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  1. Nymph of Destiny
    This is an RPG based on, but not exactly a copy, of the plot of the manga/anime "Battle Royale." Here's the plot:

    The people of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy receive a free trip to the Islands. On the airplane trip there, the flight attendent makes them wear a choker, and gives them all a bag, telling them not to open it until they reach their destination. When they do arrive, they find the island is completely secluded, and their powers are negated. On the island, they find a lighthouse, where a walkie-talkie is. A man on the other end of the walkie-talkie tells them to open the bag. Inside it is one weapon. He then tells them that they all must fight each other with the weapon they received, until one lives. If they refuse, by the end of one month, the choker around their throat will explode - killing them all. The choker is un-removable, so the choice is this: kill everyone, and you will return home safely, or do nothing and die by the end of the month. So what will you do?

    *Nothing above pg-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No taking over other characters
    *No killing other characters without their permission

    You can play one Final Fantasy characer, one Kingdom Hearts character, and one original character. If your character dies, you can replace him/her. If you wish to create an original character, please fill out this template -


    Please note that the section below is not a list, and it just tells the characters being played already. If you don't see a character's name on the list, that means that character is availiable. Anyone can join at any time.

    Characters already taken:

    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Luxord - Chendler
    Sora - SORA!

    Yuna - Nymph of Destiny

    Original characters:

    Appearance:short brown hair blue eyes
    Biography:sora`s cousin
    Weapon:two daggers
    Other:is a good fighter
    Played by: SORA!

    Appearance:long black hair, 6 foot, dark blue jeans, black tee-shirt
    Biography:cant remember anything other than his name and skills with a raiper
    Other:he is a bit shy
    Played by: darkelven123
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 14, 2007, 113 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    The Kingdom Heart and Final Fantasy guys are going to an all-boys school but, for various reasons, the girls decide to come. They pretend to be guys, but how long can they continue tricking them, and what will happen if anyone found out?


    What has happened: They are all settling into their dorms, but already Xemnas is suspecting Larxene. After math class, they go back to their dorms temporarily, where Vincent discovers that Larxene and Rae Rae are girls, but he tells them that he will help them and keep it a secret for them. As history class is about to start, Larxene sees that Vincent is not there and goes to their dorm room. She awakens him and begins to ask why he isn't in class, when Xigbar comes in and trips her by accident. Larxene gets angry and talks in her normal voice, but Vincent quickly covers for her. However, it is uncertain whether Xigbar now realizes who Larxene the mean time, Leon has figured out that Rikku is a girl and wants to talk to her after class. After class, Larxene tells the girls that Vincent is helping them, and that he has found in the basement a place for them to take shower and stay without the other guys knowing.

    The next morning, Xemnas tests Rae Rae to see if she was a girl, but she passed. Sora and Roxas fought later, but they made up soon after. In math class, the science teacher, Vexen, is introduced, and the new student, Zarix, who is number 14 in the Organization. After class, they head to history class, and then the gym.

    The following day, after gym, the girls head to the basement, where they find Xigbar spying on them. They tie him up, dress him like a girl, and then toss him out into the hallway to be kicked out for being a 'girl'. Then the girls go back into the basement to play Truth or Dare. Rae Rae casts a spell on the room to make sure that no one can hear them, nor get in. After playing a couple of dares, everyone goes to sleep. In the middle of the night, a new student comes, Jakai. He meets Larxene, who helps him find his room, and then goes to sleep as well.

    The next morning, Xemnas snaps and unsuccessfully tries to rape everyone (mainly trying to find out who the girls are particularly). Consequently, Roxas and Zarix discover that Rae Rae and Tifa are girls, and Senix finds out that Larxene is one as well. Later, Zarix confesses his feelings for Yuna, who feels the same for him. In the meantime, Xemnas cuts Yumi's clothes in attempt to rape her, but she runs away. Larxene wants to talk to Xemnas about it, but Marluxia comes and talks to her. He asks why she tackled him to tell him not to cut his hair, and she lies that in the past, a friend had changed terribly, so she panicked to stop him. Later, Yuna works on a surprise party for Zarix for tomorrow morning, while Larxene is searching for Vincent.

    The next morning, Marluxia decides to skip class, while Larxene tries to awaken Senix. When he does awake, she leaves so he can change and get ready for class. Then she goes to the basement and lets Vincent knows what's happening, and then he kisses her. He confesses that he loves her, but before she can respond back, Aerith (pretending to be 'Aero') comes in and asks Larxene where her dorm room is. Larxene then leaves to show Aerith her dorm, but says she wants to talk to Vincent later. Later on, the new student, Angel (pretending to be Andrew) comes, and she talks to Zexion, who she manages to trick into thinking that she's a guy. Then Vincent, drunk, comes and hugs everyone naked, until Larxene comes and stops him. She takes Marluxia's cloak (fortunately, he was wearing something underneath) and gives it Vincent, who goes back to the basement. Later, the new teachers arrive, as well as a new student, Karn, who believes Larxene is a girl. That night, everyone goes to sleep, ready for Zarix's party tomorrow - but who's idea was it? Yuna's or Larxene's?

    The next morning, Yumi and Roxas are ill, and they get into a fight, but Vexen breaks it apart. Then Yumi is shoved into a closet by a girl (Yuzuki) who looks like her, and is now pretending to be her. However, it turns out that Yuzuki is half of Yumi and she only comes out once. They merge back together eventually, and at the same time, Senix hosts a party. Then the new student, Rayce, discovers that Yuna is a girl, and later, Larxene is dragged into the basement by Tifa, who wants to know what's happening. Consequently, Yumi explains that Yuzuki leaves her whenever she brings her two Keyblades out, which is why she escaped that morning. A little later, the new transfer student, Jakura, comes and meets them. Eventually, four new students come, and they decide to form a football league. Later, Jakura collapses, and it turns out there's something wrong with his legs that he's not quite sure about. Larxene tries to find out why, but no avail. They then all go to sleep.

    The next morning, Jakura asks Rayce to reveal who all the girls, but he refuses, leading to a fight. Zarix later discovers that Rayce was the one spying on him and Yuna and attacks him, but later, Rayce promises to keep it a secret. Conseqently, Xemnas rips off Yumi's shirt, but someone knocks him out so he doesn't remember. Then Larxene talks to Xemnas to tell him to leave Yumi alone. Xemnas then tells he raped Demyx, aggravating her to talk in her normal voice. He then tells he didn't actually, as he was just trying to provoke her to talk like herself. She then attacks him, so Xemnas tries to tell the principal about her being a girl, but Larxene knocks the principal out (so when he wakes up, he doesn't know what happened). Xemnas then leaves, and Larxene can't find him. In the meantime, Zarix tries to kill Rayce for spying on him and Yuna again, but later calms down. Then Rayce kisses Yumi, but she's dating Roxas! That night, Larxene heads to Xemnas's office to talk to him again, accompanied by Senix and Rayce. After Senix goes to sleep, Rayce and Larxene start fighting, but Larxene wins. Then the new student, Irvine, comes, who Zexion shows to his dorm room.

    The next morning, clones come and attack, but Senix creates a dark portal to eradicate them. Sephiroth tries to help him control the vortexes, while in the meantime, Yumi's other half, Yuzuki, appears. Yuzuki talks with Larxene, who is later confronted by Rayce, who aggravates her by talking badly about Marluxia. Larxene then kisses him to silence him. Consequently, Yumi admits to Zexion that she is a girl; later, she becomes confused about who she likes - Rayce or Roxas. That night, Vincent has a demon-like body, but is calmed down by Larxene. He asks whether she loves him, and at first she is silent, but then admits that she does. During this time, Irvine figures out Larxene is a girl. At the same time, Zexion appears a bit ill.

    The following day, Vincent attacks, seeming demon possesesed. Larxene calms him down a bit, but he is still intent on attacking Jakura, who wants to attack him as well. Yumi, in the meantime, decides that she loves Roxas, not Rayce.

    A couple of days pass, and several events transpire over time. Vincent and Larxene discover they have feelings for each other, Roxas and Yumi are beginning to have problems when they discover Namine is in love with Roxas, and Geryl and Nova are two new students. Zexion has also become quite ill, and Irvine is still trying to flirt with Larxene.

    Later, Kadaj, a new student, arrives, and later, Fleur, whom Senix and Rayce both fall in love with. They fight over her, until she locks herself in a room and refuse to come out until the two reconcile. Consequently, as in Yumi's dream, Xemnas is able to take control of Yumi with just a look. In the meantime, Karin has arrived in the school, and she's searching for Zarix, as they used to be lovers, but he thought she had died. However, Zarix is now in love with Yuna. Later, Yuna brushes her off confidently, while in the meantime, heartless and Nobodies attack Angel, who protects Zexion and Luxord. However, Zexion summons his lexicon and traps the enemies, and gives back Angel's heart, as one of the heartless had attempted to steal it. He then falls back asleep, as ill as ever, but calmer. Angel is left to puzzle about it. At the same time, Rayce is upset, and he transports to the World That Never Was. Larxene tries to comfort him, which she eventually does, and then he later transports to Twilight Town. He goes to the clock tower, and Larxene watches him, staying hidden. Then the evil lady (Ja-aku), who has been in Yumi's dreams, appears and attacks, but Rayce drives her off and sits back down on his place in the clock tower. During this time, Larxene begins to feel drowsy, as her wounds from Xemnas and Rayce are still bleeding. At the same time, the evil lady traps Yumi in the Oblivion Castle, and Yuna, Senix, and Roxas set off to rescue her.

