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  1. Nymph of Destiny
    Hmm...I've watched so many when I was younger I almost can't remember. XD But I think it was Beauty and the Beast. I used to love that show...and of course its moral. lol
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 20, 2007, 71 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    According to this article, people with certain intials have an impact on their life. For instance, someone with a name starting with 'C' or 'D' would have worse grades than a person's name starting with 'A' or 'B'. As for sports, people's names with 'K' would mean that they do better at baseball than others, somewhat based on the "subconscious mind."

    In my point of view, I don't think a name will matter. Just because your name starts with a 'C' or a 'D,' it doesn't matter - it only depends on the intelligence within your brain. However, if you believe in it, subconsciously, you will do worse because that's what you believe. Otherwise, I don't think it matters. Also, as said in the interview:

    So, according to the quote by Nelson Simmons of Yale University, this only happens when you want to match your initial, or your name is influencing you somehow. I believe if you're truly confident and not caring about whether your name's initials, then what letter your name start with, doesn't matter - it only does when you believe in that.

    What's your opinion?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 18, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Nymph of Destiny

    Come On

    Come on, don't feel so bad
    Don't feel so down
    The negativity is only a tad
    Don't go along with it as if it's a fad
    There's no need for a frown

    Think of something joyful
    Nothing dreary nor angry
    Don't feel trapped in a lull
    You know it's way too dull
    So come on, tarry

    Need an embrace or a kiss?
    Or something other?
    Just give me your list
    And I'll fulfill that wish
    So you can smile one after another

    You know I love to see you happy
    With your laughter flying high like a dove
    I understand life isn't a cup of tea
    But with your cheer, it's like a bright drapery
    It warms the room with your love​

    Another one of my poems, for trying to cheer up some of my friends...​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 16, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Nymph of Destiny
    Xemnas has gathered the villains of Kingdom Hearts and the anime/mangas together. After reading an inscription found on one of the antagonists' (Marik) back, they discovered that if they go through a ritual (involving a sacrifice of two pure-hearted women, a magical sword, and a special book), they will be able to create and open Kingdom Hearts, which will grant the wishes of anyone involved. Agreeing to work together, the villains begin to invade Japan - some showy, some more subtly.

    However, with portals from other worlds opening and appearing, and the ritual slowly coming to a conclusion, Japan is faced with an apocalyptic predicament. Earthquakes and storms and other problems keep happening more occasionally, growing stronger each time. Death Note investigators/detectives are struggling to discover the cause of it. Shamans believe it's because of the Great Spirit; Bleach students assume it has something to do with ectoplasm; others expect an alien invasion, among other various reasons.

    People from other worlds, witnessing these troubles, also begin to appear on the world, striving to stop the villains from their problematic ritual. Some citizens will want to get involved, but whatever they do, affects their fate. If nothing is done, Japan will be destroyed...unless the ritual is completed, or stopped...

    *No cussing.
    *No yaoi/yuri.
    *Nothing above pg-13.
    *No making characters invincible.
    *No taking over other people's characters or killing them without their permission.

    You can play up to four characters, from any anime/manga/game, or you can create an OC. If you do, please fill out this template:
    Name -
    Age -
    Appearance -
    Weapon (optional) -
    Abilities (optional) -
    Biography -
    Hero/Villian/Undecided -

    Characters Taken:


    Name: Lucia
    Anime/manga/game: Venus Versus Virus
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Eve
    Anime/manga/game: Black Cat
    Played by: hitna3510

    Name: Anna
    Anime/manga/game: Shaman King
    Played by: Destiny Star

    Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Anime/manga/game: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Played by: Chaser007

    Name: Hitsugaya
    Anime/manga/game: Bleach
    Played by: Kiburedo

    Name: Gohan
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: Sadden Blood Warrior

    Name: Goku
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: GateKeeper

    Name: Mana
    Anime/manga/game: Yu-gi-oh
    Played by: Dawn

    Name: (Future) Trunks
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: TwilightBlader

    Name: Vegeta
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: GateKeeper

    Name: Byakuya Kuchiki
    Anime/manga/game: Bleach
    Played by: Captain Kuchiki


    Name: Larxene
    Anime/manga/game: Kingdom Hearts
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Demyx
    Anime/manga/game: Kingdom Hearts
    Played by: hitna3510

    Name: Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Eggman)
    Anime/manga/game: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Played by: Chaser007

    Name: Freiza
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: Sadden Blood Warrior

    Name: Broly
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: GateKeeper

    Name: Enma Ai
    Anime/manga/game: Jigoku Shoujo
    Played by: darkheart418

    Name: Kikuri
    Anime/manga/game: Jigoku Shoujo
    Played by: darkheart418

    Name: Hao Asakura
    Anime/manga/game: Shaman King
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Kagura
    Anime/manga/game: Inuyasha
    Played by: Dawn

    Name: Janemba (2nd form)
    Anime/manga/game: Dragon Ball Z
    Played by: TwilightBlader


    Name: L
    Anime/manga/game: Death Note
    Played by: Kiburedo

    Name: Vector
    Anime/manga/game: Sonic
    Played by: Chaser007


    Name: Ishizu
    Anime/manga/game: Yu-gi-oh
    Played by: Nymph of Destiny

    Name: Lyserg
    Anime/manga/game: Shaman King
    Played by: Twilight--XIII

    Original Characters:


    Name - Sharix
    Age - 15
    Appearance - Brown hair, blue-green eyes; often wears red and black.
    Weapon - 2 long swords.
    Abilities -She is flexible and can usually dodge things quickly.
    Biography - Her parents and brother died when she was young.


    Name -Lynn
    Age -16
    Abilities- Mimic/Transformation/Twilight
    Biography - A mystery.
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 15, 2007, 289 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nymph of Destiny

    Poem: Words

    Words that flow so smoothly from your mouth
    So soft and tantalizing
    Like telling a fairytale
    Weaving your story from your fingertips
    Adhering to your lips
    Moving and flowing with the action
    As slippery as the sands of time
    That escapes and eludes its capture
    To be scattered across the wind
    Planting its seed elsewhere
    Blossoming beautifully, yet so wickedly
    Spreading incessantly across others' lips
    Once thrown and extracted
    Can never be withdrawn...

    Just a poem I've thought of...hope you like it! :)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 14, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Nymph of Destiny
    This was inspired from something a friend had said before...causing me to wonder: what truly is the difference between love and infatuation?

    I know that love is something that would have you respecting and trusting your loved one, almost as if with your life...but being sensible and knowing all the reasons for why you do love him/her. Infatuation, on the other hand, always appears brief, and sometimes, quite foolish/reckless.

    However, how do you tell whether what you're truly feeling at the moment is love (or an attraction of some sort), or just infatuation?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 9, 2007, 30 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    Completely huggable-plush-material?

    (Sorry, I'm just bored. xD lol)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 9, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    In the world, what would you do? It would seriously drive me crazy...I mean, without my music playing, it's so silent and well...unnerving. xDD
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 6, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Nymph of Destiny
    According to a dictionary, it is "Enjoying or showing, or marked by joy or pleasure or good fortune."

    However, what truly is happiness? And why does it make us so satisfied, so...high in spirits? In truth, it is a flow of emotion that can have you smiling or laughing, or just feeling...satisfied, good. But why do we enjoy it truly? What exactly about it makes your body feel nice? And does the fact that it can go away so easily, no matter how many times it returns...does it make you feel like that emotion is worthless?

    To me, happiness is always something that brings cheers to others''s like the sun showing after a storm, or ice cream on a cool day...something trivial, or something large such as finding your true love...and even though it can be a puzzling emotion that makes people crave it so, because it makes others feels good, as well as yourself...I find it something that I'll never despise. It's something always keeps you going, that positive, cheerful thought...what it is exactly that keeps your spirit high, I'm almost confused myself...

    So...what is your opinion about this? If this subject is pointless, forgive me...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Nov 4, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. Nymph of Destiny

    Hosted by the Twilight Love Family, this is a Halloween Soiree, taken place at an old mansion! RP as yourself, using an alias, your real name, or your username (or a part of it). Come join us and have some fun! :)


    Name: Nymph
    Position: The Host of the Party

    Name: Sadden/Buggy-(Nymph only)

    Name: Chaser
    Costume: reaper/TheReaperComes.jpg

    Name: Hitna

    Name: Angel
    Costume: A black cloak with the hood on, and a white shirt and white jeans.

