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  1. keybladeofdarkness4
    for those who dont know the game, heres a video:
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Aug 10, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. keybladeofdarkness4

    Zodiac Force


    The Constellations Have Guieded the fates of Man since Man itself was born. Man followed the Will Of The Stars and they lived in prosperity with the Cosmos. As time passed however, Man began to turn away from the constellations, using their names in avarice and for personal gain as well. The Constellations looked down upon Man, never speaking until the ears of Man could no longer hear the Will Of The Stars. One day, A great black Comet passed over the world of Man, shrouding the sky in a dark Mist. The Comet was a curse that the stars had called upon Man, yet they could not control the power of the Curse, And the Dark Comet threatened to Destroy not only the world of Man, but the very Cosmos itself. The Constelations, in one last effort to break the curse, they gave they're Zodiac Force to the few humans who could still hear the Will Of The Stars. The Stars could only look down, and hope for the Curse to be broken, once and for all...

    1. only 2 characters per constallations.
    2. Each constellation can have three difrent powers and 1 main trait that makes them diffrent.
    3.the first character who picks a constellation can create 1 power and the constellation's trait.
    4.the second character picks the remaining 2 powers.
    5.HAVE FUN!

    Powers:ability to make nightmares
    Trait: extrem reflexes
    Played by:Haru66
    Name:Brigus Takashi
    Weapon: A gem like arm with spikes sticking out of it. The arm is rocky and spikey but there is a gem in the palm of it. He can also change from time to time in this form but it expands when he gets very upset.
    Zodiac Force(constellation):Capicorn.
    Bio: (Not Mandatory):
    Played by:The Fifth Element
    Name: Gwyn
    Age: 22
    Appearance: 5"7, 110 lbs., ice blue eyes, short spiky black hair, wears a brown tunic with brown baggy pants and black flat shoes.
    Gender: female
    Weapon: twin blades that can combine into one blade
    Element: Metal
    Zodiac Force(constellation):Aries
    Powers:Premonition dreams
    Trait:fast reflexes
    Played by: Riku_Gaara
    Name: Angel
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Two short blades
    Element: Water
    Zodiac Force(constellation): Saggitarius
    #1: creating illusions
    Trait:making flash disicions
    Played by: princess_of_hearts
    Name: Aurora
    Age: 16
    Appearance: View attachment 1815
    Gender: female
    Weapon: two cresant moon shapped short blades.
    Element: air
    Zodiac Force(constellation):Gemini
    #1:Able to see anything up to 500 Meters, including seeing through things.
    Trait:Able to see a person's moral compass, thus determening if person is a friend or a foe
    Played by:keybladeofdarkness4
    Weapon:a Sword known as the Azure Princess
    Zodiac Force(constellation):Libra
    Bio: (Not Mandatory):
    Corona Borealis
    #1:Mind Reading
    Trait: Complete invisibility when in the shadows
    Played by: Arch
    Name: Advent
    Age: 23
    Appearance: White hair that's almost at his shoulders, yellow eyes, about 6 feet tall, dresses completely in black(pants, tunic, boots). He wears a hood most of the time.
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: A longsword.
    Element: Wind
    Zodiac Force(constellation): Corona Borealis


    To make a character fill out this form:

    Played by:
    Zodiac Force(constellation):
    Bio: (Not Mandatory):
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Aug 10, 2008, 1,726 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. keybladeofdarkness4
    I dont know how to uplaod videos into the user portal!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jul 22, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. keybladeofdarkness4
    Its all here:

    We have all seen this before right? Kh however is a giant clump of all these clichés put into one outrageosly popular game! What do you think?Which of these have you seen the most?
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jul 22, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. keybladeofdarkness4


    I cant remember how o mute video clips on windows movie maker! Someone tell me how!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jul 20, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. keybladeofdarkness4
    Watch it and post!

    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jul 19, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. keybladeofdarkness4
    Prologe: "But I DON'T wanna go camping!" Demyx yelled at Larxene
    "Suck it up already!" Larxene yelled back " Supeirior said we have to go caping to learn how to survive outdoors. cuase face it, without our portals and nobody servants and giant castle...we still kick ass! too bad Supeirior is too stupid to notice."
    "Im not going!" Demyx whiened
    "Then we'll leave you here by yourself then." Axel said
    "But if im all alone, who's gonna protect me from the skeleton in my closet!" Demyx said with a wimper.
    "I already told you Demyx, that was just Paris Hilton on the run from the FBI"Axel said
    "Im still not g- ACK!"Demyx didnt have time to answer because Larxene had knocked him out in one clean strike.
    "Nice" Axel said, tossing Larxene a rope. Larxene tied the unconcious Demyx up and threw him in a sack.
    When it was time to leave for the Forest That Never Was, everyone was ready until Xemnas noticed that Axel was carring a large sack on his back.
    "Axel..." He said suspiciously "Whats in that sack?"
    "Food" Axel replied fast.
    "Ok then, time to go!" Xemnas cheered.
    "This is gonna be one long week" Larxene sighed.


    1.No character deaths without person's permission!

    2. Rated pg. 18 or LESS content ONLY!

    3.Only 2 Characters per person

    4. No OC's

    5. No sucsessive cussing! you can cuss every now and then though.











    Luxord--- keybladeofdarkness4



    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, May 11, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. keybladeofdarkness4

    Oc List!

    Post your Oc's HERE!

    Number 1:
    Used for:The Ultimate Organization division 2
    Bio: Zaphod's twin brother. When Xeal was created after Alphonse became a heartless, he fled to the world that never was and join the Ultimate Orgainzation after three years after he ran away.
    Number 2:
    Used for:The Ultimate Organization division
    Bio: Xeal's twin brother. He was formed after Alphonse became a heartless and killed his brother Allen. He searched for Xeal for three years and winded up joining the Ultimate Organization.

    I have more but im to lazy to do the rest.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jan 27, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. keybladeofdarkness4
    1)Snape gets into L's past:

    2)L is sick of walking:

    3)Spoiler Note(no real spoilers people!):

    4)Sadistic: Raito(Light):

    5)Snape's Love Potion for L:
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 25, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. keybladeofdarkness4
  11. keybladeofdarkness4
    i is a chocolate chip cookie!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 25, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. keybladeofdarkness4
    just a question and dont be afraid to speak your mind. I wont get hurt or offended in any way.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 23, 2007, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. keybladeofdarkness4
    Kiss kiss fall in love

    The feelings I've been having lately
    Can't quite tell what they are
    It may be hate
    It may be love
    Or just paranoia

    If my head's clear; the feelings open
    Secrets not allowed
    You shouldn't care
    I won't care
    If I'm a lady or a host

    Everyone has different ways
    and reasons why they fall in love
    What's this feeling that I've found?
    Maybe you're my love

    I want to stay with you
    Your lips embrace me with a SAKURA KISS
    If our heartbeats pound together, we're in love

    We're living for today
    We'll stand and face the future
    Spring in our eyes as it blossoms with love
    Hold my hand tight, never ever let go
    Maybe you're my love!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 20, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  14. keybladeofdarkness4

    Haruhi Fujioka is a scholarship student at Ouran High School, a fictional school located in Bunkyō, Tokyo. Because of the superlative cost of the school uniform, Haruhi resorts to wearing long slacks, polo shirts and vests. Combined with her large glasses and tousled short hair, Haruhi's look causes her to be confused for a boy.

    Looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Third Music Room, the working place of the Ouran Host Club, a group of six attractive male students (Takashi "Mori", Mitsukuni "Hunny", Kaoru and Hikaru, Tamaki, and Kyoya) who spend their time charming and entertaining the school's girls for profit. During their first meeting, Haruhi accidentally knocks over a vase valued at ¥8,000,000, estimated to be $80,000.

    In order to pay off the large debt, Haruhi is employed as the club's "dog" and constantly ordered to do menial tasks like serving food or cleaning up. The Club president, without knowing she is really a girl, promotes Haruhi to "host" as soon as he discovers her potential. Even after the truth comes out in the Club, Haruhi continues the charade and is allowed to pay off the rest of her debt working as a host; provided she conceals her true identity/gender from the customers.


    Haruhi Fujioka

    The straightforward and prickly-minded heroine of the story, Haruhi is an intelligent but poor first-year in Ouran Academy and could only enter through a special scholarship. One day, she accidentally breaks an enormously expensive vase of Ouran's famed host club and must work as a host with them until her debt is paid. Although her independent and simple personality clashes with the much more outgoing hosts', she cares for each of them deeply and enjoys being a host (although she must disguise herself as a boy to do this). Haruhi lives with her okama father in a two-story apartment and her mother, a lawyer, passed away of an illness when she was young, so Haruhi is skilled in household chores.

