. "Ah!" He summoned his sitar and said his signature "Dance water, dance!"
    Unfortunately, the water replicas had a mind of thier own.
    "Left! To the left! No, right! Aw... c'mon!!!" Demyx hopelessly tried to command the defiant replicas. After seeing no success, he knocked one over Xigbar's head. It turned into a floating pool of water and fell upon him. He stood there soaked, and muttered something about respect and drowning a certain pyro.
    He looked at Demyx and said, surprisingly calmly, "Thank you, Melodious Nocturne."
    Demyx beamed.
    "...Now tell me exactly why Axel told you to go into my room."
    Axel's POV
    I watched silently from the corner as they talked about why, supposedly, I told Demyx to go into Xigbar's room. Demyx said absolutely nothing about that stupid cake thing that he pulled me in!
    I crept up behind Xigbar, took a chakram, and knocked him out cold. Demyx screeched and yelled "It's the apococlypse!" before running into a wall and falling down. Stupid kid. I whipped off the invisiblity cloak that I was wearing and walked over to Demyx.
    "Where did you get that from?" he asked.
    "I'm friends with Harry Potter." I said sarcastically.
    His face lit up. "Really?"
    I huffed and replied, "No you idiot!"
    He sulked.
    Axel gave Demyx a very serious look.
    "Now, let me ask you something."
    Demyx gulped and nodded.
    "Why did you tell Xigbar that I sent you into his room?"
    Axel shot an evil eye at Demyx.
    "I didn't want him to shoot me." The blonde finally said.
    "Well now he thinks that I did it!" Axel said, pointing to the unconcious #2. "And how exactly am I supposed to solve this?"
    Demyx shrugged. "Flowers and chocolate?"
    "What the-? No! Never!"
    "Oh. Then I don't know."
    Axel sighed. "Then let's just go finish that stupid cake."
    Part IV
    The two walked over to the counter.
    Axel looked at Demyx. "Demyx, every once in a while can you go look to see if Xigbar's still knocked out? I don't want him to wake up and get revenge right away... in fact, I don't want him to get revenge at all."
    Demyx nodded.
    "Good. Now where were we?" Axel asked.
    Demyx giggled. "Water!"
    "Please don't over do it."
    Demyx sighed. A small waterfall appeared over the bowl and poured into it. "There."
    Wow, he's actually listening to me, Axel thought. He picked up the box of directions and read again. "Hm. Now we need 2 eggs."
    Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly said: "Yay... eggs!"
    Demyx jumped. "Dude, what was that?" A dark portal appeared in the middle of the room. Out of it stepped an Organization member. It was certainly a girl by the feminine figure, but the squeaky voice just didn't match up to Larxene.
    "Hiya there," she said, and pulled back her hood. She had long silvery hair with black streaks in it. She had one blue eye and one green eye, with cat-like pupils.
    Another portal appeared, and Luxord came out. He looked a little aggitated.
    "Darxen, please. Come over here."
    Demyx tilted his head to the side. "Darxen?"
    The girl responded to the sound of her name and looked towards Demyx. She smiled and said "That's my name, don't wear it out!"
    Luxord huffed. "Number XIV!"
    Darxen turned around. "Yes?"
    "Stop your fooling around and get back over here."
    Darxen crossed her arms defiantly and said in a sing-song voice, "You're not the boss of meee!"
    "Luxord, who exactly is this?" Axel asked.
    "She's the new kid. Xemnas pulled me out of a million dollar poker tournament and appointed me as the tour guide."
    Darxen shook her head. "Gambler of Fate, you know that I'm not just the new kid! I am the creator!!!"
    Demyx exchanged glances with Axel and looked at Darxen. "Uh... creator?"
    Luxord sighed. "She has the power of creation."
    Darxen rose into the air and said "Think fast!"
    Eggs started to fly back and forth across the room. Demyx caught a few, remembering about the cake. Axel was frantically dodging the eggs of doom. And one of them hit Luxord.
    As the slimy yellow mass slid down the side of his head, he looked up and saw Darxen doing a victory dance. She skipped over and said "Sorry, Lux!" in a taunting way.
    Silence lingered for a long time. Then Luxord finally broke it.
    Darxen summoned a ground portal and ran for it, but a enormus card chased after her and knocked her in. Her echoing scream followed.
    Luxord bid farewell to Axel and Demyx and then left through his own portal.
    Axel sighed heavily and gazed around the egg bombed room. "Man, this place is a mess... Demyx, go see if Xiggy is still K.O.ed."
    Demyx walked over and saw the Freeshooter, still asleep. He reported back to Axel and then also looked around the room.
    "How are we gonna clean this up?" Axel asked.
    "I dunno, but look on the bright side. At least we have some eggs!"
    They stepped carefully over the broken shells and yolks and cracked the collected eggs into the bowl.
    Demyx looked at the directions. "Next step... the oven."
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 7, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. keybladeofdarkness4
    Light and Darkness are having one final war but some people are still on neither side.which side will you choose?
    1.Keep things at least PG-13 orhigher killing other characters without their permission God modding power-playing
    5.have fun!:stupid:
    6.Yaoi and Yuri is allowed can have 2characters only
    8.Fill out this form to make your character:
    Theme song:
    Played by:
    Weapon:Cat Doll
    Power:Controls Animals
    Biography:He has spent his whole life with animals,but in doing so,he has lost all trust in all humans except his sister and now searches for his purpose
    Appearance: (Zoom in for better quality) guy&pageOffset=9
    Theme song: D-Technolife
    Personality:He is regularly kind and timid but when faced with problems or danger
    develops animal instincts.
    Played by:keybladeofdarkness4
    Name:Karei(Japanese word meaning Beauty)
    Weapon:Cat Doll
    Power:Transforms into Animals
    Biography:She was raised by animals along with her older brother Zen,because of this,she has learned to speak and take the form of Animals she has seen.
    Appearance: (Zoom in for better quality) girl
    Theme Song:Kazenone
    Personality:she is incredibly kind and strives to help all those in need.when faced with Danger she morphs into animals or uses her Cat Doll,Ranpu,to attack.
    Played by:keybladeofdarkness4
    Weapon: Dark Nuckles
    Side: Darkness
    Appearance: guy&pageOffset=13Theme song:Hell Song
    Personality:He is a sensless killing machine who loves to bring people down.Not much else is know about him except he has a connection with Zen
    Played by:keybladeofdarkness4

