Search Results

  1. Nymph of Destiny
    This is all Kiburedo's idea, but he asked me to make it for give all credit to him!

    A cruise ship headed across the seas somehow sinks into the ocean, and the few survivors swim to an uninhabited and uncharted island...which seems innocuous, but is actually haunted...

    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No invicible qualities
    *No taking over other characters or killing them without their permission

    You can play any character from any anime/game/manga/etc., but you can only have three characters in all. Please fill out this template if you wish to create an original character:
    Age -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Biography -
    Other -

    Characters taken:

    Black Cat
    Eve - hitna3510
    Train - Kiburedo

    Dragon Ball
    Gohan - kairilover
    Goku - OrganizationXIII

    Final Fantasy
    Rikku - Riku_IntoTheDarkness
    Sephiroth - The_King
    Yuna - lanihead7

    Lacus - *TwilightNight*

    Kingdom Hearts
    Axel - *TwilightNight*
    Demyx - GateKeeper
    Kairi - lanihead7
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Marluxia - GateKeeper
    Mickey - The_King
    Pete - The_King
    Riku - CarbuncleGem
    Sora - CarbuncleGem

    Neji - kairilover
    Sakura - lanihead7
    Sasuke - kairilover

    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Eggman - Chaser007
    Metal Sonic - Chaser007
    Sonic - Chaser007

    Tokyo Mew Mew
    Mint - Nymph of Destiny

    Original Characters:
    Lynn - hitna3510
    Sharix - darkheart418
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 15, 2007, 703 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    Yet another signature I made when bored...yes, I know it's plain, and I haven't the time to download GIMP yet, so.... *shrug*
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Nymph of Destiny
    A signature I had made when I was bored. "Ja-aku" means "evil" in Japanese, and it's based on a character in an RPG I was doing. The character in this signature is actually Aya Natsume from the manga/anime Tenjou Tenge. This wasn't made with the exact right program, as I haven't the time to download GIMP yet, but since I was bored, I made this anyway...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Nymph of Destiny

    The Promise

    Has anyone watched that movie? I find it to have a really nice plot, filled with romance, action, and drama. The fighting and some of the scenery is quite stunning, especially the lake scene in the beginning. The only thing that I disliked was the fact that sometimes, it seems as if there are cuts in the the camera man stopped taping it, and then started taping again, but the actors can't get into the same position as earlier. Also, some parts of the plot are a bit...incoherent, but it's not too bad. The deleted scenes actually fixed up some of the loose ties, but I wonder why they removed it then...anyway, overall, I really loved the movie, it's like an anime in human-movie form, and the acting and the dubbing (yes, the movie used to be in Chinese, but America dubbed it in English) is awesome...except for a few times the mouth moved with the words a little bit strangely. Oh, and what they were originally saying sounded better than the English dubbing...otherwise, the movie's wonderful (as I said so many times lol). What was your opinion if you ever watched it?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Nymph of Destiny
    Several years have passed since the events of the all-boys college, and now, along several other girls, the characters' children are going to an all-girls school (which has employed some male teachers, however)...although the guys have decided to sneak in for various reasons. However, there is some sort trouble stirring up it time for another epic adventure?

    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No invicible qualities
    *No taking over other characters or killing them without their permission

    You can play any character from any anime/manga/game/etc., but you cannot take any characters listed here. You can also create original characters, but you can only have eight characters in all. Please fill out this template if you wish to create an original character:
    Name -
    Age -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Biography -
    Other -

    Please note that the sections below are not lists - it just tells which character is taken. If you see that a character's name isn't on the list, then that means that character isn't taken. Anyone can join at any time!

    Characters taken:

    Anna - DestinyStar
    Chi - Kairi9020
    Dark Samus - Chaser007
    Eggman - Chaser007
    Hao - Nymph of Destiny
    Hotaru - Nymph of Destiny
    Maya - Nymph of Destiny
    Namine - Riku_IntoTheDarkness
    Metal Sonic - Chaser007
    Riku - Repliku
    Sora - The Servant of Light
    Tarta - Nymph of Destiny
    Tatra - Nymph of Destiny
    Yaten - Nymph of Destiny
    Xemnas - Chaser007

    Original characters:

