Time It slips through my fingers like sand It swims past me like a bubbling stream I can only watch it fly by I want to hold it In the center of my palm And so I chase after it I pursue it determinedly Like a dog chasing its own reflection But it is a hopeless dream Because when I do grasp it It vanishes Disappears As if it was never there == A short poem I wrote when I was younger...it's not one of my best works again, but it was written during a time I barely had time to do anything. XD
The people who greeted you when you wrote your introductory thread (hopefully you made one XD)? For me, all I could remember was axelsnyxie and eastercat. However, after checking it, I could see that there was also: *Alice *Misty *Pirate4Love *darkelven123 *Chaser007 *Cronoking Well, since I couldn't do it before...I appreciate the time you all had welcomed me. :)
There's almost always around 15 or so members online (today, 16). Is anyone else extremely bored now? XD
Yes, this is based on that Dark Roxas. competition going on, so hope you enjoy it. XD Repliku is Axel, HigherBeing is Riku, Dark Roxas. is Roxas, and I am Namine. I'd prefer to use Larxene, but I totally don't act like her...anyhow, enjoy! :) Oh, and don't forget that this is set in another universe, where the Nobodies are Somebodies, and everyone is good friends... == Part One Roxas wasn't quite sure what had happened. He kept repeating the events over in his mind, but still nothing added up. Why on earth was he being sold for an adoption when he was perfectly fine living alone in the Twilight Town's mansion? It had all started that morning, when his best friend, Axel had waltzed into the parlor room, his unruly, crimson red hair streaming behind him, his emerald green eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hey, partner!" he had waved to him, as he gave his friend a warm hug. "I was thinking..." "To barge into my home today?” Roxas cut in, a wry smile on his lips. "Haha, very funny," Axel said, crossing his arms, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards. "You gave me your key for good reason, you know...but anyhow, I was thinking...what if you came to live with me?" Roxas blinked. Had he truly heard right? "Excuse me?" the boy asked, raising an eyebrow. "You want me to live you with you?" The red head nodded, his mouth slowly forming into a grin. "Won't that be fantastic?" he remarked. "You won't have to be so lonely in this mansion any longer!" "I've been living here ever since my parents died 5 years ago...I'm used to this," Roxas sighed. "You don't have to worry about me..." Axel frowned, when an idea popped into his head. "Ohh...I know what's bothering you..." His confident expression appeared back upon his face. "You're afraid this is all illegal..." "...What?” Roxas said, incredulously. "No, that is not-" "Hey, buddy," his friend interrupted, placing a firm hand upon Roxas's shoulder. "I'm going to take care of everything...you see, I'm going to adopt you." Roxas opened his mouth to speak, when someone else spoke out his objection. "What on earth are you talking about? An adoption?" The two quickly spun around to see Riku standing by the doorway, his silver hair flowing softly around him. "Yeah, you heard that right," Axel said, frowning. "So how'd you get in here anyway?" "The door was open," Riku answered, gesturing to it behind him with his thumb. "But anyway...are you insane?! What makes you think Roxas wants to go live with you?" Roxas nodded. "Exactly," he agreed. "I mean, obviously, I'd take better care of him," the silver haired man continued, "so I ought to adopt him." "...What?!" Roxas exclaimed for the second time that day. The poor boy. "Ha, you must be joking," Axel scoffed. "I mean Riku...no offense, but if I leave him with you, he's just going to end up cold and unresponsive..." "Hey, what are you trying to insinuate?" Riku demanded, narrowing his eyes. "I mean, if I leave him with you, he's going to end up a pyromaniac." The redhead glared at the boy for a moment before reaching into his pocket, withdrawing a small piece of paper and a pen. Walking over to the nearby desk, he laid the paper upon it, beginning to write on it. Everyone watched him, uncertain of what he was doing. At last, Axel turned around to face Riku, tilting his head down to read the piece of paper. "By the binding laws of the government, I now have possession of the boy known as Roxas, and is in charge of taking care of him…” Axel grinned, looking back up at the silver-haired boy’s face. “Well now, these are my adoption papers…so now, I have legally adopted Roxas." "Yeah, right!" Riku said, waving his hand nonchalantly. "You just wrote