    Name: Kain
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Power: He has a golden eye that let's him see things in slow motion
    Side: Light
    Biography: He lives a peaceful life by himself, and sometimes could be found goin' to church. He left his home when it was attacked 2 years ago, because he was scared, but he never talks about it
    Appearance: He wears tuxedo pants and shoes, a white casual shirt (not tucked in) with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a red tie, and an olive green trench hat. He has brown hair, which only sticks out a little because of his hat, and he wears a bandage over his left arm.
    Theme song: Wide Awake by Audioslave
    Personality: He's polite at times, always calm, and usually tries to avoid fighting and tries to solve other people's problems peacefully.
    Played by: Silver_Bullet
    Color: Olive Green
    Name: Caxen (pronounced without the a ay sound. kinda like cat.)
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: katana
    Power: fire
    Biography: comes from a long line of light fighters but he's not so sure he wants to. he doesn't wanna be on either.
    Appearance: just wait. i'll post something good.
    Theme song: Open your eyes! woot woot!
    Personality: nice, easygoing, serious at times, always wanting to be friends.
    Played by: ??? He's played by me.(BlackKeyblade706)
    Color: white.

    Name: Angel
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Weapon: a large sword she calls Chained Heart
    Power: controls metals
    Side: light
    Biography: she has always been taught to be like her parents and expected to be able to do everything and right. she got sick of it and left home, trying to find a way to be herself.
    Theme song: Numb by Linkin Park
    Personality: usually very shy, quiet and awkward at first. but very kind, fun, and weird once you get to know her.
    Played by:hidden_light
    Color: lime green
    Weapon: Sais
    Biography: Mayya have been living on the streets ever since she was 7. Her parents abandoned her because they thought she was ugly.
    Theme song:Raged Awakening
    Personality:Very nice and beautiful but shy.
    Played by:lanihead7
    Color: sky blue
    Name: Nova
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: A sword and a bow.
    Power: Light (energy, call it however you like it)
    Side: Light
    Biography: Forgotten his memory when 10
    Appearance: Look at my Sig
    Theme song: Sanctuary~After the Battle~
    Personality: Silent, but speak when spoke to.
    Played by: Sora/Roxas
    Color: Light Green.
    Weapon:sickle and chain and, as you can see in the picture, jutsu
    Theme song:
    Personality:calm and quiet
    Played by:SOR(ShadowOfRiku)
    Color: This
    Weapon:medical jutsu and 2 daggers
    Theme song:Fighting Dreamers- Naruto
    Personality:funny and shy
    Played by:SOR
    Name: Ai
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Kunai and short reach sword
    Power: you'll find out! muahahaha!
    Side: Undecided
    Biography: Ran away from home at age 12, grew up with "the wrong crowd", trying to find her place in the world...
    Appearance: Avatar
    Theme song: Imaginary
    Personality: Unpredictable
    Played by: Riku_Gaara
    Color: Yellow and black


    Weapon:This design, only longer and skinnier except the top, and black with moon yellow top

    Power:Wind Elemental and Auric Sight


    Biography:Eira, an abondoned child from age 8, has always depended on herself. When a young man kidnapped her and confronted her about the darkness, she immediatley refused (smart kid). But after she thought about it, she figured that she could use darkess to defend herself. She had multiple wounds on her back from an attack early in life (mystery), and was almost helpless. When she allowed the darkness to devour her heart, she became strong. She plotted to escape from the grasp of the kidnapped and accidentally broke is neck, killing him. She was horrified for what she had done, and exiled herself. As a loner in her teens, she has barely made contact with other people, making her hard and cautious.


