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  1. Jordier0xs0x


    Y'know...I'm not even going to go as far as my true thoughts because
    1. I'm too tired to bother
    2. Last time I shared my true thoughts I got flamed and unfortunate events happened

    I still believe what I said before though, which I'm not giving up on

    And yeah...You COULD call It stalking...Or you could call It 'Trying to find a friend you know hardly anything about except always ending up finding the wrong person'

    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jordier0xs0x


    Dude, Unblock me on MSN If you're bored then 83 Bwahahahaha

    *Back to teh seriouslyness again*
    Ah, Okay. Still...For the Forth time? Its really how the person sees love, and Its their decision. So give Madi a break about It.

    EDIT: ROFL Shut up! XDD Just because I'm trying to prove that you live In Australia other then Amercia, doesn't mean you can say I'm a stalker.. XDDD
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jordier0xs0x


    Awweh, Really? ^-^

    *Back to seriousness* But you said It gets thrown around too much, not Its too overused. Like I said, everyone has their own opinions of love and their own meaning, so I don't think either of us wins here.
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jordier0xs0x


    Aww, I Love You SJ.

    May I ask what you thought when I said that? You see, It doesn't really have to mean Family or Couple. Your not my brother so Its not really Family, and you're defiantly not my Love or Boyfriend (Omgawd Run away If you were) so It didn't mean that. So shall I say, Friendship Love? Not-Quite-Sure Love? Hate Love? (Yes theres one like that) etc.
    So Its not just two, theres a whole range of meanings depending on the person.

    BTW, when I said that, It was Friendship XDDDDDDDD
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jordier0xs0x


    (Thanks for the tip, SJ.....xDD)

    But like I said, love has all different meanings, Its really how YOU would put It. In my opinion, the meaning of love Is what you believe, not what somebody else or the dictionary says. If she wants to love someone, Good on her, Its really not something either of us should decide or anyone else on this forum.

    And, give Madi a break -.- If you don't like her, thats fine, but Its her life and her decisions
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jordier0xs0x


    I love It how, we fight on the forum yet on MSN we're friends xDD

    Still, You could at least be a little more...supportive In her way. I don't think love Is thrown around mainly because there are different types of meanings for love, I could say I love you right now, but It wouldn't mean anything special.
    Just think of Madi In this spot though, everyone has a 'Teen Crush' or you're the one being loved, Its normal to be madly In love when that happens.
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jordier0xs0x


    Ah, now Its sounding like you're throwing around the word Love.

    Look, I don't think It really matters what age you are, there Is love everywhere, and It doesn't have to be the Affectionate type either.
    Some people yearn for affections more then others, at a younger age as well. Its true, we've all wanted attention at one point In our life's and people who want Love at a younger age usually need or want attention. May I remind you all that I'm quite young (Turning 13 this year) so I know what I'm talking about. Really, whats wrong with Madi being In Love? She Is smarter then most 12 year olds and knows what shes talking about, It doesn't really concern any of you who just want to rant about something Instead of caring about Madi's feelings.

    I'd like to say, Good on you Madi and Good luck.
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jordier0xs0x
    Wow, this Is pretty good!
    Well, first of all I don't mind the rainbow line, but the big chunks of It everywhere annoys me, the little bits, or 'Crumbs' as I like to call them, look good. The 'Paint Splatter' or 'Blood Splatter' or whatever people call 'em, looks a bit messy when Its over the Rainbow line, the big one just under her head looks completely out of place.
    One thing about the rainbow line I will point out Is It looks a bit lonely, maybe add a second or third one connecting to the first?

    Thats pwnsome though, better then my works xD Keep up the good job!
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Jordier0xs0x
    Yeah, Its been talked about before and the Skin Isn't being changed, It was supposed to be a present for us and the site, So No Complaining!
    Everyone has gotten used to It anyway, another change back to the dark color will probably hurt our eyes even more xD
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Jordier0xs0x
    Okay so, I just got Gimp and Ive been playing around with It and making random signatures etc. And I was going to make this signature somebody put a Tut up for, except I need new brushes. Somebody said Deviantart Is a good place to get brushes, but what I want to know Is HOW you put them on Gimp?
    I looked on..Gimptalk, Is It? They put up a link 'n such but It didn't work, and I searched on Google but nothing said anything about It (You know how Google Is sometimes) So yeah, Help would be excellent, Thank you!
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 1, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Help
  11. Jordier0xs0x
    ~The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing~

    After talking with Kitty, I decided to continue with the story seeing as though there was a lot of people who asked me If I was going to continue It.
    I'll try and get a new chapter up a week, but Ive just started High School so I have LOTS of homework.