    Alex - SORA!
    Aly - SORA!
    Amara - Nymph of Destiny
    Amxi - sora n roxas rock
    Andrew - Firekeyblade
    Andy - SORA!
    Ashley - naminetwinsister
    Ayame - Nymph of Destiny
    Chris - swordser2
    Demitria - Redhot1994
    Edward - Kiburedo
    Emarix - sora n roxas rock
    Emi - Kairi9020
    Enkai - namine_of_kh2
    Erin - #1 DinestyX
    Fayte - axel6123
    Haseo - GateKeeper
    Jaxen - SoraDX
    Jean - SoraDX
    Jeryl - Keyblade49
    Kara - affyre
    Katrina - Desaray
    Krystal - lanihead7
    Kyo - Chaser007
    Kite - GateKeeper
    Lea - AngelsNeedFlight
    Lynn - hitna3510
    Mark - Last of the Organization
    Naomi - Desaray
    Raine - #1 DinestyX
    Ryann - Nulix
    Sam - swordser2
    Samantha - swordser2
    Shawn - The Servant of Light
    Taikou - namine_of_kh2
    Risha - darkheart418
    Yelnxats - kairilover
    Yumiko - Kairi9020
    ZC - JedininjaZC


    Chi, Dark Samus, Hao, and Aly
    Hotaru, Amxi, Andrew, and Emarix
    Yaten, Haseo, Yumiko, and Jeryl
    Emi, Krystal, Kite, and Maya
    Risha, Yelnxats, and Yumiko
    Edward, Sharix, and Metal Sonic
    Fayte, Kyo, Mark, and Enkai
    Naomi, Katrina, Lea, and Jean
    Jaxen, Ryann, Erin, and Taikou
    Raine, Kara, Anna, and Namine

    What's happened:

    After the first day of entering the all-girls school, some strange events happen as usual. Haseo meets with his sister, Emi, and after a short arguement, he tries to commit suicide. Hotaru manages to stop him, and the siblings make up. Soon after, Hotaru faints, for the second time that day. During this time, Yaten meets with Yumiko, who he calls his princess and she must return to her Twilight Kingdom. After a while of unsuccessfully trying to persuade her to come with him, he decides to watch from afar and guard her. Later, Edward meets with Hao, who decides to help him find the treasure within the school. They later discover that Yumiko has what he wants - the Philosopher Stone within her necklace. Yaten tries to protect Yumiko, but then Hao takes her away to a garden, where he tries to convince her that humans are evil for destroying nature. Failing, Hao says no more and Yumiko returns to her room. In the meantime, Yaten transforms into her other form, "Star Healer," in which he is now a female. Ed refuses to fight her, and they soon begin to argue about their goals.

    Consequently, Hotaru finds Chi in the garden, and she finds the girl to copy what others do. Later, Haseo asks Hotaru out, and even though she wants to, says she cannot without her father's permission. When Haseo asks why, she explains it's because he knows there's something inside of her, so Haseo uses his dark side, Skeith, to go into her mind to eradicate it. However, this fails, and Hotaru faints once more. In the meantime, Yaten still fights with Ed, who has swallowed the Philosopher's Stone after Dark Samus tossed it to him (after raising the Imp Emperor). Yaten struggles to make him vomit it out, but has been unsuccessful so far. At the same time, Kyo has fainted, but Ayame kisses him, and says that she loves him, making him alive and confident again, only to crush his emotions by telling him that she has been deceiving him. e then leaves, enraged, going into his other form and sometimes becoming depressed, wanting to die. Later, Mark meets Enkai and Taiyou, and then, Katrina and Naomi.

    Consequently, Zexion allows Hotaru and Haseo to go out, while in the meantime, Yumiko has feelings for both Yaten and Kite. Eventually, she discovers that Yaten is actually a girl under a curse (which is broken when she receives her true love's - Ed's - first kiss, who finds out about it and later falls for her), and turns into her darker side. Later, Freya emerges from Chi, who Yelnxats had he had revealed his feelings for previously (and fortunately, she felt the same). Ayame and Mark also fall in love, after, with the help of his uncle, Zalenix, was able to exorcise the demon out of her which had been in her since Larxene had been raped by Mark (the demon posessed man from the all-boys college, not the one here) and given birth to a son, Shan, who had bitten Ayame, thus passing to her a demon. But once free from the demon, Ayame finds she cannot remember anything she had done, so does not remember who Lynn, a girl whose family she had killed, is. Lynn tries to attack her, but learning that she had a demon within her, is mollified...until she sees that she wears a crescent-shaped necklace, something she had been searching for. Turning into her dark side, she attacks once more, until Mark shatters the necklace, reverting her to normal.

