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  1. keybladeofdarkness4
    --Tear us down
    Throw you out
    Screaming down the halls
    Spinning all around and now we fall
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jan 2, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. keybladeofdarkness4
    Do, Do you got a fru-it bowl handy?
    Do, Do you know how to plant a fruit tree?
    Tell me,
    Are Are Are Are you,
    Are you juicy, and delicious?
    Cuz I might need some time to clear the hole in my fruit and I
    I've tried every remedy
    And nothing seems to work for me
    Baby, (baby)
    This situation's driving me crazy
    And I really wanna be your pineapple
    But the one before you left me so

    Damaged, Damaged
    Damaged, Damaged
    I thought that I should let you know
    That my fruit is
    Damaged, Damaged
    So Damaged, (So Damaged)
    And you can blame the one before
    So how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (Baby I gotta know)
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (What you are gonna do?)
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (Baby I gotta know)
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (What you are gonna do?)

    Do, Do you got a fru-it bowl handy?
    Do, Do you know how to plant a fruit tree?
    Tell me,
    Are Are Are Are you,
    Are you juicy, and delicious?
    Cuz I might need some time to clear the hole in my fruit and I
    You try to gain my trust
    Talking is not enough
    fruits speak louder than vegetables
    You gotta show me something
    My fruit is missing some pieces
    I need this pineapple put together again

    Damaged, Damaged
    Damaged, Damaged
    I thought that I should let you know
    That my fruit is
    Damaged, Damaged
    So Damaged(So Damaged)
    And you can blame the one before
    So how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (Baby I gotta know)
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (What you are gonna do?)
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (Baby I gotta know)
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it (What you are gonna do?)

    Can you fix my F-R-U-I-T
    Cuz it D-A-M-A-G-E-D
    Can you fix my F-R-U-I-T
    Tell me are you up for the challenge
    Cuz my fruit is

    Damaged, (Damaged)
    Damaged, (Damaged)
    I thought that I should let you know
    That my heart is
    Damaged, (Damaged)
    So Damaged, (So Damaged)
    And you can blame the one before

    Damaged, (Damaged)
    Damaged, (Damaged)
    I thought that I should let you know
    That my fruit is
    Damaged, (Damaged)
    So Damaged, (So Damaged)
    And you can blame the one before
    So how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it
    How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it