    (I cant remember the chapters Names xD So you'll have to stick with ~'s)

    "You have arrived..." Said the voice, sounding a bit like Xemnas'. "Who Are You?" The words on the screen read. Numorous people surrounded the television screen, watching as If they had never even heard of the game, but of course, everyone In this place knew about the game, It wasn't called kh-vids for nothing. It was Xaldin's turn to take the controller and play the game, so L (Used to be Rat) passed him the controller. CtR shook her head "Look at them....All playing a game when we should be working out a plan" Sara just laughed "Well this IS a video game site...But you have a point" Sara, CtR (Now a Moderater) and Lipz (Old name: K a i r i) sat around a round table, all looking bluntly at the people staring at the televistion screen. Ah, It was good to be home, close as home as the people from KHV would be. They were all fighting for freedom, fighting to get rid of CFF and the monsters, fighting for the world. It sounded like a big job, but really, flying to a different country each day was a normal thing now. Sara drummed her fingers on the table "Do you think we should check up on KHV? I don't think leaving Ducky to take care of the forums was a good Idea..." Lipz smiled "Well, DS said It would be fine..?" Sara and CtR laughed "Do you really think we should trust DS?" The three girls turned to a man coming up to them, It was DS. "Glad to hear you talking about me, girls" The three girls looked at eachother nervously then back at DS "It doesn't matter," he laughed "We have bigger problems...CFF was found In Canada last night, 11:15PM Milton. Except when I went to check, the place was In a wreak with monsters crowding the whole town. The world Is getting worse, we'll have to do something soon, and fast" Sara was frowning "But what? If we cant find CFF's base, or CFF himself we have no hope" DA must have heard the conversation, because he too joined In "What exactly is CFF after, anyway?" Of course, no one exactly knew.
    The monsters came back, 2 years after no problems and all silence but a sighting was found, DS went to check It out and DS and CFF battled It out. CFF called on his monsters and they attacked DS, leaving no sign of CFF. The world was getting worse, and DS was right, the KHV Army would have to take action soon or else CFF would rule the world.
    Suddenly a shout came from behind DS and the five turned to look, It was the KHV members shotuing at the Televistion screen and baraking Xaldin to battle It out as Sora and deffeat a heartless Boss Battle. Lipz looked In disbelief "We're supposed to be fighting for the world, and they are sitting around a T.V, playing a game" CtR burst out In laughter. DS shook his head, smiling, then turned around to the group around the table "Lets hope Forsaken comes back with some news, eh?" DA sighed. They had sent Forsaken out on numourous adventures and recieving nothing but news of monsters. They sent Forsaken out once more....He hadn't been back for 4 days and DA could tell everyone, even DS, were getting worried.

    Forsaken sighed and looked around In the dark chamber,only one window showing moon light, there was no escaping this one. "Sorry KHV....You'll have to wait a while" he sighed as he heard a flock of crows flying outside from the trees blowing In the dark wind.

    To Be Continued....

    The Coders, of KHV, sighed In anger. Why did DS leave Ducky to be the owner of KHV until he came back? Of course all the Admins and Mods were on that mission to save the world, so It was left to the Coders to stop mess, although It was kind of hard when one of your team mates had already been banned by Ducky from standing up to him. If only they had Admin or Mod powers....They could stop this mess, de-power Ducky and act like nothing had happened before DS came back....Or they could just leave the mess and blame Ducky for it all, because It was his fault after all. I guess you could say this had been the most excitment they have had ever since DS told Tummer to STFU...Oh...And the monsters, but they wern't aloud to go, all the new people and the Coders....and Ducky. Evilman assumed that DS didn't want to take Ducky because he would get In the way, so he made him Owner until they came back. Bad Idea.
    Evilman winced at the Colorful KHV screen, the banner now being 'DUCKY RULES KHV! The Ultimate Source For Ducky Ruling KHV'. The KHV screen was filled with Yellow, Pink, Black, Red, Purple and all sorts of colors...It made It almost hard to see. "Hurry DS....I think KHV will explode soon..." Evilman sighed

