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  1. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa winces as she realizes just how much damage she could have done to Caleb, "crap... I'm sorry, it wasn't supposed to hit that hard..." she murmurs, kneeling down next to him, and raising her hands a few inches from his body, activating her power, trying to help Caleb a little. Caleb would feel the pain ease slightly as his body begins to get lighter, taking stress off the injury. "There was only a few feet to accelerate, I was trying to compensate..." she murmurs as she examines the angle of his back to see if it had broken, then glances around, "can we get some help over here, medics? Healers? You guys have to have someone of the sort!" she shouts.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa's feet lift off the ground again as she starts to alter her own gravity properties once more, but instead of yanking herself up and away from the strike, as before, she lifts and twists her blade into a diagonal blocking position, one that would have blocked Caleb's fake strike, but was also close enough that Lysa was able to adjust her grip and block the horizontal one as well. With Lysa's current, anti-gravity state, the force of Caleb's block sends her flying; however, she adjusts her gravity field again and instead of shooting away from her combatant, she orbits around him at an incredibly rapid speed, just outside the range of Caleb's blade.

    Lysa would have yelled out another taunt, but the speed at which she was orbiting Caleb would have torn the words from her lips and scrambled what she was saying. Instead she rotates herself so that her feet are pointing at Caleb and she switches her gravity properties once more, making herself extremely heavy, with Caleb as the focal point. Her orbit turns into a direct plunge toward Caleb, Lysa's feet aiming to be planted on his back in a brutal kick.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Rapid Ignis
    So, the good Doctor and I are planning on working out a layout for the RP's world, the Kingdom of Rivelle, We will eventually have a map posted up in this thread to give people an idea of how far apart towns are and what sort of landmarks may or may not be in-between them.

    The following is an example of the sort of map we will have, it is not an accurate representation of Rivelle, nor is it meant to be.

    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Rapid Ignis
    I was thinking that would be balanced out a little by the fact that she really won't know how to use the powers that she copies, making them less effective combat-wise, but I'm normally pretty good about keeping myself from becoming a godmodder. I think up limits for my characters that are potentially OP'd, like in Light vs Dark with Lysa's Gravity manipulation.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Rapid Ignis
    As Caleb's blade swings down at Lysa, the girl effortlessly tumbles to the side and comes back up on her feet, still in the same position, looking almost as if she had barely moved. "What was that? Having a little trouble hitting me or something? Common, give it another go," she says, grinning and winking at him. Her masterful use of gravity manipulation had quickly yanked her out of the way of the hit, and then pulled her right back to the same spot once Caleb's blade had passed, making it appear like complex gymnastics rather than supernatural powers.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Rapid Ignis
    Username: Rapid Ignis
    Name: Rishira
    Age: 24
    Side (The Passing, The Resistance, or in between?) : Neutral (to start)
    Appearance: Personality: Independent and straightforward, she doesn't care to mince her words, and the one thing she hates more than oppression is politicians.
    Brief Bio: Rishira's hometown was destroyed by the cruel executions of the king, her entire family and most of her friends slaughtered. But, instead of fighting the corrupt government that she hated, she dedicated her life to bringing in the small-time thugs and bandit gangs that preyed upon the smaller settlements, the little pockets of evil that the government didn't care to clean up. Rishira hates the usurper-king for what his reign has done to the kingdom, but feels as though any attempt to oust him will result in failure... she'd much rather do what she can for as long as she can rather than waste her life in a hopeless mission of glory.​
    Rishira has had little experience with magic users, occasionally she would take on a bandit with weak powers, so she knows a little of her ability to duplicate the strengths of others. She focuses primarily on beating her opponents with her physical prowess, sometimes using copied powers to augment her combat style, coming up with creative ways to combine her weapons and the powers of her opponents in order to do the unexpected thing and bring her enemies down.​
    Magic/Powers (Does not have to know any magic if you prefer that) : Mimicry (can briefly duplicate the powers of others, the effect wears off after a few minutes spent away from the person (or people) she is copying.
    Weapon (Again, optional) : a Halberd and a curved sword
    Additional Information: At first she will only be able to control one power at a time, but as the RP goes on she will learn to use additional powers at once (I.E. at first = 1 power/ after a few fights = 2 powers/ after a long time = 3 powers, ect...)​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa grins at Caleb and draws her sword, the curving pommel and cross-guard of her short sword giving the weapon just the right balance for her hand. The young theif's body drops into a combat stance, gently bouncing on the balls of her feet like a martial artist would, ready to move at a moment's notice, "Come at me when you're ready," she shouts over to him.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa glances around as the others summon their strange, key-shaped weapons. Supposedly those 'Keyblades' were powerful, but Lysa didn't care about any of that, she would make use of her sword and her bow as she always had. Her greatest weapon was her mind, coming up with new ways to combine her various abilities into effective combat maneuvers. She focuses her gaze on Caleb, who seems to be evaluating the others, that one thinks he's a badass, I'll bet, Lysa thinks to herself and grins, trying to catch his eye, "hey, hotshot, how about we go a round?" she calls out.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Rapid Ignis
    Yeah... maybe I should just do a bombing run with my fighter... it'll be less godmodded... and craters don't scream death-threats up at the writer of the post :P

    But... seriously, how do I use Lysa's powers in combat without making her worse than Eon?
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Rapid Ignis
    would running around on the ceiling to avoid being hit by melee opponets be OP'd? ... Or, you know, making a wizard's arms so heavy that he can't lift his hands to fire a magic shot? Or making my enemies fall up for a few minutes... then dropping them? That all sounds pretty OP to me... but I'm not a good judge of such things.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa glances at Beuce and then shakes her head with disbelief, turning toward Satsujin instead, "Lead the way, I'll be right behind you.," she says and then glances around at the other occupants of the room once more, unsure if she had made the right decision in coming to the tower or not.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Rapid Ignis
    Slipping, skulking, sneaking in,​
    The margin for error is a bit thin,​
    But I must emerge from my shell,​
    if I am ever to get well.​
    My ugly visage I do rear,​
    I hope I scare not those who are here.​
    Literature is great to read,​
    but can be difficult when creation is my need.​
    Acceptance I wish to find,​
    but I'll take anything you have for my kind.​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  13. Rapid Ignis
    Xbox 360
    KHV Nick: Rapid Ignis
    Gametag: Rapid Ignis
    Games you can play online: Dark Souls, Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo 4 (bleh), Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, R.U.S.E., Halo Wars, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Assassin's Creed 3, Minecraft,
    Timezone (GMT): -8

    KHV Nick: Rapid Ignis
    SteamID: Rapid Ignis
    Games you can play online: Natural Selection 2, Payday 2, Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2
    Planetside 2 (server: Conery Character: Rapid12Ignis)
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa's eyes narrow as she focuses on Ruby, the appearance of the former darksider sparking memories from the last time Lysa had been at this tower. The young thief had barely escaped with Sapphire and a badly wounded Annabelle after a fight with Kaya and Ruby, the surprise of Lysa's unique power had been enough to stun both darksiders and give the three of them time to escape in the cramped confines of Lysa's small Gummi ship, a highly maneuverable combat fighter.

    "I guess I'm up for training then, my swordsmanship needs a lot of work if I'm going to fight... and believe me, you could use my help," she says, glancing over at Annabelle, "Ruby and Annabelle could tell you how much of an impact my power can make on the battlefield, if harnessed correctly, and my Gummi-fighter's weapons could mow through an army of heartless with a few strafing runs."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa steps forward, toward Louvel, her voice rising up in outrage, "SAFETY? You call locking your sister up like some sort of criminal SAFE? That's how you break a spirit, your treatment would have killed her soul!" she shouts, her eyes blazing with passion, "while you were off playing hero I was saving Sapphire from BOTH of her siblings."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa's gaze focuses on Kel and she gulps, "err... yeah... right... I'm one of the people that helped break Sapphire out of here," she says with a slight cringe, "I helped her get away from both you and your enemies, but the darks... they tracked her down, I tried to save her but they were too much for me to handle on my own..."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa stops mid-stride, halfway out the door. The reasoning in Caleb's voice had struck true inside of her, so there are level heads in this group after all... they're Sapphire's only chance... I can't just leave her in the hands of the Darkness... Lysa turns back toward the meeting room, thinks for a moment, then clears her throat, "you know... your security could stand to be a little tighter, I've been standing in here for almost five minutes and none of you have batted an eye, not to mention the fact that I've been wandering around your tower for almost an hour."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Rapid Ignis
    Lysa creeps into the meeting room of the Lights, her eyes wide as she sees the power struggle going on in front of her maybe I was wrong... maybe they can't help me... she thinks to herself, wincing at the verbal blows being fired, preparing to sneak back out through the door she had entered through.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Rapid Ignis
    Questions, Suggestions,​
    I cannot always take heed,​
    Acknowledged they are.​
    (Thanks for the advice, I'll try to make longer poems in the future, but I don't always have the time)​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Archives
  20. Rapid Ignis
    Wow, thank you so much... I use this site as an outlet for negative energy sometimes... as such my poems tend to be dark-themed... I'm glad you found some joy from them.

    A clang, a crash,​
    Darkness in a flash.​
    Despite my fears,​
    I'll fight on for years.​
    He won't back down,​
    He is not your clown.​
    Death, consuming,​
    His life, it's fleeing.​
    Free from the dim,​
    Life does not own him.​
    Examples made,​
    I'll expose the shade.​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Archives