I said post LIES! Has to take a whole bottle of medication... Now
Mmmm... I had Landfish for dinner last night!
You know you want it
*Gasp!* Is that true, Doctor?
REALLY wants to make out under a pile of clothes while dear old Father searches the room, looking for his lost tie
Aww! But it's such a good song! You make me sad... If I wasn't looking for Lord Dalk... I'd cry...
Nooooooooo-pe! Here! This'll answer the question! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32oU8YSFR8E
Let's all try on my pretty dresses! Wants to make a sandwich with me
... *Drops the syringe and starts dancing* Finish the lyrics! Put your ___ in the air Move around like you don't care!
Wants to try on dresses with me and have a tea party with Dalk
*Smiles at de Fishy, pulls out giant syringe* You look like you could use some medication...
Wants meh to put my a$$ up in the air, and move around like I don't care
*Runs in with bloody bat, a bat that has been painted to like sailor moon's wand* Did you see the Lord run through here? *wipes blood from face, hops into the amazing nurse's uniform* Oh, Dalk! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
It says post a LIE! Needs a candy cane
But they're mine! I even have a theme song for them! Seee?
Nuuuuu! Knows how to spank a giant baby
Throws things at small children
Of course not... They're on Youtube!
You need me and my extensive selection of inexpensive hookers! They'll get you where you wanna go, and they only charge five bucks an hour! On Fridays, Cleveland Steamers are free!