I go on KHV to get away from the Chain Mails, but I'm receiving them on here too ._. >: I know Its Valentines Day and all, but I hope everyone Isn't going to start PMing everyone with Chain Mails. If you're going to do It, at least put In the correct grammar *Dies*
My Valentine Is the Rain ='D It follows me wherever I go :>
..The Green Is a bit dark. Make It lighter, but not so It blinds your eyes :>
CG! You forgot like...Heaps of characters! L, Light, Misa, Ryuk, Organization 13. I'll join but I'll probably want an Organization Character xD
Instead of changing the skin, we could change the banner. There Is plenty of good Graphic Designers In this site who I think would be pleased to make a banner for different occasions. I think Its a good Idea, But changing the skin might be too 'difficult'
*Frolics around KHV throwing flowers and flower petals* Fralalalalala!! Happy Valentines Day!! 8D Just uhh...If you're going to be all mushy to someone you love..Do It uhh, Somewhere else. 'Cause I personally don't want to see the details 8D; Wheee!! Have Fun! 8P
Ah, I remember the 3rd one like It was yesterday. Jeez, I knew none of you guys back then because I was a Role-Playing freak, now Its like I know everyone xD Brings back memories of RPGing ='D
So If uh..*Sora* was In the elevator, being homosexual, how did uhhm..Forsaken get uh, Pregnant? 'Cause they're both guys and all and uhhmm...Unless *Sora* Is one of those guys who act like a guy but Is really a girl...In special ways.. Wait, Is that called homosexual? Anywho, WHAT A TWIST! Next Kitty will be having Puppies for kids!!
Prevent Piee From Exploding! =D
I think Is would be fun to have, although it would be a bit unfair to those who don't have mic's with everyone making threads about the convo's they had. Unless the staff could make a Sub-Forum In the Spamzone for TS so the Spamzone wont be full of Teamspeak threads, because I KNOW there will be lots. Maybe even a thread would be fine. Anyway, It sounds like a fun Idea! I just gotta get my Mic out of the garage and try to avoid my Mum giving me weird looks because she would think I were talking to myself.
LULZ GIVE ME! Uhhmm..I mean...Hai Der 8D;
Well I was bored and Xendran gave me an Idea So yeah, the first one Is purely made In paint, the second one Is my first ever signature In Gimp Paint Gimp CnC?
This Just In: SJ goes on KHV Instead of a therapy to relieve his stress
I feel kinda...Sorry for the coders
Lets just say he's..quite the spammer
Your posts scare me greatly, mainly because you have an overwhelming mind of confidence. Thank you and Have a nice day.
Lulz Pwnsome Story
HEYA! Again..xD Welcome back!! Stay around this time =D
Lulz, Ive been playing Pinball and I wondered If anyone else here played Pinball... So show me your high scores! 8D