    Consequently, Kadaj appears and Freya (in Yumiko's body) hands him Yumiko's jewel, in which Haseo gave to Hotaru along with his strong, pure heart, as she had said that it would help rid whatever made her act so strangely, wanting to attack others and even take their pure hearts. This releases Mistress Nine - an alien that had been implanted with Hotaru when she was born. Kadaj had made a deal with the alien race before, which was, in return for their help, he had to put the seed of the leader within a body. Choosing Hotaru, it was dormant, only surfacing momentarily before becoming docile again. With the pure heart, the alien queen had awakened, taking over Hotaru's body completely and showing her true form, with Hotaru's soul becoming dormant within the queen instead. Now Mistress Nine is rounding up her aliens, planning for domination of Earth...

    Later, one of the aliens, Kish, comes, flirting with Jasmine (Krystal's Nobody) but takes more of a liking to Freya. Then he captures Ayame, which he gives a riddle for Mark to solve if he wishes to find her. However, Mark has been involved in helping his two new friends, Anna and Abexecca, who have some troubles on their own...all the while, Katrina and Naomi have some problems themselves...and Amara, who had attacked Haseo and Kite earlier, later absorbs their energy, breaking the curse she was under that had left her blind. Now that she can see, ZC, someone who had always been there to help her, reveals his feelings for her. Amara and Kite had kissed, as she believed he was the only one to care for her, but now she sees that ZC was the truly the one supporting her and she tells him that she feels the same.

    In the meantime, Jean has been in a fight against his Nobody, and he seems to be undergoing something strange, which Maya - who has fallen for Kyo who reciprocates her feelings - observes. Consequently, Hao gives a letter to Sharix, letting her know that he is leaving until he can find himself, but she searches for him. Hao approaches her and agrees to let her help him find who he is, although they have some trouble with Samus, and the Dark Emperor, Imp, who all seem to have a plan of their own...then Terra, a knight who wields the keyblade, meets with the twin sisters, Tarta and Tatra, who come from Chizeta and want to take over Yumiko's kingdom to expand their own country. Tarta and Terra eventually fall in love, and Tarta, being the older sister, allows it, as long as he agrees to take care of her. However, seeing as how the skies darken due to Mistress Nine's attempt to take over Earth, she decides to wait until everything has passed before trying to start a war with Yumiko's Twilight Kingdom...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 11, 2007, 18,027 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nymph of Destiny

    I Don't Care

    I don't care anymore
    Call me whatever name you please
    Give me a title
    Something you think fit
    Whether it's bad or good
    It doesn't affect me
    I wouldn't think twice of it
    You can't hinder me with words
    I move on independently
    I'll do as I please
    I know what I do is right
    You can't make me comply
    I'm no slave to your demands
    You have no power over me
    And I will think what I want freely
    You can't stop me
    Because I don't care anymore

    Just a poem I had written before...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 10, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    I know I made a subject about this before, but my friend still can't access the account, because he can't remember the password, and he can't retrieve the password because his e-mail changed, and the old one was deleted...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 8, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    Some anime are adapted from the manga, so in your point of view, which do you think usually does better - the manga, or the anime?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 8, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Nymph of Destiny
    I've made a couple of signatues for my friends, so I was just curious to know how well I did them...don't be too critical, as I don't really have the best, correct program to use to make them...




    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 7, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Nymph of Destiny


    This RPG comes from ideas that hitna3510 and I have thought of together, but the inspiration and most of the story plots come from her.

    Two ninja clans, Nozomi and Meiyo, have held a century-long rival that they've grown quite accustomed to having. However, some of the ninjas of both clans are beginning to fall in love with each other, but if they ever tried to be together, the whole clan would banish them. So what can they do now? At the same time, Meiyo is trying to steal Nozomi's element gems, objects that give the user power of an element...but the jewels only let one person utilize them...who will succeed in finding and using them? And how will their romance succeed?