on that, and you know it! What do you think you’re trying to pull?" "Well then, what do you say to a little contest?" "A contest?" "Yeah," the redhead nodded, as he crumpled the piece of paper in his hand, shoving it back into his pocket. "We’ll have the people of Twilight Town vote…ask which of us they would want to take care of Roxas…” “Heh, you’re on,” Riku said, as he extended his hand to shake Axel’s in agreement. “A…a contest?” Hearing a soft voice, the three of them turned to see Naminé standing there, her hands clasped together, her golden hair falling in ripples over her shoulders. “Someone really has to close that door…” Roxas mumbled to himself before looking up at the girl. “Hey, Naminé…it’s a long story…” “I…I heard enough to understand what’s going on,” Naminé said, nodding. “I was just…just standing there…I didn’t want to interrupt your conversation but now…hearing what you were discussing about…” She hesitated, biting her lower lip. “What are you trying to say, Naminé?” Axel asked, frowning. “…I’d like to adopt Roxas, instead,” she said at last, drawing back slightly as if the two men would strike her. “I…I just feel I might take better…care of him…” She glanced at the boy. “And it’d be nice…waking up to his face every day…” “Hmm…so you want to be like his mother?” Riku inquired, raising an eyebrow. “More like…his guardian…sister almost…” Naminé answered, unclasping her hands as she stared into Riku’s eyes. “I’d do my best to make sure he was happy all the time…” “Huh, so you don’t think either of us would be able to do that?” Axel asked. “No, no, I didn’t mean it like that,” the girl said, shaking her head. “It’s just that…I suppose I’d…like to partake in this contest of yours…” “Well then…” the redhead grinned. “You’re on, Naminé.” “Heh, good luck to the both of you,” Riku said, as he began to walk out of the room. “You’re going to need it.” Exchanging glances, Axel and Naminé also hurried out after Riku, leaving Roxas alone in the room. “And all of you couldn’t at least think about locking the door before you leave?” Roxas called to them, although they were too far to hear. Sighing, he shook his head. “This is ridiculous…” Despite his comment, a small smile crept to his lips. “Although…it wouldn’t be bad…actually living with someone else for once…it might be fun…”
You are the passing wind I cannot catch You're drifted away into the stars And I hold alone You are hurting me It's ending the beating of my heart But I still feel it deep within You are the fire of my desire A passion tossed aside the wind I feel it within, more than words I know that my heart is swaying After chasing faded dreams My searching fingertips are carrying bitterness and sorrow Into eternity of which time cannot return But you touch, and you feel The crevices inside of my mind My beautiful memories with you have cracked The meaningless kisses we exchanged The thousand times I called your name This accumulating sadness is filling me I am embraced by dawn's light in a silver shade It overflows from a scar I cannot erase My tears, droplets in a mist They are traced with my own finger Your smile is frozen in time Your kind, gentle words only fill me With the echoes of the hollowing silence I am bathed in your cold eyes The memories of these feelings Are vanishing, disappearing This sweet melody that I hear It was never here to begin with Although I try, and I persist I can never enwrap myself with these swaying emotions My desperation is enveloping me I am drowning, suffocating, bleeding Because you are the bullet To my heart that is about to break And with a single touch It shatters Like fragile glass --- This is one of the very first poems I wrote when I was young, so if it makes no sense and it sounds bad, that's why. XD And don't worry, I'm not upset...this is just a very depressing poem. lol
For all animes, who do you think is best male character? The best female character? Based on character, depth, personality, and story, not just because he/she is your favorite, please. :) For me, the best male character is Hao Asakura (also known as Zeke in the American dubbing...), from Shaman King. He's very complex and enigmatic, always nonchalant yet caring at the same time. He wields strong power and magic, and although he seems to want for evil, his intentions are good. On the other hand, the best female character would be Lucy/Nyu, from Elfen Lied. The concept of having a split personality definitely makes her intriguing. Nyu is sweet, innocent, and naïve, while Lucy is cold, manipulative, and revengeful, with a complicated past. She is a character with depth that can either make you laugh, or regard her with fear/respect.