    "You mean...We will never see eachother again?" A dramatic voice sounded from the television "Don't think that we will always be together". Vivi winced at the Movie "OH EW EW GET OFF! NO KISSING MOVIES!" NRA shouted "I thought we agreed to have a movie we like on" sounded Jordie, sitting next to Angel eating Ice-cream. Vivi winced again at the thought "We didn't mean this kind of movie" he said before NRA started an argument. The three girls rolled their eyes and Madi got up, turning the movie off then turning to Darky who walked In the room. The six had been put on a mission and It was an extremely hard misson as well, only because this mission, you couldn't have too many people but you needed as much people as you could get. DS had decided six skilled people would be enough and as It turned out, these six skilled people all had different kinds of skills.
    One person, not naming anyone In particular (Madi) was obsessed with Death Note, she had watched every episode from A to Z and knew all good fighting techniques from watching an Anime, sounds crazy, but It came In handy. Then another person (Darky) was another one who knew how to fight very well, especially with his handy axe, no one knew why he picked an axe...It was his secret. So those two people were the fighting people, now lets look onto the Brains or err....what ever you would like to call them. Vivi wasn't one to mess with, he was a good fighter but always seemed to do things right, usually by accident. He was also a particually good planner as well so they always relied on him to do the planning. Second was Jordie. Jordie was quite good at mental skills, she could always think of something off the top of her head and she was excellent at skill games, they called her the 'Lucky Charm'. Although she always had to get someone to save her...lets just say she was the dansel In distress. Now lets move onto the desgisers and distractions. Of course, NRA hated to be called an Distraction, but he was very good at It. He always seemed to say things before he realized, and was always the one running away. It came quite handy In tough situations. Angel was very good at looking like another person. She always loved to dress up and like NRA, It came very handy In tough situations. She could always, somehow, get past things.
    These six people were put on an Important task...the only problem Is, they had absolutaly no Idea what It was, so they watched a movie while they were on the jet plane. Madi grinned as she looked at a Death Note DVD on the table. NRA looked at her suspiciously then realized what she was looking at "Oh no you don't..." Suddenly the two rushed to the table where the Death Note DVD was and started fighting over It "C'mon Just this once!!" Madi shouted "Thats what you said last time! We've watched this episode one thousand times!!!!" NRA looked at her "Maybe If we got some new episodes...." The two kept fighting as the other four shook their heads "When do you think this fight will stop?" asked Darky, blandly. Angel got up "I don't know, hopefully before they wreck the plane" and walked out of the room to the kitchen, putting the half eaten Ice cream back In the fridge. When she was walking back, she saw something odd.
    Angel screamed In horror as she saw something awful and sickening and she wanted to throw up, after stepping In a pool of blood.
    The other five came rushing In and Darky looked In horror as well "What..? Who's driving the plane then??" The plane driver was dead, his head had been shot open and blood was pouring out. Vivi took the wheel of the plane, but he had no Idea what he was doing "HOW THE **** DO YOU DRIVE A PLANE?" Vivi shouted as NRA tried to help, but It was no use. Jordie looked at the bloody dead body and frowned "This guy wasn't shot In the head...he was stabbe-" she stoped as a shadow came up behind her. Angel turned around and saw something that looked like a goat crossed between a hairy pig with a snout and hooves, holding a giant knife behind Jordie "JORDIE!" Angel shouted and Jordie looked up as the knife nearly reached her body....
    Darky came just In time, stabbing the thing before It reached Jordie "Thanks" she said to Darky "This still doesn't solve ou-" he was just about to finish the sentence when the plane tumbled over "OH MY GOSH! GIVE IT HERE!" Madi shouted as she took the wheel of the plane and the plane turned back. NRA rolled his eyes "Let me guess...You learnt this off Death Note as well?" Madi laughed "No actually, I got free plane driving tickets one day and learned how to drive a plane" she grinned.

    To Be Continued...

    ~Dying or Fighting?~
    The staff of KHV watched DS as he paced up and down the room, the tapping of his feet matching the tic of the clock. Finally he stopped and faced the staff, frowning "Kitty, can you check If the 6 are there yet? I haven't heard any sign of them" Kitty nodded, got up and walked out of the room. DS let go of his frown and looked at the staff members "Well, If the 6 succeed then It will be time for us to take action, we'll see If they are there, then we'll start heading to them" Lipz frowned "What IS this misson, exactly?" DS smiled "Only for me and the Admins to know" Lipz pounderd over what it could be, when Kitty walked In the room "They're nearly there, should we get heading then?" DS nodded then called for the Admins "Sara, DA, Xaldin, RVR, come" the five walked out of the room, leaving the other staff to get ready.
    CtR looked at the others "They are hiding something from us....I don't think Its something good either" and with that, the staff walked out of the room, leaving only the fire and the clock to make noise.