    My fruit is

    My fruit is

    My fruit is

    My fruit is

    My fruit is
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 14, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. keybladeofdarkness4
  4. keybladeofdarkness4
    [i refer to myself as "we"]
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 13, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. keybladeofdarkness4
    so we offer you free beer.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. keybladeofdarkness4
    Wont you join us?
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 13, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. keybladeofdarkness4
    well, i just got the book today, and personally i loved it, I think the commentary was comical yet very informative. My favorite story by far was either "The Fountain of Fair Fortune", or maybe "Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump"
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 12, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: Literature
  8. keybladeofdarkness4
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Dec 10, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. keybladeofdarkness4
    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood Johnsonmire. She was named Little Red Riding Hood because when she was born, her mother super-glued a BLUE riding hood to her head. The blue riding hood was XXL sized and she was wearing it since she was born. When she was seven years old, her mom asked her to take five pounds of sugar to her grandma, who lived in a forest 342 miles away, in the middle of a giant forest filled with dangerous wild animals and child molesters. Obviously, Little Red Riding Hood cheerfully agreed and skipped off into the forest carrying her basket. But what she didn't know was that the basket didn't have REAL sugar, IT HAD SPLENDA! (dun dun duuuuuuunn....) So when she arrived at her grandma's her grandma grabbed her by the neck and yelled, "THIS ISN'T SUGAR! THIS...IS...SPLENDAAAA!!!!" Then she threw Little Red Riding Hood against the wall. "WHO THE FUCK EATS SPLENDA?!?!?! SPLENDA TASTES LIKE CRAP!!!!" Little Red Riding Hood knew she was in trouble, and that she could die at any given moment, so she thought of a plan to escape while her grandma was destroying her bed. She ran to the back door of the house, then she stole the 3-inch tricycle from the cupboard and then busted through the screen door and rode awkwardly through the forest The trike however, was only 3 inches big, so it broke after 10 seconds and Little Red Riding Hood crashed into a tree. The second her skin touched the tree, it spontaneously combusted, the blue riding hood she had on burst into flames, and Little Red Riding Hood ran, yelling in pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" She yelled "HOLY CRAP I'M ON FIRE!!!!!"
    Little Red Riding Hood tried to stop, drop and roll, but she was in a forest, so all the trees caught fire, so she ran as fast as she could. She was still on fire when she made it to the road, then a pimpmobile came speeding down the road and it hit Little Red Riding Hood. She wasn't on fire anymore, but she was embedded into the grill of the pimpmobile. So one of the pimps inside came out and pulled her out of the pimpmobile's grill. Then, P. Diddy stepped out of the pimpmobile and gave her 300$, then she skipped merrily back to her house as if nothing had happened. When she got home, her mom asked "Where have you been?!" Then Little Red Riding Hood showed her the 300$. "P. Diddy gave this to me after he ran me over with his pimpmobile after i burned the forest down!" she told her mom. Then her mom took the money and grounded Little Red Riding Hood. After Little Red Riding Hood was in her room, her mom left to the red light district and then came back three hours later with several suspicious white stains on her dress. Little Red Riding Hood was angry at her mom, so she concocted an Evil Plan to take her unholy revenge on her mom. She created a giant missile to destroy her mom while she was driving to work. The missile was made out of peanut butter, because her mom was allergic to peanuts. Little Red Riding Hood was ready to fire, but she messed up and it headed to her grandmother's house. As the giant, deadly, and delicious missile headed to the house, her grandma looked out the window and yelled, "DAMN YOU LITTLE RE----" She was cut off because the missile blew her into millions of pieces. Little Red Riding Hood knew she didn't kill her mother, so she fled to Antarctica and met a penguin named Cappuccino Jones. They soon fell in love and had 15 kids. When someone asked her about Cappuccino Jones, she simply said: "You can't help who you fall in love with, we just learn to live with it, leaving a whole lot of questions that dont need to be answered..."
    "But...if He's a Penguin, How did you...?" a person asked her


    The Little Red Riding Hood's mom mysteriously disappeared, then was found dead in a glacier that came from Antarctica......

    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 24, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. keybladeofdarkness4
    This one i made as a Kairi Tribute and as a gift for a friend of mine here on the site. Hope you guys like it!

    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 23, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. keybladeofdarkness4
  12. keybladeofdarkness4
    Im gay, there, now you all know, correct?
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 22, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. keybladeofdarkness4
    *runs around naked*
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 22, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. keybladeofdarkness4
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 22, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. keybladeofdarkness4
    It was the night before Kwanza, and everyone was exited and happy, well, almost everyone... In a snowy mountain outside of KwanzaTown, there lived an evil woman who hated Kwanza and all the people in KwanzaTown. She wanted to destroy KwanzaTown and ruin Kwanza...Her name was Snow White. She had seven dwarves that did her evil bidding and did all sorts of evil things for her. That night, Snow White plotted to steal all of the Kwanza stuff the people in KwanzaTown had. So she made herself a disguise and called herself Carmen Sandiago. What Snow White didn't know was that there was a notorious thief named Carmen Sandiago, so she was arrested and took to a maximum security woman's prison. That night, she got shanked and got a jail tattoo. She was in jail only 13 seconds when the REAL Carmen Sandiago was found then escaped. So she was set free. She still didn't give up on her plot to ruin Kwanza. She decided to use her Snow White-copter to airlift the Kwanza stuff to her secret mountain lair. One of her dwarves however, who is named Suicide-y, went with Snow White, but then jumped out of the helicopter and fell to his death. Snow White didn't care because she learned that she could save 15% or more on her car insurance by switching to Geico. Since she wasn't paying attention, she crashed into a cloud and jumped out with a parachute as the helicopter crashed into Hanna Montana's house, causing a giant, fiery explosion from which no living thing can survive. Hanna Montana's funeral was to be next week. Snow White was angry...So she got her giant blimp and she flew over KwanzaTown, carrying an atomic bomb that she planned on dropping on KwanzaTown. But then, Snow White had an epiphany, and she found out the true meaning of Kwanza...But it was too late, she dropped the bomb and KwanzaTown and everything in a 300 Kilometer radius was blown off the face of the earth...

