*yawn* This was supposed to be amusing... Why am I not laughing?
Ya think?! Well I don't want to be called e_b, just like that!!
3. Thank God, Orange isn't online...
43. Well then you are surprisingly smort.
41. What, like just for you?
Axel was now crawling in the air vent thing... Ooc: I'm not sure if it's called that, but it's the place were the air goes through in buildings and some people crawl in them in tv-shows. Bic: "I think I know how to get to the room they are in. Come on Roxy!"
Is a Darth Vader!!!!
39. Well then I can't help you.
37. *brings name* emo_bunny There. Happy?
35. Hiya.
>x< Hahaa!!!! YouTube isn't working for me at the moment so I'll watch the vid later, although it sounds hilarious!!
^whut she said!!
Female-warrior. ^-^
12. Ughh... Tell me about it.
*glomp* Hiiii!! How's you?
12. Ditto.
Mommy!! Mommy's in the Bunny Castle!! And R-C... Why is my name below heart of darkness in the rankings??!?!°?!°
8. Not really.
O_o That must hurt...