Avira floats noiselessly and invisibly just beneath the stairs, listening to the conversation between Rivers and Angelina, knowing that the Face stealer, and perhaps Rivers, would be able to see her even in her transparent form, she keeps out of sight, keeping all her flowing wispiness safely on the other side of walls, floors, or ceilings. She sneaks glances whenever she can by pressing the barest tip of her pupils past the layers of the ceiling or floor, well behind where she can hear the footsteps of Angelina and Rivers.
View attachment 36281 Lysa waits several seconds after the King rushes from the room, then lightly and quietly drops to the floor, creeping over toward Sapphire's cell, "hello?" she whispers, "Sapphire? Are you in there?" she asks, repeatedly glancing back toward the door as she slides out her lock-picking set... no good thief is ever without one she remembers, something she had learned in the back alleys of Traverse Town during her youth.
Avira floats through the wall of Angelina's borrowed bedroom, making a few objects in the room slide around in an attempt to awaken the face-stealer. The Ghost seems to have taken some sort of liking to Angelina, and has been shadowing her for some time.
Avira floats near the ceiling of the hangar, the wisps of her form floating upwards as she peers down at the werewolves and the face-stealer, her luminous head tilted with curiosity or concern. The Spirit resolves to watch and listen, and stays near the high ceiling of the hangar, almost directly overhead, unless someone were to look up she would remain unnoticed.
View attachment 36255 Hearing voices, Lysa quickly 'drops' to her stomach, laying flat on the ceiling as she breathes slowly and quietly, then she begins to slowly crawl along the ceiling, heading toward the voices, hoping that they would be at least near Sapphire. Lysa is far from an expert at the art of stealth, but her unique abilities and childhood as a thief do give her a slight advantage. All it would take from Mickey or Annabelle would be one glance up and her cover would be ruined, but the diminutive girl was making no noise at all.
I have many, many creature ideas for the RP, unfortunately most of them wouldn't work for characters, but you might be able to use them as plot devices or NPC enemies/ allies. Recommended creature additions as characters or NPCs: Gorgons (with reduced or removed petrification abilities) Hydras (variant of Dragon) Nagas Fauns Elementals Centaurs (perhaps using some form of shape shifting to assume a more human form at times) Driders (perhaps using some form of shape shifting to assume a more human form at times) Elves Ogres Wendigo Djinn/Genies Golems Valkiries Basilisks
Day 2 4/6: NoonAvira turns, releasing her mental hold on some fortunate man's dog before she could cause some form of mischief with it. The Spirit's luminous features focus on Cole, the faintly-pink eyes flashing with good humor, "doessss the lack of a body disssstuuuurb you, my dear woooolllf?" she asks, tilting her head to the side as the phosphorescent blur below her shapes itself into a vague approximation of a girl's arms and torso, the waist trailing away in a wisp of ectoplasm. OOC: If a spirit would be unable to tell if someone was a Werewolf, let me know and I'll fix it, I just assumed that if supernatural could see invisible ghosts, the ghosts should be able to tell the supernatural apart, just like your Werewolves can see through the shape-shifter's disguises
View attachment 36226 Lysa bites her lower lip and nods, turning and then dashing into the castle without another word. She jumps a moment after entering, rotating in mid-air and then landing feet-first on the ceiling. Using her gravity-based powers to alter her own interaction with the World's gravity, she runs silently along the ceiling, keeping an eye out for any clues as to where Sapphire was being held, and for the Lights, whom she held no distaste for, and having no desire for a confrontation with them.
Avira wanders aimlessly through the streets, keeping her presence undetectable by the normal humans around her, watching and occasionally playing pranks on the inhabitants of the town.
Avira tilts her head as she spots the fleeing changling, and floats after her at a matched speed, staying exactly the same distance from Angelina's running form at all times, passing through trees without pause. A gentle noise, like that of a soft breeze, accompanies her.
Day 1 5/5: Avira tilts her translucent head to the side as she watches the orange-eyed werewolf examing the same tree from before, the Spirit curiously floating closer, her long hair flowing behind her, leaving whisps of phosphorecence in the imperfect darkness of the forest. The werewolf would easily be able to detect her, as her form is casting off a slight glow, giving a faint light to all the surroundings nearby, as if a dim lamp were resting inside her chest.
View attachment 36214 Lysa's jaw tigtens, her knuckles turning white on the grip of her blade. Kaya and Ruby would easily be able to tell that the girl was going through some sort of inner struggle. Lysa's eyes narrow, then she sighs and relaxes somewhat, "alright then, let's say I believed you... what do you want me to do?" she asks, not entirely commited, but willing to follow Kaya for the moment.
Just a suggestion: The time of day might be related to what part of the day it is. As in, day 1/5 should be early morning through dawn Day 2/5 could be dawn-late morning Day 3/5 might be late morning/noon - early afternoon Day 4/5 could be late afternoon through twilight and early night and Day 5/5 could be afterdark through to early morning. Again, just an idea, thought it might be helpful, though.
A white, luminus blur flits between the trees of the Forest, bringing goosebumps to any nearby who were sensitive to the supernatural. Most would be unable to percieve the abnormality's passing, except as a faint glow in the peripheral of their vision. However, those attuned to the enchanting nature of undead spirits would be able to see the being. Avira was its name, a female Ghost, wandering the city and its outskirts. Her semi-transparent form brushes gently over one of the scratches in the tree, her body temporarily becoming corporeal, a physical, cold hand brushing over the torn bark and a faint giggle echoing around the woods.
View attachment 36209 Lysa blinks turning back toward Kaya, trying to find words to respond to the crying girl in front of her. That is, until she reflects on what Kaya is saying, her eyes widening, "did you say 'Sapphire?'" she asks, her hand slipping down and gripping the hilt of her blade, "Sapphire is your sister?" she says again, "then that means... you're Kaya, aren't you? You betrayed your brother... abducted your sister!"
Spirit- Username: Rapid Ignis Name: Avira Appearance: Apppears as a shapless blurr of light most of the time, aside from her head and hair, which appear to be that of a slender-faced girl, her hair long and flowing, her large, shining eyes having a slight pinkish tint, and luminous hair glowing a faint red. Age when died: 17 Personality: Curious and mischievious, with the capacity for both kindness and and anger. Other: Avira has been dead for longer than she can remember, she can't remeber much about her life anymore, either. These details don't worry her, she cares only for the joy of affecting the world of the living, never directly revealing herself, but shaping events how she pleases. She doesn't care if she helps people or hurts them, though she does tend to help rather than hurt.
View attachment 36206 Lysa shrugs Ruby's hand off and narrows her eyes, her right hand resting on the crecent-shaped pommel of her Swiss Degen, once more trying to step past Ruby and Kaya, unable to surpress a shudder at Ruby's attempts at 'comfort', "I really should get going, I need to catch up to Louvel and the others, I kinda got a debt to repay." Lysa's face and body language seem to be passive, though her muscles seem to be taunt, as if she were ready to spring into action at any moment.
View attachment 36165 Lysa's eyes narrow as Kaya approaches her, "What do you mean, look down on me?" she asks, her left hand tightening its grip on her bow. The dimunitive girl seems to have a certain set to her jaw, a tightness that could be either resolution or nervousness. Her right palm rests on the crecent-shaped pommel of her blade, and she attempts to step past Kaya.
View attachment 36148 Lysa cracked her fingers as she stared up at the castle through her Ship's cockpit canopy. A single pull of the release lever was all it took to pop the canopy up and back, letting in the fresh air from the outside. She stood up, quickly snapping her Sword's sheath onto her waist and then slinging a quiver of arrows over her back. A gravity-assisted jump took her and her longbow out of the cockpit and onto the fighter-like Gummi ship's nose, the cockpit's canopy sealing behind her. She stared up at the castle, then, drawing her power around herself, took a massive leap, carrying herself up to the gates of the castle in a single, moon-like bound.
Sorry, really should have read closer, and probably should have watched the OOC thread. Thanks for letting me know.