    Madi sighed In relief "We're nearly there" Darky frowned at the window, wondering what those tiny brown dots In the clouds were. He was just about to ask the others when Vivi distracted him "We better get ready, this misson sounds hard and we don't want to get killed" Darky nodded and went to look out the window again, but nothing was there. He shrugged and walked with Vivi to get ready.
    Jordie and Angel had already gotten their stuff ready, and was with Madi and NRA at the piolets area. Suddenly NRA spotted something on the map, three red dots were moving to their blue dot (Their plane) and frowned "Hey Madi...If there are red dots on the map, does that mean the plane Is broken?" Madi laughed "What are you talking about? Red dots are enemy ships" she kept on flying as NRA nodded "Oh Okay...Well uh...FLY MADI FLY!!" Madi frowned and looked at the map to the Red dots "****!!!" She shouted as the Red dots came closer to the Blue one. Madi got the gears ready "Hold On Everyone!" she shouted as Vivi and Darky ran In the room at the sound of her swearing. The plane started moving In Incredible speed and the 5 fell or grabbed onto something to stop falling. Suddenly Madi screamed again and Vivi went to have a look, only to see a huge Red dot Infront of them, and It was shooting something...a missle. Time seemed to slow down at that very moment, screams from Angel and Madi could be heard, Jordie tried not to scream, but she couldn't help it. Darky, Vivi and NRA were shouting...but It was all too late.


    I bet you thought they were dead, didn't you?
    NRA got up In pain, out of the wreakage and looked around. Smoke and fire surrounded the place, and a lot of broken pieces. He was surprised that he was still alive and had his daggers on his belt. Then a dreaded thought came to him "DARKY?! VIVI?! ANGEL?!? JORDIE?!?! MADI?!?!??!" He shouted, scared for his friends' lifes. Suddenly he heard a noice from behind him and turned around. Angel was getting up from out of the wreckage "You okay?" he asked as calmly as he could "Yeah.." Angel said, obviously hurt. Then he heard another noise, behind him, Madi and Darky came from behind a moutain of wreak, Madi supporting Darky, his leg was covered In blood. Vivi came up, not hurt but with cuts all over him, behind Darky and Madi. NRA smiled "Well thats everyone...Wait...Wheres Jordie?†The five looked around, only to see Jordie trying to defent herself against a monster “Ah darn...†Darky went to help her, but fell down, Madi catching him before he fell onto the ground. NRA pulled his daggers out of his belt and started charging at the monster “ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!†and of course, there had to be a battle cry. Before NRA reached the monster, the monster picked NRA up “...H-HEY! Put me down! THING! Put me DOWN!!†NRA could hear Jordie giggling “Don’t you start giggling...AH!†the monster pierced his claws Into NRA “Oh No!†Jordie picked up a metal stick and started whacking the monster, then Madi came along and stabbed the monster In the back. NRA fell down and looked at his bloody holes In his arms “****! Theres green In them†Angel rushed over and frowned “What the...?†a shout could be heard from behind, so the six turned around and saw that they were surrounded at monsters “Ah ****...†Darky swore, still trying to regain his balance.
    The 6 sighed “This Isn’t good...†Madi said, looking around.

    They didn’t die In the plane crash, but would of It have been better dying In a plane crash then fighting for your life?

    To Be Continued....

    RRMS, OWH, Roxma, Amber (amberdslovick) and Nymph were all at the back of the plane "Hehehe....They'll never find us here" RRMS giggled at OWH's comment. The four heard about The Staff's mission, and they didn't want to miss out In the fun, so they snuck on the back of the plane. Although, It was all Nymph's, RRMS' and OWH's Idea, Roxma got pulled Into It somehow, he reminded himself about how good RRMS was at convincing.
    Amber was at look out, staring Into the slightly open door that lead to the kitchen. She sighed and winced at her growling stomach, looking out of the door once more, her face lit up. On the little green table (It was a blinding green) was a pale pink jar with the label on It saying 'Cookies'. Amber started giggling Insanely "Cookies! Cookies!!!!!!!" She looked back to see the other four looking the other way, then opened the door wide enough to slide through. Amber slipped through the door then got on her knee's, crawling to the green table as quiet as she could, It seemed as though It took forever to crawl to the table. Finally she reached the table and slowly reached her hand to the top of It, making sure she wasn't seen. Her hand crawled across the table, until she reached the cookie jar and just got a finger on it...
    Suddenly another hand grabbed hers "Got ya" said a mans voice, she realized who it was, DS. Amber winced "Eepp".

    OWH sighed, how long would this take? He looked around and realized that Amber wasn't anywhere to be seen "Hey guys...Wheres Amber?" The four looked around until they heard voices, the sound of Ambers and DS'.
    "Well...Errr...Its a long story" said the voice of Amber
    "I have time" DS replied, not sounding angry at all
    "Uhh....Are you sure? I mean, we could just skip the details and like...get on with the mission"
    DS laughed "Don't try and Ignore It, I caught you so now I need to know the details"
    "R-really, Its nothing!"
    "Who else Is here with you?"
    The four at the back looked at each other "Uh Oh..." RRMS shook her head "I bet It was the cookies" Nymph whispered. All of a sudden they heard Amber call out "No One Else Is Here! Even If They Were, They Would Probably BE RUNNING RIGHT ABOUT NOW!" The four nodded "Lets go" Roxma said, but looked at the hesitating Nymph "What about Amber?" This time, OWH replied to her "We'll have to leave her, she'll be okay, DS wont eat her" Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say...but the four ran to the back back of the plane

