OOC:At school
Li laughed a crazy laugh, as more and more people was falling down dead Gary was sitting in the cafeteria when he heard the music "No he's been released, got to do something quik"he said to himself as he began running towards the sound
"What a lamo"The leader said but suddenly fell over dead and the same happened to his buddies. "Die, everyone DIE"Li shouted
A demon like voice suddenly appeared "YOU IDIOTS HOW DEAR YOU DESTROY MY FLUTE, STUPID HUMANS" the voice came from Li. his tatooes and eyes where glowing red. the melody became higher and higher.
"To bad"the leader said as he broke the flute, suddenly a new melody appeared it was dark, as dark as death itself
"Leave us alone its his own fault for not stop playing that dumb flute"The leader said
A gang of bullies approached Li "hey new kid, I don't like your music"the leader said "yeah he don't" one of the dumb ones said Li ignored him like he wasn't even there and kept playing "hey dude did you here me i said stop playing"the leader was getting angry Li kept on ignoring him "that's it your dead"he said as the whole gang began beating him up
okey time skip to lunch Li walked outside and sat leaned up to a three. he was playing a mysterious song on a strange flute
"Okey you two that's enough"Gary said, trying to separate them
OCC: I'll let you two finish before we skip to lunch okey?
Li walked out of the class, Some of the bullies pushed him into the wall on their way out. Li ignored it and kept walking towards the next class
"well the class is over make sure to do your homework"Gary said as he walked out the door Li sat still on his chair looking into space not really paying attention
Li moved he's head signalising yes
"okey class, today we got a new student. he's name is Li and just moved here"Gary said Li bowed before the class "there is one thing i have to tell you about Li of personal reasons he don't speak"Gary said "as he said so you could here some of the bullies laugh in the back "well anyway take good care of him, you can sit over there"gary said pointing to a chair next to Daisuke Li sat down, he looked a little distant
Gary and a new kid entered
"Well, i guess it won't hurt. get straight back when your done"Gary said a few seconds later the principal knocked on the door "Gary i need to talk to you"he said "fine, everybody read the remaining pages while I'm gone"he said as he left
Gray entered the room "Hello everyone, had a nice weekend?"he asked not really expecting a answerer "Today were going to learn more about old egypt, so if everyone can find their text books we'll begin"Gary said as he began talking about the old civilization
Gary was walking slowly towards the class room, the first class for the day was history, the new kid had finally showed up but was busy talking with the principal with his parents "Well 10 more minutes to class"Gary thought as he said hi to a group of students
OCC:added :D its never to late to join ^^ but you have to chose between darkness or wind as a power
Ken finally reached his hotelroom he packed out several stuff and took up his computer. he sat down and plugged in a devise to it. "lets see now, i need to get a better map of this place"he said to himself as he began working