    After rescuing Yumi, Kadaj drains Larxene's, Rayce's, and Zexion's dark powers, and then transports to The World That Never Was. There, he meets with Ja-aku, who go to Yumi's Twilight Kingdom. Kadaj takes the Twilight Stone there and together with Ja-aku, creates Kingdom Hearts. Larxene, Rayce, Sora, and Roxas face them in a fight, where they discover that they have murdured Yumi. They fight, and it turns out, Rayce had given fake darkness to Kadaj, so he still had his powers. Consequently, Rayce uses the power of light to slice Kadaj's right arm off, which had contained all his dark powers. Rayce then gives Larxene some light, which she uses to defeat and banish Ja-aku. Kadaj leaves, while in the meantime, Larxene is about to fade away from the the meantime, Angel, who is now dating Zexion, gets into a fight with Xemnas, who steals her heart, offering it to Kingdom Hearts. Zexions shatters Kingdom Hearts with his lexicon (as he is using the last remnants of his powers to summon his weapon), and he returns Angel's heart to her. Xemnas disappears during this time, while Yumi turns out to be alive, as Kadaj and Ja-aku had only taken her heart, and now, her heart has returned to her. Later, Larxene appears to Rayce, telling him she was going to see him for the last time, but he gives her darkness, reviving her. Consequently, Rayce shouts at Yumi, saying something that he wished she was dead, and she becomes quite emotional, wanting to kill herself. Zexion sees her, and feels something is wrong, but doesn't know exactly why.


    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No taking over other characters without their permission
    *No killing other characters without their permission

    You can play two Final Fantasy characters and two Kingdom Hearts characters, and you can also create four original characters. But you can only have five characters in all. Please fill out this template if you wish to create an original character:
    Age -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Biography -
    Other -

    Please note that the sections below are not lists - it just tells which character is taken. If you see that a character's name isn't on the list, then that means that character isn't taken. Anyone can join at any time!

    Characters taken:

    Axel - Number 8 Axel
    Demyx - hidden_light
    Kairi - Number 8 Axel
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Lexaeus - Saix
    Luxord - axel6123
    Marluxia - Flamedancer
    Mickey - The_King
    Namine - hidden_light
    Riku - ShadowofRiku
    Roxas - SORA!
    Saix - Mighty-Matt91
    Sora - SORA!
    Ven - riku-darkness-master
    Vexen (science teacher) - Chaser007
    Xaldin (gym teacher) - OrganizationXIII
    Xemnas (the teacher) - Chaser007
    Zexion - Nymph of Destiny

    Auron - pirateguywithapplepie
    Cloud - kairilover
    Garnet - Mighty-Matt91
    Irvine - Prince of Twilight
    Kadaj - Nymph of Destiny
    Leon - swordser2
    Paine - sora n roxas rock
    Reno (history teacher) - Larxel_lover
    Rikku - lanihead7
    Sephiroth - OrganizationXIII
    Tidus - VideoGameNerd246
    Tifa - Larxel_lover
    Yuffie - Flamedancer
    Yuna - Nymph of Destiny
    Zidane - Mighty-Matt91

    Original Characters:

    Agon - pirateguywithapplepie
    Angel - Firekeyblade
    Ashley - namineseviltwinsister
    Bella - hidden_light
    Damien - DualWielder
    Fleur - AngelsNeedFlight
    Geryl - keyblade49
    Hayden - sorafangirl
    Hero - pirateguywithapplepie
    Jagg (English teacher) - XarrenTheTwilitAngel
    Jakai - eastercat
    Karin - Chaser007
    Karn- XarrenTheTwilitAngel
    Kuri - pirateguywithapplepie
    Lisix - sora n roxas rocks
    Jakura - Nulix
    Jen - kairilover
    Neoxas - HeartofRoxas
    Nova - Sora/Roxas
    Rae Rae - namine_of_kh2
    Rayce - Gatekeeper
    Rix (Art teacher) - XarrenTheTwilitAngel
    Sam - swordswer2
    Sarr (gym assistant teacher) - XarrenTheTwilitAngel
    Senix - kairilover
    Shin - pirateguywithapplepie
    Zarix - Chaser007
    Vincent - darkelven123
    Yumi - Kairi9020

    Senix, Larxene, Vincent, and Karn
    Rayce, Yuna, Zarix, and Kadaj
    Aerith, Tifa, Leon, and Cloud
    Yumi, Roxas, Namine, and Sam
    Zexion, Rae Rae, Angel, and Zidane
    Jakai, Kairi, Garnet, and Riku
    Axel, Kairi, Sora, and Hayden
    Luxord, Luneth, Jakura, and Saix
    Marluxia, Demyx, Sephiroth, and Yuffie
    Hero, Kuri, Agon, and Shin
    Irvine, Auron, and Bella, Nova
    Geryl, Karin, Rikku, and Fluer
    Jen, Damien, Ashley, and Ven
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 13, 2007, 13,457 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nymph of Destiny
    The server changed, so I'm gonna have to try this again...sorry, about that...I'll try to remember who everyone was...if I can't, I'll keep it reserved, but you have to come and tell me that it was yours, but don't take too long or I'll give it someone else.


