It was me... Those are my feet....
... And another from Venus... Click herehttp://
Yes... After my pilgrimage, I have come back with a message for you... From Cthulu...
....... You heard me...
What song?
Besides, my physical form was based off of one of the female subjects Dalk had to work with!
The song is "I Try" By Macy Grey! I love that song... ^_^
They make me feel pretty! Don't you agree?
Would you like a spot of tea? It is dreadfully chilly out. Come warm yerself by the fire. *Loving the maid uniform*
You have an alter ego? I have four! We should schedule a playdate!
*Raises a baseball bat that has been painted to look like Sailor Moon's wand* In the name of Dalk... I WILL PUNISH YOU! *Swings bat furiously at everyone*
And their eyes are our jelly for toast! ^_^
*Glitter and music plays* *Body glows pink, and I transform into...* Sailor EDWARD!
Which one?
Cue Magical Girl Transformation sequence!
I know! C'est magnifique, non?
Rouze, Rosso, Rouge, Derga... I liek Derga!
*Pulls a "Cheshire Cat"*
They are symbolic of snakes.... Poisonous, Deadly, frightening creatures, and are therefore all those things themselves...