    Theme song:By Myself
    by Linkin Park

    Personality:She has a stubborn attitude and a short temper. She is untrusting and is not to be trusted. She views herself as a bit of a failure, and is always being too hard on herself. Not exactly emo, but can space out and act depressed.

    Played by: chula-claire
    Name: Hake
    Age: 15
    Gender: male
    Weapon: oblivion keyblade
    Power: ice
    Side: darkness
    Biography: He lost his family when he was young and chose darkness out of spite. He's lived on his own ever since.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Theme song: Albuquerque by weird al
    Personality: he's kinda on the silly side and likes o help out his friends
    Played by: orginizationXIII
    Name: Akari
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Three keyblade like blades that each represent either fire, water and earth
    Power: Can turn into or use the powers of a dragon
    Side: Light
    Appearance: tanned, has long wavy blondish-brown hair with a fringe that slighty covers her right eye, Her eyes change colour from brown 2 green, wears a orange and grey striped hoodie and blue jeans with a kunai pouch on her right leg
    Theme song: Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake (well, my fave at the moment anyway...)
    Personality: Out going, Hyperactive, Stubborn sometimes and Fun
    Played by: Kingdom Konoha (aka Miele)
    Color: Orange
    Weapon:Three swordsand four guns.Her large sword has compartments that hold two guns.The other two guns are held on her waist.
    Power:She can heal,summon,and sense other peoples powers
    Side: Dark
    Biography:She doesn't like to be commanded.She dislikes good things.
    Theme song:Animal I have become -three days grace
    Personality:Attitude towards anyone
    Played by: Devil's Angel
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 7, 2007, 745 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. keybladeofdarkness4
    YAY!i made a fanfiction story!its Axel and Roxas!RATED pg-13.YAY yaoi!

    Roxas Flavored by Alex


    "That's way too bloody hot, even for me." Axel wiped a hand across his brows and shook away the sweat on the back of his hand with certain amount of disgust. "I've never felt this glad to be back in here. I'm not a flower, for nobody's sake. I don't need that much sunlight. Argh, I need to get out of this black thing and have a cold drink."

    Roxas's lips twitched into a small smile, as he watched his redheaded companion rant loudly while they hurried down the corridor leading from the entrance to the kitchen. "I think we have some ice-cream left in the fridge."

    "Really?" Green eyes brightened and a wide smile stretched across Axel's face, "You're an angel!"

    Roxas did not remain as an angel for long, as Axel promoted him to godhood when he opened the freezer compartment and pulled out two wrapped packets. Then he promptly descended to being a demon when he refused to hand one over to the redhead.

    "Roxas~!" Axel stared indignantly at the blond who gave him a bright sunny grin and adamantly kept the ice-cream out of his reach. "Come on, let me have it."

    "Remember the last time you ate the last of my ice-cream?"

    "Well, you got the last mouthful."

    Roxas tilted his head side wards, his blue eyes mischievously thoughtful. "Fair enough, I'll save the last bit for you."


    The blond did not response to his yell and instead, peeled the wrapper off one of the ice-cream, revealing the light blue treat surrounded by blissful cooling mist. Deliberately in front of the redhead's eyes, he ran his tongue slowly from the bottom to the top and sighed.

    "Please, Roxas," Axel begged. "Don't tease me any more."

    Roxas raised an eyebrow as he licked at the chilling snack again. Just when Axel was contemplating finally taking physical action to get his snack, the youngest of the order spoke, "I suppose I can be nice... since you did make it up to me then."

    "Of course I did," Axel said anxiously, "We were almost late for the debriefing."

    A pink flush spread across Roxas's cheeks as he recalled how the Superior frowned at their slightly rumpled state while Saix s******ed uncharacteristically and Demyx tried his best to avoid their eyes. Until now, the sitar player would still start looking like a ripe tomato whenever he saw the two of them together. Yeah, Axel made it up to him alright.

    "Fine then." Roxas tossed the other still-wrapped ice-cream at the wide-eyed redhead in a careless manner, and chuckled as the panicking other caught it and cradled it to his chest lovingly. "Eat it before it melts."

    "And whose fault is it?" Axel grumbled as he carefully got rid of the wrapper and slipped the icy tip between his lips. "Ohh... this is so good."

    Peace and silence reigned in the kitchen for the most part, as the two were content to enjoy their ice-cream quietly.

