Oooh, hellz yeah. I was playing ACII today as well, guess I've gotten myself hyped up again. Can't wait to see more~~ More Final Fantasy XIII-2 Download Content Details Final Fantasy XIII-2: Sazh Episode and Serah Bikini Hit Later This Month DLC galore.
Because it's funny and it's shows.....that we can do Catherine cover parodies? *thinks*
Honestly, it isn't. But thanks for thinking so anyway. Now For A Lollipop Chainsaw Valentine’s Day Surprise Well, this is an up-lifter. But now I'm hungry. And I want this game more. ;_;
Never been abroad. ^^' Not really that adorable. But it is British.
I'd rather live in the US than the UK sometimes. It rains a lot here, and it's very depressing sometimes.
I'm not afraid of spiders, I like spiders. What I'm afraid of is pointy things, like needles. And fangs. Or whatever spiders have, I forget. And if it will bite me, I will hit it. And most likely kill it. Which I shall regret. The way of not being bitten/whatever is not bothering a spider.
Will do. Yup, the lovely UK.
I'll get there. Eventually. =] I'll get it by November. Or earlier.
I'm actually really happy that Jesse will be returning. I can't imagine anyone else playing Neku. I'll fansqueal when I hear him speak for the 1st time in 3D, I'll be that happy. ^0^
Damn, now I'm crying with happiness, excitement, and fangirlism. Throwing money at the screen again. ;_; Just seeing more CG footage is pure bliss~~
....repped. That is so freaking cool. =3
Ah, phew. I was hoping I wasn't alone~ Now I want to read Pokemon Special. ;_;
.....Love. .....I saw a Persona 3 image and got all fangirlish. Sorry.
This is a must-buy. I love the crazy, crunchy look of it. Also, Tara Strong as your protagonist = win. It looks really funny as well. *starts throwing money at the screen for the third time* GIMME IT ;_; Closer Look at Lollipop Chainsaw's Premium Edition
Here I was thinking that the story would, I was so wrong, even though I was Toriyama'd in the end... ...I loved it. I really have to stop judging things before I play them. I still hate Mog though, and Noel has grown on me. So, I'm looking forward to the Jihl DLC. Jihl Nabaat makes it rain in FFXIII-2 DLC Spoiler
1) Dinny Grayson - Ah, Rikku. Beautiful background and good splash effects. 2) Misty - Lovely, vibrant colours. 3) Ienzo - Good effects and nice stock.
I know I should, but sometimes I forget to come on. ]=