You're possessed by the Evil Spam Demon! *Grabs Staff* WTYQCGLCVSUCVQAJGLCVQWGJLDJU-DALK! May you be free from Chaotic Evil!
Haha! Contradicting post!
There is no GOD?! But Dalkism still remains! Come down to the Church, and join today!
But our symbol of greatness is alive! Aw! Mr. Keyblade, you DO go on! *Made the Logo* Now then, would you like to join the first church of Dalkism as a Monk, or a Nun?
*Goes fully animated, but not that awful animated, the badass animated* Then we must fight to the death!
.... :| *Snipes Destined with a Nailgun*
Why the name change, Sire?
Oh, you're welcome!
No, because I see Agito... Also...
*Slomo dive, shoots Dalk* Triple Shot! I want mine so rare, it kicks when I chew on it!
Rouze.... Oh no! Gawd has Constipation? Get the Ex-Lax!
...I have three posts! :)
.... *Shoots Ember with a nail* TAG YER IT!
Angry Monkeys Unlawful Doctors Cancer And maybe the occasional force-feeding of your still living body to swine...
I WANNA NAILGUN FIGHT! *Pulls out Nailgun*
Milord... Yay! Boom!
Raberi! *Hug, yes*