*Returns with baseball bat* I, The Dalkism Pope, shall excommuncate you! *Proceeds with the beating*
Sex with that chick from Teeth SAW ME!
You, My dear Child, Have been excommunicateD! Excuse me while I find something to strike you with!
1.) Not Converting to Dalkism. 2.) Death by EDWARD. 3.) Giving KyRi cake...
Oh! My dear Master! What is your bidding?
Rosso :|
No!!!!! I must kill EDWARD_12!
I feel happy for you!
There never was a 2, only 2.5, and 3 is off somewhere planting daisies...
Name it EDWARD_4!
[Welcome to the First (And Only) National Church of Dalkism] We are all his children... So, everyone on the Magic School Bus! Except for you...
It's Lenore from Lenore: The Cute Little Dead Girl...
A Little Piece of Heaven in my pants
Hot 'n Cold in my pants
Thank you!
But... If he came... He'd tear right through you...
Okay then ...
......................... the game
Rule 34? 'Nuff said.
Very well then, is there anything you'd like to talk about?