Yes. You're smarter than I thought.
No seriously. Don't click this: Spoiler Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Don't tell me I didn't warn you. -_- You'll piss your chair/stool/garbage can.
Okay. That's fair.
Get the hell out of here.
Thanks to that, the envelope thingy turned from blue to orange.
KH-Vids, what the hell is with the thingies at the side of each thread title. They're all colourful, and colours are rarely found on this site. If colours ARE found, they turn out somewhat amusing. So, what the hell Are you turning into Facebook or YouTube or something? If so, then change the thread ratings to the like/dislike option.
What? is 13. EDIT: Wait, it's been covered. Oh well.
spdude is about to be defeated by an army of purple smurfs.
Despicable Spaz.
I use it to hunt down gazelles, because I'm a carnivore.
Trust me, many people attempted to take over the spam zone. All of them failed.
Can I be cherry pie?
Thank you so much, sir.
After people tried to question the sexiness of this thread. This thread is STILL sexy. How does it do it?
This thread is sexy.
It's in the sky.
hihihihihihihi. Okay, I need an avvy AND sig done. :D AVVY Size: -View Below- Image: Current One (Same Size) Text: None Details: Make Deadpool look a little redder, and if possible make the black spots around his eyes dark blue? Other: THANKS GREATLY. SIGNATURE Size: Ummm...the same size as the current one I have now. Image: Text: Deadpool Font: Cloister Black Details: Make the image look bright. But add a fair deal of contrast. Fade the font in order to blend it with the image, but don't fade it too much. Do not rush this, take as much time as you need. I'm patient.
Today I woke up and did everything myself.
We got what?