    Organization XIII is a popular music group, and they compete against Destiny Islands (Kairi, Sora, Namine, and Riku) and Final Fantasy (Final Fantasy people) to be the top artist. Who will win?

    Organization's jobs (may change as the RPG progresses):

    Xemnas - Supervisor
    Xigbar - Songwriter
    Xaldin - Supplies/other
    Vexen - Clothes designer assistant
    Lexaeus - special effects artist
    Zexion - keyboard/piano player
    Saix - Supervisor assistant
    Axel - drummer/singer
    Demyx - sitar/guitar player
    Luxord - song writer's assistant
    Marluxia - clothes designer
    Larxene - singer
    Roxas - background singer

    Destiny Island's jobs (may change as RPG progresses):

    Sora - singer/guitarist
    Riku - background singer/drummer
    Kairi - singer/songwriter
    Namine - pianist/background singer

    Final Fantasy's jobs (may change as RPG progresses):

    Aerith - Singer
    Kadaj - Pianist/keyboard player
    Leon - Guitarist
    Tifa - Background singer
    Yuffie - Background singer/drummer
    Yuna - Singer

    You can play two Final Fantasy characters and three Kingdom Hearts characters.

    Characters taken:

    Axel - ShadowofRiku
    Demyx - Prince of Twilight
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Lexaeus - guadoslayer
    Marluxia - Chendler
    Roxas - SORA!
    Saix - guadoslayer
    Xaldin - gatekeeper
    Xemnas - Nymph of Destiny
    Xigbar - guadoslayer
    Zexion - darkheart418

    Kairi - darkheart418
    Namine - Nymph of Destiny
    Sora - ShadowofRiku
    Riku - ShadowofRiku

    Aerith- Larxene~MissAntenne2~
    Kadaj - Nymph of Destiny
    Leon - swordser2
    Tifa - swordser2
    Yuffie - Larxene~MissAntenne2
    Yuna - Nymph of Destiny
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 11, 2007, 118 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nymph of Destiny
    A tournament is being held for the legendary crystal, which is said to grant the user one wish. Who will win? And who exactly is the enigmatic host? Join and let's begin.

    You can play anyone from any game/manga/show/etc., and you can have up to five original characters (you can replace one if one dies). You can have two characters per game/manga/etc.

    What's happening currently: The tournament has begun (you can still join of course), and everyone's staying at Incandescence in the marble palace, everyone has a roomate (listed below). The current fight in progress is Sophitia v.s. Vegeta v.s. Yazoo, and Jade v.s. Goku v.s. Iblis. At this time, the cloaked man is seeming even more suspicious than usual, and where exactly are the losers disappearing to?

    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No taking over other people's characters
    *No killing other characters without their permission

    To create an original character, please fill out this template:
    Biography (optional):
    Appearance (optional):

    Nymph of Destiny as
    Hao Asakura from Shaman King
    Larxene from Kingdom Hearts
    Sophitia from Soul Caliber
    Yuna from Final Fantasy
    Ashelia from Final Fantasy

    SORA! as
    Kairi from Kingdom Hearts
    Roxas from Kingdom Hearts

    hitna3510 as
    Demyx from Kingdom Hearts
    Kadaj from Final Fantasy
    Yazoo from Final Fantasy

    sora n roxas rock as
    Zexion from Kingdom Hearts

    Prince of Twilight as
    Axel from Kingdom Hearts
    Riku from Kingdom Hearts

    Chaser007 as
    Mephilies the Dark from Sonic the Hedgehog
    Iblis from Sonic the Hedgehog

    darkheart418 as
    Paine from Final Fantasy

    TrueKeybladeMaster as
    Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts
    Spiderpig/Harry Plopper from The Simpsons
    Vegeta from Dragonball

    ShadowofRiku as
    Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist
    Sasuke from Naruto

    overload as
    Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur
    Nightmare from Soul Calibur
    Goku from Dragonball

    TwilightBlader as
    Future Trunks from Dragonball
    Teenage Goku from Dragonball

    Original characters

    hitna3510 as
    Name: Lynn
    Age: 23
    Goal: to win and wish to have complte control over her self(can lose control when transform)
    Biography (optional):
    Appearance (optional) : [​IMG]

    Name: Reuka
    Goal: to win so she could see her dead sister one last time
    Biography (optional) : lost family at birth only knew her sister till 10
    Appearance (optional): [​IMG]

    Name: Jade
    Age: Unknown
    Goal: win so could get revange
    Bio: lost her son and love
    Apperance: [​IMG]

    Name: Kira
    Age: 20
    Goal: to make sure the prize dont falls into the worng hands
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    Other:dont speak alot

    Name: thron
    Age: 24
    Goal: with kira to make sure to prize dont falls into the worng hands
    Other: falls in love with some1

    darkeleven123 as

    Name: Vincent D. Valentine
    Goal:to get the crystal and heal his dying little brother hunter
    Biography (optional): a smart emo person who has been alone all his life and has hated everyone but his little brother who looks up to him
    Appearance (optional): dirty blonde hair down to neck styled in an emo style, his is about 6"4, wears long dakr blue jeans and a white tee shirt with a black overshirt
    Other:he doesnt like to talk but he may open up a bit more

