your denying the obvious. GTFO
i sawed a face!
Starkiller/ArchAwesomeman = A Zack Fair Permawhore. it had to be said.
Guess what??
why cant you understand that im a HOMOSEXUAL?
It was Sarah. I bet it was Sarah. It was Sarah wasnt it?
its ok Fayt, its ok. *pats head* Take this Pineconenugget. *gives Fayt a Pineconenugget*
*rapes violently* I warnned you
Liek OMG YESH! how did you know????????/
bitch you is gonna die! *Murders Vice with a spork*
i do this to avoid her. BUT I IS YOUR THIRD COUSIN TWICE REMOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
im sorry have Perma-Crabs from getting molested by your daughter, O R A N G E....D :
kk then. *flys away*
what am i? Invisible? NOTICE MEH!!!
its fine as long as you remember he's underage....and a man-whore.
you were talking to us when it happened! you need memory loss pills or something, @_______________@
you better be here for a while, or you gonna get raped.
I dont mean Neku from the forum, i mean the ACTUAL Neku, from the game. there has been a developement, here are the new victims: 11. Grimace 12. The O RLY? Owl 13. Jenifer Lopezio 14. Pocahontas 15. Vagena Hertz 16. Elmo 17. Big Bird's Sister 18. Kitty (: o! INSCEST!!!!) 19. Herself 20. Beat ( MOAR INSCEST!)