k then, lets say, as an example,i was gonna play myself, but i also wanted to play as you. you could still play as yourself because it you. but then i'd have to play you, but be your excat opposite. Like an evil twin
well, i have a theory, but its a bit complicated. make a valid point. Its true people can get made to look bad, especially if the person playing as the other person and the actuall person hate eachother. i guess its not such a good rule after all.
kk then, how about.... Azure Flame's Magic Depot, featuring the slogan: "You can cast it, We can help"
oooh thats a good one! do you want a location too?
yesh! they can gather in the Spamzone Wasteland! so far these are the locations: Catch The Rain's Percipitation Based Name Palace Amber's Magical Cookie Castle First International Tummer Hospital Candy Mountain Spamzone Wasteland Spamzone Plateau Pyro's Forest Rosey's Flower House iwantedtoexplode's Cupcakes, Pigs and cheat codes shop Battle Dome Dr. Evil's Secret Volcano Lair Keybladeofdarkness4's Laboratory Repliku's Increadibly Complicated Bookstore
they can be Zombehs!
well, ive decided to add a class system to it. Troll is one of the classes, so it can be good or bad, depending on the user.
wow, thats the best suggestion i've heared all day! so i guess i should include it too. but then members have to pick who they wanna play as, to make it a true RP, and KHV is gonna be a continent instead of the internets. Note to self: add shop: "iwantedtoexplode's Pigs,Cupcakes, and Cheat codes shop"
you also have missiles and a laser claw arm!
did you read your title? you'll be pleasently surprised!
did you try the Death/Vampire hybrid, Deathpire?
you JUST figured that out? well, i still have a partial life, and a full fledged love life.
note to self: Include area "The First International Tummer Hospital"
all our pie is gone! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!11 D:
i Dressed up as a dementor from Harry potter, it was my fave because i scared the living shit out of my little cousin with just the mask!
KK, you can be...............NINJA SECURITY! look at it now, i REALLY fixed it!
i think i should make KHV like a giant continent with lots of places or something, that way, all the catles and Candy Mountain can be actuall places. Maybe like a FF/KH spoof.