My friend, please don't cry Please, don't let me see Your precious eyes, so full of tears Threatening to fall down your cheeks My friend, please don't frown Please, don't let me see Your precious face, etched with sorrow And so full of pain My friend, please don't hate yourself Please, don't let me see Your angry eyes, so full of emotion Hatred, as well as sadness But... My friend, please laugh Please, let me see Your precious voice, so full of joy I can hear your delight My friend, please smile Please, let me see Your precious mouth, curved upward Beaming at me My friend, please love yourself Please, let me see Your precious heart, showing love It makes me happy So don't weep anymore... -- This isn't one of my best poems...but I put my best effort forward for my friend, Chaser007...yes, this is for you, Chaser... :)
I dance in the rain Whether it's a drizzle or a downpour It doesn't matter to me I dance The feeling of the raindrops Trickling down my face And across my body It sends me shivers of pleasure The pitter-patter of it falling The rhythm of it against the pavement Dropping, ever so steadily It's like the beating of my heart Its chilling sensation of coldness Its capricious movement of droplets It's all so pleasing And all so wonderful to me Then in a moment, the rain stops An echoing silence follows And I disappear, like snow before a sun's rays But I will return because... I dance in the rain Whether it's a drizzle or a downpour It doesn't matter to me I dance --- Just a poem I wrote in the past, about the rain...it's not so good, but I hope you like it. :sweatdrop:
For the first time in the history of KH-vids (I think XD), there is going to be a KHV Story competition! Anyone can participate! Just write a story, involving KHV members (it doesn't matter how many, or who they are), and then pm me the link to your story (make sure to post it in the Creativity Corner, or some other site where I can read it!), and I will judge it! :) The contest starts today, and it will end on December the 31st, with the announcement of the winner, so be sure to hurry and give me your stories! :) If you need more time, pm me to let me know. So...let the competition begin! :D Participants Roxas~Rox~my~sox DestinyStar Kiburedo Xarsa AngelsNeedFlight Last of the Organization
I've been pondering about this for a while, and I just can't figure it out...when exactly had Roxas been befriended by Hayner, Pence, and Olette? What I know is that Roxas, he'd been wandering around Twilight Town for a while it seems, lost, uncertain of what to do, as a Nobody, until Xemnas approached him, giving him his new name ('Roxas', as according to the 'New You' KHIIFM scene...). After that event, Roxas had joined the Organization, hadn't he? So then, when had he the time to meet Hayner, Pence, and Olette, if at all? Or was the entire time he was in Twilight Town, it wasn't re-created from his memories, it was just DiZ, making a sort of illusion of memories for him? So I'm quite confused, and if someone could explain this to me, I would be very grateful...it's probably explained somewhere in the game, but I missed it, so gomenasai, if I caused anyone any inconvience. :sweatdrop:
Love is like the sun's rays Winding through hills and valleys The gentle arc of it reaching into your heart Twisting itself gently around your mind's chambers It is has no need of words It is captured in a dream Where love takes flight Resting its wings in your gaze The answer is always there With love, loss, death Every time, miracles are found Endurance and affection, created Reminiscent and memories, never forgotten It flows to the end of time Being a sanctuary of hope and peace Where a delicate wind blows And love softly cradles you -- Yep, it's another free-verse poem about love, a much happier, shorter one (hope you'll like this one this time, Last of the Organization? lol). XD Hope you enjoyed it. :)
My past lover My man of crafted memories The stranger of my dreams The one who haunts my mind With every shadow that passes With every evening that falls I can't help but think of you When I see you, in the dark of the night Your face is obscured, hazed with mist Your scent, intoxicating, filling the air When I extend my hand, reaching for you I find the closer I am, the farther you are Still, I run, I pursue your figure To catch a glimpse of you, to hold you in my arms But just when I catch ahold of you You disappear, vanish into the break of dawn And I awaken from my reverie A fresh wave of tears, spilling from my eyes My heart, throbbing as if burned My entire body, quaking as if I had a nightmare My skin, cold like a brick of ice Blood, streaming from the wound within my heart A puddle of crimison liquid around me My pale fingers, covered with the sticky substance Each drip lancing through me like a sword One stab after another, slicing across me Leaving me limp and weak, devoid of emotion Yet, only I can see these symptoms, these injuries My mind swirls with thoughts of you Questions, inquiries, wonders None of which have been answered But I wish for, I desire for, so desperately I want to cling to your hand, entwining our fingers together To hear your voice, to speak, answering my question "When, my love, when will you finally return to me?" My past lover My man of crafted memories The stranger of my dreams The one who haunts my mind With every shadow that passes With every evening that falls I can't help but think of you --- Just a free-verse poem I have written. :)
This is an AMV I worked hard on, and well, some people say the transitions are way too distracting, while others find that it matches the song well...please tell me your sincere opinion about it, and what I can do to improve it. :) And sure, the song is way over-used in AMVs, but I tried my best to make the scenes match to it. XD
From the anime: *"So tiny..."~Hao Asakura from Shaman King *"Get a hold of yourself!" ~Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew From the manga: *"You can have Shampoo's body, but you can never have her heart!"~Shampoo from Ranma 1/2 *...Or I might have to use this." ~Lucia from Venus Versus Virus I can't remember much quotes tonight, so...I might have to post the others I like later, when I remember. XD
If you have a picture of your pet(s), post it here! :) This is a picture of my favorite pet, Bubbles the hamster...oh I miss her so much...the picture brings back good memories though. :)
According to this article, Christmas trees can cause allergies. I've heard of allergies to molds before, but never because of a Christmas tree...it's a very interesting fact I've found...
Basically as the title asks. :) For me, I believe I act like Yuna (FFX-2). I'm determined, a little bit too stubborn sometimes, loyal, naive, enjoy helping others, and try my best to seem happy and optimistic. So that would be most like Yuna.
I've noticed most (popular) animes have spawned a game of some sort...such as Naruto, Dragon Ball, Yu-gi-oh, etc. In my opinion, they aren't so good...in games, one of the most important thing is the story (for me anyway...) and since it's based on the anime, there isn't much of a plot (or it's way too predictable since it's a copy off the anime). It's basically fight, fight, fight (or dueling for Yu-gi-oh...). If there are other anime-based games that aren't like that...then I have yet to see them (I haven't seen a lot of anime-based games actually so that's why my opinion is like this xD). So what's your point of view on this?
Has anyone bought it? Or at least listened to some of the songs (You have to at least have heard Gimmie More...)? I have the CD and the songs are awesome. Some aren't to my liking, some are, but overall, it's great, better than her last CD, In the Zone. Now, I know some people will say they hate Britney or whatever, but this is her music we're talking about, not her, so...please limit any flaming. :)
A story I have thought of writing for a while...so I hope you enjoy it. :) And thank you very much, burnitup, for the idea of using kh-vids members! Prologue “Your Thanksgiving Ball seems to be a success so far, Deathspank,†Sara remarked, as she gazed at the couples, sashaying around the ballroom of the mansion they had reserved for the occasion. “Everyone’s enjoying themselves immensely, I believe.†“I’m glad about that…†Deathspank nodded, a small smile passing briefly over his lips. “I just hope the rest of the evening goes well…†“Are you worried…about him?†she asked, lowering her voice. “Well, you don’t have to…we’ve made sure he won’t be able to intrude here, at all…†“Excellent…†he said, giving a sigh of relief. “Now…where is Xaldin?†“Probably off goofing around somewhere,†Sara remarked, scoffing. “Excuse me?†Xaldin said, as he approached them. “I might play around sometimes…but at least not as much as you and Deathspank.†Turning her head sharply, she narrowed her eyes at him. “What did you just say?!†Xaldin chuckled. “Just kidding, dear.†“My name is Sara,†she quipped, “so don’t you ever call me ‘dear’ again!†“My, someone sure is petulant,†Xaldin grinned. “Woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning?†“Enough with the witty remarks,†Sara retorted. “Anyhow, back on subject…have you taken care of everything?†“Of course,†he nodded. “You know you can count on me!†“That’s what I’d like to believe,†she scoffed. “But at least this means the party should flow quite smoothly then…†Just then, she hesitated for a moment, as she tilted her head up. “Wait a moment…†she murmured, as she took a step closer to him. “Xaldin…have you been smoking?!†“What makes you say that?†he asked, shifting nervously. “Well, I can smell the scent of a cigarette on your clothes,†she remarked, frowning. “Seriously, do you know what smoking can do to you?!†“Calm down, dea–†“My name is Sara!†“Alright, Sara,†he said, over articulating her name on purpose, “but chill out…it’s nothing…†“But…†Sara hesitated, glancing at Deathspank to see if he had anything to say about it. Seeing he was silent, she sighed. “Fine…but if there’s any trouble…†“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,†Xaldin smiled. “Everything will be taken care of…†Deathspank nodded, silencing anything other Sara had been about to say. “Well, I suppose we shall just enjoy the ball now,†he remarked. “Come…let us celebrate with some drinks…†In the meantime, over at the balcony was a teenage girl, leaning against the railing, gazing up at the evening sky. She was wearing a white, sleeveless gown, which had a high neckline and was backless. Near the bottom of her dress, there were several layers of chiffon skirting, and a couple of diamonds were scattered across the bodice of the dress, giving it a shimmering appearance. Over by the closed French-doors that led to the ballroom, there stood a teenage boy, leaning against the wall. He was outfitted in a black tuxedo, with his left arm extended, his hand tilted back, a smoking cigarette held in between his index and middle finger. “Tonight’s beautiful…isn’t it…Kuro-sama?†the girl remarked, as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Giving a small nod, he added, “Too bad it’s going to have to be interrupted…but it shouldn’t be something to fret about really, Nymph…†She nodded, turning to face him. “Well…I guess we ought to head back now?†she asked, a smile passing briefly over her face. Crushing the cigarette in his hand, he bent his right arm towards Nymph for her to take. “Ready, my lady?†he said, jokingly speaking in a British-like tone. Gently looping her arm with his, she smiled once more. “Why, of course…†Chapter One “Wait, Muffin!†Dual Wielder called, as the girl stalked away from his across the dance floor. “Oh come on, that was a week ago! I apologized a million times already! What more do you want?†Turning sharply, she answered, “What more do I want? What I want? I want to be able to trust you again! Kissing another woman was the last straw! I won’t be a fool any longer, sticking with some…some man-whore who can’t keep his hands away from tramps!†With that, she turned away and disappeared into the crowd of dancers on the floor. Heaving a sigh, Dual Wielder muttered a couple words of profanity under his breath. Muffin was certainly looking like a dream tonight, dressed in a rose-colored, sleeveless, backless gown with a large v-cut, along with numerous layers of chiffon at the bottom of the dress. Dual Wielder was merely dressed in a simple black tuxedo, much like how the other guys were outfitted – except for La Sofa and his pink vest of course –, although he had tried to add a little pizzazz by fitting a small, red rose to his front vest’s pocket. Had Muffin noticed at all how different and unique his clothes was, compared to the others? Probably not…and who was he trying to kid? It was a freaking rose! Sadly hunching his shoulders together, he slumped away to one of the secluded areas of the ballroom, passing by KairiXRiku and Rosey, who were deep in conversation. “Why do you think La Sofa wanted my necklace for?†Rosey asked, clasping her hands together nervously. “I mean, it’s not common for a guy to ask his date’s friend for a piece of her jewelry…he said he just wanted to examine it a bit, so he could memorize the details for his sister, but still…†Patting her shoulder comfortingly, KairiXRiku soothed, “Don’t worry…it probably doesn’t mean a thing…†Giving a small smile, Rosey nodded. “Yeah, probably…†“Oh by the way…that’s such a lovely dress, Rosey…†KairiXRiku complimented, trying to get her mind off her date’s strange actions. “Thanks,†she said, “yours look just as pretty, KairiXRiku…†Indeed, both of them looked just like princesses out of a fairy tale. Rosey was dressed in a long-sleeved, magenta-colored gown, with a crystal pattern, and several layers of chiffon at the bottom. KairiXRiku was wearing a black and red Spanish-styled gown, with a Latin flare. It had a ruffled skirt and long sleeves, with a sprinkling of black gems across the bodice. Giving a small laugh, KairiXRiku remarked, “Oh, you’re too k – hey…look over there…†She gestured softly to hitna3510, who was dancing across the floor with a man. “Doesn’t her dress…look remarkably familiar?†Looking over her shoulder, Rosey’s face dropped, as she exclaimed, “And isn’t that your date?!†Gasping, KairiXRiku said, “It is! How…how…why…why on earth is La Sofa dancing with her?!†“And he gave her my necklace!†Rosey added, indignantly. “Unbelievable…and she has the nerve to wear the exact same dress I am! Right after I told her a million times what I was going to wear!†“This is unbelievable,†KairiXRiku scoffed, shaking her head. “Well…what are we going to do now?†“You know what I’m going to do…†Rosey said, as she took a step forward. “I’m going to have a little ‘talk’ with that hussy!†Approaching the two, she greeted with a steely smile, “Well, hello Hitna…La Sofa…†“Hey, Rosey,†La Sofa said, smiling. Turning back to Hitna, he said, “So, I’m off to get a drink…you want one?†“Nah, I’m good,†she said, shaking her head. “Then I’ll be right back,†he said, as he headed straight for the refreshments table on the side. Turning back to Rosey, Hitna asked, “So what is it that you wanted to speak with me about?†Nearby, Firekeyblade was standing on the side, her hands clasped together. She was wearing a cerulean blue gown, which had one strap around her right shoulder, and had a full-layered skirt that was a dark royal blue shade. It was backless, with a few straps criss-crossing behind. Gazing about the room, she frowned. Everyone was dancing or conversing with their date, and only she…was alone. “Excuse me,†a sleek voice said from behind. Turning, Firekeyblade widened her eyes to see Last of the Organization, a warm smile upon his lips. “I hate to be so bold, but you look so beautiful, I have to ask…may I have this dance?†he asked, smoothly extending his hand to her. “Of…of course,†she nodded, as she gently took his hand. As he led her to the dance floor, Firekeyblade felt a smile tugging at her lips. Here she was, dancing with everyone else…someone who thought her beautiful…unless that could just be a line? She thought it quite uncommon for a guy to just come up and say that. It was like something out of a romantic novel instead of in real life… Feeling a tap on her shoulder brought her out of her reverie, and she turned to see Sadden Blood Warrior. “May I cut in?†he asked, placing an arm around her waist and pulling the girl to him without hesitation. Looking into his eyes, Firekeyblade gave a short nod, speechless. As the two began to dance, she averted his gaze, unable to stop herself from blushing every time she contacted with those hazel-brown eyes. It was like two sweet pieces of chocolate that left her mind hazy from its sweetness. However, looking away, she espied a piece of cotton across the floor, salmon-colored, with a dab of red on it… In the meantime, over at the balcony, Chaser007 stood, gazing up at the sky. Hearing footsteps approach him, he turned his head to see thelightisgone123, walking over to him. “Hello, Chaser,†he said, his right hand inside his pant’s pocket, fingering the object within it. “How are you this fine evening?†Chaser merely shrugged, turning back to look at the star-filled sky. After a while, he spoke, “So…when will you return that?†“Maybe soon…maybe never,†thelightisgone smiled. Chaser was about to say something when a bloodcurdling shriek came from the ballroom. “Let’s go,†thelightisgone said, leisurely walking back into the room. “The plan’s going underway already…†As everyone crowded around the source of the voice – Firekeyblade – she slowly turned, her face pale white. In her tightly clenched hand was La Sofa’s vest, stained with blood. Chapter Two “Tell me again about what happened,†Deathspank said, pacing the floor with his hands clasped together behind his back. Sara, Firekeyblade, and Deathspank were together in one of the vacant rooms of the mansion. After the commotion, Sara had rushed Fire into a room, so they could question her about everything. Xaldin, in the meantime, had gone off to quiet down the crowd. Seated upon the velvet, red couch, Firekeyblade’s hands were folded together on her lap, her gaze glued to the floor. “Well, I was dancing with Sadden when I spotted La Sofa’s vest,†Fire explained. “When I picked it up…it was d…it was d…†Her lower lip quivered as she tried to muster her courage. “Drenched…with…with…blood…†Standing besides her, Sara patted the girl’s shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile. “Just go back to the dance,†Sara comforted, “everything will be fine…don’t think about any of it.†Nodding, Fire stood, heading for the doorway. At that moment, Xaldin swung open the door, with two teens behind him. “Excuse me…†Fire mumbled as she passed them. Closing the door behind them, Xaldin turned to say something, when Sara spoke first. “Hey, who are these two?†she demanded, her arms crossed, as she gazed at the two teenagers Xaldin had brought along. “I’m Nymph, a private investigator,†the girl answered, before gesturing to the boy near her, “and this is my assistant, Kiburedo.†Turning back to Xaldin, Sara exclaimed, “Why on earth did you hire these two for?!†“Well,†he began, chuckling sheepishly, “I kind of…knew what was going to happen tonight…so…†“Wait a moment…you knew?!†“Somewhat,†he shrugged. “No biggie.†“Xaldin…†she said, drawling his name out, as she placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head upwards. A complete look of superiority. “What exactly did you do?†“Nothing, nothing…†he said, quickly. “I mean, Darkwatch and the others are still patrolling around the place. Everything’s under guard…†“Somehow he’s managed to slip in however,†Sara said, pursuing her lips. “And now, someone’s dead!†“No, no, not quite, my dear,†Xaldin said, a small smile curling his lips. “You see…I know up to some extent on the scheme underhand, and I can assure you that La Sofa is fine.†“And how can I trust you on that?†Sara snapped. “Already his vest, drenched in blood, has been found, and he’s no where to be seen! And –†“Sara,†Deathspank cut in, taking a step forward. “Sara…let him go…it seems he has everything under control and I…I trust him.†“Are…are you serious?†she hesitated, turning her head to glance over her shoulder at him. “I mean, this is Xaldin we’re talking about here.†“And you know well enough that he’s reliable when the time calls for it,†Deathspank said, smiling comfortingly. “So no need to question him…I trust he will take care of everything.†“Thank you, Sir!†Xaldin exclaimed, grinning. “And now, I will give the two dear detectives a little briefing, and I’ll be right back!†He quickly hurried the two into the room conjoined from the one they were already in, hastily closing the door behind them. “Now, to get the business,†Xaldin said, turning to them. “Find out what happened to La Sofa, and stop any further incidents.†Nymph and Kiburedo exchanged glances, before looking back at him. “I thought you said you had everything under control?†Kiburedo asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, of course not!†Xaldin exclaimed. “I mean, I only said to comfort them…and to convince them to allow you two to help this case. I mean, who else is going to solve this? We certainly can’t do this ourselves!†“Very well,†Nymph sighed. “But if I may ask, Sir…†She hesitated for a moment. “Who was this ‘he’ Sara mentioned earlier? She said that ‘he’ managed to ‘slip in’?†“Who that was?†Xaldin repeated, blinking. “Well it was…Roxas.†The mention of his forbidden name hung in the air, the tension, thick on everyone’s skin. “So…†Xaldin continued, clearing his throat. “I do not know if he is responsible for it or not, but your job is merely to find and apprehend the perpetrator. Got it?†Nymph and Kiburedo glanced at each other once more, before nodding, “Yes…†“Wow, that was really frightening…†KairiXRiku remarked, twirling a lock of her hair nervously. Although Sara had told everyone that everything would be okay, she couldn’t help but feel…apprehensive still. “Well, it’s not like we can do anything about it,†Rosey said, shrugging. “Worrying will only make it worse.†“But…who do you think did it?†KairiXRiku asked, looking up at her friend. “I bet it’s that Hitna,†she growled, eyeing her venomously from across the room. “She was last seen dancing with him…and since she knew he was your date, she must’ve been scheming something…†“Now, that’s just your anger talking,†KairiXRiku pointed out, as she glanced over at Hitna. “But I have to admit…your musings do have a point…†Nearby, Muffin and Doanut (once known as Dual Wielder) were standing near the refreshments table, conversing with each other. “I’m fine, Doanut,†she said, coldly, refusing to look at him. “Be on your way now.†“Muffin…don’t you want to at least hear me out?†he asked, sighing. “I’m telling you…it’s all a misunderstanding…I didn’t kiss anyone!†“Oh really?†Muffin said, turning to stare piercingly into his eyes. “Tell me the truth, Doanut.†“Well, I…†he hesitated, looking for a way to phrase his next words. “It’s…complicated…I kissed someone, but it was only a quick peck.†“Ha! Likely story,†she said, facing away from him once more. “Angel told me differently…so now, I must leave you. I have some…affairs to attend to.†As she walked off, her head held high, Doanut called over to her, “What affairs?! Today is the ball, and you’re supposed to be dancing with your date – me! And…what did Angel tell you?!†“I’m sorry,†Muffin retorted sharply, “it’s complicated.†On the way across the room, she passed by Hitna and AngelsNeedFlight, who were whispering to each other. “Look at her…she’s staring at me again,†Hitna said, her voice hushed, as she gestured with her head towards Rosey. “Do you think I…did something?†AngelsNeedFlight shrugged. “Who knows…it could be anything…I wouldn’t fret too much about it.†Hitna was silent, just staring down at the floor. At last, she spoke, “Angels…†“What is it?†“Do you…do you still think La Sofa is alive?†At this, AngelsNeedFlight sighed, crossing her arms. “To tell the truth…†she said, biting her lower lip. “I don’t know…I really don’t…†She put on a reassuring smile. “But come on…don’t look so down.†Turning her head to the right, AngelsNeedFlight called, “*TwilightNight*! Chula-claire! Hey!†As the two girls walked over, Chula-claire asked, “What is it?†“Help me cheer up Hitna,†AngelsNeedFlight said, grinning as she turned to face her friend. “No problem,†*TwilightNight* smiled. “What exactly is bothering her though?†Before AngelsNeedFlight could answer, Hitna said, “Wait, guys…I…I need to be alone…†She tilted her head up, looking into their eyes. “Please…†“But…†AngelsNeedFlight protested. “But…†“Hey, hey,†*TwilightNight* said. “If she wants to be alone…let her.†She turned away. “Come on, let’s go…†As the three girls walked off, Hitna stepped towards the secluded corner of the ballroom, her hands clasped together. Sighing, she looked up, eyeing Rosey at the far off corner. Narrowing her eyes, her frown deepened before she turned away. Firekeyblade was out on the balcony, rubbing her arms with her hands. Suddenly, she felt a piece of fabric placed around her shoulders, and she quickly turned her head to see Last of the Organization, placing his cloak around her. “Here, this ought to warm you…†he said, smiling comfortingly at her. “But…but won’t you get cold?†she asked, looking away from him. “Nah, I’m fine,†he reassured her, chuckling. “As long as you’re warm…†Firekeyblade nodded, a bit stiffly, her eyes still averting his gaze. “So…are you alright?†he asked, looking at her, concerned. “What do you mean?†“You just seem…you don’t seem happy…†“Well…after seeing blood, I don’t think anyone would be…†Gently, Last used her hand to turn her face to his, saying, “I’m here for you Fire, if you need me…if you ever need to talk…†Hearing footsteps behind them, the two turned to see Sadden Blood Warrior standing there, his hand grasping a glass of wine. “I’m not interrupting, am I?†he asked, as he walked over to the two. “I just thought you might be thirsty…Firekeyblade…†Turning to her, he handed her the glass, smiling cheerfully. “Thank you,†she said, as she took it, taking a small sip. As she took a drink, both men stood on the side of her, glaring slightly at each other. “Anyway,†Last said, clearing his throat. “Sadden…I thought you…had something else to do?†“No, not at all,†Sadden said, shaking his head. “Nothing would ever take up my time from Firekeyblade…†“Huh, funny,†Last said, a wry smile on his lips. “Same here…†In the meantime, outside in the courtyard, everything was silent. Several people were on the floor, unconscious, dry blood caked on their wounds. There were footsteps, heading towards them, and soon, two teens appeared at the scene. The girl was wearing a magenta-colored, sleeveless dress with long, flowing chiffon skirting, while the boy was outfitted in a tight-fitting tuxedo, outlining his small build. As the two gazed about, their eyes widened, as the girl said, shocked, “What…what happened here?†“Arcantress…TrueKeybladeMaster…†a male voice groaned. The two turned to see Burnitup, Orange, and Nailpolish, with Orange’s arms around the both of them for support, emerging from the bushes, limping slightly, a small trail of blood leaking from their wounds. “Burnitup…Orange…Nailpolish…†Arcantress murmured, looking at the three. “What…what happened?†Nailpolish took a step forward, still keeping a tight grip on Orange’s arm. “We…we were attacked,†she said, her voice coming out slightly hoarse. “Attacked…by…†Before she could finish her sentence, she fell, and Burnitup quickly darted forward to grab her, and Orange, who was beginning to slide off. Seeing him straining with this, TrueKeybladeMaster briskly brought his arms around Nailpolish, holding her firmly to himself. Turning around, he gently laid her down on the ground. As Burnitup began to place Orange on the ground as well, she spoke. “Gate…Ke…per…†she murmured. “Gate…Keep…er…†“GateKeeper?†Arcantress repeated, raising an eyebrow. “What does she mean?†Standing up straight, Burnitup turned his head to look at her, a grim expression on his face. “He’s…he’s the one who did all this,†he said, his frown deepening. “He…he just came out of nowhere…†“‘He’? Not ‘they’?†TrueKeybladeMaster asked, looking about the yard. “One person able to take down ten people…impossible!†“Never say impossible…†a voice said from behind them. The three quickly spun around to see exactly whom they were talking about… “GateKeeper…†Arcantress murmured. “Why…why did you do this? And…and did you murder La Sofa?!†GateKeeper chuckled, as he continued to take several steps towards them. “All these questions…tsk, tsk…haven’t you learned not to get into other people’s business?†he said, a smirk curling his lips. “You don’t want to end up like the others, do you?†Arcantress narrowed her eyes, glaring at him. “How dare you…†she hissed. “You’re…you’re going to pay for this…†“In the name of the moon, Sailor Moon?†Gate taunted, as he drew a knife. “Well, let’s see then…†In a flash, he threw the weapon towards Arcantress, faster than she could evade. Quickly, she brought her arms up to brace herself, only to have Burnitup slide in front of her. With a scream, Burnitup fell, a rivulet of blood streaming from his wound. “Burnitup!†Arcantress shrieked, rushing to his side, catching him just in time in her arms. Sitting upon her knees as she gently laid his head upon her lap, she asked, “Burnitup…why…why did you do that?†Burnitup slowly opened his eyes, staring directly into Arcantress’s. “Because…I…I was already wounded…†he said, in a strained voice. “You’ll…have a much better chance…saving…saving…†“…Burnitup?†Arcantress said, giving him a soft shake. “Who? Who are we saving?†Slowly, Burnitup closed his eyes, and his head turned to the side, his consciousness gone. Closing her eyes, Arcantress sighed, a tear sliding from her right eye. “Burnitup…†she whispeed, his name cold on her lips. “Hey, babe, consider yourself fortunate,†GateKeeper said, fingering another knife within his hand. “He saved you…so I will allow you to run now…if you promise me you won’t tell anyone about what transpired here.†Gently placing Burnitup on the ground, Arcantress then stood, turning to GateKeeper, anger in her eyes. “Yeah, right,†she said, brusquely. “Like I’d run after seeing what you did to Burnitup.†GateKeeper chuckled, his eyes glinting deviously. “I thought so…well…†Before he could finish his sentence, a pair of arms wrapped itself around his throat, attempting to strangle him. Tilting her head up, Arcantress gasped, “TrueKeybladeMaster!†“Heh, thought you needed some assistance,†he grinned, keeping his grip tight. “Run and tell the others, alright?†As GateKeeper bent down, he suddenly brought his head up, banging into TrueKeybladeMaster’s face. Swiftly, he jerked his hand back, stabbing the knife he was holding into his stomach. TrueKeybladeMaster gasped, his eyes growing wide as a burning pain surged into him. “Hurts…†GateKeeper whispered sharply, leaning up close to his face. “Doesn’t it?†Withdrawing the knife, TrueKeybladeMaster fell forward, a warm liquid trailing down across his body. Stepping aside so the boy fell to the ground, GateKeeper turned to Arcantress, who was watching with her mouth wide open, shock running through her. “Scared yet?†GateKeeper asked, bringing the knife close to his face, licking the blood off the blade. Regaining her composure, Arcantress shot Gatekeeper a harsh glare. “Never…†she said, as she began to walk towards him. “I can’t be…for TrueKeybladeMaster…Burnitup…and…and everyone else. I can’t.†GateKeeper was silent for a moment, as if contemplating her words. “Well…†he spoke at last. “…Your choice…your demise…†Suddenly, he darted forward, stabbing the knife into Arcantress’s chest. She exhaled sharply, biting her lower lip to keep herself from screaming out in pain. “Not letting me hear your pretty voice, hmm?†GateKeeper said, leaning close to her ear to whisper. “Well then…how about a kiss, babe?†Withdrawing the knife, he leaned forward, kissing her upon the lips, before stepping aside, letting her fall to the floor. Looking at her fallen figure, he chuckled, licking his lips. “Mission accomplished…sorry, babe…â€