This thread Is still alive =D BoT: I'd be all 'LOLWUT?!' and poke you
I Love This Song ;~; Its so fricken sad D=
8'D I'm not the only one who does that?! Yaaaay!!
No, Its not that I don't like It. Ive always loved Valentines Day, going to the shop and buying a tub of Ice Cream, then sitting at home eating It and watching romantic movies by myself while my Mum and Stepdad go somewhere. ='D So fun
Thats a good question.. I miss the fellow. He was the first one to tell me my grammar was crap =D
I adore that avatar right there Explains everything XDDD
I Lol'd so much xD Bwahahaha 83 xD At Vivi and CtR Omg that was Epicness
Government Health Warning Do NOT Swallow Chewing Gum
I have guest stalkers ._. Whenever I'm In an over one year thread, theres always a guest there when I turn to the next page. o_o; Lulz, don't ask why I'm viewing old threads xD
I lol'd so much at Kitty XDDD That was pwnsome =3
That Chapter actually scared me o_o But It says 36 members remaining...So RvR Is still alive? Man, that was awesome though xD You really have to write good to get me scared during stories Too pwnsome
Dude, Pie Is the best Invention In the whole world you can eat. It even looks great.
~Travel High, Travel Low~ What's Wrong With The World Today? No Matter What I'll Find A Way. Nothings gonna stop me now Ive set my mind. Just see the world In front of you Oh, what a wonderful view. Maybe I'll see that world one final day. So I'll Travel high, I'll Travel low Trying to find which way to go Climb the highest mountain or the Greatest Sea. I'll Travel low, I'll Travel high Trying not to be too shy Walking all the city's or riding In the sky. Gonna grab my coat and grab my bag Putting my name on the tag Don't want to get lost In this big big world. Maybe I will reach that place To settle down and rest that chase To stop climbing the highest mountain In the sky. I know It sounds too crazy But my head Is kind of hazy From all this fuss and all this worry Its put me through. So I'll Travel high, I'll Travel low Trying to find which way to go Climb the highest mountain or the Greatest Sea. I'll Travel low, I'll Travel high Trying not to be too shy Walking all the city's or riding In the sky.
I didn't know you had a license... Heh, you learn something new everyday! =D
Uhhmm..Cant you just click on your profile and go on 'Kingdom Hero's Posts' or 'Kingdom Hero's Threads'. It'd save having to put a new option on when there's already a way.
Love is in the air Everywhere I look around Love is in the air Every sight and every sound And I don't know if I'm being foolish Don't know if I'm being wise But it's something Cin and Trigger believe In When they look Into their eyes Love is in the air In the whisper of the trees Love is in the air In the thunder of the sea And I don't know if I'm just dreaming Don't know if I feel sane But it's something that they believe In And Its there when Trig calls his name (Chorus) Love is in the air Love is in the air Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Love is in the air In the rising of the sun Love is in the air When the day is nearly done And I don't know if tis an illusion Don't know if I see it true But Its something that they believe in And your there when Cin reaches out to you Love is in the air Every sight and every sound And I don't know if I'm being foolish Don't know if I'm being wise But it's something that those two believe In And it's there when they look Into their eyes (Repeat Chorus 4X)
..Have you had too much sugar again? Lulz xD Happay Birfday Mishay
I cant afford to stay home!! We have Hands on Technology!! The best subject evar *Twich*
I'm tired, I have to get ready for school, I still have a sheet of homework to do and Its nearly time to go and catch the bus What do I do? ;~;
..Omg Ive just realized something.. Sorry everyone, you can continue your 'Vivi Is a *****' argument In a second.. DA reminds me of Shigure off Fruits Basket... Okie, and before we continue I would like to say one more thing, If you've only realized this 'Online Bashing' just now, take a look around you. I wouldn't really say 'Failure' pictures or anything else would be quite so nice to see when you're just trying to have fun, y'know. But yeah, just thought I'd point those two things out before I go to school. =D Have a nice day!