    Hao and Kairi and Vincent and Iblis
    Larxene and Thron and Sasuke and Riku
    Sophitia and Roxas and Future Trunks
    Yuna and Vegeta and Mephilies
    Ashelia and Paine and Reuka and Nightmare
    Kadaj and Lynn and Zexion and Goku
    Yazoo and Edward and Jade and Mitsurugi
    Marluxia and the SpiderPig and Axel
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 10, 2007, 678 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nymph of Destiny

    Video 2 AMVs

    I have two AMVs...could someone tell me what you think of them?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 10, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. Nymph of Destiny


    This is my first fanfic that I've posted here, so I'd really appreciate feedback/critcism on how to improve my story. And thank you very much for reading! Oh, please note that this is pg-13, as the romance can get intense, there may be slight blood, and several references to matters unappropriate for children. Other than that, it's fine, with absolutely no cussing.


    "Wow, you have really big ears, Larxene."
    "No, you just have a really big mouth, Roxas!"
    "I do not!"
    "You do, too!"
    Not again... Axel thought to himself with a sigh, listening to the two argue for the twentieth time that day.
    Axel was in his room, sitting on a chair and reading a book, when he heard Larxene and Roxas shouting from the next room.
    From the way they were yelling at each other, he would've expected the two to be enemies since the first time they met. In fact, it all started when Axel had found a quiz on the internet, and he decided to show the two. Larxene and Roxas so happened to take the quiz together, and one of the questions was 'what do you think of each other's hair?'
    Roxas had boldly replied that Larxene's hair reminded him of a bug's antennas, as her platinum blonde hair had two hair bands that stuck out and curved back like a bug's feelers. Angry at his remark, the Savage Nymph had retorted that Roxas's metallic gold hair looked as spiky as a porcupine's bristles. After this comment, the two began to argue, non-stop, for the entire week. And it wasn't just about the hair, it was for other, varied reasons, such as who was stronger, more intelligent, and so on.
    This time, it seems that the two were arguing about something Larxene overheard Roxas say, which was likely something he didn't want her to overhear.
    This is just crazy... Axel thought, laying his novel on his lap and closing his eyes. I haven't even been able to get any sleep lately, without hearing those two chattering away...
    "Hey, Axel," a mature, male voice interrupted Axel's thoughts.
    Axel flashed opened his eyes to see the "Graceful Assassin," number eleven in the Organization and leader of the Oblivion Castle, Marluxia.
    "Yo, Marluxia," Axel said with a slight wave. "What's up?"
    "The usual," Marluxia said, sitting down on a nearby chair. "I also see that as usual, Larxene and Roxas are still arguing."
    "Yeah," Axel chuckled. "They've been going at it all day."
    "The same subject since this morning you mean?" Marluxia said. "Man, aren't they ever going to let it go?"
    "I don't know," Axel shrugged. "But they're so absorbed in it that they actually got changed in the same room once."
    "Are you serious?" Marluxia asked, fixating his steely thulian pink eyes onto Axel's emerald green ones. "I mean, that would be inappropriate for the two to be getting dressed in the same place."
    "They were only fixing their cloaks," Axel reassured him. "Don't worry, they didn't do anything naughty."
    "Hmph," Marluxia grunted. "From the way the two are acting, I wouldn't think they would try anything anyway."
    "Ha, you never know," Axel said, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head. "Anyhow, why are you here, Marluxia? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
    "Well...I wanted to inform you that our Superior has been getting quite...fond of our enemy," Marluxia answered.
    "No, Riku."
    "What?" Axel exclaimed, surprised. "Why? And how?"
    "Well, ever since the Superior went to talk to him...he began to see him as a friend."
    "Yeah, well, what exactly did Riku say that caused Xemnas to think so?"
    "He promised him something...I don't know entirely what it is, but it must've been something important to make the Superior act like that."
    "Well, as long as it doesn't affect us, I'm cool with that," Axel said, relaxing again. "So don't be so tense, Marluxia."
    "But...I'm afraid of how far he will take this..." Marluxia said, looking down. "Saix told me that the Superior's planning on staying on the Destiny Islands with Riku..."
    "Wow, really?"
    "Yes," Marluxia nodded. "Of course, Saix is coming along to make sure Riku doesn't try anything, but still...that just proves how...attached the Superior is, to our enemy."
    "Are you sure this isn't part of Xemnas's plan to trick Riku into thinking they're buddies?"
    "According to Saix, I don't think so."
    "Well, as long as the Luna Diviner doesn't trust Riku, he'll be able to keep Xemnas in check."
    "That's true," Marluxia said, standing up. "Anyway, I must be going. Keep an eye on Larxene and Roxas and make sure they don't break anything or kill each other, okay?"
    "Yeah," Axel nodded, "and I'll make sure they won't do anything kinky either."
    "Very funny," Marluxia said, sarcastically, as darkness surrounded him and he disappeared.
    "I wouldn't say that if I were you, Marluxia," Axel whispered, even though the Graceful Assassin was long gone. "Because you never know..."
    He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and began to hum a song.

