View attachment 36569 Lysa winces, her hand hovering over the ignition button on her console, "Sapphire... do you really want to leave her like this?" she asks in a slightly pained tone.
Intro: The Dark Soul- It allows the creation of undead. The so-called Gods fear it, for the one who holds the Dark Soul is said to be able to usher in the next age, the Age of Darkness... the Age of Men. The Gods trembled at the thought of their blessed Age of Fire coming to an end, and they resisted the course of nature, corralling the undead and trapping them in the prisons of the north. You are Undead, you have escaped your prison and made your way to the ancient land of Lordran, a mountaintop realm of crumbling cities, abandoned castles, and deadly dungeons. In your travels you have learned of the way that time and space is fractured in Lordran, allowing Heroes of old and denizens of other realities to interact with one another. You are a part of this interaction whether you like it or not, and you're about to be drawn into something that no one could have foreseen. Description: This RP will be about several 'Chosen Undead' (player characters from the game Dark Souls) becoming permanently stuck in one world, together, forced to make new alliances when faced with the reality of their situation. All of the 'Chosen Undead' are resurrected after death, and there is only so much worldspace to roam, meaning that they can't avoid each other forever. The Undead will have to make hard choices as they try to solve their predicament, will they run from their fate, hiding amidst the ruins of Lordran? Will they try to Link the Fire? Will they believe that they can truly replace Lord Gwyn? Will they willingly extinguish the flames and usher in the Age of Darkness? What will they do to preserve their own course of action and to keep the others from stealing their destiny? Note: You will have to bear with me on some departures from cannon, but I will try to work within the Game's logic where possible. It has been a very long time since I have hosted a Role-Playing thread, so I am open to suggestions and advice. Character Sheets: Username: Character name/title: Gender: Homeland: (optional) Starting Faction: (optional) Starting Weapon(s): Appearance: Combat Style: (Strength based? Agility based? balanced between strength and agility? Magic? Pyromancy? Miracles? Archery? Shields? Dual-wielding? Feel free to be as specific as you would like) Bio: (optional) Other Information: Factions: Factions are completely optional for this RP, mark your character as 'Unaligned' if you do not wish to be in a covenant. Spoiler Unaligned: Players who are just starting to figure things out, or simply out for themselves. They have no covenant, no vows to keep, no sworn enemies. Sunlight Warriors: These Warrior-Monks are tasked with giving aid to any who would seek it, and to fight off those who would attack their charges. (Tends to be opposed to DarkWraiths, Forest Hunters, and Darkmoons) DarkWraiths: Chaos Warriors who believe that the only way to save the human race is to usher in an Age of Darkness. They invade, attack, and destroy in the name of Darkness. They seem to be Evil, as is often the case, but sometimes their intentions are for good. (Tends to be opposed to Darkmoons, Sunlight Warriors, The Way of White, and any who would stand in the way of Darkness) DarkMoons: Assassins seeking the guilty, DarkMoons are tasked with the deaths and punishment of sinners. DarkMoons fight in the name of good, but that does not necessarily make them good beings. (Tends to be opposed to DarkWraiths, Forest Hunters, and Gravelord Servants) Gravelord Servants: Servants of Lord Nito, they send out powerful enemies into the worlds of other players, giving Nito power through obtaining 'Eyes of Death' from the corpses of the players who come to stop them. (Tends to be opposed to everyone except their own covenant, 'Holy' covenants are especially disliked) Forest Hunters: This Pirate-like band of marauders claims to be guarding the gravesite of Sir Artorias, though they spend just as much time reveling in the loot they acquire from the corpses of their victims. (Tends to be opposed to any who enter their forest, and in most cases they dislike the DarkMoons as well) Way of White: Clerics who attempt to impose their view of righteousness upon all, they often do all they can to aid the reign of the Gods and to oppose the forces of Chaos and Evil. (This makes the DarkWraiths, the Chaos Servants, and the Gravelord Servants their sworn enemies by definition) Chaos Servants: Servants of The Fair Lady, a Chaos Witch who is dying from the 'blight' that afflicts Blighttown. They are tasked with gaining Humanity in any manner and returning it to their Mistress, and otherwise are to spread the influence of Chaos. (This makes any orders that reduce Chaos to