maybe the old people know me, Sora59, lol. I felt like coming back, and here I am. I like forum families, and I'll be opening a sig shop soon. see ya on the topics. idrc about the whole rep crap, if you want, you can.
hey kids!!!! how are we today!?!?!??!
mayun...the blue person of death is undr everyone...>< I WILL AVENGE!!!...! imma shhoooot im!
This was a pretty good movie, but they should make an actual movie for final fantasy 7, not a 2 years later thing, so the people who cant play the game (cant find it i mean o.o) can actually understand it the first time seeing it, but Loz kadaj and yazoo and cloud and vincent and sephy werr awesome in the movie i agree completely
hey kids! the thread is dying!! D:
lots a stuff ffffffff i thinks welp guys i think imma go now, ill talk to ya later kkkkkk?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? buh bye!! <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="<A href=""></param><param">"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
aghhhh thanks so muches you rox my sox.....OFF! XD butchyeah i can wait a day lolzzzz
^_^ here ya go uhm...can ya put my name and mychemical romance in two different corners? please and thankies!!!!!
hey kids sorry i left, im gonna leave in like two seconds but illl be bacckkk :rockdover: butchyeah...uhm on mirrors edge...? may I ask a favor from you? I'd noticed all the bad a. signatures you make and uhm...may has one pwetty pwease? ^^ ill supply the render...
you make it sound like a bad thing...hey sera and polka hello, im cloudy skies, u may call me cloud...or sky O.o
hi! i dont believe weve met!
hi kids! how are we today?
agh tired goodnight :D ill be on tomorrow
oh thats gay
i cnt believe u asked for supernova...loser. u guys hate each other?
me neither.
hey paul! :-D polka wants me ta beat yooh up O.o
piggies...i luffffle dem
nooo everyone gets one! mine is named PIG!
invader Zim...:P pwease can i have mah piggy?