    Here comes the showdown
    What goes around comes around
    And the crowds are waiting, ohh
    Cause if we break up
    Then we can make up
    Shake my booty all night
    Here comes the showdown, ohh
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 8, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    In the Chain of Memories manga, Larxene dies because of the double-magic-sprinkler trinity attack. This is because the fire spell melted the blizzard spell, making it water, thus making Larxene, who is a part of lightning I suppose, explode. However, on certain google searches (and on wikipedia), it says that she dies because she was melted by the two spells. However, it appeared more like she exploded. But that leads to another question - is she made of - or a part of - lightning? As she does say "I can't get wet!" Does this mean that she can never touch water? Or she just can't touch water when her lightning is out and all over her? I've been wondering about this all day, and I'd really like to know...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 8, 2007, 30 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    I don't really know much about him, and I'd really like to know stuff, like what are his attacks, abiltiies, what he is exactly, if anyone could, I'd really appreciate it.
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 7, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Nymph of Destiny
    This is an RPG for people who like the game Soul Caliber (and Kingdom Hearts). If you haven't played that game, join anyway, cause' I'll explain what it's about:

    Soul Caliber is a legendary sword said to grant the user an enormous amount of power. According to legends, the Spanish pirate, Cervantes, had killed people in his search for the sword, but two warriors stopped him. In their struggle, one of Soul Caliber's twin blades began to break. As it was about to tear itself apart, Siegfried, a young knight, came and took hold of the second twin blade (known as Soul Edge). The moment he did so, Soul Edge released a bright column of light into the sky - this was known as the "Evil Seed," said to bring calamity and death across its path.

    Three years later, where the RPG takes place currently, Soul Edge is now using Siegfried as its host, and he is now known ias Nightmare, a knight wearing azure armor. He then begins his journey, along with his followers, to claim souls to strengthen the blade in its weakened state. However, there are people set out to stop him...or join him?

    *Nothing above PG-13.
    *No taking over other people's characters.
    *No killing other characters without their permission.
    *No cussing.
    *No flaming others.

    You can play up to four will you be?

    Please note that you can be any one from any of the Soul Caliber and Kingdom Heart series.

    Characters from Soul Caliber taken:

    Sophitia - Nymph of Destiny
    Tira - Nymph of Destiny

    Characters from Kingdom Hearts taken:

    Axel - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Demyx - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Kairi - SORA!
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Riku - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Roxas - SORA!
    Sephiroth - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Zexion - Nymph of Destiny
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 7, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nymph of Destiny
    Um, I'm not sure if this is the right place but...I really need help in Final Fantasy X in defeating Overdrive Sin (sorry if I got the name wrong). It has 140,000 HP and I know that if it reaches overdrive mode, it's game over immediately. I don't know any high-level spells, aside from Wakka knowing 'flare', and the heaviest hitter is Auron with his strength around 42.

    The best I could do was whittle its HP down to 90,000 by using Yuna (overdrive) summon Shiva in her overdrive so I can use 'Diamond Dust' twice, and then I summon Bahamut and use his overdrive, and then I use Auron's overdrive (shooting star - the best one I have of his) and Tidus's overdrive (spiral cut - the best one he has) and Wakka's elemental reels overdrive. Then I just attack with flare and Auron's attacks like crazy, but that doesn't work.

    I've heard of the extra aeons, but I can't get them. The one in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth requires 300,000 gold, but I only have about 30,000 gold. And the other one (the place where Tidus, Rikku, and Wakka go swimming in a deserted place - it's one of Tidus's first stages) I got stuck in the boss battle (because of the 'stone punch' or whatever).

    So it'd be nice if someone could help me know how to defeat Overdrive Sin, or at least how to get the extra aeons. Oh, and if you wondering why I don't use two of Bahumut's overdrive, for some reason, Shiva's hits harder (9,999 to 8,999). Anyway, please help!!
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 4, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    The kingdom of Rising Dawn has been at war with the kingdom of Falling Star for centuries. At last, King Jidai of Rising Dawn decided to compromise with King Reju of Falling Star. They decided to let King Jidai's daughter marry King Reju's son. So plans have been made for their wedding. However, the princess is not so intent on marrying someone she hardly knows, and plans on running away. At the same time, two bandit groups, Eternity and Eclipse, have been competeting just as long as the two kingdoms have been battling. Once, the leader of Eternity caught sight of the princess and falls in love with her; the leader of Eclipse, on the other hand, wants the princess because he has heard that she wears a bracelet with special powers. The leader of Eclipse, desiring this power, decides to capture her...if they can find her...

