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  1. Rapid Ignis
  2. Rapid Ignis
  3. Rapid Ignis
  4. Rapid Ignis

    Mark didn't waste any time in jumping through the portal after Sei. Mark's keyblade appeared with a burst of spiralling flames as he jumped through the portal, ready for whatever might be on the other side. ​


    Kairi dashed through the doorway and slammed it shut behind her. Kairi leaned against the wall as she caught her breath and scanned the hall with her bright blue eyes, the west wing of the Beast's castle. "Hello? Princess? Anybody?" she called out, standing up again and walking slowly into the hall, her keyblade held in a defensive position as did so.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Rapid Ignis
    Mark turns and looks back at Kross, walking backward along the forest road, giving the man a nod before he turns back around and quickens is pace so he can catch up with Sophie. ​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Rapid Ignis
    OOC: I'm back, very sorry about the long break between posts. My parents grounded me for a few weeks.
    Mark struggled his way to the cockpit of Sora's ship, hanging on to the door frame so he wouldn't go flying from the tight manuvers. "Here's an idea, I can help you guys get away from these people, but I need to be in my own ship, can one of you teleport me back to our landing zone? Like those guys in the desert were doing?" he asked, small, harmless flames flickering in between his fingers as he stared at Riku. ​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Rapid Ignis
    Mark chuckled at Sarai and followed her out the door; flames flickered along his fingers and he didn't bother with trying to control them. He stepped out of the ship a few moments later, looking around at the dark night sky and the startling white remains of the giant castle. The cool night air washed over him and the others, their forms illuminated only by the heart-shaped moon in the sky. "Everyone ready?" he asked, glancing back at the open ramp of his ship.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Rapid Ignis
    Mark stopped practicing magic, as he had been doing for the duration of the walk. "Where are all these people comming from?" he asks, pushing his way over to Lee and the other knights.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Rapid Ignis
  10. Rapid Ignis
    OOC: *sigh* the main people in all the RPs I am in aren't posting, except for one, but that doesn't count because they post so fast at times when I can't be online, so I have no hope of keeping up with them...
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Rapid Ignis
    OOC: I completely agree with you... what should we do now?
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Rapid Ignis

    Mark growled, mumbling past his keyblade's hilt, "why do we have to be animals for this? This would be so much easier if I just had arms!"
    With that he tightened his jaws on his keyblade and stood next to Sora, tail lashing, muscles tensed as if about to pounce.​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Rapid Ignis
    Kairi glared up at the doors after they shut... Verius is in trouble, she thought, then shook her head, running and jumping up, grabbing the rail with her left arm and hauling herself over it, No... I have to find the other princess, she decided, running up the staircase and into the west wing of the castle.​

    Mark growled and summoned his chrome-colored keyblade into his mouth, flames flickering along his length. He strafed sideways on his four paws, tail still lashing, and moved to stand beside Riku, "wha'd we do now?" he muttered past his keyblade-filled jaws.​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Rapid Ignis
    OOC: If I missed someone's post that relates to me, please tell me, I looked through all the new pages but I may have missed something.
    -Road to Church-

    Mark strode back toward the group on the road, his hands fastening a sword belt around his waist, the sturdy leather scabbard of his sword blade on his left side. A simple, leather-wrapped hilt extended from the scabbard, in a position so that he could easily grab and draw the three-foot long iron blade. The hilt was made of a dark colored metal, with a leather wrapping around the grip to prevent slipping. The crossguard was at an eighty degree angle to the blade, also made of the same dark-colored metal.

    Mark finished fastening his sword belt and strode up to Keel and the others, "alright, I'm ready," he said, eyeing the bird that had delivered something to Keel, "what was that?" he asked. ​
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Rapid Ignis
    Mark strode after Alisha, face set, determined to help these knights complete their mission even if he wasn't quite sure about the emperor... the Dark Seekers were definetly far worse than anything the Emperor could be.
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Rapid Ignis

    Kairi glanced back at Genji and the others, eyes narrowing. I can't win... against all of them, she thought, I'm not even sure if I could be Marluxia by myself! Kairi quelled her fears and looked up at Verius, "I'm not leaving without you!" she shouted, keeping her guard up, slender hands clutching her keyblade in a guarding position.

    Kairi turned her head to glare at Genji, "I thought you said you weren't here for me," she snarled, her keyblade glowing a bright pink.

    Mark growled and raced up to stand alongside Sora and Riku, "what now?" he asked, tail lashing, the air around him growing warm as he built up some fire magic. "whatever those freaks are planning can't be good."
    Post by: Rapid Ignis, Mar 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home