Golden boy. I think my ribs will be in pain all week.
Have a blast, broseph.
I think I broke a record of how quickly I can facepalm at a thread within milliseconds of opening it. Linkin park never made anything groundbreaking, and in my opinion, shouldn't recieve the amount of attention they get. If anything, they just glorified the nu metal genre by adding angsty-teen rhyming to whiny vocals and added a bunch of hip hop-esque SFX. They've never done anything Korn(Though I believe Korn are far, FAR more superior), Limp biskit, Deftones and any other generic nu metal band haven't done before. Ranting aside, I find it really hard to single out a band from all the others I like from this decade. I'd say children of bodom, but they were around in the ninties also, and their latest albums have been getting worse. So I'll probably go with equilibrium, none of ther songs have ever bored me. Ever. They'd be the first band I'd recommend to someone who wants to get into more genres.
Do you love the fishes?
Well, I'm going to be sleeping with the light on.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Words cannot describe how incorrectly you did that.
Cut off his supply of rope, that'll stump him.
Spoiler Don't mind me, just whoring the camera.
Mute the television. Maybe the absence of obscenely terrible rap lyrics will clear your mind of confusion.
You both fight like little bitches.
Not as much as I've looked up Ashley Graham's.
I just watched the trailer. And I really must say. i've had more fun watching the head on commercial looped for ten minutes.
I expect to see yaoi in the near future.
Bricks were shat.
It's been easter for over 5 hours.
Claire, because you remind me of somebody with that name.