    To create a character, please fill out this form:

    From: (say which bandit group or kingdom)
    Powers/weapon (optional):
    Personality (optional):
    Biography (optional):

    You can be part of the bandit groups Eclipse or Eternity, or just someone who wants the princess (or her bracelet). We also need someone to be spies or assassins from the kingdom of Falling Star. You can create up to ten characters (and you can create one in the middle if you please).


    Name: (Princess) Harmony
    Age: 16
    Goal: To protect her kingdom, but still find happiness
    Race: Human
    From: Rising Dawn
    Powers/weapon: None (but it's said the bracelet she wears gives her special powers...)
    Personality: Kind, determined, loyal, a bit naive
    Biography: She is the princess of Rising Dawn, and although she knows it isn't right to run away, she cannot help it.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Kotone
    Age: 15
    Goal: Her goal is unknown, but it seems to be wanting to find the princess
    Race: Human
    From: Rising Dawn
    Powers/weapon: Ice powers/mind reading/others
    Personality: Stoic, cold, and harsh.
    Biography: When she was young, she was found, wandering and homeless, by the king of Rising Dawn. He took her into the palace, and despite all the fatherly love he gives her, she never opens up, seeming emotionless and cold. When the princess disappears, she volunteers to find her, but she seems to have an alterior motive...
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Cinderella (that's her alias)
    Age: Appears 16
    Goal: To capture the princess for Falling Star, so they can obtain the bracelet.
    Race: Appears human
    From: Falling Star
    Powers/weapons: Wields a sword
    Personality: Logical, cold
    Biography: She is a spy/assassin from the kingdom of Falling Star, but something about her is shrouded in mystery
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Emotion
    Age: Appears 16
    Goal: To help Eternity with whatever they want
    Race: Appears human
    From: Eternity
    Powers/weapons: None
    Personality: Kind, caring, naive, cheerful, optimistic
    Biography: As a member of Eternity, she helps with the supplies and tries her best to help. However, she cannot remember her past, and wishes to know more.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name - Alice
    Age - 16
    Goal - to destroy Falling Star
    Race - Half human, half demon
    From - Falling Star
    Powers/Weapon - Katana; Can read minds
    Personality - Kind, loyal, bit mean
    Bio - She was loyal servant of Falling Star kingdom, but she was betrayed and threwn into prison. She escaped and now she is in woods
    Appearence - [​IMG]
    Played by: Chendler

    Name: Scarradaj "Scarrac" Altana.
    Age: 16
    Goal: Protect Eternity.
    Race: Human-Demon, he looks like a human.
    From: Eternity.
    Powers/weapon (optional): He wields a scythe, he has power over the darknees and the Light.
    Personality (optional): Cheerful, calm, sometimes a little silly, optimist.
    Biography (optional): Born without family of friends, the bandit group Eternity found him, he is Emotion´s best friend.
    Appearance: Like Zexion, except he has blue eyes, and the one that is covered by his hair is red and with a pupil of a snake, he wears an Organization XIII´s cloak.
    Played by: Chaser007

    goal:help the princess
    powers:turn invisible and creat forcefields
    histroy:none.cant remeber it
    apperence.long brown hair.deep blue eyes
    Played by: SORA!

    Name: Dimentio.
    Age: 38
    Goal: Protect the kingdom.
    Race: Human
    From: Falling Star.
    Powers/weapon (optional): He don´t have a weapon, he has power over Illusion and magic.
    Personality (optional): Childish, secretly Evil, and a little crazy.
    Biography (optional): He´s the king of Falling Star's general and his best friend, he´s the one who secretly dispersed the rumor about Alice, he haves others secrets.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played by: Chaser007

    Name: (Prince) Naoki
    Goal:marry the princess
    Race:half human/????
    From: Falling Star Kingdom
    Powers/weapon (optional):n/a
    Personality (optional):n/a
    Biography (optional):n/a
    Played by: ShadowofRiku

    Name: Jade
    Goal:kill tailm
    Race: vampire/dragon thing
    From: (say which bandit group or kingdom)Eclipse
    Powers/weapon (optional):fangs and a sword
    Personality (optional):tough qutie cruel evil like
    Biography (optional):unknow she told no one
    Played by: hitna3150

    Name: Talim
    Goal:work for king and kingdom
    Race: dragon/bird thing
    From: (say which bandit group or kingdom)kingdom
    Powers/weapon (optional):dual swords
    Personality (optional):hyper, clueless and really an idoit
    Biography (optional):unknow she told no one
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played bt: hitna3150

    Name: Kia
    Age: 18
    Goal: To have her group better than Eternity
    Race: Human
    From: Eclipse
    Powers/weapons: Can wield a variety of sword-like weapons
    Personality: Intelligent, stubborn, manipulative, competitive
    Biography: She is the leader of the bandit group, Eclipse, and has been competing with Eternity for years.
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 31, 2007, 392 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    Okay, in this RPG, you get to role-play any of the characters from the Final Fantasy games and/or their alternate universe selves. This means that there's another dimension with exactly the same Final Fantasy people, but they have COMPLETELY different personalities (thus known as their counterparts).

