"I sensed the presence of an other nobody. But he left." Marluxia said. "How do you know it's a guy?" Larxene teased. "Because..." Marluxia looked at Larxene and continued: "You are the only female member of our group." "Oh... Yeah, thats right! Well... What kind of a plan do you have, when we take over?" Larxene changed the subject, trying to hide her embarrassment.
I dun have a toyger...
Is helping Saïx rule the world and is going to betray Zexion. :P
2. That's great! We get our report-cards on Saturday morning.
People are debating about a monkey? Soz... I have nothing intelligent to say.
Ehe... Jack...? Some people call me Vivi.
...and so Axel burned Roxas's face.
15. Anyone?
Was raped by a Sim.
Is a gaylord...?!
Uhh... Yeah. I did.
17. どうしたの?
Na. I just don't see anything funny in it.
No. No they don't.
Neku is a user who left just yesterday. He was also staff, am I right.
15. http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&sl=en&tl=ja&q=temari
13. ありがとう!
11. Undercover. That's why ya should use mi real username. Or just zk, if you prefer.
9. No comment.
It's sad you lost interest. Well good luck with life and all. Bai baaaai!!!!