    Tamaki Suou

    A quite narcissistic but caring second-year, Tamaki is the founder of the host club and is very dedicated to his duty as a host. The main comic relief character of the series, Tamaki can be viewed as naive and outspoken for his age, especially since he only views himself as an obsessive father figure to Haruhi, when in reality he's in love with her. Tamaki is half-Japanese and half-French, and lives with his father, the wealthy superintendent of Ouran Academy. They both live separately from his French mother because of a deal between his parents and his bitterly cold paternal grandmother, but is very gentle around her.

    Kyoya Ootor

    The cunning and extremely sly vice president of the host club, Kyoya is close friends with Tamaki, despite their completely different demeanors. He is secretive and remarkably brilliant, being able to calculate any benefits that would come out of the host club's misadventures. Despite having quite antagonistic traits, the host club wouldn't be as half as successful as it is right now without Kyoya's uptight resourcefulness. He lives with his father, an affluent zaibatsu owner, two brothers that he has to surpass to become his father's successor, and an older sister who deeply cares about him.

    Hitachiin twins

    Mischievous, devious, and otherwise childish, Hikaru and Kaoru are identical twins who often toy with fellow classmate and Host Club member, Haruhi. However, as they got to know her better, they start to care for her deeply, especially since they discovered that Haruhi can tell them apart even when they mess up their hair (the easiest way to tell them apart is the way they part their hair), something that no one has ever done before. In the Host Club, the twins use a 'brotherly love' technique to attract customers. They were originally cynical to the world before joining the Host Club, as they rarely spoke to people who couldn't tell them apart, so their relationship with Haruhi is a large part of their life. They live with their mother (Yuzuha Hitachiin), a fashion designer, and their considerably meeker father, a computer software designer.

    Mitsukuni Haninozuka

    A short, cute, but exceptionally strong senior, Mitsukuni, or often referred to as "Honey", is a very childish and sweet-loving boy who is much older than his grade-school boy appearance, and can be confused with Fruits Basket's Momiji Sohma (coincidentally, they both have the same seiyus in the anime). Honey is often around his cousin, Takashi, or "Mori", whom he is very close to. Honey lives with his father, the owner of a famous dojo and his little brother, whom he is often at odds with. He is very fond of eating sweets and his room is full of stuffed animals. He used to hide his true self by being a "real man" for some time, but after Tamaki convinced him that liking cute things wasn't bad, he soon realized that there was absolutely no need for him to hide his true self. Then, together with Mori, he joined the host club, attracting customers with his absolute cuteness.

    Takashi Morinozuka

    The silent and instinctive senior, Takashi is quite intimidating in appearance, but not when around his cousin, the absolutely playful Honey (who he calls by his first name, Mitsukuni). Mori (his affectionate nickname) is mostly mute and mysterious, and humorously doesn't talk so much, but is very protective of Honey. In the manga, he has a more outgoing little brother (Satoshi Morinozuka). Mori's hobbies include kendo, of which he is a master, and also the national champion.

    Supporting characters

    Renge Houshakuji

    The Host Club's (self-proclaimed) manageress who tends to be very loud and outspoken. She had lived in France for a short time before she came to attend Ouran. Renge first came across the Host Club by maintaining the belief she was Kyoya's fiancée despite never having met him in person. This is due to her love of visual novel-type video games to a point that she sometimes confuses them with real life. Her fascination with Kyoya originated from her obsession with one such dating game (Kyoya greatly resembled the lead character). Still, her experience with dating sims causes her to be more aware of character development and a thickening plot. Tamaki initially allowed Renge to become the host club's manager in hopes that she would be a female friend to Haruhi and inspire her to act and dress more feminine. He was harshly disappointed when Renge wound up developing a crush on Haruhi, believing she was a boy. In the anime, she almost always enters using a rising platform powered by a high powered motor, even when the host club is off campus. At first she often complains how they are "not good enough" in various ways, but as she grows more satisfied with the hosts, she begins bringing in more customers with her fangirlish ways. She also changes favourites every once in a while. Amusingly enough, Renge has proven an asset to the Host Club as a manageress on several occasions. She can accurately predict what will win the greatest approval of customers due to her wide range of knowledge on various subjects, most of them connected to the concept of "moe". Kyoya has complimented her on several occasions already. Renge also has activities which allow her talents to flourish that do not directly concern the Host Club; in the anime, she is shown hosting a sentai show for school children and she apparently is involved in producing the Moe Moe Ouran Journal (萌え萌え桜蘭日記, Moe Moe Ōran Nikki?), a school magazine containing all things related to moe at Ouran High School.

