Thanks Kookie Kween! Now i guess its a good time to tell you i broke all the cookie windows in the 5th and 6th floors of the castle.
anyone here know the youtube tag? i cant remember...
is it because you love us?
theres also animalss
Katanas!!! thats in september
because ice cream flavors are for march and august. November is for fruit!
because vegetables are soooooo 2007.
Alex put on the ill-fitting costume after much work and then hopped closer to Advent and Angel. Hop, hop hop hop hop hop hop... He thought.
Shes an Aqua Pineapple. and im the Purple Watermellon
i found this really cool video of the singer Nana Kitade and her band with the Ruby Gloom costumes on. I really liked the song allot. LINK:
Shhh! thats actually Xaale.
not much, how about you?
*places blue pineapple gently on the spamzone*
My cousin is an Asian woman! She buys too much lingerie...
Hi Hi Mike!
We got a new game in stock! its: Family Guy- Steel Vaginas: The Vagena Hertz Chronicles
"awww....i cant hear from here." Alex said to no one in particular." I'll have to get closer without them noticing..." Alex reached into his backpack, then took out a full body rabbit costume. "i cant belive im gonna wear this..."
Milk! i think...
"Damn....i'm sooooooo bored...." Alex said to himself, then he saw Advent and Angel. "Hm..... I guess i could spy on these two for a while...." The he hid behind bushes and started spying.