This is my story in a challenge with eastercat, with darkelven123 as the judge! It's based on a theory I had made, on what if the Organization were truly Somebodies. A warning though - this story mentions blood, so this is rated as pg-13. Any suggestions on how to improve it are greatly appreciated. ---- Prologue “You know you can’t win, so why even try? It is futile…” “You’re wrong, Xemnas,” Sora shouted, angrily. “We can win this fight. We have the strength of our hearts to guide us!” Xemnas glanced behind himself, watching as the brave Keyblader fought alongside his friends, Riku and Kairi, against his entire Organization XIII. His Organization was comprised of Nobodies, beings who have lost their heart but kept their human form. They have strived to become complete and whole again, by utilizing the power of Kingdom Hearts. Their Kingdom Hearts, a moon glowing in the shape of a large white heart, was, in fact, almost finished. It was right behind Xemnas, illuminating the inky darkness of the Altar of Naught. The Organization had been collecting hearts to make their Kingdom Hearts, but in doing so, they had transformed many others into Heartless, creatures manifested from the darkness in people’s hearts. Sora, Kairi, and Riku, three warriors who wielded the legendary Keyblade, had set out to stop them, but the Organization wasn’t going down so easily. “It’s almost time, Kingdom Hearts,” Xemnas murmured, turning back to the moon. “It’s almost time…” Sora charged towards Xemnas, yelling an almost battle-like cry, when a dark light shot through him, pushing him to the floor roughly. The boy groaned in pain and looked up to see Zexion, number VI in the Organization, the ‘Cloaked Schemer’. Zexion chuckled at Sora, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. He was holding his weapon, the lexicon, open, and there was no doubt the attack had come from this. However, determined to be undaunted at this, the Keyblader quickly stood up and tightened his grip on his Keyblade. He glanced over at Riku, wanting to ask for his assistance, but the boy was too preoccupied in a fight with Xigbar and Xaldin, number II and number III in the Organization, the ‘Freeshooter’ and the ‘Whirlwind Lancer’. However, the moment Sora had hesitated to look at Riku, was the perfect moment for his enemy to strike. A large boulder shot out from the ground underneath Sora, roughly bruising him and pushing him to the ground. “Perfect timing, Lexaeus,” Zexion remarked, glancing slightly at number V, the ‘Silent Hero’. “Although, judging by how easily he was distracted, I should say I would have no trouble dealing with him alone.” Suddenly, Sora leapt up, ready to strike at Zexion with his Keyblade, when a large icicle grew from the ground, protecting him. “What was that you were saying?” Vexen, number IV in the Organization, the ‘Chilly Academic,’ remarked. “I suppose I would appreciate some help,” Zexion said, a faint smile briefly flashing across his face. Sora grinded his teeth and held his Keyblade tightly, as he charged towards the three Organization members again. Just hang in there, Sora, Riku thought, glancing over at him. I’ll be there as soon as I can… The silver-haired boy raised his hand, and dark aura came out of it towards his two opponents. Xaldin raised his arm, and wind swirled around him, deflecting the attack. Then two lances moved up and began to fly towards Riku. The boy prepared to move, when he heard Kairi scream. Riku swiftly turned to see cards cutting at her skin – it was the work of Luxord, number X in the Organization, the ‘Gambler of Fate’. “Kai –” Riku was cut off by his own scream as the two lances pierced him. Kairi looked over at Riku and quickly regained her strength to bat the cards away. “Riku, I’m okay,” she yelled over to him. “I can handle this.” “Are you…sure?” Riku asked, breathing hard and trying to keep a steady hand on his Keyblade. “Yes!” Kairi exclaimed, moving her arms furiously to keep the cards away from her. “Just take care of yourself!” Riku nodded and, his resolve anew, charged towards Xaldin. He raised his Keyblade to slash at him, when he felt a sharp knife-like object stab his back, knocking him off balance and giving Xaldin the opportunity to jab at him. Riku fell to the floor, but he quickly stood up and spun around to see Larxene, number XII in the Organization, the ‘Savage Nymph’. “Thought you could have all the fun by yourself, Xaldin?” she said, a slight smirk playing on her lips. Xaldin grunted and raised his lance, ready to attack Riku from behind. This time, the boy was prepared, and he quickly dodged, his eyes darting between the two, unsure of whom he should be