I don't know about this Idea. Like people have said, It'll probably get spammed. I agree with Mish though, It probably wont start a flame war. The problem about this Idea Is, most people already know each other. Most members are happy with their friends right now and making this Suggestion happen might make some members feel neglected because they're not part of a group of friends. A lot of people wouldn't be bothered looking at what other members are like anyway. I don't mean to sound awful, but I know I would only take a look at the detailed profiles of the people I'm actually Interested In. There would be a lot of pointless comments like the 'Post your Picture here' thread, I know Its nice to be told you're pretty, but after hearing It One million hundred, two thousand and fifty two times, It gets a little bland. And what else can you really say? 'Omg you look so ugly' Would be putting someone down. Thats the same If we had a thread to get to know each other, people would probably be getting a different variety of pointless questions. Look, my point In this Is, If you REALLY want to get to know a member PM them or IM them. Its easier to do that then to look through all the pages of profiles and spam to get the person you actually want to know about. Anyway, Profiles like that don't really make It so you know the member like a full on friend, If you talk to them In PM or IM you can really get to know the person like a true friend. Don't feel upset though, I think It would be a Great Idea If only KHV were a smaller community.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=42925 Read this thread. No more suggestions of Shoutboxes/Chatrooms. I'll get a Staff member to close this.
This Is Issue 2 Everyone! For those who missed Issue 1, Its on the 3rd page of the Spamzone. NOTE: Most things In this aren't true. Its kind of like all those stories people have been making, except this Is small and In an Article. So don't get offended If we say anything silly, after all Its just a joke. Copyright @ Spamexpress 324 Spammyville, Spamzone KH-Vids Author: Jordie and TCO All Rights Reserved
xD Thanks Madi And TCO, you can be my helper <3
That was Epicness XDDDDD Omgomgomgomgomg I Loved It. If I could rep you again I would.
Hello There! Read The Rules Spam In The Spamzone Post A Lot Stay Active And Have Fun! I'm Jordier0xs0x, call me Jordie. If you need any help, make a thread In the 'Forum Assistance' Forum or PM a Mod/Admin. You can even PM me If you like. By the way, I think you're only aloud to have one Image In your signature.
xD Booyeah! Jor Jor..XDD It fits..?
I'll be Jar Jar Binks? xD Seeing as though he's my favorite character and I'm clumsy like him
Seeing as though I was bored and I thought this would be fun, I thought I would make a KH-Vids newspaper. No Its not going to be serious xD Just Opinions and an Article. BTW This Isn't going to turn out like TSSSAFWAKTC, If I cant do it I'll get someone else to do it for me. NOTE: Most things In this aren't true, Its kind of like all those stories people have been making, except they're articles. Don't get offended If I say anything bad xD
I certainly do
You have Triggy though :> 8D!!!!!! *Squishes between Sj and CtR* ^.^ ...I kill them too xD;
.... I'm Valentinleness :>
Nuu they always run away from me.. I could ask the bugs...But I'll probably squish 'em before I do anything else >:
The rain stopped, so now I'm Valentinleness >:
That Fiona and me do it In my bed every Sunday She tells him she's at church but she doesn't go Something Something Something Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know So don't tell Scotty, Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know~ ..Apparently Scotty doesn't know o:
Dude, Wtf? How Is THAT supposed to be an emotional Cripple? That was like, a turtle rolling on Its back and cant get up. I mean, everyone Is edible In some kind of way. Jeez, talk about stupid.
Fruits Basket! =D
Now If only you could control Chain Mails on MSN...
Seriously, these rain drops are the hawtest of them all. Don't you agree?
Wow.. Well then, theres one thing I would like to say to this, even If there Is people you don't know, never met, It doesn't mean you can treat them like ****. We're all people, no matter how much km, Miles etc. away we are. Anywho, See ya nRa. Twas good having you around! (Btw, I lol'd at some of the things you said.. Only because It was quite pathetic xD)