kk then, you can work at the cash register.
When i threw Ryuk's underwear drawer at Pyrɸ, I FOUND A THONG INSIDE THE DRAWER!
omg, ICSP! i found a THONG in Ryuk's underwear drawer! just look at Pyro's profile!
Repliku! Repliku! You'll never guess what happened!
i thought my friend was a hearless once. until she ripped it out and threw it at the teacher's head.
"Space Fluxations and Particle Metaphysics: The Complete Information Guide." By Repliku
in a book.
well, im glad your glad its not noseless. xD
i saw a face. it had a nose. and im Seme now.
woohoo! you is on again! AND so am i! 8'D
purple. giraffe
i am??????????????????
he looks like Albert Einstien
but if shes a fruit, how does she actually rape? does she creep into peoples imside-y parts?
the face was actually Azure Flame!
well, the title speaks for itself, but we need people to work here! If you wanna be an employee, just tell me. Manager: Keybladeofdarkness4 Cash Register: Pyrɸ Inventory: Firekeyblade Robot Ninja From the Planet England, whose name is Anna.(security): Death Twister Popular games this week: Pong KH-Vids: The Teal Wars Pokemon Silver: The Family Guy edition
theres more!
that should change when Desprate Struggle comes out
the face HAD A NOSE!!!!!
and guess what else?