    That was, until Axel finished his ice-cream and looked at the fridge's direction with unmistakable desire. "Roxas, can I have some more?"

    As he was busy with the last melting bit, the blond answered by moving away from where he was leaning on said appliance, and mumbled distractedly, "Get it yourself then."

    Finally, when there was no more of the sweet and salty substance left on the ice-cream stick, Roxas let out another sigh of satisfaction. Just when he was about to turn around, he felt something cold touch the back of his neck.

    Roxas shrieked like a little girl as the 'something' started to move down his back underneath his coat. "AXEL!!"

    "Serve you right." The redhead stuck out his tongue as he waltzed into Roxas's line of sight with a tub of Demyx's favorite vanilla ice-cream in one hand, and a spoon in the other. "Nobody makes fun of me like that. Not even you, Roxas."

    "Axel!" The blue-eyed boy growled as his arms twisted behind in an attempt to reach into his coat for his back, but of course, it was futile. Realizing that, Roxas decided a change of tactics was in order.

    He hopped around the kitchen like a bunny, his arms still stuck to his back. "Get it off me! GET IT OFF ME!!"

    "Need my help?" The culprit offered the frantic boy a lazy smirk after plucking out the spoon from his mouth. "Free of charge."

    Another growl and several more hops. "Axel..."

    "I'll take that as yes." The redhead took his own sweet time putting the ice-cream back into the fridge then coming to stand before the blond. "Roxas, stop jumping. You're not a rabbit."

    Roxas said between clenched teeth, "Just get it off!"

    "Fine fine." Axel reached out for the front of the younger boy's coat, and undid the clasp for the chain before moving on to tugging at the zipper.

    "W-what are you..."

    "Didn't you say get it off?" The grin was absolutely devilish as Axel pulled the coat off to reveal Roxas's back before the boy could react. Taking advantage of his surprise to turn him round, Axel whistled as he surveyed the mess he himself had made. "You've got ice-cream all over your back."

    "And whose fault is it?" Roxas tossed the other's words right back at him with a scowl that just did not fit his blushing face. "Get that... that little chunk of ice-cream off me... It's so sticky... Argh, I need a bath. Axel? W-what are you doing... Ah!"

    It turned out that Axel was doing what Roxas had asked him to. With his tongue.

    "Mm... This tastes lovely. I wonder where Dem-Dem bought it eh?" Axel chuckled evilly between licks. "It's like Roxas flavoured ice-cream."

    If Roxas was planning to reply, he did not get a chance to. In fact, he was not able to form any verbal reply after the redhead moved on to tackle the melted ice-cream that had somehow trickled into his pants.

    The rest of the Organization members made sure to keep away from the kitchen after Xaldin with a very red face reported strange noises coming from it. Just to be safe, they avoided it for a full day and ordered take-outs for dinner.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 7, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. keybladeofdarkness4
    The Sequel to Organization XIII Goes to France!
    This one happens as the Organization Returns to France to stay at the Famous Deimos Castle that belongs to Luxord's cousin Nigel.Everything is great this time the beach,ice cream,an all you can eat buffet and every TV channel know to man,4 know only to monkeys and 47 only known to Dolphins!but once again the fun only lasts very little.Everyone of the servants start to vanish and somewhere,somehow, an old Enemy is still.......ALIVE!or are it really an old enemy?or could it be one more powerful than EVER!?find out on:
    Organization XIII Goes to France 2:The Secret of Deimos Castle!
    THIS THREAD IS OFFICIALLY OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Larxene-Nymph of Destiny
    Naminé-Nymph of Destiny
    Original characters-
    Frostex-Organization XIII
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 5, 2007, 119 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. keybladeofdarkness4
    My very first RP!yay me!
    well this happens when organization XIII takes a 2 month vacation to France.all is going well until they get there and are trapped in the 13 story hotel,The Hotel le Trépas and suddently members start to disappear.....Who could be behind it?do you really want to find out....?
    P.S.Trépas means death in French!

    1.Everyone from Organization XIII is allowed.(including Namine)
    2.Original Characters are allowed
    3.the overall goal is to stay alive and well until the vacation is over or the killer captured.
    4.clues will be provided to help stop the killer,if your character finds a clue they have a choice of sharing it with the others or keeping it to themselves.
    5.once a clue or special item is found I will PM them a clue or some special clue.
    6.Have fun!but never know when the killer may be watching you.
    7.Keep things at least PG-13 or higher.this is a horror based RP
    8.No God-Moding
    9.No power playing.
    Vexen-KILLED BY S.M.
    Lexaeus-keybladeofdarkness4-KILLED BY S.M.
    Larxene-Nymph of Destiny
    Namine-Nymph of Destiny
    Original Characters-
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 3, 2007, 703 replies, in forum: Retirement Home