    DS gave Amber a frown "Why are you yelling? Ah, I see, You were signaling them to run, wern't you?" Amber was shaking He'll eat me.. She thought "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I SHOUT A LOT!" she tried to cover up, but DS didn't look convinced. Misty came In the room just as DS was about to speak "DS, we're nearly here" she looked at Amber and shook her head. DS nodded "You stay here" he ordered Amber, and went off. Misty came up to Amber and whispered In her ear "I'll open the back way when we land, you and whoever else Is with you have to run out before you get caught by DS again, okay? Just don't kill yourselfs" Misty walked away as Amber smiled.

    Madi, Jordie, Darky, Vivi, Angel and NRA were all weak. The six had tried to fight them back as much as they could, but the monsters wouldn't stop fighting. Jordie looked away, were they going to die like Rosey, TCO and the rest did? She shook her head No! I'll fight for them, I'll fight until I collapse, I wont forgive those monsters for what they did! She got her metal stick again, and started fighting again. Vivi sighed "Jordie, Stop! Theres too many!" But she kept fighting. All of a sudden, they saw something come up from behind the monsters, something something...Someone! CFF laughed "Ignorant little girl, you think you can fight my Army? Do as your friend said, run away like a coward!!" he laughed again, and the six all frowned. CFF pointed at them "GO MONSTERS! ATTACK AND KILL!" Time seemed to slow down once more, the monsters all jumped or charged at them. They were really going to die...This was It. They failed the forum, they failed their friends...they failed the world.
    The six suddenly heard a noise from behind the monsters "ROAR!!!!" RRMS shouted, and the monsters turned to face six more people. RRMS, Roxma, Amber, Nymph, OWH and they had found Forsaken along the way.
    CFF frowned "Looks like we're going to have a feast tonight" he laughed "Kill them all.." the monsters charged both ways and the, first six, now twelve, fought them off.
    NRA couldn't help but wonder how the other six came, looks like they had a lot of explaining to do. NRA ran as 3 monsters came to chase him, but he tripped over a rock "Great..." he got up but heard something falling from the sky. Kitty, Lipz and CtR Landed on the 3 monsters chasing him, they all stabbed the monsters In the back with, Kitty with a whip, Lipz with a quarter staff and CtR with a short sword. NRA was surprised "Where did you all come from?!?" he asked, Lipz replied with a laugh "We couldn't miss out In all the fun, y'know" NRA saw the KHV staff, the six that saved them, and the first six all winning against the monsters. He grinned "Awesome..."

    To Be Continued....

    The whole team of Staff, and the other Twelve surrounded CFF "This Is It....We've finally caught CFF.." Darky whispered to himself. Suddenly DS walked up to CFF. This was It, no more monsters, no more more CFF.
    DS picked up his sword and pierced It In CFF's heart...

    And that was The End...


    Now, If that would of happened, Darky would of been so happy. But It was just his Imagination getting to him. Instead, before DS piereced the sword In CFF's heart, CFF rolled from under the sword, and looked at the people In a circle, all surrounding him. He laughed "You think you can beat ME?! Ha Ha Ha, nice joke. This reminds me of when I got banned, eh? But I came back, bigger and stronger. You haven't heard the last of me!" Kitty went to whip CFF with her whip, but Instead It rebounded off something around CFF and hit her. She winced and covered the bloody gash on her arm. He laughed once more, and In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
    DS was frowning That wasn't CFF.... he thought. He knew this because DS had left a scar on CFF's neck for when they battled It out, but the scar wasn't on that CFF "Great..." he said, not overly happy. Sara looked at him and replied "Whats the matter?" DS began walking Into the forest "That wasn't CFF" and then he was gone. Sara shook her head and turned to RvR "Look after these guys, split them up Into two groups and come Into the forest as soon as you can. I'm following DS to make sure nothing happens" Sara ran off towards the derection DS went.

    RvR sighed and looked at the members. Leave him to do something like this, It was hard enough trying to get everyone to listen to you, then try to split them up Into two groups. Okay, so, what does Sara do to get everyone to listen to her...err...shout! "OKAY EVERYONE!" everything went silent and everyone looked at him, some trying not to laugh and others with the 'What the...' look on their faces. RvR hesitated "Uhh...Err..right. Umm, We need to split up Into two groups?" Kairi (Changing her name back to Kairi because the 'SIIIIIIIIITAS' broke up. Was once Lipz) laughed "Let me do this the easy way" she stood next to RvR and put her hand Infront of her "That group," she pointed to the left "Go with RvR" next, she pointed to the right group "You guys, are going with Xaldin" Xaldin seemed shocked "Err, why me?" Kairi laughed "Because your Admin, now, I'm going with RvR...Kitty, keep Xaldin on his feet" RvR's group went Into one part of the forest, Xaldin's went Into the other.