    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 22, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. keybladeofdarkness4

    1965, Oslo, Norway...

    A massive castle with several towers looms over a small village. The village was abandoned, and the castle had no windows, and the only way in or out was through an old wooden drawbridge. The village was abandoned only about a month earlier, due to a visitor that told a terrifying story. A young girl of a far away land once came to the castle, there she was treated marvelously by the castle's lord. Then one night, she was sent to the highest tower and then locked inside. As she slowly began to die, she went mad, and for the remainder of her time alive, she sat in a small wooden chair in the center of the small room. The room however, has a small skylight, and so from the time she died, whenever the full moon arose and it's light went through the skylight, the skeleton of the girl returned to life, and she was flesh and blood once more, but only if the moonlight was shining on her. During the night of the full moon, she walked about the castle,singing the song of her suffering, filling the village with grief and sadness. And so the all the villagers fled the village, and many, many years passed, the skeleton girl passed from the pages of Norway's history into it's legends, most people have believed the story but some tried to prove the legend wrong, venturing into the castle, not many of the people survived, and those who did never spoke about it. And now several people once again attempt to solve the mystery of the skeleton girl and the windowless castle, to seek the truth about the poor innocent...

    Will they survive this game of murder alive?

    Antoinette Blue​

    1. This is a HORROR genre RP, therefore, there will be instances of terror and scary moments.
    2. If your gonna play the murderer, you can basically be anywhere when your not persueing someone, and you can also pop out of areas where one of the characters might go. IE. Closets, behind large objects, hidden through secret passages, ect...
    3. You can't kill another person's character without their permission, but if their character is hurt in some way, (they trip and fall down during a chase, or they choose a hiding place in which the murderer could pop up, they can die even without permission.
    4. every character has ONE, ONLY ONE chance to kill the murderer with a weapon, the weapon is only usable if they are about to die, and then the murderer and said character can battle.
    5. If the murderer is killed, the rest of the characters can finish the RP without any of the murderer's traps, though the traps the castle already have will stay active.
    6. The main objective is to find the location of the tower in which the skeleton girl is kept and to find the Skeleton Key which unlocks the ANY tower door.

    NOTE: there are six towers, if the character unlocks a tower in which the skeleton girl ISN'T in, they automatically have to engage in a battle with the murderer, giving up they're only chance to fight the murderer if they die and/or escape.

    Character Sheets:

    For murderer:

    Alias: (AKA the name the murderer is know as)
    Past crimes:
    Conviction records:

    For characters:


    Name: Nibal
    Age: 20
    Weapon: Bow + Arrows
    Bio: Nibal always liked legends and creepy haunted places. when she had the chance to explore the castel, she couldn't refuse.
    Personality: calm, well-mannered.
    Name: Nolan Campbell
    Appearance: He wears a dark blue t-shirt and usually dark blue jeans that match his shirt
    Weapon: Katana
    Bio: Three years ago, Nolan researched the ScissorMan Murders of Norway. He has had several close calls with death and other paranormal dangers, so he was even more intrigued when he heard news of the skeleton girl
    Personality:He is cool and collected at times, but usually cries when he gets in arguments.
    Appearance: People/anime_girl_with_gun.jpg
    Weapon: automatic pistol
    Bio: As a child she frequently saw what she was sure were ghosts but was never able to prove it. Now that she's heard about the Skeleton Girl, she's determined to prove this one is real.
    Personality: kind in nature but is rather sarcastic. She doesn't stand down easily from her opinions.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 21, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. keybladeofdarkness4
    I've been pondering that alot, and even though in some parts of the world prostitution is legal and its also a popular profession for those who can get licenses. (Yes, there are prostitution licenses). Do you think prostitution should be legalized in all parts of America? I think that it should, because if it's a person's choice to do what they want with their body whether harmful or non, if they really want to, I believe people have a right to.
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 19, 2008, 49 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  18. keybladeofdarkness4
    Baby, can’t you see
    I’m calling
    A fruit like you
    Should wear a warning
    It’s dangerous
    I’m fallin’

    There’s no escape
    I can’t wait
    I need a hit
    Baby, give me it
    You’re dangerous
    I’m lovin’ it

    Too high
    Can’t come down
    Losing my head
    Spinning ‘round and ‘round
    Do you feel me now

    With a taste of your juice
    I’m on a ride
    You're a watermellon I'm slipping under
    With a taste of a fruity paradise
    I’m addicted to you
    Don’t you know that you’re a watermelon
    And I love what you do
    Don’t you know that you’re a watermellon

    It’s getting late
    To give you up
    I took a fruit
    From my devil's cup
    It’s taking over me

    Too high
    Can’t come down
    It’s in the air
    And it’s all around
    Can you feel me now

    With a taste of your juice
    I’m on a ride
    You're purple I'm slipping under
    With a taste of a fruity paradise
    I’m addicted to you
    Don’t you know that you’re purple
    And I love what you do
    Don’t you know that you’re a watermelon

    Don't you know that you're awatermelon

    With a taste of your juice
    I'm on a ride
    You're purple I'm slipping under
    With a taste of a fruity paradise
    I'm addicted to you
    Don't you know that you're a watermelon

    Intoxicate me now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now
    I think I'm ready now
    Intoxicate me now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now

    With a taste of your juice
    I'm on a ride
    You're purple I'm slipping under
    With a taste of a fruity paradise
    I'm addicted to you
    Don't you know that you're a watermelon

    Intoxicate me now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now
    I think I'm ready now
    Intoxicate me now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now

    Intoxicate me now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now
    I think I'm ready now
    Intoxicate me now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 13, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. keybladeofdarkness4
    i was talking with Xaale on MSN, and i had an idea: i would remake the Britney Spears "Womanizer" song to say pineapple instead of womanizer. Since i call her Aqua Pineapple it fits really good! XD here are the lyrics:

    Where you from, how's it going?
    I know you
    Got a clue, what you doing?

    You can play brand new to
    All the other chicks out here
    But I know what you are
    What you are, baby

    Look at you
    Gettin' more than just a re-up
    Baby you
    Got all the puppets with their strings up

    Fakin' like a good one
    But I call 'em like I see 'em
    I know what you are
    What you are, baby

    Pineapple, pine-pineapple
    You're a Pineapple
    Oh, Pineapple, oh
    You're a Pineapple, baby

    You, you, you are
    You, you, you are
    Pineapple, pineapple
    Aqua pineapple

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    You got me going
    You're oh so charming
    But I can't do it
    You pineapple

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    You say I'm crazy
    I got you crazy
    You're nothing but a

    You got the swagger of a champion
    Too bad for you
    You just can't find the right companion

    I guess when you have one too many
    Makes it hard, it could be easy
    Who you are
    That's just who you are, baby

    Must mistake me, you're the sucker
    To think that I
    Would be a victim, not another

    Say it, play it, how you wanna?
    But no way I'm ever gonna
    Fall for you
    Never you, baby

    pineapple, pine-pineapple
    You're a pineapple
    Oh, pineapple, oh
    You're a pineapple, baby

    You, you, you are
    You, you, you are
    pineapple, pineapple
    Aqua pineapple

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    You got me going
    You're oh so charming
    But I can't do it
    You pineapple

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    You say I'm crazy
    I got you crazy
    You're nothing but a

    Maybe if
    We both lived in a
    Different world

    It would be all good
    And maybe I could be your girl
    But I can't
    'Cause we don't

    pineapple, pine-pineapple
    You're a pineapple
    Oh, pineapple, oh
    You're a pineapple, baby

    You, you, you are
    You, you, you are
    pineapple, pineapple
    Aqua Pineapple

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    You got me going
    You're oh so charming
    But I can't do it

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    You say I'm crazy
    I got you crazy
    You're nothing but a

    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah
    Boy don't try to front, uh, I
    Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

    pineapple, pine-pineapple
    You're a pineapple
    Oh, pineapple, oh
    You're a pineapple ,baby
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 12, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. keybladeofdarkness4
    AND l'M PROUD!!!!!
    Thread by: keybladeofdarkness4, Nov 11, 2008, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone