Spoiler [video=youtube;BBHqRb0_Yyc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBHqRb0_Yyc&[/video] ASSASSIN'S CREED x FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 x AKB48 [Revelations Garb & Exposure and Defence Costume trailer]
I'm kinda speedy. I once completed T3B in about three-four hours. Shortest playtime for completing a game must be about...3 hours, and that was for Pokemon Link. Once completed Red Rescue Team in about five hours. I like to take games real slow though. I guess I was just rushing through them.
Fansites have fansites/pages? That's.....nice. And I surprised that you guys don't know what fanpop is xD Well, not really actually. I only recently found out as well. So I don't know why I said that. OK, I'm slightly surprised.
It's sad to see a video game company go. After seeing most of their subsidiaries go defunct, even with the regret Zelnick has said, I do see them going down pretty soon. It's a shame, really. I'm really looking forward for a couple of their releases this year. I hope they survive for longer than six months. Just survive, really.
Saw this from one of my Google Alerts. http://www.1up.com/previews/how-final-fantasy-versus-xiii-not-disappoint?pager.offset=0 How Can Final Fantasy Versus XIII Not be a Disappointment? We contemplate what Square's most vaporous RPG needs to do to make itself worth the endless wait.
I've only got FES and P3P. And even though I'm going to make myself a hypocrite here, because I usually hate having to download games that I already have... ....I'm going to get this. When I got FES it was free~ I just want it to come on the European PSN soon. ;_;
http://www.siliconera.com/2012/04/05/theatrhythm-final-fantasy-taps-into-stores-on-july-3/ Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Taps Into Stores On July 3
I been waiting ages for a trailer for this. And I'm so glad I saw this. Now excuse me while I get some water. ....I haven't watched Family Guy in ages. ;_;
[video=youtube;VYt4B2PHCB4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYt4B2PHCB4[/video] Here we are, Somnus in action. *goes off to cry in corner*
I now need Rainbow Dust.
http://andriasang.com/con0ho/crystal_conquest_details/ Square Enix's Crystal Conquest -- Screens and Gameplay Details Wait...team Versus?
Putting ideas in my head. That would have been awesome. So....it's Spoiler Young Xehanort? I haven't really been paying attention to KH3D story stuff except the ending lately, lemme re-watch the video. EDIT: It's Spoiler time travel? What is up with Time Travel in Square-Enix games lately? I mean, I can understand with XIII-2 because of Toriyama, but time travel in KH?
I have something to look forward too, just because that's the kind of person I am, and I'm interested in mysterious stuff. And also because every single time I see that avatar I start to giggle, because of the Cravendale advert.
Like Libre said, it was a joke Squirrel made-up. We had a right go at him. =/ Which begs the question - when are we really going to see a Type-0 announcement? A PROPER announcement? E3, or before then? Or even after?
I did once (worst time of my life). I'm so glad I got back into it. =D OHGODYOURAVATAR=<3
Ah, like the Paradox endings? I always thought that they were just endings to each major time location. Oh, I see what you mean XD So it looks like there is just one ending, and there's "multiple ending sequences." Ah, OK. I wouldn't have minded some multiple endings in a game like this. Could have been interesting.
Ohoho boy. Dude, this is awesome. It actually makes up for the disappointing ending. I can't wait to see what happens. Spoiler Kairi finally getting the screentime she really needs...I really hope Aqua helps her. Seeing those two together with keyblades would be sweeet.
Fantastic! Although I won't be getting it until 2013. Ugh. Although I really do like the look of it, I can see myself playing it for hours on end.
Whoa, seriously?! Holy cruds XD I see he's modelled after Pete. He looks really tough. I do remember seeing Runaway Brain at least once (DVD collection ^^), so I'm really surprised to see this guy in KH3D.....without any warning. I expect I'll have to do a lot of grinding if I want to defeat this guy. I NEED this game now.
Although I'm over the moon about this, it's probably the most disappointing ending in the series so far. I just feel...sad about it. When it comes out in English I'll make my mind up about it properly. And I seriously want to learn Japanese now >.> Well at least I have the same feeling when I watched the XIII-2 livestreams - excitement and disappointment.