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  1. Rapid Ignis
    The post of Haiku:
    What once filled my cup​
    Now drains away all I have​
    Sorrows are many​
    Without any sound​
    Without a warning or cry​
    A lone shot rang out​
    Light grows dim and dark​
    Darkness thrives and gains much ground​
    Shade is cast on life​
    Please, help me to see​
    I am blind to joy and mirth​
    What life can this be?​
    ((Sorry for being so dismal, I had a lot weighing on my heart, and I needed to let some of it out))​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Archives
  2. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa stares after R and Xara, then shakes her head, "the damn bastards," she mutters, then turns and runs back toward her ship, convinced that Sapphire was in mortal danger, and that there was no way she would be able to take on the two Darklings on her own... she had to make a choice, Run away from the whole mess, or get help... from the only place that she knew was capable of that sort of help. The girl pounds her fist on the dashboard of her ship as she climbs in and seals it up.

    Moments later she roars off into the sky, toward a group that she considered to be almost as bad as the Darks... The Lights.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Rapid Ignis
    yay... I can get back to skulking around the RP...
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa slings her bow over her shoulder again, wincing at the utter failure of her attempt at disarming Xara. The girl's hand wraps around the hilt of her sword, then she focuses slightly, projecting her thoughts and imposing them over her own gravity field, Alright... I tried this the nice way... now for the hard way... Lysa focuses her energy, then she leaps off the tree branch and draws her blade, flying through the air and then skidding along the ground feet-first, drawing a thirty-yard line of dust in the air before she cartwheels to the side and lands on her feet, facing Xara from several meters away, "That may be true, but I'm not going to let the likes of you abduct her once she's finished," she says, "I don't know who you are or what you want with her, but I'm not going to let you take her freedom away."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Rapid Ignis
    I am Here.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Rapid Ignis
    I have traveled across a great fantasy realm in a quest of massive proportions, in order to escape the RP section and join the Spam Guild... I. is. here.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rapid Ignis
    Everyone hates to lose... that's why winners are exonerated above the rest of us...
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa's eyes narrow, and she slips back into the bushes, then silently floats up to a high branch in a tree, where she draws the arrow back, That looked like dark fire... which must mean that girl is working with Sapphire's sister... I can't let them have her again... Sapphire needs to be free... Lysa shifts her aim slightly, and then releases the arrow, using her gravity powers to give the projectile more weight, to make a heavier, harder hit. She was aiming for the hilt of Xara's katana... a disarming blow, not a fatal one.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa ducks under a branch as she jogs through the woods, she couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong. She easily vaults over a fallen tree and lands back on her feet, darting under another limb and then pushing through a thick wall of bushes into a lighted clearing. Lysa's left hand raises to block out the bright light, her face contorting into a wince until the blinding white lowers into a better image, that of a large mansion, and in the clearing, lying there, was a girl shrouded in darkness, alongside her were a dark-haired man and another girl, Lysa narrows her eyes as she crouches, examining the situation from afar while pulling an arrow from her quiver and nocking it, but not raising her bow into a firing position.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa sighs as her finger hovers over the ignition button for her ship's engines, then she shakes her head and pops the cockpit canopy open. She just couldn't leave Sapphire alone, not in the state that the poor girl had been in. Lysa slings her bow over her shoulder, grabs her sword and sheath, and then jumps out of the cockpit and floats gently to the ground, where she quickly starts to walk in the direction Sapphire had been traveling, belting her sword to her waist as she walks.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa smiles softly as she pulls the ship into a landing, the trees of a secluded clearing rising up around them, shielding the craft from sight from all directions but upwards. She starts to undo the crash harness around herself and Sapphire and pops the cockpit canopy, then leans around to glance at Annabelle, frowning in confusion as she finds the cargo compartment to be empty, "what the hell? Sapphire... Where'd Annabelle go?"
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Sep 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Rapid Ignis
    Avira floats over to the couch after Cole, tilting her head and then asking in her eerie, emanating voice, "would you mind terribly if I joined you, Master Wolf?" Avira smiles softly, her pink eyes glowing with something akin to hope at the prospect of spending time with something other than her imagination.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Rapid Ignis
    Avira just floats in the center of the hangar, watching all the Breathers around her, humming softly and wondering what to do.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa smiles at Sapphire as she lifts off, igniting the engines and blasting into the sky, "it's fine, it really is... I understand how you feel, the need to be independent, to run from people who pretend to care for you... just remember that some people actually do care, okay?"
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa gestures with her hand, Annabelle would find herself being lifted up, as though gravity no longer worked for her, "I'm as ready as I was when you left... hurry up and get in, the ship is going to attract attention if we don't leave soon," she says as she starts up the engines, placing her hand on the cockpit canopy's controls so that she can close it as soon as Annabelle is situated, "We're still headed to Twilight Town, right Sapphire?"
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Rapid Ignis
    Avira tilts her floating head as Arthur freezes, "are you alright, Arthur?" she asks, floating a little closer, wisps of her form trailing behind her as she approached the dragon.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Rapid Ignis
    Avira narrows her eyes and starts to turn around, "sorry I interrupted," she mutters darkly, "I'll leave you two lovebirds to your business..."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Rapid Ignis
    Avira glances at gale and makes a 'tisk' noise, then floats off into the trees. Several minutes later the spirit girl passes through one of the walls in the hangar.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Rapid Ignis
    Avira glares at Arthur, then at Gale, "oh, so NOW you Breathers want me, now that you need me, none of you paid any attention to me before, I might as well have not been there!" she exclaims, "I've spent the past week floating from one Breather to the next, and you've all given me the cold shoulder, why should I help YOU?"
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa nods and glances down toward Annabelle, "Do you hear that? Get your medical help and get back... I'll stay with Sapphire and make sure that no-one comes for her... and you'd better not contact anyone about this, we're doing this for Sapphire, not her siblings," she says, her voice serious and steady. Lysa strings up her bow and lays her quiver alongside her and Sapphire, "I'm sorry about the cramped space... this isn't a passenger ship... and I'm pretty sure that you don't want anyone around here seeing you... some of the 'Lights' told me that you used to live here."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame