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  1. Rapid Ignis
  2. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Patton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada: Seedy Motel
    Interaction: Hana

    Melissa forced herself not to scoff, privately wondering to herself if this woman had escaped from some sort of mental institution. "Leliel? It doesn't ring a bell..." she said, trailing off as if thinking, and then glancing away when Hana asked the next question. 'Lissa's teeth dug into the corner of her mouth and she stared at the arm of her chair for several moments.

    She glanced up again at Hana as she began to speak about her pain, going through a cycle of anger, sorrow, anger, and then remorse at her anger, and she finally choked out something barely understandable, the only words that Hana would be able to understand were 'Father' and 'Murdered'.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Rapid Ignis
    Profile Post

    Welcome to Dark Souls

    Welcome to Dark Souls
    Status Update by Rapid Ignis, Jun 1, 2013
  4. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Paton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada: Seedy Motel
    Interaction: Hana

    'Lissa raised her head as Hana sat in front of her, the girl's voice floating softly to her ears. Excuse me, Hana said the moment she sat down. I don't mean to interrupt your breakfast, but there is something I must discuss with you, and odds are you will not believe me. The girl's voice was gentle, but reserved, as if she were wary of Melissa.
    Melissa stared for a few precious moments, tilting her head to the side, her grief-clouded mind trying to come up with words to speak, but, before she could utter a word the strange woman spoke again. My name is Hana, and I have quite the story to tell you.

    Melissa didn't bother to stop herself from rolling her eyes, "well then, get on with it," she muttered at last, sipping at her too-strong coffee. The young pilot's eyes stayed locked on Hana's, her mind slowly clearing as she tried to work out why Hana was staring at her in such a strange way, as if Hana thought they knew each other.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Paton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada: Seedy Motel
    Interaction: Extremely close proximity to Hana and Joslyn

    'Lissa wandered into the motel's lobby, which doubled as a cheap Cafe. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of too-strong coffee, but ordered herself a mug of the stuff anyway, along with a tastless yellow dish that the chashier had said was scrambled eggs. She didn't care, her mind was on the address that the police officer had given her, where he had said to meet him, if she wanted justice for her Father's death.

    Her thoughts were on revenge, her expression dark as she pushed the bland eggs around her plate with a scratched-up spoon. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't even notice the other people in the room, a habit she normal had of watching everything at once, a skill her Father- no her papa, it seemed almost cold to think of him as father- had said would make her a great pilot someday.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa powered down her Gummi Ship's systems as she landed a ways in front of the castle, she stared up at the castle's gates, feeling small and insignificant. What was she even doing here? All these people were so much stronger than her, they all had abilities that she couldn't fathom, and they all seemed to know eachother, to know one another in ways that she hadn't known anyone, at least, not for a very long time. All Lysa could bare to do was to sit in her ship's cockpit and stare at the castle.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Paton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada: Seedy Motel
    Interaction: In close proximity to Joslyn and Hana
    Melissa finished re-bandaging her hand and then set about tidying up her hair, combing it out and making herself look presentable. The tear-streaks were recently scrubbed from her face and her clothing was fresh. Moments later the door to her room opened and she stepped out into the hall, glancing around to see if anyone else was around her. She turned to lock her door behind her and then headed out toward the lobby for breakfast, unknown to her was the fact that she had just walked past Hana and Joslyn's rooms.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Rapid Ignis
  9. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Patton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
    Status: Ignorant
    Melissa's eyes creaked open, it seemed to take several minutes of blinking for her to clear her vision enough to see, her eyes had been glued shut by the salt from her tears. 'Lissa was laying atop the sheets and covers of a bed in a seedy motel, still wearing her clothing from the day before. She didn't even notice as she rolled off the bed and wandered over to the bathroom, at least remembering to brush her hair and teeth, and to wash her tear-streaked face.
    She shook her head as she pulled out her cell phone, checking to see if the kind police officer, the cop who she had talked with the day before, had called. He had. It took her several minutes to listen to all the messages he had left, her right hand trembling and clenching harder on the phone with each word she heard. The phone shattered in her hand, shards of plastic and glass ripping her skin and causing a rivulet of blood to run down her forearm.
    She stood like that for a long time, too long, actually. It was long enough that the loss of blood caused her to feel lightheaded. 'Lissa stumbled back and fell onto the bed once more, wishing for sleep as she tried to forget the pain of what she had heard.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Rapid Ignis

    Lysa shook her head and muttered a curse as she took off after Louvel and Emerald, it had taken her several precious moments to seal her cockpit canopy and to prime the engines, so she could barely see Louvel ahead of her. She engaged her fighter's afterburners and started to close the gap with the keyblade wielder on his strange craft.

    A gasp of surprise left her mouth as she deftly spun the craft into a corkscrew, avoiding a tumbling boulder and the stream of dust and pebbles that trailed behind it. Lysa might not have been able to repair or craft Gummi Ships, but she could definitely handle them. She came out of the spin, glancing back over her shoulder at the fading astroid behind her, then shook her head once more as she spotted the blur that was Louvel changing its course.

    Lysa banked the Fighter around and dove down toward the world, instinctively jinking as she saw a flash of pink light headed her way, that instinctive jink saved Louvel's life, as she flew past him moments later, had she not changed course she would have slammed right through him. It took her a few moments to pull up and reverse her course, climbing up toward Louvel's level and then starting to circle him slowly, cutting back on her engine's thrust. The Gummi Fighter eventually came to a hover only a few meters away from Louvel.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 24, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Patton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
    Status: Ignorant
    Melissa sobbed. No, she wept. The young woman was sitting on the ground, leaning against the ornately carved base of the Casino's exterior wall. About twenty feet away from the point where the sidewalk was barricaded off by yellow police tape, the flashing lights of police cruisers and an ambulance were blurred by her tears.
    Her father's body had already been taken away, a broken, ruined mess, all that remained to prove he had been there was the scattering of bloodstained glass and a broken window many stories up. These details didn't matter at the moment, all that mattered was the gut-wrenching grief, the tightness in her throat, as if she were being strangled.
    Melissa stayed like that for a long time, her knees tucked up under her chin. At one point somone came to sit beside her, rested his hand on her shoulder and murmured soothing words of comfort. They didn't help, but 'Lissa apreciated the gesture.
    The man at her side spoke at last, 'Lissa, having blinked away the majority of her tears, could tell that he was a police officer, a man of no more than thirty. "We'll catch whoever did this, you know," he said in a low-voiced manner, as if not wanting to be overheard, "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but it wasn't a suicide, there was a bullet wound... he was shot in the back."
    Eyes locked on him, a tearful Melissa eventually nodded, "y-yes... whoever did this... make him pay, you understand?" she said, the sorrow leaving her voice, being replaced with a cold, furious resolve.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 24, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa smiled at Louvel, poping her cockpit's canopy and sliding into the Pilot's couch, winking down at him as she started the warm-up of the Gummi ship's engines, "Sure I'll come... where are we headed?" She asks, then glances around, "and does anyone need a ride? This thing isn't big, but I think someone could fit in my lap."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Patton
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
    Status: Ignorant
    Mood: Frustrated

    Melissa's frustrated sigh accompanied the loud click of her phone as she slammed it shut. Her head shook slowly and she slipped it into her pocket. Why won't he pick up? she was wondering, thinking about how she had been calling her father all afternoon. Her cab was getting closer to the hotel at which her father was staying, and she was starting to get worried about him.

    The sound of Police sirens had started to float to her ears a few moments before, and, her head turning toward the sound, her eyes filling with the black and white blurs of siren-flashing Police cars. Melissa leans forward, her hand rising to cover her mouth as the cab rounds the last corner.

