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  1. i like movies type person
    maybe there a zombie apocalypse, and the internet is going offline?
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. i like movies type person
    good at this? its not my site. it is a good gets around paying hundreds of dollars, and......

    im just being honest, i am not a people person. i cant be a mod. i live in new jersey. its hard enough to keep my sanity living with the people here.

    meeting people at events in costume looks hard to do anyway. for example: i had to reserve hotel rooms for me and a few friends in atlanta 11 months before dragoncon. every hotel room in the city of atlanta has been sold out months ago. so.... it looks like people need to plan almost a year in advance. i dont think many people can do that. sigh.

    ill keep this topic in the back of my head, and if a way to do it presents itself, ill get back in touch.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. i like movies type person
    judge? ill let someone else brave the porn and roadkill/gore that other people post in jest.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. i like movies type person
    .......lets abuse deviant art dot com then..... could there be a khvids "offical" designated set of galleries there then? give the venture a whirl for a year or two with little ventured.......and it can have a link back to this site?

    it appears that the programs involved would cost a few hundred dollars............ a darn good reason not to have the setup. besides... i would not want to mod the horrible pictures when it is discovered someone is posted pictures that they should not be... yuck.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. i like movies type person
    first job.

    muhahahahhahahahh.... welcome to the slave pens.

    i suggest working as a waiter. no matter what you will have to service people,so you might as well have a chance to earn tips. waiters at the right time of day, and week, can make very good money. not just chump change as any first job normally does. but it wont always pay out big. i know alot of "former" waiters.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  6. i like movies type person
    seems normal. i find some clothing shops scare me.

    .......ever been inside a "hot topic?"

    or a "hello kitty" store? i wanted to twist off my own head.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  7. i like movies type person
    were you ever to a foreign country? contract a disease that is thought wiped out in america? those american docters would not know what to look for.

    body chemistry imbalance? the brain is not always doing its job ? hippocampus thingy (at the base of the brain,it regulates hormones and other body chemistry)? (not a doctor)

    allergy? they can test for them now. but it costs like 2000 dollars.

    they seem to be thinking it is drepression, which has drawbacks (no excercise, bad diet- results in poor health). but no happy pill proscribed?

    ever take pain killers?how did they work out?

    anyone know some online sites that you can plug in some symptoms. and the website pops out some possible causes??
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  8. i like movies type person

    i am not married. but i work with divorced daddies. and i know the number one reason for getting a divorce is over money issues.

    1.the divorced daddies often complain that the money is not being spent on the "kid". they dont trust the mommy.

    2.the divorced daddies sometimes lose their good paying job,and work a for much less later on. but a court judgement still demands they pay what they were paying before. a new court date needs to be ordered to readjust the payments to the new smaller paycheck. alas this costs money and time to arrange. not tomention it lets the mommy know they make less now.thats not something they want people to know,much less their ex.

    3. some of the daddies have more than one ex. so several kids and several mommies make those weekly checks smaller.

    personal note: adults... are just older children.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  9. i like movies type person
    alot of people who use a costume are sometimes given said costume to "fit into a group".

    or a girlfriend has a "crush" on a certain cartoon character and "forces" her boyfriend to dress as said character.

    some people are just attracted to the reaction a certain costume would render.

    some people get sick/tired/bored of the same genre,and move on for a time. they want little to nothing to do with said genre for a while.

    on a happy note, i think i can steal lessons learned from other people.....the ones making those jet black alien movie costume replicas.....should help in this one.

    spreading myself out a bit, it appears everyone does recognize the "invisible" heartless. they seem to call it the "devil-looking one". they just dont recognize the name the game gives them.

    if i can just make this costume look like it came from a horror movie instead of a campy game, ill hit my goal.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  10. i like movies type person
    hmmmm.... once upon a time, hundreds of years ago,there were people who would travel town to town to do puppet shows. they did all the voices, and the characters movements, and special effects. dragons would spit fire, thunder sound effects and mirrors to move light sources, etc.