be their enemies, such as the Way of White, the Gravelord Servants, and, to a lesser extent, the Sunlight Warriors) And now, time for everyone's least favorite section: Rules: Show respect to other Players and to their characters No Godmodding No Powerplay Keep cursing to a minimum, there are kids on this site. Use your brain Accepted OC's: Username: Rapid Ignis Character name/title: Lyna Gender: Female Homeland: Unknown Starting Faction: Unaligned (former DarkMoon) Starting Weapon(s): A curved sword and a few basic Pyromancy abilities. Appearance: Combat Style: Tends to use her sword one-handed, leaving her left arm open to either hold a shield or to cast the few Pyromancy spells that she knows. She relies on her speed and dexterity to avoid most hits, as her lightweight armor can't stand up to more than a few blows. Bio: Lyna was once a DarkMoon, hunting down sinners as a Spirit of Vengeance, but she abandoned her fellows upon discovering the true purpose of the Chosen Undead. She has since spent her days allying herself with many a struggling soul, aiding other Chosen Undead in their quest and slaying any who would target her charges, DarkMoon, DarkWraith, she considers both to be the same, both to be her enemies. Other Information: She often hides her features beneath a ragged hood, in order to better avoid the attention of any former allies. In order to understand this RP, you first have to know the basics of the game Dark Souls and its multiplayer system. Dark Souls Lore: Dark Souls Multiplayer: Dark Souls Covenants:
View attachment 36557 Lysa grits her teeth, then powers down the engines, "fine... but we have to make it quick... I really don't want to be on the ground too long here... someone might recognize one of you..." she says, "and we need to steer clear of Cid for sure... he's a friend of her brother's, and we can't let anyone get to Sapphire... are we clear on that?"
View attachment 36474 Lysa nods back at Annabelle, "alright, we'll be there soon..." she says, wincing at Sapphire's protests, "why don't we wait and see? I perfectly agree with the desire to be free, and I won't get in your way, I promise." Several minutes later she brings her ship in for a landing in Radiant Garden, "will you be alright to be dropped off here?" she asks, "I'd rather not leave the ship on the ground for too long around here."
View attachment 36461 Lysa nods as she closes the cockpit canopy and slides the seat's crash-harness around herself and Sapphire, "okay, I'll try to make this as smooth as possible, the space should be tight enough back there that you don't have to worry about sliding around too much, but let me know if you need a pillow or something," she says as she brings the ship into a hover, then ignites the engines and smoothly accelerates as she leaves the world's atmosphere and angles toward Twilight Town. "You can wait a couple hours before you get treatment for that, right?" she asks Annabelle as she sets the ship to its maximum speed and releases the controls, ready to intervene if anything came their way, but allowing the ship to continue in its straight-line path toward Twilight Town, "Traverse Town and Radiant Garden are a lot closer than Twilight Town, if you need medical attention quickly we should stop at one of those."
Avira floats through the forest, depressed at being ignored yet again, so depressed is she that she doesn't hear Gale's practicing of spells, and floats through a tree right in front of him, shrieking and floating back a few feet, having been scared by the male witch.
View attachment 36402 Lysa nods and uses her power to lift herself, Annabelle, and Sapphire into the air, altering the effects of gravity and 'dropping' the three of them toward Lysa's small gummi-fighter, "It'll be a tight fit, but we might be able to cram in here," she says, bringing them to a gentle stop on the ship's nose, opening the cockpit and wincing as she tosses out some boxes from behind the pilot seat, an area normally used for storage of things that might be needed upon landing, "can one of you fit back here?" she asks as she powers up the ship's engines, "I can still fly with one person on my lap, but I don't know about both of you... one of you needs to get behind the seat."
The wall of Nate's kitchen ripples, a few wispy locks of ghost-hair float through it at first, followed by a translucent lump that is revealed to be Avira's nose as she pokes her head through the kitchen wall, glancing from him to Angelina, her pink eyes glowing softly. Hiya! They can hear her voice as if it is coming from all around them, as it isn't physically spoken by the ghost, You guys didn't get hurt last night, did you? She asks, her tone sounding rather concerned for a ghost, It took me all night to find you!
Avira floats around aimlessly, once again lost and wandering like the ghost she is.