    Police cruisers are parked outside the door to the Hotel-Casino in which her father had been staying, and, lying in a pool of blood and shattered glass, her father. 'Lissa's eyes widening, she bursts into tears as she comes to the realization of why she had gotten no response to her calls.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Rapid Ignis
    View attachment 36036

    Lysa bit the inside of her lower lip as Louvel and Cid spoke about Louvel's family, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she watched Cid work, trying to learn as much as she could about the art of mantaining and repairing ships. Lysa, hearing that Cid had finished, started to walk forward, "Thank you... seriously, I found that thing as a pile of junk, and I don't think it would have ever flown again without you," she says softly, giving the ship a quick glance-over before effortlessly leaping up to sit on the fighter-like Gummi ship's nose. "So... Where are we going?"
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Rapid Ignis
    Just how far can we take this NPC control thing? I'm going to list a few detailed situations, and I'd like to know what your response to NPC control issues would be. I don't want to do all of these, this is just for clarification purposes.

    • Could you have an NPC directly interfere with another person's character? (IE: Have a randomly generated NPC attempt to mug another player, or arrest them)
    • Could you keep an NPC with your characters for an extended period? (IE: Have someone follow you around, almost like a companion or party member in a RPG)
    • Could you have an NPC indirectly interfere with another person's character? (IE: calling the police on them or stealing their car when they aren't around)
    If you could clarify some of these, that would be great.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Rapid Ignis
    Name: Melissa Patton
    Location: Airline flight en-route to Las Vegas, Nevada
    Status: Ignorant

    Melissa stared down at her feet as she buckled the seatbelt, gripping her hands tightly in one another. A familiar jolt came as the airline jet lifted off the runway. She squeezed her hands together even tighter than before. She blocked out the noise from the other passengers around her, leaning back and closing her eyes as her stomach sank into her seat. Her eyelids squeezed down, she felt her closely-cropped nails digging into her palms. Several moments passed, the flight leveled out. Melissa hated being a passenger in a plane, it felt wrong to let someone else take her life in their hands, to be carted through her beloved sky by someone else.

    "Heh... don't like flyin', do ya, girlie?" came a gruff voice from across the aisle.

    Melissa reluctantly allowed her eyelids to part and swiveled her head toward the voice, wrinkling her forehead with a slight frown, "that's none of your business, now is it?" she asked rhetorically.

    The man just laughed and winked her way, muttering something that she couldn't quite catch. Melissa closed her eyes again and leaned back in her seat. Nevada wasn't close... it was going to be a long flight.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Rapid Ignis
    There was nothing like the roar of a propeller to raise a girl's spirits, Melissa thought as she gently banked her Cessna, enjoying the sensations of her flight, the faint vibrations from the engine, the pull deep in her gut as the plane's trajectory changed. 'Lissa loved to fly, she had for as long as she could remember. The world always made more sense to her when she had a bird's eye view, and she felt the most complete when her fingers were wrapped around the centre-stick of a plane. This particular plane, a Cessna 188, felt like an extension of her body. She felt a slight pang of regret as she touched down on the runway, a faint sorrow at leaving her beloved sky behind.

    It wasn't until Melissa was driving home, to the farmhouse that belonged to her father, that the sorrow left her. Melissa, instead, focused on the skyline of downtown Tulsa on her left, painted in vivid oranges and reds by the setting sun to her right. She thought of how, most of the time, she had the home to herself, her father spending much of his time away at work, while her mother had passed a few years before. This bittersweet set of memories brought a tear to the corner of her eye.

    Melissa Patton felt the emotions of a human, she had the appearance of a human, and she believed herself to be human. She cried like a human.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Rapid Ignis
    Seeing as I've never been to Oklahoma, I'm going to be guessing quite a bit when I create my first post, I've looked at satellite maps of the area, so I won't be blatantly off, but, again, since I've never been there I can only estimate on a lot of things... >.< I hope I don't cause problems.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa gives a cocky half-grin and rocks back on her heels, "alright, then, where should we start looking?" she asks, raising an eyebrow and glancing around.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa smiles and nods, "thanks, Cid," she says, giving him a wink as he goes to work on her decimated vessel. She then turns to Emerald, "soooo.... what now?" she asks, tilting her head to the side.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, May 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame