Oooh, Noctis and Stella's meeting in a pre-rendered cutscene....pretty. And on actual hardware next time? Sweet. Shame about there being no second 1st Department conference. Last year's had so much tension, it was awesome.
Hehe, it's Lightning in my avatar. Yes, you can date Lightning. =] Still haven't found any decent stock yet. Still on the look-out.
Pretty screenshots...his weapon looks like a chain-whip cut in half. XD I too have only recently gotten into .hack, so I guess a new game is something to be excited about.
I think I died a little inside because of the amount of times I laughed at this. It's been ages since I've watched any of his videos, I had a good laugh at this. Spoiler Neku's eyes on the world map XD
Vanitas's of course. Just saying that Spoiler Hayley Joel Osment could laugh such a (I couldn't find another word) and funny laugh makes me laugh. His Japanese laugh just freaks me out so much I giggle a little.
Maybe when it releases in Europe, Bradygames or Piggybank'll make a guide and you can import. =] Although I honestly don't know...I just had to rely on the internet when my Catherine copy was shipped.
A Fantasia world? Sweet! Fantasia is one of my favourite Disney films of all time. The Tron world looks nice too, it'll be interesting to see what goes on during that world, and how faithful it'll be to the source material.
Square-Enix just though "Why make a new demo when we can just make people pay for the same one?" Well....that's what I think anyway. Ultimania covers.
Looks like someone is playing through it on YouTube, but I haven't personally played it. It looks to me like it's the Spoiler Bresha Ruins part of the game, though.
Whoa, this is really pretty. The effects are nice, the colours are pretty and the text fits in well. A good blend. FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 Tops 704K Sold Also, apparently XIII-2 is sponsoring Spike's CES All Access show....XD
I can't believe I forgot about these....
It's because Jiminy is Disney Castle's chronicler and was sent with Donald and Goofy by Mickey to chronicle Sora's adventures. I think with coded it's because of Chain of Memories storyline. It's been so long since I've played coded. >.<'
Chevalier - Lovely bright colours, pretty flowers and good stock. TitanTX - Lovely stock, but the effects, while good, are slightly overpowering, and I cannot see the text that well. Noroz - Good stock, noticeable text and nice effects.”---1210 Well....Kitase on Versus XIII: “People will be excited when they next see it” Edge interview with Yoshinori Kitase.
Unlimited Saga and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. The story for both of them was just plain horrible. Saga could have pulled it off. That said, the CGI cutscenes in Revenant Wings were good. The music was OK. But, the story...
Thursdays are always boring.
For some reason, Neko Cat freaks me out. It's like some sort of caterpillar with it's legs...but it's a cat.....XD Though, most of them look so freaking adorable! They're colourful and I can't wait to fight with them~
Looks like Type-0 got outselled by XIII-2. Currently stands at 697,146, while Type-0 stands at 696,428. They're both one of the most successful games in Japan in 2011. Also...... Spoiler Apparently there will be DLC for the True ending of XIII-2. Take it with a grain of salt though, it might not be true. Goddamn it, I'm hating the ending more.....To be continued....ugh....
Please be Persona 5..... I won't get my hopes up. I also wouldn't mind a Catherine sequel, but Persona 5 seems more likely.