    Xaldin had no Idea where he was going, Kitty seemed to though. The group stopped as Kitty saw something In the distance, they both wern't too sure what It was, but Jordie ran pat them towards It. They saw what It was now, a girl..."ROSEY!!" Jordie shouted. Was she really alive? Was she really here? Would her fellow 'Super Villain' reunite with her? Jordie went to hug her fellow 'Super Villain' but went through her and fell on the ground...she realized what Rosey was, a ghost. Tears filled up In her eyes "R-rosey.." Rosey looked at her and sighed "I'm still dead Jordie. I'm nothing more then a spirit now" Jordie got up, wiping her eyes.
    Kitty, Xaldin and the rest of the group ran over "Rosey?!" Kitty looked amazed "H-how?" Rosey smiled "Its a long story, see, we're still dead, but our spirits are alive. CFF wanted to posess our spirits and use us, Fortunely I escaped, but the rest..." she looked away. Vivi spoke up "So they're alive as well?! Well, spirits anyway" Rosey nodded. The rest were still trapped, Rosey told them. She told them the whole story, CFF's plans...everything.
    After she had finished, everyone was In thought. Rosey had said she wanted to free the others, but needed help. It looked like another adventure was ahead of them.

    To Be Continued...

    "Everybodys gonna love today, gonna love today, gonna love today. Everybodys gonna love today, gonna love today, Love Love Me" RvR looked at Rat singing 'Love Today-Mika' and gritted his teeth. Not only did he hate the song, Rat's singing was awful, so he decided to put an end to It "Rat, If you sing another part of that song I think I'm going to have to run around In circles screaming like a girl until I burst Into fire" Rat nodded, and after another moment of silence, he started singing again, but another song "Forever Young, I want to be Forever Young, Do you really want to live forever? FOREVER FORE-" Suddenly Rat's singing stopped, and RvR sighed In relief "Thank you Tootsie" Tootsie had Rat In an awkward position "Ow Ow Ow...Tootsie that hurts...LET GO! Fine I'll stop singing, just let go!" Tootsie let go and the group started moving again.
    After a while of silence, a continuing popping sound could be heard from In the group. It was Rat, making popping noises with his mouth. The group sighed and grunted and let Rat go, hoping he would stop soon, as If. Rat kept making popping noises until RvR, was once again, about to kill him "RAT!! SHUT IT!" Everyone stopped In silence once more "I really need to work on my shout, Don't I?" Forsaken replied with a "Just a bit too loud" RvR nodded and the group kept walking when they heard another popping noise, RvR turned around "Rat.." Rat looked at him "I swear, It wasn't me.." The group turned around, only to see a giant monster making the popping noises "Oh great.." Kairi said, a little nervous "Run?" Forsaken looked at the group "RUN!!" RvR shouted, and the group bolted away, members splitting up Into different parts of the forest as the giant monster chased them.

    Unfortunally, Forsaken was stuck with Rat, but the two ran until they thought they had lost any sign of the giant monster "Great, now the group Is broken up.." Forsaken turned to Rat who was singing 'Love Today' again "This Is going to be a long walk..." and he didn't just mean the length.

    DS and Sara came to an old building "Whats this?" Sara asked, DS didn't reply, he just kept walking. What Is up with him? She thought, but she followed him just In case. Once they were In the old building, Sara frowned. There was rats running around everywhere, dust and dirt spread out all over the floors and stairs, there was broken pieces of the building on the ground as well, and a big hole on the side of the gray building. DS was already at the top of the stairs, but he stopped to look at Sara, making a following motion, so Sara followed. The two reached the third floor and stopped at a door with a big metal lock on It. Finally, DS spoke but In a whisper "When I open this door, step In first, don't be scared If I'm not with you straight away, just take this lamp and keep moving foward. When you reach the dead end, go right, not left, then just keep going straight, I should be there by then, got It?" Sara nodded. What Is he talking about? She thought but took the lamp. DS kicked the rusty lock off and opened the door, pushing Sara through. It was just like the cave, she fell through a black hole and landed on a hard dirty ground. It was pitch black In this place, luckily DS came prepard...but what was he talking about? Sara got up and turned the light on, a light filled the what seemed to be, tunel. She started walking "Right...Not left..." Sara reminded herself.
    Right, not Left.

    Xaldins group all came up to a big tree with a door on It "Wonder what this Is..." Kitty looked at it, knocking on It a few times then sighed "Its a door..." Rosey stared blankly at Kitty and Kitty turned to Rosey and smiled. The group looked at the door nervously
    "Whats could It lead to?"
    "Should we just keep moving?"
    "I want my mommy.."
    Numerous murmmers could be heard from the group, but Xaldin found the courage to open the door "If I don't come back, I'm probably dead, Okay?" Misty frowned "Well thats a happy thought" Xaldin nodded then opened the door.
    He fell In, and landed on a dirt ground "...I'm not dead..." Xaldin got up and could just hear Misty's shouts "I'm Alright!!" Hopefully they heard that He thought.

    Misty smiled "Hes alright, lets go" Kitty looked at her "Shouldn't some of us stay here?" Misty nodded "You and Vivi stay here. Lets go everyone" Vivi looked shocked "Hey! No fair!" Misty grinned as she came to the door "Life Isn't fair" and fell In.
    The members were suddenly gone and all was left were Vivi and Kitty "So...what do we do now?" Vivi asked Kitty "Wanna play Tic-Tac-Toe?" asked Kitty, drawing the board up on the dirt. The two started playing.

    To Be Continued....

    Silence had all Sara had heard since she had fell down that hole. Silence and the tapping of her feet on the dirt and grass ground. Where was she? Where was that turn off, where she had to go Left, not right? Where was DS? Wait..Wasn't It Right, not left? No, I'm was pretty sure It was Left, not right. "Bah.." Sara sat down on the dirt ground "Ive been saying It over and over again In my head...Its left, not right..." She looked at the lamp In her hand, It was slowly dimming down, she would have to get out of here soon or else she would be stuck In darkness. Darkness...She had heard that somewhere before..this guy named Sora was trying to stay In light, not dark. But who was Sora? What was she going on about, there was no guy named Sora, and who was this DS guy she kept talking about? Sara shook her head "Silly Sally...Wait..I'm Sally, arent I? Yeah, I'm Sally" Sara got up "Sara...Why does that name sound familiar?" Sara kept walking until she came to a wall with red writing on It...Blood? Sara read It:

    Forget Your Name, Forget Your Past,
    Try And Make The Moment Last.

    "Forget my Name? My past? What was my past? Make the moment last...Silly kids, graffiding on the walls, Wait, I'm a kid arent I? Yeah, I'm a kid"
    Sara Continued walking the tunnel until she came to a dead end, there were two path ways "Left not right...Right not left...Left, Right...Left, Right...Left" Sara began to walk the left path way until a person jumped Infront of her "Uh...You don't want to go that way" DS turned her around "Who are you?" Sara asked the strange man "You don't remember me? Oh, Thats no fair" Suddenly Sara saw a light...No...A way out.

    Xaldin's group was In a dark gray room with a sign at the door. They all got up after falling down from that hole In the wall and RRMS went to check out what the sign said.

    Welcome to the 'Bridge of the Broken'. As soon as you open this door, the game will start and you will not be able to come back.
    This game Is about strength, mental use and trust. Different activitys will occur while you are playing, and the only way to escape and reach 'The Room Of Hallow Souls' Is to cross this bridge, once you reach the platform and turn the door handle the right way, then the game will stop. There are no rules for this game except to reach the other side of the bridge If you want to live.
    Have A Nice Day.

    Once RRMS had stopped reading, other members had already started to read the sign "So...Remind me why we are doing this again.." Madi looked at the other members "I already told you," Rosey replied "You see this?" she put out her hand and showed a small star In a circle "Everyone who died that night got a mark on their hand, when we put our hands together In a circle, a bigger star will appear and then CFF's base will come to view. Unless you want to keep fighting endless monsters, then we better finish this 'Game'" Once Rosey finished, all of Xaldin's group were silent "I guess we better go then" Madi looked at the door.
    Xaldin reached for the handle "Everyone ready?" The members got ready, then Xaldin opened the door.

    Nah, this bit Is too good for It to be 'Continued'

    The group were all on a platform, where the room used to be. Ahead of them was a unstable bridge, quite wide In size and had no bars to hold onto, but down below was nothing but sky. They were In the sky, and they had to walk across that bridge? Oh well, at least Xaldin could see the other platform. So much for a 'Game' all they had to do was walk across a bridge, that wasn't hard...right?
    So the group began walking across the bridge, some members scared of hights and some were absolutely fine, but what came In front of them was the most frightening. A swarm of giant wasps with their stingers ready were In front of them, flying this way "Get ready!" Xaldin shouted and the members got their weapons ready...
    But the main thought In Xaldin's head right then was "I hope we don't get killed..."

    To Be Continued...