    The story: The villains of the Final Fantasy games decide to unite with the counterparts of the Final Fantasy heroes (since they'd be villains in the other universe) to defeat the heroes and take over the universe. In the meantime, the counterparts of the villains (they'd be good guys in the other dimension) unite with the good guys to stop the bad guys.


    *No cussing
    *No controlling other people's characters without their permission.
    *No killing other people's characters without their permission.
    *No yaoi or yuri.

    You can play up to four characters.

    Characters taken:

    Ashelia (a.k.a. Ashe) - Nymph of Destiny
    Cloud - KeybladewarriorNexus1993
    Leon - KeybladewarriorNexus1993
    Rikku - ShadowofRiku
    Tidus - ShadowofRiku
    Yuna - Nymph of Destiny

    Yuna's counterpart - Nymph of Destiny
    Rikku's counterpart - Nymph of Destiny
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 28, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nymph of Destiny
    Okay, in this RPG, you can role-play the characters from Kingdom Hearts or their universal selves. This means that there's another dimension with all the same Kingdom Hearts characters, but with COMPLETELY different personalities (from now on, I shall call them the original characters' counterparts). The story plot is that the counterparts (the alternate universe characters) want to destroy the original ones, so they can be the only real ones. So the bad guys are the alternate universe people, the good guys are the original people. The Organization could be the villains at the same time as 'good guys', though. And you can play up to three people. And you can play the original character and not his/her universal counterpart if you want.


    *No cussing
    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No flaming

    Characters taken:

    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Zexion - Nymph of Destiny
    Demyx - hitna3510
    Axel - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Xemnas - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Roxas - SORA!
    Sora - Xiegin

    Roxas's counterpart - SORA!
    Kairi's counterpart - Nymph of Destiny
    Sora's counterpart - hitna3510
    Riku's counterpart - TrueKeybladeMaster
    Axel's counterpart - hitna3510
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 25, 2007, 924 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    Okay, Xemnas is having a party in the Oblivion Castle, so all the members are there. The party games can be something spontaneous and funny, like strip poker, spin the bottle, truth or dare, etc. So yeah...

    *No cussing
    *No flaming
    *No yuri/yaoi
    *Nothing above pg-13

    You can be other people outside of the Organization - we'll just say Roxas or someone invited them. Anyway, you can play up to two characters. If you wanna make up a character, go ahead.

    Characters taken:

    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Namine - Nymph of Destiny
    Axel - AxelsNyxie
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 24, 2007, 76 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nymph of Destiny

    I'm new

    I'm new, hi.
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 23, 2007, 46 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Nymph of Destiny
    I don't really know why, but lots of people tend to think Zexion is emo, just because he looks like it. But in fact, he does not act like one. He has no emotion, therefore, he can't be emo. What do you think?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 23, 2007, 71 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Nymph of Destiny
    My favorite quotes (according to the translations we have) are (by the way, I might not have gotten the wording exactly right, but it's something like that):

    "Thrice the pain for you, means thrice the fun for me!" (Larxene)
    "Gomenasai!" (Larxene - I like the sarcastic tone she used)
    "Now that we're on a first-name basis, don't be dying on me!" (Axel)
    "Got it memorized?" (Axel - I'm sure you already knew, though)
    "No...I refuse to be beaten by these losers!" (Larxene)
    "Now you can tell me to respect my elders!" (Axel)
    "Now he's nothing instead of just nobody." (Axel)
    "You think cowering behind her will stop me?" (Axel)
    "I just play with my toys - I don't break them." (Larxene)

    I'm sure you noticed that I only like Larxene's and Axel's lines, but to tell the truth, I kinda forgot everyone else's. ^^; Anyway, what are yours?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 23, 2007, 125 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Nymph of Destiny
    I'm really bored, so I'm gonna start a role-playing thread! Alright, be any character from the Final Fantasy/Kingdom Heart games, and then I'll choose someone for you to be blind dated with. You can play up to two characters. Characters can blind date more than once (as much as they want, actually). The RPG will start when enough people join.

    *No majorly bad cussing
    *No flaming others
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *Nothing beyond pg-13

    Characters taken:

    Zexion - Nymph of Destiny
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Roxas - oblivion_riku
    Demyx - ProLucrecia
    Axel - AxelsNyxie
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 23, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nymph of Destiny
    Which is better? And I'm talking about the cutscenes and story, not the gameplay (since the manga doesn't have one...). I know they're very similar, but there are differences. I'm just curious about your opinion. I happen to like the game better, as the manga shortens some of the Organization conversations. However, I really like the funny aspects added to the manga.
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 23, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Nymph of Destiny
    Um, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to post this, but I can't find the place to download The World That Never Was (part two) here on Every time I click the download button for it, I keep getting directed to download Hollow Bastion Visit Five (or something). So does anyone know where I can download it?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jul 23, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion