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  1. Varnor


    A person was soring trough the sky, flying above the clouds and under them. It was a majestic site until the guy flying crashed into a a watch tower in a little city. and landed in the garbage pile
    Post by: Varnor, May 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Varnor
    OOC:It's the perfect character you did it again my friend
    Post by: Varnor, May 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Varnor
    "I really hate that guy"Lucifer said as he disappeared in a pillar of fire
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Varnor
    "We need to get rid of him fast, if he ever would learn to control his powers we would be in serious trouble"Lucifer said "but lets retreat for now, The other GC members might get here if we stay for to long"
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Varnor
    "This is why i hate working with you"Lucifer said as he snapped creeds neck back into place
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Varnor
    "You are just as stupid as death was"Lucifer said as he walked towards Creed "he was about to kill you and you where to busy eating to notice"
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Varnor
    "That boy is way to arrogant, if he keeps it up his melody will have early end"Li said to himself "hmm looks like i have to go before i kill this kid"Li said as he passed out and fell over
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Varnor
    OOC:actually Yuu looks nothing like what he did in the securtiy photos. he changed his appearance the same day he changed hotel
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Varnor
    "Mister Gin room service" a hotel worker said knocking on the door, oh yes gin was his name while staying on this hotel "one moment"Yuu said as he got the door
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Varnor
    As Yuu finaly had arrived at his hotel room he lied down on the bed. "seriously this is boring. all this just for a story. I could have destroyed the world if i wanted to"Yuu said to himself "what a boring life i have. i really hope those police guys find me. my world is just to boring at the moment"
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Varnor
    "You wish the tune of darkness I'll give it to you" Li said a tune so dark darkness itself couldn't grasp it began to play "this is the taste of the power you will have child. now leave before I destroy your melody"Li said angry this time "and tell your "Lord" that i look forward to hear the rest of his melody"
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Varnor
    "your are darkness? Don't make me laugh kid"Li said, his voice was like a beautiful song though dark as the darkest pit "You are have a human heart there for you can't be darkness"The voice was the demons "you still cling to it and you cant let it go. you are incomplete. leave my site you disgrace of Lords"
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Varnor
    As the taxi moved towards the hotel, Yuu was planing his next move. "if I want to contact kira the best way is to give him what he wants"Yuu thought as he looked at the names and pictures of several SPK members "but how to give Kira these names is the hard part. I'll wait and see what kira dose next and work make a plan based on that"
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Varnor
    as Yuu cheeked out of the hotel he had been staying at, he was thinking of a new disguise. the one he'de been using for the last couple of days was beginning to fall of (he wears a type of plastic to change his face and appearance) he went to the bathroom. when he got back he looked like a 30 year old man wearing a black coat and glasses. he got into a cab and left for the new hotel he would be staying at
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Varnor


    Thanks ^^ it looked like a really good rp
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Varnor
    OOC: of course

    Li smiled" so many melodies, Silence them"Li said as he stabbed his arm through Creeds stomach, there was no wound, no blood. it was like his arm just went straight threw him. and one after another the melodies stopped and vanished.

    OOC: now you should go if he silences you true melody your dead so i suggest you escape ^^ Lucifer can help you if you wish
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Varnor


    Name - Chi Tenshi
    Age - 17
    Gender - Male
    Personality - He's kinda the weird one, He has no idea on how to anything but fighting. he's what you call an idiot so to speak.
    Weapon - the long sword "heavens justice"
    Race - Arch Angel, these are not angel with wings growing out of their back. they are a race that has learned how to fly with magic wings.
    History - As a child of the Arch angel race his job is to help those in need, he has been trained to do this sins he was a little kid. even though he's still under training he is already known for his fighting skills. The strange thing is that he never kill anyone, he never liked the idea of taking someone's life. the reason for this is unknown. he grew up in the "Heaven" its not the REAL heaven but the city the arch angels live inn
    Appearance - [​IMG]
    Other - He has a strange fascination for rocks
    Played By -Varnor
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Varnor
    OOC: could someone give me a recap, i've kinda been busy the last couple of days
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Varnor
    Okey first of sorry for being away for 2 days, first there where or national day and then everything was chaos the day after, but I'm back so no problem ^^
    All you three added ^^ og velkommen Marluxia_of_norqay it's good to have a another Norwegian with me :D
    Post by: Varnor, May 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Varnor
    Li grabbed his arm, the melody suddenly changed. it was now chaotic, like only the melody could make you mad "so this is the melody of your life"Li said smiling "maybe i'll have it for my own"

    OOC: okey your melody of life is the same as your life. Li's power makes him able to hear them as well as remove them form their body(killing them). though he can only use them in demon state.
    Post by: Varnor, May 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home