    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No invicible qualities
    *No taking over other people's characters or killing them without their permission

    If you wish to create an original character, please fill out this template:
    Name -
    Age -
    Gender -
    Biography -
    Clan -
    Appearance -
    Other -


    Name - Kisa
    Age - 16
    Gender - Female
    Biography - She has always liked the Nozomi clan, as she found them to be more honorable than her own clan...but it's impossible for her to leave.
    Clan - Meiyo
    Appearance - [​IMG]
    Other - She is good with using swords and staffs.
    Played by - Nymph of Destiny

    Name - Tiger Eye
    Age - 23
    Gender - Female
    Biography - She is the leader of the Nozomi clan.
    Clan - Nozomi
    Appearance - [​IMG]
    Other - She has been deceived by her loved one before, and vows never to fall in love again...but can she keep that promise to herself? Moreover, she is called "Tiger Eye" because of her sharp tiger-like senses, so her true name is a mystery...but there is indeed something mysterious about her eyes.
    Played by - Nymph of Destiny

    Name - Linx
    Age - 16
    Gender - Female
    Biography - The one no one ever liked
    Clan -Nozomi
    Appearance - [​IMG]
    Other - shy and beautiful to boys
    Played by - hitna3510

    Name - Lynn
    Age - 23
    Gender - Female
    Biography - Leader of the Meiyo clan
    Clan -Meiyo
    Appearance -[​IMG]
    Other - serects feelings for someone just have to wait and find out who!
    Played by - hitna3510

    Biography:Can be a Very Kind person,but a very dangerous foe...
    Clan: Nozomi
    Weapon:Kunai and Shuriken for long Range,a sword for close range
    Other:Want's to love and be loved in return someday
    Played by - GateKeeper

    Name - Hiro
    Age - 15
    Gender - Male
    Biography - The person in the clan who prefers to be alone
    Clan - Meiyo
    Appearance - Black spikey hair,Long black trousers a black top & Twin swords that combine
    Other - Is good at using Swords and has a crush on someone
    Played by - Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX

    Name - Zannen
    Age - 18
    Gender - Male
    Biography - Protects a lot. Has lots of regret. Gets angry a lot. Get very strong when mad.
    Clan -Meiyo
    Appearance - [​IMG]
    Other - Doesn't fall inlove easly.
    Played by - La Sofa

    Name: Kyo
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Biography: Can be a Very Kind person, but acts cold.
    Clan - Nozomi
    Appearance: Boyz/Shadow6.jpg
    Weapon: A long katana.
    Other: Wants to love someone.
    Played by - Chaser007
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 7, 2007, 98 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    In a parallel Twilight Town, Axel is a famous matchmaker, known for being able to match anyone together easily. But one day, his friend, Demyx, asks him to help match him with Larxene, someone's Axel has had a crush on for a long time. At the same time, Roxas asks Axel to help him with Namine, who, unbeknowest to either of them, has a crush on Axel! With all these problems, along with other rising conflicts, how will this all turn out in the end?

    *Nothing about pg-13
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No cussing
    *No taking over other people's characters or killing them without their permission

    You can play any Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts characters, and you can also create an original character, but you can only have two characters in all. If you wish to create an original character, please fill out this form:
    Name -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Power/Weapon -
    Other -

    Characters Taken:

    Axel - *TwilightNight*
    Demyx - hitna3510
    Hayner - kairilover
    Kairi - SORA!
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Marluxia - Chaser007
    Namine - Nymph of Destiny
    Olette - lanihead7
    Riku - Kiburedo
    Roxas - GateKeeper
    Sora - kairilover
    Zexion - Chaser007

    Cloud - RikuIntoTheDarkness

    Original Characters:

    Angel - Firekeyblade
    Kyo - Chaser007
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 4, 2007, 401 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    One of my friends who's a user here forget his is he supposed to get it back?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 4, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  13. Nymph of Destiny
    Can you remember it (excluding any introductory ones you made)? I think my first post was making a thread about whether Zexion was actually emo or not. lol
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 4, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    Several years have passed, and now, the students of the all-boys school have graduated...they are now moving on to an all-boys college...but the girls decide to come, disguised as boys. However, they also have part-time jobs, which they don't have to hide their gender. But can they really keep up? And for how long? Not to mention that there's trouble stirring somewhere...

    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No taking over other characters without their permission
    *No killing other characters without their permission

    You can play two Final Fantasy characters and two Kingdom Hearts characters, and you can also create four original characters. But you can only have five characters in all. Please fill out this template if you wish to create an original character:
    Age -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Biography -
    Other -

    Please note that the sections below are not lists - it just tells which character is taken. If you see that a character's name isn't on the list, then that means that character isn't taken. Anyone can join at any time!

    Characters taken:

    Axel - Prince of Twilight
    Kairi - sora n roxas rock
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Luxord - axel6123
    Roxas - SORA!
    Sora - SORA!
    Mickey - The_King
    Vexen - Chaser007
    Xemnas - Chaser007
    Zexion - Nymph of Destiny

    Cloud - kairilover
    Irvine - Prince of Twilight
    Kadaj - Nymph of Destiny
    Leon - swordser2
    Paine - sora n roxas rock
    Rikku - lanihead7
    Sephiroth - OrganizationXIII
    Tifa - Larxel_lover
    Yuffie - Desaray
    Yuna - Nymph of Destiny

    Original Characters:

    Angel - Firekeyblade
    Ash - killedbyoathkeeper
    Cade - GateKeeper
    Claeis - Larxel_lover
    Desaray - desaray
    Fleur - AngelsNeedFlight
    Geryl - Keyblade49
    Ja-aku - Kairi9020
    Jen - kairilover
    Lisix - sora n roxas rock
    Mark - thelightisgone123
    Miranda - xAquaLinax
    Nova - Sora/Roxas
    Nozomi - sorafangirl
    Rae Rae - namine_of_kh2
    Rayce - GateKeeper
    Sam - swordser2
    Sharix - darkheart418
    Senix - kairilover
    Sumtix - kairilover
    Yumi - Kairi9020
    Zalenix - Last of the Organization
    Zarix - Chaser007


    Larxene, Cade, Yumi, and Roxas
    Senix, Fleur, Zarix, and Yuna
    Zexion, Cloud, Nova, and Sharix
    Jen, Luxord, Angel, and Zalenix
    Tifa, Miranda, Irvine, and Rikku
    Axel, Kairi, Lisix, and Claeris
    Leon, Geryl, Sora, and Desaray
    Rae Rae, Sam, Mickey, and Ash
    Sephiroth, Sumtix, Yuffie, and Mark

    What's happened:

    The first day of college has begun, and old friends reunite with some new faces.

    The next day, Xemnas, who has been reborn as a Somebody but as a baby, took a picture of Rae Rae and Larxene naked, and showed Rayce, who, after looking at it, tore it apart. Later, Yumi and Zexion talk, and Angel watches from afar with jealousy.

    The following day, it turns out that Zalenix has a crush on Yumi, but she likes Zexion. The two kiss, but he knows he shouldn't, as he's dating Angel. Around that time, Yumi met with Kadaj, and later, Rayce realizes that he likes Rikku as well.

    Consequently, Angel's heart is taken from a heartless, as she discovers about Zexion and Yumi and is torn by the news. Desaray takes the heart, but somehow, Maleficient is the same time, Suki and Roxas start to develop feelings for each other, and Yumi is jealous. Zexion noitces that she's beginning to act quite the same time, Rayce, guilty at having broken up with Larxene and her trust, kills himself...or rather, he fades away by pointing his keyblade at himself. Later, someone who looks eerily like him, Cade, appears...

    It turns out that Cade is Rayce, but with lost memories, but consequently, his dark side appears and makes a deal with Kadaj. Later, Cade's heart is taken and his Nobody, Haseo, appears, while Kadaj makes another deal with Zexion - in exchange for Angel's heart, which Kadaj managed to obtain from Desaray, Zexion must do exactly as he says...which he agrees. Consequently, Cade gets his memories back, but is killed by Yazoo, who his dark side resurrected along with Loz. However, Cade returns later, and he declares his love to Rikku. During this whole time, Larxene has been acting strangely, and it turns out that Kadaj is taking control of her. At the same time, Desaray has been going through mysterious circumstances with Maleficient, but she also develops a romantic relationship with Zalenix.

    Later on, Fleur meets a new student, Sumtix, who she holds romantic feelings for, but later, she meets another new student, Mark. Then Selina appeared, who took Fleur to a dark place and tried to take over her mind, but, failing, she coerced her friend, Mogna, to do it while Selina persuaded Mark to turn evil. However, Mogna failed so she returned Fluer home, but left behind a sun-shape mark on the back of her neck. Mark approached Fleur with evil intent, but Sam saves her. Fleur walks away, but she had no energy to do anything else...weak, Mark approaches her again, but Larxene, who has been feeling pain in her mind, protects her, along with Sam, who has discovered that she is a princess. That's when it turns out that a group, known as the Elementis are trying to take over the world, and are struggling to get Fleur to join, but to no avail.

    During all this, Nova's evil side, the voice within his head, has been growing stronger, trying to make him kill everyone. He goes to the top of the clock tower and jumps off...but will he survive? And at the same time, Haseo and Geryl have been involved in some friendly fighting...or is it?

