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  1. i like movies type person
  2. i like movies type person
    but this would have a much smaller chance of being short-lived. it relates to the one thing that everyone comes here for in the first place.i didn't visit this site for "sports", in the first place. unless there are multi player mini games in kingdom hearts, that perhaps have international competitions. things like that.

    who would come here for sports?

    i would list a number of costume sites that have hundreds of thousands of users,but im still too new to post links.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. i like movies type person
    music is music.

    music can be remade into another style of music via remix.

    mood and location decides too much in taste in music. some things work in various times and places,and some things dont. look at star wars, the first film to have music alter and help the mood.

    dance at a ball? ill need a tux and a ballroom and full band.
    dance at the hottest nightclub in town? ill need leather pants, a chainmail shirt, a girlin skintight latex,and some techno/dubstep.

    can i haz it all? who says you cant?
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  4. i like movies type person
    i came here to discuss various movie quality level kingdom hearts cosplay. it helps to feel everything out before dropping what can be thousands of dollars beforehand. questions like: would you recongnize this costume? would you be happiest seeing another well done version of something else? etc. only kingdom hearts fans can really be asked for such things. and all the other cosplay/costume sites,while kh heavy, have no real instant access to "uber" kh fans. many just wear a costume given them by someone else to go in a group, so they are useless for general information.

    ill tell you now, the makers of kingdom hearts keep tabs on the various conventions on the west coast of america and japan. they track the roar of the crowd to see which characters are the most popular. san deigo comic con has marketing people which track everything for various properties.

    want to help inspire a live action film? do the expensive work of making a costume for one of their characters. show it off in public. they can see how awesome or odd it looks in reality. see if the crowds roar at a costume contest is enough to force them to take attention. weave dreams into reality. knock on the door of possiblities......
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. i like movies type person
  6. i like movies type person
  7. i like movies type person
    disney owns marvel comics.

    iron man...... teamup!

    vs....... dr.doom. armor+a dark magic user

    wolverine? he is always angry,and sora is always
  8. i like movies type person
    riku and sora, and organization 13 being over represented? that is a understatement, lol. on all the major cosplay sites that keep archives of members pictures, going back some 7 years, kingdom hearts eats up about 10 percent of all costumes at a multi-media convention. and, lol, most are girls. even riku and roxas.

    the guard armor is huge, and has arms and legs that are not attached to anything. i really want to try to make something that i can make look real, or translate it into our world as if it were real as possible. i could rent a small moving truck to get the parts around, as well as be transportation to and from said convention. but unless i can find one with compartment air conditioning, it might melt the latex/resin in the summer months in a metalboxed truck....

    thanks to some girls,i have been informed of a way to make latex shiny and dry. they wore "catgirl" costumes in latex. they also say they got slapped on the but alot by guys (while in a latex catsuit), so i should be ready to accept the same actions from girls. as a guy,i dont think ill have a problem with that. besides the tail will block my rear of my butt to a degree.

    i saw someone pull off a perfect soldier heartless, after some time on google. but they were about 14 inches too tall. i cant fit in that.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  9. i like movies type person
    ......where is the cosplay/costume section? in many cases, it takes up more time at conventions in costume than in game time. so.... where is it?

    kingdom hearts is so popular that there are many unoffical sites selling mass produced costumes.of even secondary charaters at that!
    Thread by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. i like movies type person
    i am going to dragoncon 2012.
    i want a standout costume.
    i have a fit 6 foot tall body, and college training in the plastic arts.
    i have noticed that any half decent heartless costume is very popular.

    i have selected after careful consideration the "invisible" heartless. the mini-boss. but.... would it be recognizable? is there a better selection that i could fit into? other than the "darkside" which would require a wood skeleton frame, and a rented truck to move, and about 3500 dollars for latex alone- that will dry rot in 3 years anyway.

    he has a rather large sword. i can have a company make a real sword like his,but i know conventions do not allow "live steel". you cannot even go in real metal armor. so it would have to be made of other materials. if i cannot make the swords realistic, i wont make one. can the invisible be pulled off without his sword?

    i tried posting this with various links before, but they were all blocked. i assume by my new status i cannot post links yet.
    Thread by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. i like movies type person


    i cannot seem to post in the discussion forum. sigh. is there a time limit?
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. i like movies type person
    there is no cosplay area here (which is odd, as conventions are now 50% of the fun of enjoying videogames. it is so obvious that kingdom hearts has so big a audience, that many of the costumes are mass produced in various sizes...), so this will be posted here.the movies section is deemed for confirmed rumors, or trailers. this is neither.

    the storyline creator mr. Nomura, was once watching a cosplay costume contest that took place on a stage. in front of thousands. i think it was the san deigo comic con costume contest. he was watching via video feed. whenever a kingdom hearts costume appeared AND got loud applause he was relieved/happy.

    the problem with kingdom hearts as a movie is numerous.
    1. past "fantastic" live action adaptions have failed- look at streetfighter, dragon-ballz, avatar, or even the most recent dungeons and dragons flick.
    2. for some reason the casting was way off. many times a costume at dragoncon would be better than the costume and actor's appearance.

    i am attending dragoncon 2012, and was thinking of trying to make a movie level costume of a kingdom hearts character. it would need to be undone before,and striking in appearance. (lol, so many girls go as riku and sora.....) i have noticed that many of the standouts are....heartless. of the two really well done heartless i found, (a soldier, and a shadow) they where surrounded for hours by people taking photographs. not even the poor $5,000 usd darth vader costume got anywhere near so much attention.
    but not one "invisable" heartless has been done. not one. i searched the many major cosplay/costume/theater sites. i have a fit body, i am six foot tall while barefoot, and have college training in the plastic arts. i think i can pull off a costume so real, it will make little kids cry.

    so khvids people: 1)is the invisable heartless something you would recognize?
    2)is anyone else going to dragoncon 2012? all the hotels are sold out.... they sell out 11 months before....

    info/inspiration: (this site needs this option) (the convention) (inspiration. i have nothing to do with the video...sadly)
    Thread by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. i like movies type person


    i need to bounce some thoughts off some people who are familiar with kingdom hearts, and have a somewhat active community. here i am.
    Thread by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures