........ Harry Carey.... Tee-hee...
... That's slightly arousing...
^ Is Une Ce'st La Fei *Dressed as Marilyn Monroe*
What is it?
^ Wears only hats, and parades around, otherwise nude
^ Is a total Ama Loli fan
Will die from combustion from lack of relief of gas
I love you....
^ Totally wants me in it
Hey! I found some numbers!
^ Wants a threesome...
^ Is afraid of rabbits Nu! I wanted all yur lurve!
^ Is bathing Your statement's true too...
^Is extremely homophobic That statement's true by the way
Will be stomped on by a mob of men and women storming the Bridal Store for a 10% Off Sale...
^ Is an extremely talented armpit musician
I agree with Lord Dalk!
Hissie Just because you can't feel your teeth, doesn't mean I can't feel your insults...
Will die from the wrath of the EDWARDs