more wary of. Larxene raised her kunai, which she held in between her delicately curved fingers, and electricity crackled in the air around her. “I’m going to have lots of fun with you,” she remarked, giving a small laugh as she rushed towards Riku, surprising him with her unexpected agility. You can do it, Riku, Kairi thought encouragingly, as she turned to look back at Luxord. However, this time, Saïx, number VII, the ‘Luna Diviner,’ was standing beside him. “Kairi, if you had just cooperated with us, it wouldn’t have come to this,” Saïx said, his tone of voice cold and stoic. “But if there’s no other way, then I guess I’ll have to dispose of you.” The claymore appeared in Saïx’s hands, and spikes grew from the end of it. Kairi felt a shiver of fear pass through her, but she ignored it and gave him a defiant stare. “Stop it!” Uncertain of who it was, Kairi turned and saw Roxas, formerly number XIII in the Organization, the ‘Key of Destiny’. He was Sora’s Nobody, and, despite being a former member, he was against the Organization as well. “Luxord, take care of him,” Saïx said, his eyes still locked onto Kairi. Luxord nodded and his cards flew towards Roxas. The boy instantly drew his two Keyblades and struck them away. He then ran towards Saïx when suddenly, a circle of flames surrounded him and Luxord. “What?!” Roxas exclaimed, shocked. “No…Axel…” Sure enough, number VIII, the ‘Flurry of Dancing Flames’, Axel, appeared, wielding two chakrams. “Roxas, please, don’t do this,” Axel pleaded. “I don’t want to fight you.” “Just get out of my way!” Roxas shouted, raising his weapon and pointing it at him. Just then, a geyser of water shot out from the ground underneath Roxas, striking him down. “Demyx…” Axel murmured, turning to see, as he expected, Demyx, number IX in the Organization, the ‘Melodious Nocturne’. “Just thought he needed to cool down,” Demyx remarked, grinning playfully. “This place is pretty hot anyway.” “I like it that way,” Axel said, smiling. “So, Water Boy, think you can really keep up with me?” “Hey, water puts out fire,” Demyx laughed. “The question should be whether or not you’re going to get in my way.” “Or rather, will you get in my way?” the icy voice of Marluxia, number XI in the Organization, the ‘Graceful Assassin,’ said from behind the two. “Don’t tell me you were about to have some fun without me.” Axel grinned and said, “We wouldn’t dream of it, Flower Boy.” In a swirl of rose petals, a scythe appeared in Marluxia’s hand. “The name’s Marluxia,” he said, glaring at Axel. “Not Flower Boy.” “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Axel said, nonchalantly. Then he turned to the former Organization member and said, “Time to bring it on, Roxas.” His tone of voice was confident, but his eyes showed sadness. I don’t want a fight either… Roxas thought, as he rushed towards them. But there’s no other choice… “Roxas…” Kairi murmured, looking at the flames surrounding him. He and his opponents were fighting so close to Xemnas, that she hoped the Superior wouldn’t suddenly decide to help get rid of the ‘traitor’. Suddenly, she felt something hard strike her body, pushing her to the ground. “I’m sorry, were you not ready?” Saïx said. He sounded sarcastic, but his tone was still cold and emotionless. Kairi stood up, clutching the wound on her left arm, tears forming on the corners of her eyes. “That was…really cheap,” she said, grinding her teeth to keep herself from crying out. “Oh, you poor, little girl,” Saïx said. “Let me put you out of your misery.” He closed his eyes and raised both of his arms. The claymore flew in front of him, and he began to float, light illuminating his body. Kairi grabbed her Keyblade, which she had dropped to the floor, and she held it tightly, preparing for anything. Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and Kairi quickly raised her arm to shield her eyes from the brightness of it. The moment she did so, she felt an acute pain strike her, and it pushed her against the wall, her head banging against it roughly. She felt blood come up in her throat, and she instinctively coughed it out, her throat now feeling dry. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much time to recuperate, as she felt another pain singing through her arms. She screamed, and, grinding her teeth, opened her eyes to search for her Keyblade that she had dropped again. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Saïx, in a berserk state. His eyes were glowing yellow, his front teeth were longer, and the x-shaped scar on his forehead was slightly enlarged. Kairi gave a small whimper of fear but forced herself to be silent. I won’t let myself be intimidated by him, she thought determinedly, bracing herself as Saïx struck her delicate figure again with his claymore. The spikes pierced her skin for now a third time, and another helping of blood dripped down her body to the floor. Kairi fell to her knees, coughing out the new blood that was threatening to choke her respiratory system, her fists clenched tightly in pain. Saïx paid no heed to her actions and raised his claymore, striking the ground again, ripples emerging from it and rushing towards her. Kairi fell to the ground, breathing hard, her mouth dry and her body aching with agony. Saïx reverted to normal, and he looked upon her frail figure with disdain. “Such a weak body,” he remarked, walking closer to her. “I’m surprised that you were chosen to wield the Keyblade.” Kairi pressed her palms against the floor, trying to stand up, but she just collapsed again, making a sound of pain as she did. Saïx was now standing right in front of her, gazing down at her coldly. “Is there any last, useless resistance you would like to show me?” Saix asked, fingering the handle of his claymore almost nonchalantly. “No? Then I guess this is good-bye.” Riku, hearing those words, turned and shouted, “No, no, stop!” By the time he said that last word, it was too late. Saïx had lowered his weapon onto her, and all that was left of Kairi was a splatter of blood, covering the ground like puddles. “No…no…” Riku murmured, dropping to his knees. “This can’t be…Kairi…!” He felt a cold shiver pass through him, shock paralyzing his mind. His breathing was short and rapid, and his heart was beating hard. All the memories of the times Kairi and him spent together flashed through his mind, and he clenched his fists, hate and anger beginning to fill his heart. He stood up slowly, gripping his Keyblade tightly, and looked up at Saïx, glaring at him with intense hatred. “You’re going to pay for this!” Riku shouted and charged at him, screaming a battle-like cry. Before he could reach Saïx, however, a lance pierced his back, and then two others, pushing him to the floor, blood spurting out from his wounds. He gave an agonized cry, half from the pain he was feeling, and the other half from the sadness he was suppressing at witnessing Kairi’s death. “Kairi…Kairi…” he sobbed, as he struggled to stand up. “Saïx…I…I won’t let you get away with this…” There was a small clicking sound, and something was pressed against the back of Riku’s head. “Don’t worry, you’ll join Kairi soon enough,” Xigbar remarked, grinning almost maliciously. “So…any last words?” He didn’t wait for the boy to answer and shot. A red beam of light flashed through Riku’s head, and he fell to the ground, blood streaming from it, his eyes beginning to glaze over. Xigbar blew on the end of his snipers, as if it was a smoking gun, and remarked with a small chuckle, “Guess he didn’t have much to say.” He turned and shouted over to Sora, “Hey, dude, what do you have to say about this?” Sora turned, his eyes quickly taking in the scene, and he froze, as if stunned. “R-Riku?” the boy said, his mouth becoming dry. “…Kairi?” He felt his skin grow cold, and his mind was flowing with all the times that the three had been together, just as Riku had done earlier. “This…this can’t be,” Sora said, tears beginning to stream down his face. “No…no!” Sora’s hand that was gripping the Keyblade began to shake, and he raised it, rushing towards Xemnas. “I’m going…I’m going to kill you!” he screamed. “What you did to Kairi and Riku…I could never forgive that!” He leaped up, ready to lower his Keyblade to slash at his neck, when Xemnas swiftly turned, a red aerial blade in hand, stabbing him in the stomach. At the same time, a Keyblade pierced Sora’s chest, and he looked back to see Roxas. “R…oxas…” Sora said in a strained voice, his expression, pained. “H…ow…c…ould…y…ou…” Roxas quickly released his Keyblade, his eyes wide with shock and fear. “No…no,” he said, shaking his head. “It…it was an accident…Axel was standing there…there were flames in front…and they just disappeared…and…and…” “It’s too late, Roxas,” Xemnas said, smiling complacently as Sora’s heart floated in the air and began to merge with the heart-shaped moon behind him. “You have just given us our last and final heart…the one that will complete our Kingdom Hearts.” The moon shined brightly, and a blinding light engulfed the entire area. No… Roxas wanted to shout, but he couldn’t speak. No…this is all wrong! It’s all a mistake! This shouldn’t be…this can’t be…
After the events of the series of Kingdom Hearts, several years pass, and Kairi travels to another world alone. Soon, Sora hears a rumor that she has died, and is overcome with grief. A year later, Sora is now engaged to Namine (much to Roxas's disappointment), but then, Kairi returns to the Destiny Islands, still very much in love with Sora. Her death was just a rumor, and she is indeed alive. Now what will Sora do? And will Roxas continue vying for Namine's love? --- What's happening so far: Namine and Sora make plans for their wedding; in the meantime, Kairi has just arrived at the island, where she meets a very depressed Roxas. Together with Kadaj, they plan to resurrect the Organization, so they can help Roxas. Kadaj uses the power of darkness to bring them least, some of them. --- Rules: *No cussing *No yaoi/yuri *No taking over other people's characters *No killing other people's characters without their permission You can play up to four characters in all, and you can only play two Kingdom Hearts characters and two Final Fantasy characters. You can be anyone from Kingdom Hearts and the Final Fantasy games, or you can create an original character. Please fill out this form if you wish to make an OC: Name - Age - Gender - Appearance Biography - Weapon/power - Other - Characters: Axel - kairilover Demyx - Soku Kairi - Twilight_Wish Larxene - Nymph of Destiny Luxord - Sora/Roxas Mickey - The_King Namine - Nymph of Destiny Riku - TrueKeybladeMaster Roxas - Soku Sora - Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Terra - Chaser007 Ven - Chaser007 Auron - TwilightBlader Cloud - TwilightBlader Denzel - Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Kadaj - Nymph of Destiny Marlene - true darkness Rikku - Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Sephiroth - The_King Tifa - true darkness Yuna - Nymph of Destiny Zell - kairilover Original Characters: Geryl - Keyblade49 Jecht - Omegaxis Kyo - FinalForm Sharix - darkheart418 Zarix - Chaser007
Organization XIII has gone to jail for trying to take hearts, and their sentence is a year. Namine, being their accomplice, is in jail as well, but her sentence is short - only a month. Now in jail, what will they do? Will they try to escape? Join and see... Rules: *No cussing *No taking over other people's characters *No killing other people's characters without their permission *No yaoi/yuri You can play anyone from Organization XIII or Namine, or a Final Fantasy character who can be their jail mate, a guard , etc. Or ypu can make your own character, who can be the prision guard, the punishment giver, the prision mate, etc. Anyone related to the jail. You can only have one character from the Organization, but you can have as many original characters as you want. You can only have three characters in all, though. Please fill out this form if you with to create an original character: Name - Age - Gender - Occupation - Biography - Appearance - Other - Characters: Axel - OrganizationXIII Demyx - Prince of Twilight Larxene - Nymph of Destiny Luxord - Sora/Roxas Marluxia - ukali_rules Namine - lanihead7 Roxas - HeartofRoxas Saix - sora879 Xaldin - GateKeeper Zexion - Twilight_Wish Rikku the guard - lanihead7 Kadaj the punishment-giver - Nymph of Destiny Yuna the guard - Nymph of Destiny Yuffie the warden - lanihead7
Just curious, but what are all your usernames over the internet? Just curious to see how different they are, especially compared to the ones here. Mines are: *WorldofEmotion *Kiriata *LunarDance *EdgeofTomorrow *Savage_Beauty *Savage_Nymph And of course the one I have here, Nymph of Destiny!
When ninjas come of age, they are supposed to find a mate. The guys of Naruto have been given several bride candidates from their clan, but not all of them are content with being made to choose a wife, or with their choices...what will you do? Rules: *Nothing above PG-13 *No cussing *No yaoi/yuri *No taking over other people's characters *No killing other people's characters without their permission You can play up to two Naruto characters, and as many original characters as you want, but you can only have four characters in all. If you wish to have an original character, please fill out this form: Name - Age - Gender - Biography - Weapon/Power - Abilities - Appearance - Other - Anyone can join at any time. Characters: Gaara - swordser2 Itachi - TwilightBlader Naruto - HeartofRoxas Neji - darkelven123 Rock - Ris Sasuke - ShadowofRiku Ino - Nymph of Destiny Sakura - lanihead7 Temari - ThunderofLarxene Original Characters: Criss- ../://Ichigo\\:\.. Hayate - Kiburedo Hidan - Sanda Rayce - GateKeeper Ryan - The_King Tobi - Sanda Sam - swordser2 Sharix - darkheart417 Tenshi - Firekeyblade Yuki - Yami*no*hime
What do you think would make a good greeting? Good morning/afternoon/evening? Hey? Wassup? What do you think?
The guys of Organization XIII have made a bet about who can kiss Larxene first - and it has to be longer than five seconds. But what if one of them starts to have feelings for her? And will she ever find out? Rules: *No cussing *No taking over other people's characters *No killing other people's characters without their permission *No yaoi/yuri You can only play one character, and it has to be someone from Organization XIII, but you can also create an original character to be part of the Organization. Just fill out this form: Name - Gender - Title - Power - Biography - Appearance - Other - Characters: Xemnas - Xigbar - Xaldin - Vexen - hitna3510 Lexaeus - Zexion - darkelven123 Saix - Gatekeeper Axel - TrueKeybladeMaster Demyx - Prince of Twilight Luxord - rikurep Marluxia - Chaser007 Larxene - Nymph of Destiny Roxas - OrganizationXIII Original Characters: Name -ulturx Gender -male Title -number XV Power -darkness and fast speed Biography -wen he got turned into a heartless he was facing xemnas thats wen xemnas used his anger to take control of the nobody before that happened he was a researcher who loved to research kingdom hearts Appearance -i made an avatar of him Other -angery most the time Played by: kairilover
A wizard known as Daybreak has been sealed away for centuries, but [Dark Oblivion, a group of wizards and witches, specializing in dark magic, have set out to release Daybreak, who is a monster said to cause destruction and chaos for all. Fortunately, Hidden Shadows, another group of wizards and witches, specializing in light magic, have set out to stop them. But to become a fully-fledged master of magic, they must have a partner - a human who will accompany them and will be given magic in order to aid them. So the wizards and witches of Hidden Shadows must leave their magical hometown and travel to Earth to find their human partner. Their partner must have determince and strength, and once they pass these tests, they must seal it with a kiss. So who will you join? Rules: *No cussing *No taking over other people's characters *No killing other people's characters without their permission *No yaoi/yuri If you decide to have rated R romance or violence, it's fine - just give us a warning before writing it. You can have up to three original characters that are either a human, or a wizard or a witch of Dark Oblivion or Hidden Shadows. You can also play two Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy characters, but they are only someone that can be a witch's/wizard's partner. You can only have four characters in all. Please fill out this template when you create an original character: Name - Gender - Age - Race - Occupation - Biography - Appearance - Personality - Other - Characters Taken: Axel - TrueKeybladeMaster Larxene - Nymph of Destiny Marluxia - Chendler Riku - Prince of Twilight Roxas - SORA! Sora - SORA! Xaldin - OrganizationXIII Xemnas - TrueKeybladeMaster Zexion - Nymph of Destiny Original Characters Name - Dream Gender - Female Age - 15 Race - Human Occupation - Witch of Hidden Shadows Biography - She has been trained by Hidden Shadows to stop Dark Oblivion, but she is a bit unsure of herself. Appearance - Personality - She is a bit timid, easily embarrassed, and is unconfident of herself, and her resolve is almost always wavering. She has trouble trusting others, even though she tries so hard. Other - She specializes in ice and water magic. Played by: Nymph of Destiny Name - Koji Gender - Female Age - 16 Race - Human Occupation - Witch of Dark Oblivon Biography - She was enslaved by Dark Oblivion and has been forced to work with them ever since she was little. After so many years of their oppression, she is very subservant to them, never questioning their orders. Appearance - Personality - After being enslaved, she has become cold and harsh, but very compliant to Dark Oblivion's orders. Other - She does very well with dark magic. Played by: Nymph of Destiny Name -sarah Gender -female Age -15 Race -human Occupation -none.still in school Biography -sora`s cousin Appearance -looks like sora only a girl and her hair`s not spikey it long Personality -same as sora Other -has a nobody Played by: SORA! Name -raxsah Gender -female Age -15 Race -nobody Occupation -none still in school Biography -roxas`s sarah`s nobody Appearance -looks like roxas only a girl and her hair`s not spikey it ling Personality -same as roxas Other -sarah`s nobody Played by: SORA! Name - Cyferius XIII Gender - Male Age - Unknown Race -Human Occupation -Wizard of Dark Oblivion Biography - He was a servant of light long time ago, but he lost everything precious to him and turned to the power of darkness... He's now an expert in Dark magic and hard to overwhelm. Appearance - Dark, short hair and red eyes. Black coat... Personality - dark, gets easily angry Other- Can summon dark creatures. Played by: TrueKeybladeMaster Name - Isaac Gender - Male Age - 16 Race - Human Occupation - None, still in school Biography - He is a lone boy who wants friends but everyone seems to think negative things about him because his father is from Dark Oblivion. Appearance - Personality - He's quiet but can be friendly if he can trust the person Other - He has battle axe as a weapon. Played by: Rachel
This is what happens when you're bored. lol Anyway, the game is - tell what would remind you of the user above (hopefully, it'll be someone you know well enough so you won't have to say something relating just to the username lol)!
Whenever Sora and Kairi become emotional, they turn into their alternate selves - Roxas and Namine. They don't know of each other's secrets, and try hard to make sure no one finds out. However, how long can they really keep this hidden? This is taken place around the beach, the place where Kairi was confronted by Axel. Rules: *No cussing *Nothing above PG-13 *No taking over other people's characters *No killing other people's characters without their permission *No yaoi/yuri You can play one Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy character, and have as many original characters are you want. If you wish to create an original character, please fill out this template: Name - Age - Gender - Biography - Appearance - Other - Characters: Aerith - Cloud - Fuu - Hayner - Kairi - lanihead7 Leon - Namine - Nymph of Destiny Olette - Paine - Pence - Riku - Rikku - hitna3510 Roxas - tummer73 Seifer - Sephiroth - Sora - kairilover Tidus - Tifa - Vivi - Wakka - Yuffie - Yuna -
I'm just curious, but has anyone ever heard of that artist? I tend to believe she sings very well. I like the pitch of her voice - it matches well with the music in the background. If you've heard her songs, tell me what you think!
I'm not sure if anyone knows that artist, but she was a pretty good artist (in my opinion) and after releasing one album and another single, she practically disappears. Does anyone know what happened to her?
Do you think is the least well-known? For American anyway. I think it's Shaman King - I hardly meet anyone who knows it.
In Twilight Tone, two gangsters roam the place - one made up of Organization XIII, and the other, Final Fantasy villains. Two peace-maker groups set out to stop them - one composed of Kingdom Hearts heroes, and the other of Final Fantasy heroes. Both gangsters strive to take over the town, but will either of them succeed, or will the peace-makers hinder them? And when one of the peace-makers start falling for one of the gangster members, what will happen? Rules: *Nothing above pg-13 *No yaoi/yuri *No cussing *No taking over other people's characters without their permission *No killing other people's characters without their permission You can play two Final Fantasy characters, two Kingdom Hearts characters, and two original characters, but you can only have five characters in all. If you wish to create an original character, please fill out this form: Name - Age - Gender - Abilities/weapons - Siding with - (choose a gangster or peace-maker group) Appearance - Biography - Other - Anyone can join at any time. Characters Taken: Organization XIII Gangster members Axel as TrueKeybladeMaster Larxene as Nymph of Destiny Roxas as Last of the Organization Xemnas as TrueKeybladeMaster Zexion as kairilover Final Fantasy Gangster members Kadaj as Nymph of Destiny Kingdom Hearts Peacemakers Kairi as Twilight_Wish Namine as Twilight_Wish Rae Rae as namine_of_kh2 Yelnxats as kairilover Final Fantasy Peacemakers Tidus as kairilover Yuna as Nymph of Destiny
I thought of a fun game! About the user above you would you: Fight him/her? Kiss him/her? Tickle him/her? Kill him/her? Shout at him/her? Hug him/her?
I can feel venom Running through my veins It's eating at me Slowly torturing me My mind is being blinded By a cloud of blood I see everything in crimson red I can't escape from it Your face, her face It haunts my dreams It pursues me persistantly As if it was my shadow It feels as if you're stabbing me I scream for you to stop But you continue Until I'm limp and pale These continual pangs in my chest It's excruciating As if a wild animal was tearing me apart Hewing me to pieces I feel like dying But this toxin won't let me go It makes me endure this anguish Until I'm numb This poison that's in my body I want it to stop it Before it finishes its course And truly kills me --- It's a poem I wrote before, about a person feeling envy/jealous.
About all the Organization members? I was just curious about everyone's analysis and thoughts about them. This is what I think (might contain spoilers, by the way) - Xemnas: The Superior, he can only remember negtive feelings, and is cold and stoic. He is persistant and determined, and never gives up. Xigbar: The Freeshooter, according to a reliable source he likes to "insult people." I noticed he acts young for his age (whatever that is). Xaldin: The Whirlwind Lancer, I don't know much about him, other than that he's a Nobody and wants to be complete (like all the other Nobodies, lol). Vexen: The Chill Academic, he always loves to experiment...that's all I know. Oh, and he's really intelligent. Lexaeus: The Silent Hero, he doesn't speak much, and in the manga, he loves reading manga and fiddling with paper clips. Zexion: The Cloaked Schemer, he is bit manipulative and is intelligent. He is cold and uncaring. Saix: The Luna Diviner, he is also manipulative (especially according to Jiminy's journal) and I don't know why, but he seemed pleased to be able to have the chance to finally kill Sora. I don't know if that makes him sadistic, or just glad to have an annoyance out of the way. He seems calm and collected, but he can go berserk (I'm sure everyone knew that though). Axel: The Flurry of Dancing Flames, he is quite puzzling - he went out to destroy traiors for the Organization, but then he turns on them. It seems he was very loyal, until he found out that Xemnas was using them, and decided to leave...either that, or Roxas helped him. Demyx: The Melodious Nocturne, he seems to be someone who deluded himself that he has a heart, and he believes he can't fight well. Luxord: The Gambler of Fate, it's another guy I don't know much about. He likes to play games I assume. Marluxia: The Graceful Assassin, he is cold, yet intelligent. According to the manga, he "loves flowers." Larxene: The Savage Nymph, my fav member so be prepared for a long paragraph (just kidding, but it'll be kinda long). She's manipulative, cold, and cruel, but also has a playful side. She's sadistic - enjoys causing pain for others, but in truth, she's almost like a kid playing with a toy, as she does see others as one. At times, she forgets she has a heart, and will even insult her fellow Nobodies, forgetting she had one. This is shown when she was dying as well, claiming that she "can't fade," suggesting that she forgot that she was a Nobody and must fade away. Larxene is also cunning and sarcastic, and is a master at mind games. She's bold and confident, and seems a bit ambitious, as she wants to help Marluxia take over the Organization. Overall, like almost all the other Nobodies, she's apathetic and cold, but seems to be among the few that does show some emotion, especially since she forgets that she doesn't have a heart. Roxas: The Key of Destiny, he's well, I don't know what to say exactly about him. He's complex...and I'm tired after writing Larxene's long paragraph. lol Anyway, I basically view him like Sora, but more serious and mature, if not slighltly colder (not too much). I've also noticed that he believes that no one cares about him, but I don't know why...
Alright, when people lose their heart, their bodies are reborn in the dark realm, and if their heart was strong, they keep their human form. If not, they look like that amphorous, silver creatures. The heart, in the meantime, the dark part of it manifests into a heartless. Now, the Nobodies that kept their human form, they have their own will and mind. But I was thinking, if the Nobodies received their own hearts (NOT becoming part of their other self again), what would happen? I keep thinking that they lose their powers, as their power might be fueled with the power of darkness. But if you're not a Nobody, you don't belong in darkness anymore and you can't use the power of darkness anymore (unless you learn to like Riku). So if the Organization became a Somebody, would they lose the powers of darkness, and thus, their abilities?
If you RPGed with me, you'll probably hear my character say "I'm bored" sooner or later. lol But anyway, I'm bored! Just wanted to say it. Anyone got anything interesting to say?
Who do you think is the weakest Organization member? Aside from Demyx if you do think it's him. I believe it's...Vexen. He's smart, but aside from collecting information and stuff, I don't think he's all that good in physical strength.