    Later, with the help of Zexion, Kadaj brings back Ja-aku, and then makes Larxene, who he has taken control of, attack her friends. At some moment, Larxene is confronted by Mark, who bites and rapes her, and she is now poessesed with a demon. Consequently, it turns out that Mark had killed Vincent, Larxene's past love, so to pay him back for everything, she kills the demon.

    During this whole time, Kadaj continually tries to control Larxene, making her attempt to kill her friends. Ultimately, this fails, and in the end, Larxene, Yumi, Cade, Haseo, and Rikku face off against Kadaj, Ja-aku, Loz, and Yazoo. At first, Zexion attacks his friends, as Kadaj warns him of the consequences of what could happen to Angel, but then Larxene talks to him, helping him to realize that this would not be what Angel wanted. Zexion then turns against Kadaj, using the two swords that he used to bring back Ja-aku, to destroy Kadaj's armor. The fight then begins, and Loz and Yazoo end up dead. It would appear as if Kadaj would kill Senix, Larxene, and Zexion, but Senix protects Larxene just in time, and Zexion uses the illusion of light to hurt him. At the same time, Ja-aku kills hurts Yumi and kills Yuzuki, driving Haseo to a state of anger. However, Zexion, showing her how Kadaj can easily be killed, makes Ja-aku weak, and Haseo strikes her. As he is about to kill her, Kadaj keeps protecting her, and Zexion and the others try to stop him, as Kadaj claims to have given up. At last, it turns out, Yuzuki was within Yumi - she is still alive. Ja-aku and Kadaj leave, and, having confessed that they've loved each other before, decide to marry. Senix has also revealed that he has always loved Larxene, and since she feels the same, he will break up with Tifa. Cade is already engaged to Rikku, Yuzuki is married to Haseo, and Roxas has asked for Yumi's hand in marriage. And it also appears Suki has some feelings for Luxord, who feels the same...

    Later, Desaray and Zalenix battles Maleficient, and eventually, Maranda decides to help them, until they can conquer the villainous fairy. At the same time, Nova, who had been carrying around a bomb, explodes from it, and Geryl confesses that he was his brother, and the evil spirit was given to him from Geryl's dark side, Ex. Although there are some sad events, is the worst over for now? And what happened to Xehanort - who is Xemnas and Ansem merged together? Is he lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 31, 2007, 10,036 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nymph of Destiny
    In a parallel world, Kingdom Hearts is a land of several different kingdoms of royalty. One day, they decided to take a vacation in a mansion on Destiny Islands, where they will take a break from all their royal duties. Their families or guardians have decided to hire body guards to watch them, but they must not let the princesses and princes know, so they pretend to be working in the mansion as maids, butlers, cooks, etc. However, there are also assassins, hired to kill the people of royalty, and they are disguised as a worker as well. Who will succeed at the end?

    *Nothing about PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No taking over other people's characters or killing them without their permission
    *No invicible qualities
    *No yaoi/yuri

    You can play two Kingdom Hearts characters and two Final Fantasy characters, and you can decide whether you want them to be of royalty or a bodyguard/assassin. You can also create an original character, but you can only have five characters in all. If you wish to create an original character, please fill out this form:
    Age -
    Gender -
    Biography -
    Appearance -
    Weapon/Powers -
    Other -

    Anyone can join at any time.

    Characters Taken:

    Axel/Bodyguard-Assasin - kairilover
    Demyx/Bodyguard-Assasin - hitna3510
    Larxene/Bodyguard-Assassin - Nymph of Destiny
    Marluxia/Bodyguard-Assassin - Chaser007
    Roxas/Prince - OrganizationXIII
    Namine/Princess - Twilight_Wish
    Xemnas/Bodyguard-Assassin - Chaser007
    Zexion/Bodyguard-Assasin - Kiburedo

    Kadaj/Bodyguard-Assassin - Nymph of Destiny

    Original Characters:

    Emma/Princess - Shadow of Riku
    Dmitriy/Bodyguard - Shadow of Riku
    Jade/Bodyguard - hitna3510
    Mario/Prince - The_King
    Peach/Princess - The_King
    Rayce - GateKeeper
    Sharix - darkheart418
    Yoshi/Bodyguard - The_King
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 31, 2007, 368 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nymph of Destiny

    I feel...

    Peaceful today. It's a nice feeling. :)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 31, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Nymph of Destiny
    Tonight? Well, it's nighttime here for me anyway...and I'm just bored. lol
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 31, 2007, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Nymph of Destiny
    Marluxia has managed to take over Organization XIII, and now, both Sora and Xemnas are dead. Kairi and Riku must work together to defeat him, and rescue Namine. However, Marluxia is now working together with the Final Fantasy villains, and he is also accepting new members for the Organization. Will Kairi and Riku still manage to succeed? And with all these new members, with Marluxia have any need for Larxene and Axel anymore?

    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No taking over other people's characters
    *No killing other people's characters without their permission

    You can play up two Kingdom Hearts characters, and two Final Fantasy characters. You can have as many original characters as you want, but you can only have five characters in all. If you wish to create an original character, please fill this out:
    Name -
    Age -
    Gender -
    Biography -
    Appearance -
    Weapon/power -
    Other -

    Characters taken:

    Axel - overload
    Demyx - Prince of Twilight
    Kairi - lanihead7
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Marluxia - Chendler
    Namine - Nymph of Destiny
    Riku - Prince of Twilight
    Roxas - OrganizationXIII

    Barrett - Pirateguywithapplepie
    Cloud - Kiburedo
    Kadaj - Nymph of Destiny
    Paine - sora n roxas rock
    Red XIII - Pirateguywithapplepie
    Yazoo - hitna3510
    Yuna - Nymph of Destiny

    Original characters:

    Angel - Firekeyblade
    Geryl - Keyblade49
    Lisix - sora n roxas rock
    Lunaxer - Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress
    Rexejon - overload
    Sharix - darkeheart418
    Talim - hitna3510
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 27, 2007, 3,183 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nymph of Destiny
    That in the game (at least the RE:COM one), Larxene believes she has a heart? As during one point in the game, when Vexen comes to see her, she remarks, "People with no hearts truly are worthless." From this comment, I assume that means she forgets that she has no hearts. It would make sense, as she believes she feels delight from causing others pains and claims that they are her 'toys'. She is also a bit short-tempered, as she becomes angry easily, which is virtually impossible for a Nobody. So I would assume that her 'anger' is merely drawn from memories, as all her other feelings are, and she would act as she would as when she was a Somebody. I remember in the KH2:FM, according to the translations here, Saix or someone had told Demyx that falling under the illusion of having a heart, and thus, feeling emotions, was dangerous, as it makes them forget their true purpose. So from this, I suppose Larxene has, like Demyx, has forgotten that she has no heart, as Vexen did point this out, saying "Or have you forgotten you have no heart either?!"

    Either that, or she refuses to accept the fact that she is a Nobody. She may not want to admit that she has lost her heart, when she has, so she refuses to admit it. This, I am not sure of, as she makes no implications of what she's truly thinking. However, when Vexen retorts back (saying that she had forgotten), she is silent, just crossing her arms, and she looks away, angrily, but with a haughty look. This may mean that she is now reminded and thus remembered she is a Nobody (but is still managing to keep her dignity), or she has never forgotten and was just trying to deny it, so to this, she refuses to respond to, as she is unsure of what to say as it is the truth she doesn't want to admit as true...

    Well, that's my theory. Does anyone agree or disagree, or would like to add your own opinion?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 24, 2007, 30 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Nymph of Destiny
    In the COM manga, I remember seeing her reading a book either about or written by the author Marquis de Sade. I was curious about who this man was, so I did a little research on him. He was the namesake of sadism, and he wrote many books and had done several plays, all with a violent sadistic twist in an almost sexual way. So I assume from this, in the manga, Larxene's malicious personality and her desire to cause pain for others derive from reading books from this author. It may also suggest that she reads other books from similar to this, which would all make sense to why she is so sadistic. However, this makes me wonder - the very first time she had felt pleasure from causing others pain, would it really just come from a book she had read? I mean, it might've been the tool in making her even more malevolent, but where had it truly first started from? In your opinion? I'm really not sure where she could've enjoyed such's possible that as a Somebody, she's always delighted in others' agony, so now, as a Nobody, she remembers this and draws these 'feelings' from her memory, and, almost as an instinct, causes pain for others just for fun, thinking it will please her, even though she really can't feel anything anymore. But as a Somebody...I truly have no idea how she was like, as the manga - or even the game - makes no inkling of her past, so I don't have the slightest idea of how she first became sadistic.
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Aug 24, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX