Your consciousness inside your dreams - your lucidity, has this involved any effort on your part? I'm just a bit interested, because lately I've been meaning to get into lucid dreaming, and so far, no luck really. I dreamed that I was going to have a lucid dream, but that wasn't exactly what I was going for. But it's interesting that people can realize that they're dreaming spontaneously. I always figured that once you're in a dream state, you believe that everything is reality, if you saw octopuses in wheelchairs wearing top hats with crowbars, you'd believe that to be completely normal, and thus would not be aware that everything around you is a figment of your imagination.
Impossible, some people know how to spell around here.
Back so soon?
lol, spontaneous combustion.
asd .
Hooray for 9 tracks of the same fucking song.
I fail to see the funny part in that lengthy post which I had to push myself to read.
Don't have a 360. I was looking to check out Persona 4, dunno though.
Because it's old and dead and isn't funny. Go figure.
You're welcome.
Truly the scariest fucking thing ever to grace this earth. Seriously. Look at that fucking guy. Why yes I have been playing Ace Attorney again and a sudden rush of fanboyism has bestowed itself upon me and I must exude this upon every member that happens to click on this thread
A ****ing sexy crab.
Do you believe it's rational to make 3 cups of tea per visit to the kettle? I tend to drink one in under 5 minutes.
1. 美咲 四季 2. .:Forgotten Hymn:.+ 3. Amethyst Heart 4. childofturin 5. lil woj 6. Rayku 7. Renegade+ 8. Sorax13_Roxas13_92 9. Spike 10. The Spirit
Over 9000.
Holy shit .
Gods tend to be literate.
They want you inside them.
You spelt "Bananas" wrong.
Since last thursday.