    In the manga, Renge largely disappears from view after her initial appearance in chapter 3 (although she makes cameo appearances in subsequent chapters). Hatori mentioned that Renge was going to be more of a recurring character, but it never happened. Her comment probably led to Renge's numerous appearances in the anime. Some of her parts were originally performed by Tamaki in the manga, e.g. the coaching of Shiro and Nekozawa. Interestingly, in volume 9, her appearances were significantly increased.

    A trait that Renge displays in both the anime and the manga is that, when she becomes extremely angry, she assumes a Medusa-like aspect, with her hair transforming into snakes. At such times, she can drive most of the other characters before her in blind panic.

    Umehito Nekozawa

    A hooded figure holding a cat puppet named Beelzenef, Umehito Nekozawa (almost always referred to by only his last) hates bright light to the point that he calls anyone who drags him into the light as 'murderers'. The Black Magic Club’s president, he tries to get people to join his club though is not too successful. However, anyone who joins gets a free "Beelzenef" doll. Nekozawa has one as a puppet, but it is also available as a wooden doll. Nekozawa claims that if you write the name of the person you hate on the back of the doll, the person will be showered with misfortunes. Tamaki, especially, is superstitious about Nekozawa's curses due to having experienced them first-hand, or so he believes.

    Nekozawa is actually quite handsome under his hood, although he wears a black wig over his naturally blond hair. He has an absolutely adorable little sister named Kirimi, but she is afraid of the dark and ,as a result, the two siblings were not able to be around one another until Tamaki and the Host Club got involved and prompted Nekozawa to adapt to light and display his more heroic and princely side. In the end, it is Nekozawa's love for and desire to protect his little sister that endears him to her, despite his photophobia; he braves daylight to save Kirimi. Although he collapses right afterwards from exposure to sunshine, Kirimi loves him all the more for his willingness to brave that which he loathes so much to protect her. On a funnier note, at the end of volume 8, it is shown that Kirimi has turned into a nearly identical darkness fanatic as Nekozawa. Both sport dark cloaks and have their features covered. Despite the Host Club's efforts to help him brave the sun, he is still just as obsessed with his occult passions. In the Halloween episode, he appears before Tamaki (from a coffin no less) and offers his services in helping scare the student body.

    In Volume 3 of the manga, the Host Club actually stay at Nekozawa's private beach and mansion, not Kyoya's, though Nekozawa does not attend dinner because Haruhi switched the lights on and caused him to go into shock. The Host Club (Mori, Hunny, the twins, and Haruhi) also see Nekozawa without his cloak and wig for the first time as he comes out to see what's wrong when Haruhi is being taken to the bathroom. It is unclear if he has realized that Haruhi is a girl.

    The Nekozawa family traces their lineage to the Tokarev Dynasty in Russia, suggesting that Nekozawa family may work with gun manufacturing (a firearm even appears in the manga).

    In the anime, Nekozawa also refers to himself as "watashi" rather than "boku" or "ore".

    Ritsu Kasanoda

    Ritsu Kasanoda is the successor to the third generation master of the Kasanoda-gumi, the most powerful yakuza group in Kantō, Japan. He was raised at a young age to be the next leader so in effect most people see him as a very intimidating person and he has few friends because of it. Indeed, he's most well known for his long red hair and scary-looking face. Since Kasanoda's features have been intimidating since birth, his father claimed he had the right face to become the most frightening yakuza boss in history and actually trained him to appear tough and unapproachable. Kasanoda therefore initially doesn't talk much, though he can be angered easily. Despite his outward appearance and upbringing, he actually tends to be a kind person who enjoys helping others.

    There are several rumours associated with him too. For instance, if your eyes meet his, you'll suffer three months of nightmares. Also, if his shoulders bump into someone, he or she will be sent to the hospital. Finally, if someone tries to talk back to him, he or she goes straight to the graveyard. His classmates know him as the feared "human blizzard".

    Kasanoda initially seeks to apprentice under Morinozuka, hoping to become as respected and admired as he, despite Morinozuka possessing - to paraphrase Kasanoda's own words - "a face as intimidating as that of the guard dogs of Hell". He suffers some humiliations at the hands of the Host Club members, who steadfastly refer to him as "Casanova-kun" or "Bossa Nova-kun", all out of a desire to learn how to make friends and be able to have fun with people. Later experiences concerning a member of his household named Tetsuya show him that there are already people at his home who know his good side - they just didn't mention it because they knew he is not only kind-hearted, but also shy and easily embarrassed.

    Due to Kasanoda walking into a room too quickly, he has become the first person at Ouran High outside the host club to discover that Haruhi is a girl. He had a confused crush on her prior to learning she was a girl and consequently falls in love with Haruhi and attends the Host Club as a customer. However, when he tries to admit his feelings to Haruhi, he is rejected with no ill intent (even though Haruhi is usually quite adept when reading the emotions of others, she is usually quite clueless when others show a romantic interest in her), who considers him an understanding friend (this due to Kasanoda saying he had come to see her so Haruhi could talk to someone who knew her secret, so she could be at ease). Since Kasanoda has been told by Kyoya that Haruhi must appear to be male for 'special reasons', he resolves to not cause her any trouble by publicly stating they'll be friends forever, so she won't have to worry about being thought odd by associating romantically with him. Kasanoda, of course, does not realize that the 'special reasons' consist entirely of Haruhi's debt to the club.

    Ever since that incident in the host club though, his desire to have friends is fulfilled when everyone in the host club (hosts and customers) agree to become his friends. In volume 9, he gave Haruhi a tomato plant as a gift. Also, an update on his situation indicates that he's joined the Gardening Society of the school.In episode 25 of the Anime he is seen surrounded by female students, apparently embarrassed but certainly not angry. Interesting to note, several members of his household are covertly observing Kasanoda's school life from behind the bushes at the time.

    Fujioka Family

    Ryoji "Ranka"

    Haruhi's father works at an okama (cross dressing) bar. He says that he was originally bisexual, but turned to cross-dressing after his wife's death because he could never love another woman. In contrast to Haruhi's practicality and lack of interest in material things, he is rather bad with money, and buys girly clothing for Haruhi in the hopes of getting her to dress more cutely. He even repacks her suitcase for an overnight trip in episode 8 of the anime, replacing the clothes she had packed with a dress.

    Haruhi's stubborn self-reliance causes her father to worry about her a lot; he would like to be more involved in her life and do more things for her, but she rarely lets him. However, the two of them do have a clearly loving relationship. While her father would like to be able to take care of Haruhi, it seems that often Haruhi ends up taking care of him instead, as shown in a flashback in which a very young Haruhi refuses to allow him to go to parents' day at her school because she wants him to stay home and rest instead.

    There is a marked similarity between Haruhi's father and Tamaki, upon which several other members of the Host Club have commented.

    Partly because of this, and partly as a result of Tamaki's evident romantic affection for Haruhi, Ryoji has stated that he considers Tamaki an enemy, and seems to take some amusement in picking on him.

    Kotoko Fujioka
    Kotoko Fujioka was Haruhi's mother, who died while her daughter was still very young (Haruhi remarked in the first episode that it has been ten years since her mother died, which puts her at around 4 or 5 years old at that time). It is known that she was an attorney at law and that Haruhi takes after her in some ways and that she remains Haruhi's great example. If the way Haruhi recalls her both in waking memory and in a dream is accurate, she was dedicated and a loving mother who wished the very best for her family. One would assume she was also somewhat open-minded in order to live with and love her husband, "Ranka", who has stated that Kotoko was both beautiful and intelligent, but also reveals that she was apparently a closet fan of the St. Lobelia's Zuka Club of her day.

    Minor characters

    Host Club customers

    The main "villain" of the first chapter, Ayanokouji's jealousy of Tamaki's friendship with Haruhi led her to throw Haruhi's belongings into a pond. However, she has water poured on her as a punishment (from the twins), and was banned from the Host Club forever. In the anime, she's parodied in episode 13 when she takes on the role of a lowly cook in Haruhi's dream.

    At the end of volume 1, Hatori noted that she's in class 3-A, the same class as Honey and Mori.

    Kanako Kasugazaki
    The subject of help for the Host Club in episode 2 of the anime. Initially, Kanako was well-known for changing her hosts every now and then. (The usual practise is for a girl to designate a permanent host.) She did this to spite her fiancé into paying attention to her. However, it wasn't successful until Tamaki got wind of their situation and decided to help out. She made a cameo appearance in episode 13.

    In the anime, she's the first person Haruhi ever kissed, during a ball organized by the Host Club (and where they executed Tamaki's plan to bring the couple together). In the manga, Haruhi kissed a different girl.

    Shiro Takaoji
    The subject of help for the Host Club in episode 6 of the anime. In the manga, he's later "loaned" to Kasanoda in the attempt to make him "cuter". He made a cameo appearance in episode 13 as a mouse.

    In the anime, at the end of episode 6, Shiro's pose is a nod to his seiyu's more famous role as the titular character in Naruto.

    Ayame Jounouchi
    A classmate of Kyoya and Tamaki, and the class vice-chairman of 2-A, Ayame became Haruhi's tutor when Haruhi failed to be top of her cohort. Despite hating Tamaki for his eccentricities, and the fact that he's always second in class (Ayame was consistently third after Tamaki came to Ouran), she had a crush on the Host Club President. Initially, she permed her hair straight, but after Tamaki's advice, she reverted to her natural hairstyle (wavy) and became a regular at the Host Club. She's also known for her ability to speak for a long time in a single breath; as such, her nickname among the Host Club members is "Morse Code Lady".

    In the anime, her appearance is limited to a cameo in episode 24, when Tamaki introduced himself to her (and Kyoya).

    Reiko Kanazuki
    A student of Class 1-D, Reiko had a crush on Honey. However, due to her shyness (and obsession with curses), the Host Club initially had the wrong impression that she was out to do Honey harm. After some words from Honey, Reiko decided to try and overcome her shyness. She also became a regular at the Host Club.

    She's the second member of the Black Magic Club to be named.

    Ootori family

    Fuyumi Ootori
    Kyoya's older sister. In the anime, she appears during Kyoya's flashbacks about his first meeting with Tamaki. She clearly cares for her younger brother and tries to help him in life; apparently she is somewhat lacking in the areas of housework and organization, but she appears to be a kind-hearted person. It is revealed in the manga that she was married, but returned home later (for a short visit, which her father chided her for). Her husband's surname is Shido (矢道, Shido?).

    Yoshio Ootori
    Patriarch of the Ootori family, Yoshio is portrayed as a cold, calculating father. Kyoya tries hard to please him in order to become heir of the family, despite the fact that his father is apparently a cold and uncompromising man, who shows no understanding for his children and has planned out the lives of his sons as his own successors already. In the manga, he acknowledges Kyoya as a possible successor despite being the third son. In the anime, he states he had already decided Kyoya would inherit Ootori Medical from him, only to have his third son buy it and return it to his control without ever revealing his identity. He wants Kyoya to marry Haruhi.

    Student Leaders

    Kazukiyo Souga
    The Class President of 1-A, Kazukiyo suffers from nyctophobia and a fear of just about anything else that is scary. He has romantic feelings for Class 1-A's Vice President, Momoka, whom he has known for years, but he is initially too shy to come out and say anything. Hikaru and Kaoru comment that he is the kind of person with pure feelings who they can't tease, possibly because he is more emotionally vulnerable than Tamaki.

    In the manga, he unwittingly caused Haruhi some problems when he became top of his cohort. (As a scholarship student, Haruhi has to be the top student in order to keep the scholarship.) Also, in volume 6, it's revealed that his father is a famous politician.

    Momoka Kurakano
    The Class Vice-President of 1-A. She conducts class meetings with Kazukiyo and has new-found respect for him after he put up with the Halloween ordeal. She is a frequent client of Haruhi in the Host Club.

    Suou family

    Yuzuru Suou\
    Patriarch of the Suou family, Yuzuru shares some of his son's characteristics. Despite knowing of his mother's loathing of Tamaki, he could do little to help the situation. To date, his only act of rebellion against his mother's wishes seems to be that he did not simply break off his relationship with Tamaki's mother, but instead divorced the woman his mother had chosen for him. In the anime he does seem to be a bit cold to Tamaki, though this might be to show that he does not favor his son as a student, as a scene in the anime shows photographs of Tamaki at different stages of life on his desk in his office. It also seems Tamaki gained his charms from his father. Interestingly, Tamaki is very serious in Yuzuru's presence. The manga is a little different, showing Yuzuru as eager to tease his son at every opportunity, sending him red herrings in the middle of an investigation and telling tall tales.

    It has been revealed (in volume 9) that Yuzuru knows where his wife is; it wouldn't have been hard for him to arrange for Tamaki a reunion. What the father had in mind was the idea of having Tamaki surpassing him in terms of capabilities, so that Tamaki may inherit the Suou empire, and force his grandmother to accept his mother. Unwittingly, his kiss on Tamaki's forehead gave the teen the same idea, and he kissed Haruhi's forehead as a "paternal" gesture. In the last episode of the anime while the host club are enjoying the last night of the festival, Kyoya's father, Yoshio Ootori, was in his office at Ouran (the Ootori head states what his third son did to avoid the Tonnerres in accumulating their business), Yuzuru told Yoshio that they might as well be friendly to each other like their own sons, but after hearing from Yoshio that he is planning to have his son, Kyoya, marry Haruhi someday, he commented that they will never be friendly after all, hinting that he is planning the same thing for Tamaki and Haruhi.

    Zuka Club

    Benio Amakusa
    The President of the Zuka Club. Benio is nicknamed "Benibara-sama" at St. Lobelia's and is the most popular of the Zuka Club's ruling council. Benio is also known as "The Lady of the Red Rose". A "Benibara-sama's guardian club" has been founded at St. Lobelia's just to make sure she doesn't get mobbed when walking down the aisles. There is also a fanclub devoted to her. Benio doesn't exactly help matters; she flirts with girls with the same ease as Tamaki . On one occasion, Benio claimed that she was following in the footsteps of her mother, who was supposedly also president of the Zuka Club in her day. This may have been nothing more than a lie meant to sucker Haruhi into helping the Zuka Club out with a play. While not possessing any feminine curves, and Benio's liberal use of the male word 'boku' for 'I', her gender is almost certainly female.

    Chizuru Maihara
    The Vice President of the Zuka Club, also known as "The Lady of the Lily". Chizuru is outwardly the most placid member of the ruling council, but this counts for nothing; she never objects to any of the Club's plans, but rather assists and makes things worse.

    Hinako Tsuwabuki
    One of the leading members of the Zuka Club, known as "The Lady of the Daisy". Hinako is the youngest member of the club's leading council and arguably the most energetic of the three.

    Sonoda family

    Misuzu Sonoda
    Misuzu is Ranka's colleague at the okama bar. He runs a pension in Karuizawa, Nagano. His real name is Isao (功). He was formerly a banker.
    Mei Yasumura
    Misuzu's ganguro dressed daughter, who hates her father for being a crossdresser, as it was the reason for her parents' divorce. Misuzu then managed to get the Fujiokas to keep an eye on her for a while. After some work by the Host Club, Mei managed to reconcile with Misuzu. She adores creating her own fashions and loves seeing her clothes on other girls. Yasumura is the surname of her stepfather (during the divorce, Mei's custody was awarded to her mother). She developed a crush on Tamaki, who is secretly working a part-time job in an attempt to reunite Mei and her father, and enlisted Haruhi's (reluctant) help on the matter but later had suspected that Tamaki might be in love with Haruhi (and vice versa). She's also the only non-Host Club member to appear on any volume cover in the manga series.

    An anime-only character. Éclair is the beautiful, shrewd heir apparent to the France-based Grand Tonnerre Group, which - in the anime - now employs Tamaki's mother as a servant in Éclair's house. Having heard a great deal about Tamaki from his mother, Éclair develops a kind of crush on him and concocts a scheme to make him her husband. She tracks down Tamaki in Japan and convinces him to leave the Host Club, offering him a chance to see his mother if he complies with her wishes. She secures non-interference from the Ootori group by arranging for the Grand Tonnerre Group to buy up Ootori Medical so as to control Kyouya's father.

    While she does not immediately recognize Haruhi as a girl, as soon as she does, she tries to drive a wedge between her and Tamaki, with some degree of success. In the end, Tamaki still leaves her side in order to save Haruhi's life, but leaves her with a good impression by genuinely smiling at her and complimenting her before jumping out of the car that was driving them to the airport. She then ask her driver to head towards the airport even without Tamaki, telling her driver how wonderful and pure hearted Tamaki is because he actually gave her a genuine smile even after all she did.


    The Ouran Private Academy encompasses kindergarten to twelfth grade. Most students come from wealthy families but, in rare occasions, special scholarships are granted to students from a lower income bracket. The school's unofficial motto is "Lineage counts first, wealth a close second," meaning students with stellar family backgrounds are given top priority over those from rich families but low social status.

    Host Club

    Tamaki thought up the Host Club while in ninth grade and started it upon entering the Ouran High School. Customers have the freedom to choose which host will entertain them, playing to their specific needs and interests.

    The Third Music Room has been outfitted by the Club to accommodate their business and, sometimes, it has a specific theme, ranging from a tropical paradise to a traditional picnic, to heighten the customers' pleasure and keep things interesting.

    Dark Magic Club

    The Dark Magic Club is led by Umehito Nekozawa, a third year student. The club members seem to spend most of their time in a dimly-lit room poring over witchcraft paraphernalia, but the Club President insists they are performing a Black Mass. Each member wears a black coat and is provided their own free Beelzenef cat-puppet.

    In the television series, Nekozawa is the only member shown and it is unknown if he managed to recruit anyone into his club.

    Newspaper Club

    The Newspaper Club is made up by its Chairman Akira Komatsuzawa, Chikage Ukyo and Tomochika Sakyo. The Club strives to be more popular than the Host Club, but their newsletter is a sensational, gossip-filled tabloid no one bothers to read.

    Zuka Club

    The White Lily Group, otherwise known as the Zuka Club (ヅカ部, Zukabu?) in honor of the Takarazuka Revue, is Ouran Host Club's counterpart at St. Lobellia's Girls Academy. The leading body, composed of third-year student Benio Amakusa "Benibara", second-year student Chizuru Maihara "Suzuran", and first-year student Hinako Tsuwabuki "Hinagiku", have gained idol status at St. Lobellia; Benio, particularly, is the subject of extreme affection from her fellow students, requiring her own student security agents. The group is a strong advocate of female superiority. Besides theatric performances, the club hosts a wide range of activities, such as tea ceremonies and discussion groups.

    American Football Club

    The American Football Club consists of Captain Takeshi Kuze, Vice-captain Makoto Togoin and Hayato Tarumi. Kuze's family controls the largest domestic share of fruit and vegetable imports. The team is called the Ouran Orage, which rhymes with "orange" and is French for "tempest". The American Football Club only appears in the manga. It is shown that the captain, Takeshi Kuze holds some sort of grudge against Kyouya. The grudge apparently comes from when they were very young, and Kyouya contradicted Kuze's knowledge on the nutritional value of oranges (and their peels).

    Karate Club

    Little is known about the Karate Club, besides that Hunny was its captain before joining the Host Club in his second year of high school. As captain, Hunny was strict and hard on the students in an attempt to purge the cuteness from him. The current captain is Hunny's stricter, younger brother Yasuchika.

    Okay....That was LONG... so pick whichever character you want and if want to make an OC, pick which club He/She is in. Have fun 'kay!

    Characters Taken:
    Hitachiin Twins - keybladeofdarkness4
    Umehito Nekozawa - luna561
    Hunny - the darkness grows within
    Haruhi Fujioka - Princess of Hearts
    Kyoya Ootor - hidden light
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 20, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. keybladeofdarkness4
  16. keybladeofdarkness4
    Roses are dead,
    Violets are too,
    and if I died right now,
    Then I'd be there with you
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 19, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. keybladeofdarkness4
    This is the list of Characters from the book i wrote in fifth grade. I will Be posting All four of the books on the site by the way.

    Zanmato Hernandez,Age 27:A Man who created the 'Spiritual Arts' Style of magic. He has a terrible temper and is Andark's Half brother, Maria's husband and Zamias's father.

    Andark Martinez,Age 26: Zanmato's Half brother. He has a horrible gambling addiction and is always low on money.

    Anth Padron ,Age 27: A master swords man and a longtime friend of Zanmato and Andark. He is also engaged to Erin

    Maria Clearwater,Age 27: A master of every martial art know to man and six know only to monkeys. She is Zanmato's wife and always seems to pop up at the worst times.

    Zamias Hernandez, Age 7: Zanmato's son and a fun loving idiot. He always seems to get into problems no matter where he may be.

    Erin Chinchilla, Age 25: A woman who owns a deli in New York City. Not much else is know about her though...

    Cloe Mendoza, Age 21 : A famous actor/popstar/fashion model/billionaire/princess/queen/astronaut. She is rumored to have the Legendary Procomy Diamond, also know as "The Eye of Cleveland-Lantis"

    Cougar Sotolongo, Age 27: A master time mage and vice president of the Vareth Magic Institute.

    Prof. Mgnugget Brown , Age ???: An owl with the ability to talk. He is the President of the Vareth Magic Institute.

    King Karott, Age 4: A robotic carrot who rules over the robot vegetable army. He has a deep hatred for King Troutt

    King Troutt, Age 4: A magic fish with the ability to grant wishes. He is the leader of the fishmen army and has a deep hatred for King Karott.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 9, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. keybladeofdarkness4
    Because... ITS FRICKEN HOT! DUH!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 2, 2007, 59 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. keybladeofdarkness4
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 2, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. keybladeofdarkness4
    I'm Gay....
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 2, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone