*Takes out rocket launcher*
I cried.*sniff*
We will be revived and re-created, each of our hearts, respiratory system and anus in different bodies.
We will all get killed.
Guys, Just to give you a warning. The way you've been acting. The way you've been talking. The hellhole calledKHV will kill, devour and destroy censor you...
Um, excuse me. What's a KHV?
Can't wait until What? sees this thread.
I enjoy the fact that this thread is... POPULAH. Spoiler
I honestly wasn't a HUGE fan of Spectacular Spider-Man. I still found it enjoyable anyhow. As for this, it looks pretty good. I hope this particular Spider-Man actually has a bit of a "darkness" to it. Not in the sense of Batman "dark" but, it has more of an atmospheric mood to it. I can't wait to see the new villains... EDIT: I've always wanted to see the blue part of Spider-Man's costume in black.
Because the cake is actually a pie.
I want to remove this thread from existence. Sadly I am not a mod, and most likely have no chance of becoming one.
Thank you sir....wait...what?
There's a difference between improvisation and stupidity.
Yeah, the only reason I actually have him as my new "theme" is because it looks badass. And gtfo, no excuses.
Just like your spelling.
3D was actually very entertaining and interesting back then. It wasn't overused, and it actually added more to the movie. The glasses in my opinion are actually pretty cool. Now, it is a way to get money, and only adds hype to a movie that isn't too impressive as people thought it to be. (Avatar).
Vivi has no dark side. He's just a bitch hiding under a hat.
Links are portals disguised by spam on the internet. They cannot save you. Only link can.
Here's how it went "Down": "Wanna have sex?" "Oral sex, the kind where you put the p--" "Yes." "No."