    one can still see, sometimes, such a performance at high end renny-faires.

    could that count?
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  11. i like movies type person
    the only reason not to have a cosplay/costume section is due to it needing some software, and/or some coding. although adding a section in our profiles to add pictures might be enough, with a search engine about to sort for certain characters then. the pictures should be hosted offsite though. hosting pics is a pain and a small expense.

    ah the awesome that could be...instead of hunting it down across the entire web.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  12. i like movies type person
    dry ice is only dangerous if it touches your skin....... if i have 4 months and 300 dollars to play with just for the special effect, it wont be dangerous.

    at this site,it shows me how to make glowy eyes, and his attempts at smoke/darkness.

    his heartless was this:

    but most of those people who made heartless arent hardcore fans, and have gone back to being star wars fans, lol. assuch,they are not there to bounce ideas off of.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  13. i like movies type person
    i know hes a mini boss. so far most people know what it is.

    ive discovered a 30 second jetpack that costs 45,000... too expensive lol, found a 20 minute jetpack (costs 200,000!!!!) and they went out of business..... so much for flying.

    im looking into how to have "darkness smoke" roll of and out of my hands now and again. i think i can vaporize tiny amounts of something and color it somehow.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  14. i like movies type person
    see? just the reaction i dont want. but need to test for. but that name is a bit off, alas it is the offical name. perhaps you might recognize the picture?
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  15. i like movies type person
    .....the site that started as a cosplay with only profiles/descriptions, and pictures. if you wanted to talk, you had to leave comments to each other below a photo......

    they have what, hundreds of thousands of members.... ten percent of which have only kingdom hearts attire. another 4 percent have KH costumes that they are not longer young enough to use. and another 5 percent have kingdom hearts costumes as "back up only", becuase they now have several costumes, and they have already worn their KH costume to many conventions. ........

    its so bad out there, that people have resorted to posting their pics on various sites,and then trying to hunt down other people to meet with. as one looks funny alone,and a group just looks much better. some sadpeople post pics of people they took photos of, but cannot track down....

    if one needs some serious mind changing,at how "cosplay" is not for "little roleplaying kiddies" but is now also a majorpart of costume parties at nightclubs. the costume just adds flair. like the bar at dragoncon that has bountyhunter bouncers, and a droid bartender/vending machine. (no,not kidding)

    dressing up random stuff:

    so this is a vids site with a forum eh? perhaps you could find/make/upload a really good 60 second clip of a welldone fanfiction, actedout with some practical special effects and really well done costumes. its worth doing such a thing just to see peoples posted reactions. (esp.if they think it is a leaked teaser for a movie in the works)

    moar funz plz.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  16. i like movies type person
    okay, added to it. but really i dont think a subforum would do it. it would need a whole different setup. or maybe public pics on the profile page with public access....
  17. i like movies type person
    working on a non-dorky-version movie script for kingdom hearts???????.......
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  18. i like movies type person
    end? you could have a entire game about competition between sora and riku. or to make the fangirls happy, even a couple vs couple (sora and girlfriend vs. riku and girlfriend).

    minigames (snowball fights, races of all kinds, playfighting, mickey in a referee's outfit)

    the whole point of the games setup is to entertain with endless stories and options. the characters will even age. with older games appeasing younger players, and newer games appeasing older, and older players. heck i expect adult content in another decade from kingdom hearts, lol.
  19. i like movies type person
    are they selling the first few kingdom hearts games on several systems yet? it would be best to reissue them on downloadable websites. or even offer free cardboard standups to places that resell their old games, as it will be great advertising for their future games. else, kids too young to play video games when kingdom hearts 1 came out might pass on newer versions.
  20. i like movies type person
    okay forced me to do this..... now that i can post links, i will use the awesome power of cosplay while working together as a forum! even if you want to burn people in costume, i can change your mind......

    see what cannot be unseen. but watch it to the end if you start it. almost 3million people have. i play the funny card.
    Post by: i like movies type person, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance