I don't think anyone will ever manage to complete them all.
No, I'm tigerfan!
Flowa-Powa!! JKJK!
Ehe... I haven't beaten him... Yet!!
2. Hi jettie! I managed to get myself sick enough for my mom to let me stay home!!
My post's this far, times 10 000.
21. 'Kay, bye!
Cookie !!
18. Okay...
Cool !
16. You 'sick' too?
Yaaaay! Firefly! Ya they do. Ya like me. >///<
15. Ha! I got to stay home!!
Yay, thanks for changing it! Kupoo!! ^.^ :sweatdrop: Ehh... Hey does that mean no-one knows who I am? Time for some serious 'ninjaing' around!!!! :ninja: Ah, thank you! XD Yay! Plushies!!!! You don't have to like it but you don't have to headshot me for it either!!
Aaaand she lost.
Yeah. But you know... I hate Axel.
She looks like a strong and determent young woman. Love the eyelashes, btw.