    After five losses to Kitty, Vivi gave up on the game. Kitty still had that grin on her face until the two heard rustling In the bushes "It might just be an animal" Kitty assumed, but somehow Vivi knew It was something bigger. Suddenly two people came from out of the bushes. Both Kitty and Vivi jumped In fright, but sighed In relief afterwards "Were you two scared?" DS asked bluntly "Heh, Me scared? Yeah right" Kitty tried not to laugh at Vivi's comment.
    Sara looked at DS, she remembered her name and everything else, except for that cave...What was that place? But It didn't matter, she was here now.
    "Everyone will eventually run Into this place, If that group Isn't back by Nightfall, then we'll have to go In there" Vivi frowned at DS' comment "Is something bad gonna happen? Should we go In there?" He asked but DS shook his head "No. Wait until Nightfall, by then everyone will be here"

    Xaldin attacked at the wasps and nearly got hit himself. He could see RRMS struggling and so he went to help her "We'll have to figure a way out of this, eventually we'll all get killed If we keep this up" RRMS nodded "Whatcha want me to do?" Xaldin fought off the last wasp around them and looked at RRMS "You get Rosey and a couple of others, people you think who are struggling with the wasps, and come back to me, by then I'll have the other part of the group, and we'll try and stand the wasps as long as we can"
    A while later, everyone was gathered up, Xaldins group fighting and RRMS' group running as fast as they could to the other platform.
    Out of the blue, a lone wasp came charging at them. One wasp? No problem. It was heading for Misty and she had a weapon. But suddenly the wasp tricked them all. As If time were slowing down, another wasp came from behind and slammed Misty In the back, she lost balance, and, In pain, fell backwards. Nobody had any time to react. The scream lasted 5 seconds, and then It was like It disappeared. Annie was the first to snap back to reality and kill the wasps.
    That scream would last forever In their minds.

    Forsaken and Rat walked In the heap of bushes and tree's. Finally, Rat had gotten tired and stopped singing. Although, Forsaken was surprised to know that he had a song named after him, Rat had gotten the Skillet songs stuck In his head then.
    Finally, the two thought they heard voices. They snuck behind a tree to see who It was "Hey look," began Forsaken "Its DS and a couple of other people...Lets play a trick" he smirked and was just about to do something diabolical evil, when Kitty scared them both "Meow" The two jumped backwards and out of the bushes "HEY ITS A-...Cat" Kitty laughed evilly and so did the others.
    Once everyone stopped laughing, Vivi heard another noise "Maybe Its another member," he began, and surly he was right. Another member screaming for his life!
    A pack of..Different kinds of monsters were chasing RvR and Kairi. Kitty noticed they didn't have weapons and went to the rescue with Sara by her side. The two used 'Girl Power' and killed the monsters In less then 3 minutes.
    When Kitty turned around a group of other members were there. DS was right once again, everyone would come here.

    RRMS' group didn't want to move, Misty was..Gone! And Xaldin had told them to run, but they couldn't because Misty wasn't there with them.
    Finally, Rosey sighed In a sad way and turned to the group "We have to go..Most likely more wasps will come.." The group slowly started running towards the platform. But for some reason, It seemed to be getting further and further the more they ran. The group looked backwards and noticed the wasps were gone..But where were the other members? They couldn't have..all fell, could they? No, that wouldn't be possible.

    To Be Continued..
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Feb 1, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Jordier0xs0x
    The closest Ive ever been from snow Is this KHV Board Skin ._.
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jordier0xs0x
    Love the details there...x_x

    That was pwnsome...So like, everyone Is gonna meet up at the Clinic...I wonder whats gonna happen then o_o

    ...Kekeke, Darkeh fell asleep ^-^ Cuuute
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Jordier0xs0x
    DUDE! There's old guys with beards ._. How Is that something not to be afraid about?

    *Cough* Uhhmm...Right *Has just remembered there are old guys with beards here too*
    So Uhh...

    I'ma Be A Big Kid Like You Guys 8DD BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *Gets Brick'd by a 12th grader*
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 28, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Jordier0xs0x
    I'm Hurt In More Possible Ways Then One.
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jordier0xs0x
    I'd steal Piee from the Piee Shop =3
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jordier0xs0x
    Alright, I'll do Vivi first because I already have a great Idea for him

    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jordier0xs0x
    XD That Sounds Weird..I mean, I'm doing my Stick Figure art again and Trigger said to do It on Somebody's post, but I thought I'd better have their permission first.
    So yeah..Post here If you would like to be drawn on xD I'm only choosing someone I know pretty well, though.

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 26, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jordier0xs0x
    xD There you go, I also made another one ^-^
    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jordier0xs0x
    I Like Piee =3

    Post by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone