My name is Alex Hernandez, so this applies to me: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Alex
I has an ice cream sandwich!
[I will destroy the spamzone with my giant cyber laser!] this shit just got real.
Just give me a picture to represent to and i'll make you something like this: OR... I Also Make CARDS:
http://www.kh-vids.net/member.php?u=31505 someone BAN as soon as possible!
Entertain me before I strap a bomb to the spamzone and blow it to smithereens with me Utada Cannon.
Rules are simple: 1.) go to your music playlist (IE. iTunes, Windows Media Player, Music Player) 2.)Use the "Shuffle" setting, 3.)Then list the first 10 songs that your playlist plays out for you. My List: 1) Final Distance- Utada Hikaru 2)Wait and Bleed - Slipknot 3) D-Technolife - UVERworld 4)Hips Don't Lie - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean 5)One Winged Angel - The Black Mages 6)Colors of The Heart - UVERworld 7)J E N O V A - Noubo Uematsu 8)Fergilicious - Fergie 9)Katamaritanio - Hideki Tobeta, Yui Asaka 10)Scars - Papa Roach
if you go down to the woods today, You're sure of a big surprise If you go down to the woods today, You'd better go in disguise. For ev'ry Pedo that ever there was, Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the Pedo Bears have their picnic. Ev'ry Pedo Bear who's "sportin' wood", Is sure of a treat today. There's lots of marvelous lolis to lick, And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees where nobody sees, They'll chase and rape as long as they please 'Cause that's the way the Pedo Bears have their picnic!
"Never trust a dog to watch your food." -Patrick, age 10 "When your dad is mad and asks you, "Do I look stupid?' Don't answer." -Hannah, age 9 "Never tell your Mom her diet's not working." -Michael, age 14 "Stay away from prunes." -Randy, age 9 "Don't pull Dad's finger when he tells you to." -Emily, age 10 "When your Mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair." -Taylia, age 11 "Never let your three-year old brother in the same room as your school assignment." -Traci, age 14 "A puppy always has bad breath--even after eating a Tic-Tac." - Andrew, age 9 "Never hold a dustbuster and a cat at the same time." - Kyoyo, age 11 "You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk." -Amir, age 9 "Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts." -Kellie, age 11 "If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse." -Naomi, age 15 "Felt-tip markers are not good to use as lipstick." -Lauren, age 9 "Don't pick on your sister when she's holding a baseball bat." -Joel, age 10 "When you get a bad grade in school, show it to your Mom when she's on the phone." -Alyesha, age 13 "Never try to baptize a cat." -Eileen, age 8
How could you guys let this happen????
I Made this thread for the sole reason for apologizing to Emma (gintasthebest). What i did in the "cats will rule! *Emma-less version*" was a terrible thing to do, but i couldn't help it. I threw a tantrum. I snapped. Im not gonna do it again, but it was the only thing i could have done other than letting my anger simmer inside then taking it out on the nearest bystander. I want everyone to know that even though in a lax member most of the time, my MPD will act up under intense anger or animosity. As a token of my apology plase accept this motivational poster:
because i cant take Emma's bitching anymore, and because she wants to use the fact that ANYONE can make this thread again as a way to FORCE us top be nice to her. This is basically the old "cats will rule" Just with no Emma.
and this is a post.
♫Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming The goddess of imaginary light In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me♫ continue ;D
1) ANF eats people 2) The Joker + TheMuffinMan = High class British porn. 3)Emma likes Jeffrey 4) Unsaintly Saint molests teddy bears 5) 2+2 = fish 6) ಠ_ಠ 7) According to Misty, no one really likes O R A N G E 8) ~Amber~ is a radioactive cookie 9) Emma is weak against boxes 10) Its over 9000!!!! 11) Absol is an orgasm waiting to happen 12) Apparently im some sort of therapist here on the internet. 13) Gwen is cheating on Lawliet 14) L and Lawliet have nothing in common. 15) How to make spam
[can get away with saying "that's hot" in a conversation] its true!
This is the prologue for the manga/book that me and my friends are making. If your wondering about the name, its the first letter of each of our names: Hanna Alex(me) Afi Lamont Troy that makes HAALT, WOOO! Prologue: Din's Prophecy The world of Raion, a blissful world, bathed in sunshine and happiness. But even in this world, a darkness lingers, and the people are beginning to fear for their lives. An evil entite know as Notlimah became the worry of the three kingdoms of Raion: The Kingdom of The Red Blood Rose, The Kingdom of The White Life Rose,a and The Kingdom of The Golden Gilded Rose. They inevitably joined together and forged a vast army, with which they hoped to defeat Notlimah, as vein a hope as it was, it was there only shot. They sent the army to the White Shadow Fortress, Notlimah's base. In one night,the army was slain, leaving only two men alive to tell the tale. "It was a great arachnid, bearing the mask of an Oni!" one of the men said aghast the other man told the kings on his deathbed: "It has a kind of magic..that doesn't belong in this world...." The Kings thought the worst, so in one final effort to stop Notlimah, they went to the Oracle of The Altars: Din The Benevolent. "When the worst seems to loom over all, Five Warriors will come and defeat Notlimah..." "How will we know who the Warriors are?" one of the kings asked "The warrior will each bear a crystal shard, one that corresponds with the each of the Five Altars that are scatter around the land...They shall purify the Shards at the Altars, and only them, will they be able to destroy Notlimah." The kings thought that the Prophecy would mean safety for their kingdoms, but they were gravely mistaken, Notlimah knew of the Prophecy, as thus made Five incarnations of herself, each to corrupt one Altar, and take its power for itself. Without the Altars, the bountiful gifts they offered were washed away by darkness. Fires faded away in seconds, The winds died out, The seas raged, The earth began to rot, and night and day became one. The Kings waited patiently for the Warriors, and Notlimah planed her conquest and the world of Raion became a worse place by the day....................... The warriors Would Not Come By Themselves, It Would Take Notlimah To Bring Her Destroyers To Raion.... "Are you SURE it wasn't a porno?" Alex said taking a bite of his toast , ever since the school gave free breakfast, the group ate in the cafeteria each morning. "Just because the movie was called Hard Candy doesn't mean that its a porno!" Hanna snapped at Alex and glared at Lamont and Troy as soon as they gave even the slightest chuckle. "Just finish the story." Afi said, eating another spoonful of cereal. "well, theres this girl, and she meets a guy on the internet, and he's in his thirties, but she's fourteen." "I've seen this one before!" Alex said with his mouth full "At the end the chick cuts the guy' nuts off." He said as Lamont, Troy and Afi went into an uproar of laughter. Hanna decided to laugh as well, as they finished up breakfast and headed to P.E.