View attachment 36339 As Lysa tumbles through the air, thanks to Annabelle's intervention, she spots the object that Sapphire had hurled and then uses her powers to help guide the throwing weapon home, aiming straight at Ruby as she herself floats to the ground next to Sapphire and offers her free hand, "come on, we have to get out of here!" she says, trying to use a combination of her powers and her arm strength to lift Sapphire up.
Avira watches as the Vampiress heals Cole, nodding at Eva's quick actions in saving the young Alpha. The ghost herself floats silently next to the group, observing but not making any motions to interfere.
Avira tilts her head as Russell speaks, but then nods, she would turn back to the battlefield and begin levitating any unconscious 'allies' into the SUV, Do you have a plan, young Wolf? she inquires, her voice seeming to emanate from various directions, not being spoken, but rather the words being formed into existence.
View attachment 36328 Lysa's eyes narrow as she focuses, bringing her blade down into a block as Ruby strikes at her. Lysa can tell from the first few moments of combat that she is far more than outmatched by the two keyblade wielders, but that isn't going to stop her from trying. An idea strikes her mid-combat and she quickly brings her body around as if to slam into Ruby, something that a girl as light as Lysa would never be able to do effectively. However, as Lysa does this she also alters her own gravity field, pulling herself in the same direction as Ruby with far more force than gravity normally exerts. She plans on using that same power to hurl herself away from Ruby the instant that she hits the dark-sider.
View attachment 36323 Lysa's eyes narrow and her ears fill with the sound of her own pulse. She becomes filled with fury, seeing Kaya for what she is, a monster nonchalantly using Sapphire's friend as a bargaining chip. "Sapphire... get out of here..." Lysa murmurs, "they won't stop if you hand yourself over..." Lysa glances mournfully at Sapphire and then draws her blade. Lysa's hold breaks on her calmness and she cries out with rage, attempting to shoulder her way past Kaya and then charging at Ruby with her blade forward, hoping to take the psychopathic red-heads by surprise.
Avira screams again in rage and a board rips itself off of a window and hurls itself at the Golem's back. Avira is floating lower now, her pink eyes blazing with fury.
Hey... if spirits can possess stuff, does that mean that they can temporarily re-animate a corpse and use it as a body?
View attachment 36322 Lysa smiles softly as she continues to work on the door's lock. "Okay... well, your brother wanted me to help him capture you, he spun some sort of story about how your sister was evil and trying to corrupt you," she says as the first tumbler in the lock clicks into place, followed by the second. Lysa continues talking, "then your sister approached me, telling me that your brother was holding you captive, which..." she pauses and glances around at the room and back to Sapphire's door, the third tumbler clicks into place, "... kinda looks to be true. But your sister... I don't know, she seems kinda off to me, I almost thought that your brother was right about her until I found you in your cell." Lysa pauses for a few moments and then the fourth and fifth tumblers click into place in rapid succession. "Anyway, I guess what I want to know is... what do you want? You're the poor girl that I'm releasing from a cage, and it seems like your siblings both want control of you somehow, so I'm going to help you, however you want me to help," Lysa releases the final tumbler and the door swings open, "come on, I'm not sure how much time we have, we've got to get back to my ship!"
Avira's tantrum had finally ceased, the spirit was now wandering aimlessly near the fight that had taken place. Her head turned toward the sound of combat and her glowing eyes narrowed as she heard a familiar voice... a gloating, Arrogant voice. The voice that had teased her when she tried to go through Iron. Avira hated Iron, she hated the man who had lined his building with Iron even more. A banshee-like scream of rage emanated from the ghost, and then she began to telekinetically hurl things at the sound of Fisher's voice. Starting with the broken boards of the abandoned building's door.
Avira floated aimlessly through the city streets, anyone who could see or hear her would be able to hear the faint sobbing that she was projecting. As she passed shops and restaurants the items inside would begin to randomly fly across the room, not fast enough to seriously hurt anyone, but it was more than enough to freak out humans. Avira barely noticed that she was doing this, still sobbing to herself as she wandered the city.
View attachment 36320 Lysa nods and gets to work on the lock, her tools occasionally clicking against each-other, "Hey, Sapphire, do you mind if I ask you a few questions while I work?" she asks, "about your situation, I mean?"