    Name: Alex

    Name: Kiburedo/Kuro-sama-(Nymph only)
    Costume: Pics/27b851cb.jpg

    Name: Mickety
    Costume: 16/akon14.png

    Name: Kent
    Costume: Hooded cape, and black clothes

    Name: Rebecca
    Costume: Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! ^^

    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Oct 30, 2007, 1,914 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    I've always been wondering...but in KHII...what exactly is Xemnas...on the throne? I mean, I know that's Xemnas, suited within an armor, sitting upon a throne...but why is he on that throne wearing that armor in the first place? And is it just me, but does he seem to be connected to a heart or something behind him? And sometimes, I notice some of the other members' weapons/powers show up, as if their spirits are aiding him or he took their abilities...

    So does anyone know the answer to any of this?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Oct 22, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    Welcome to the Twilight Love Family!​


    This family is for those who will look out for each other, care, and love each other, like a family. :)

    The only rule is to neither flame nor insult each other, always respect one another, and it would be preferable if you did not cuss, particularly at each other.

    If you wish to join, just ask by posting here or pming me (the latter being preferable). If you want a particular title, just tell me, or the co-leader (Kairi9020) will choose one for you.

    As for family signatures, just ask me (in a pm) if you would like one...and of course, our family banners (as seen on top and below) can be used freely. :)

    Family Members
    Nymph of Destiny - Leader/The Responsible One
    Kairi9020 - Co-leader/The Emotional, Dramatic Sister
    DestinyStar - Rule-enforcer/Adorable Baby Sister
    Last of the Organization - Second rule-enforcer/The Patiently, Understanding Brother
    Kiburedo - Peace keeper/ Nymph's Hero

    SORA! - Kind Sister
    KairixRiku - Lovable Caring Sister
    Firekeyblade - The Hidden sister
    hitna3510 - The Shy Angel
    lanihead7 - The Quiet Sister
    Very Berry - Lil' Baby Sister
    sora is cute - The Ying-Yang Sister
    rachel - The Little Sister
    #1 DinestyX - The Silly, Lil' Sister
    CarbuncleGem - The Collected Sister
    AngelsNeedFlight - The Innocent Sister
    Desaray - Musical Dreaming Sis
    Stars Light - The Smart Sis'
    Senbon_Zakura - VK Sister
    Sky Pirate Balthier - Balthier Fangirl Sister
    roxas~rox~my~sox - The Cookie Sister
    Xarsa - Korsan Cousin
    aseret - The Little Sister

    GateKeeper - Nymph's Self-proclaimed Husband
    axel6123 - The Sociable Baby Brother
    Sadden Blood Warrior - The Video-Game Freak Brother
    Chaser007 - The Lonely One
    Xiegin - The Cool Bro
    Deathsight44 - Manipulative Little Brother
    micketymike - The Happy Peppy Brother
    Trace000222 - Mysterious Bro
    Lord Terra - Pumpkin Bro
    TrueKeybladeMaster - The Random Brother
    Blanc - The Mellow Brother
    Chendler - The Silent Brother
    evilrikuvssora - The Coolest Brother
    thelightisgone123 - The Shadow of Himself
    rikurules13 - The Scary Nugget
    Twilight_Falls - The Smelly Brother
    Balthier - The Older Korsan Cousin
    Solid Snake - Snake
    cb_g33k5 - The Learning Brother
    UnSaintlySaint - The Shy Brother

    Upcoming Events/Other News

    Twilight Love's Halloween Soiree is still ongoing, as I'm sure everyone's enjoying it, and anyone can join! :D Please participate with our fun!

    On another matter, our wonderful member, Chaser007, has made us a new banner (as seen above) so give all credit to him! And the second one in the 'family members' section it is made by the talented, Chendler, so don't forget to thank him as well!​

    Well, that's all for now until next time! :)​

    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Oct 17, 2007, 16,187 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  13. Nymph of Destiny

    Anime Kingdom

    The characters from different anime universes somehow meet together...with all these different worlds, it's like Kingdom Hearts, except it is known as Anime Kingdom. Now, who will meet and whose conflicts will collide?

    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No invicible qualities
    *No taking over other characters or killing them without their permission

    You can play up to three characters from any manga/anime. Please fill out this template if you wish to create an original character:
    Name -
    Age -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Biography -
    Other -

    Characters taken:

    D. Gray-man
    Lavi - Kiburedo

    DN Angel
    Risa - lanihead7

    Final Fantasy DoC
    Tifa - lanihead7

    Haseo - Blackkeyblade

    Kingdom Hearts
    Demyx - hitna3510
    Marluxia - Chaser007
    Riku - Chaser007
    Kairi - lanihead7

    Shaman King
    Kanna - Nymph of Destiny
    Marion - Nymph of Destiny

    Sonic X
    Sonic - The_King

    Original Characters:

    Lynn - hitna3510
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Oct 12, 2007, 75 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    Every time I see you
    No matter when and where
    You make me smile

    When you speak
    Such comforting words
    You make me smile

    When you comfort me
    Being so reassuring to me
    You make me smile

    When you're confident
    Feeling so strong and happy
    You make me smile

    Every time I see you
    No matter when and where
    You make me smile


    Here's a poem I wrote for my friend, Chaser007! I tried my best, but it didn't turn out so good. :sweatdrop: Hope you like it anyway! :glomp:
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Oct 3, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Nymph of Destiny


    Let's start one! Who's with me?! xD
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Oct 1, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Nymph of Destiny
    In a futuristic parallel universe, the FF villains strive to take over Kingdom Hearts. To stop them, the KH heroes have injected thirteen people (Organization XIII) with a special formula, unwillingly turning them into super soldiers, each with a special ability and enhancement. To counter this, the FF villains have created an army of robots (the FF heroes) to do battle against them. Who will succeed in the end? And will any of the robots or super soldiers rebel? And what about the forbidden relationships that form between them?

    *Nothing above PG-13
    *No cussing
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *No invicible qualities
    *No taking over other characters or killing them without their permission

    You can play three characters from Kingdom Hearts and three characters from Final Fantasy, but you can only have 4 charaters in all. Please fill out this template if you wish to create an original character:
    Name -
    Age -
    Gender -
    Appearance -
    Biography -
    Abilities -
    Other -

    Characters taken:

    Axel - Dawn
    Demyx - hitna3510
    Kairi - Kairi9020
    Larxene - *TwilightNight*
    Mickey - The_King
    Namine - lanihead7
    Riku - Aerith G.
    Roxas - *TwilightNight*
    Sora - tummer73
    Stich - tummer73
    Zexion - Nymph of Destiny

    Aerith - Nymph of Destiny
    Cloud - GateKeeper
    Gilgamesh - TwilightBlader
    Kadaj - hitna3510
    Reno - flipperdolphin
    Sephiroth - The_King
    Vincent - axel6123

    Original Characters:

    Daisuke - SORA!
    Lynn - hitna3510
    Nova - Sora/Roxas
    Sharix - darkheart418
    Soku - SORA!
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 23, 2007, 483 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nymph of Destiny

    The Limelight

    The limelight
    The hubbub of attention
    The chance to appear on screen

    To have the time of your life
    Singing, dancing, acting
    To do anything you please

    To have the crowds 'ooh' and 'ahh'
    To have the envy of the men and women
    To take their breath taken away

    From a mere tap, or a single touch
    You can bedazzle anyone
    With your looks or voice

    You're a sparkling star
    A radiant beam of light
    Like a bright, golden ring

    But when the sparkle's gone
    And show and tell is done
    You're already forgotten

    You're washed away
    Like a speck of dust
    With only a faint trace left behind

    So don't be sad
    Don't be upset
    Don't dare crave the limelight

    Because in the end,
    You'll just turn out
    Like those specks of dust

    A poem about celebrities, who in the end, are often forgotten. Ironically, this was all inspired when I thought of the line 'hubbub of attention'. lol
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 20, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Nymph of Destiny

    Somewhat based on a FFX doujinshi cover I saw before while surfing the internet. I know the background could've been better, but I was lazy...and the legs are terrible, I know, I redid them like a zillion-times, and anymore than that would probably look even worse...but, aside from the legs, is there anything else I can try to improve upon?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 18, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Nymph of Destiny


    Does anyone else just love that TV series?
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 18, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Nymph of Destiny
    For music? I have trouble finding really good artists lately...the last good one I heard was from "Within Temptation".
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Sep 17, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Music